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Journal : Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities

Pendampingan Implementasi Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Etno-STEM Bagi Guru IPA di SMP/ MTs Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Septi Budi Sartika; Nur Efendi; Vevy Liansari
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 3 (2022): Proceedings of the 1st SENARA 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/pssh.v3i.224


Local wisdom becomes something that is important enough to be introduced and applied by students. The development of technology until anytime will continue to occur because basically humans need technology to ease the burden of life. This has been embodied in one of the learning based ethno-STEM strategies. This learning strategy has been able to introduce and train students with local wisdom. Methods of mentoring activities include planning, implementation, and evaluation. In the planning stage, equalization of perceptions of the use of learning based ethno-STEM devices and instruments for Class VII, VIII, and IX Even Semesters has been developed and has been registered with Intellectual Property Rights. At the implementation stage, it needs to be reviewed by disseminating the implementation of learning based ethno-STEM devices and instruments to more schools. With this dissemination activity, it is expected that there will be input for the improvement of learning based ethno-STEM devices and instruments so that it will be better. At the evaluation stage, the dissemination results there are 8 schools have been accompanied in implementing of learning based ethno-STEM devices noted the obstacles faced. The obstacles faced in the implementation of learning based ethno-STEM devices and instruments include the difficulty level of natural science material each chapter is different, teacher-centered classroom management, the existence of facilities and infrastructure that do not support the learning process, and student activities that are not relevant to learning. These constraints are further sought solutions and used as a basis for revising learning based ethno-STEM devices and instruments for natural science subjects so that they are obtained devices and instruments that are much better than before.
Integrasi Nilai-nilai Islam dalam Materi Perubahan Iklim dalam Perspektif Teknologi Pembelajaran Septi Budi Sartika; Supriyadi; Akbar Wiguna
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 3 (2022): Proceedings of the 1st SENARA 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/pssh.v3i.440


This study aims to describe theoretically and empirically the integration of Islamic values ​​in climate change material in the perspective of learning technology. The research method uses descriptive qualitative, namely the study of literature. Data collection techniques using documentation studies. The data analysis technique uses the Miles & Huberman model, which includes data reduction, data presentation, and verification and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that technology in learning is a demand for the 21st Century and the achievement of an independent curriculum, one form of technology in learning is the use of electronic modules based android. The integration of Islamic values ​​into climate change material is to interpret an uncertain climate, Islam views that nature and its contents are creations of Allah swt that must be maintained and cared for human survival, but the attitude of humans who do not care about the balance of nature causes an imbalance of ecosystems, global warming, and climate change. The results of relevant research state that the meaning learning model is proven to be able to foster students' moral sensitivity to the surrounding environment, with the role of technology to facilitate the interpretation of abstract climate change material into Islamic values, for example with electronic-based learning media. Future research is expected to be able to develop e-modules that try to integrate Islamic values ​​into science material in Secondary Schools.