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Kurva Teknik Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Kurva Teknik
Publisher : Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (40.588 KB)


Dimasa modernisasi seperti sekarang ini ada banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi kemacetan dan memberikan rasa aman bagi pejalan kaki untuk menyeberang. Karena arus lalu lintas yang semakin padat sehingga para pejalan kaki sering merasa terganggu dan sering juga merasa tidak aman dan nyaman.Rangka atap baja ringan diciptakan untuk memudahkan perakitan dan konstruksi. Meskipun tipis, baja ringan memiliki derajat kekuatan tarik yang tinggi yaitu sekitar 550 MPa, sementara baja biasa sekitar 300 MPa. Kekuatan tarik dan tegangan ini untuk mengkompensasi bentuknya yang tipis. Ketebalan baja ringan yang beredar sekarang ini berkisar dari 0,4 mm - 1 mm.Perhitungan kuda-kuda baja ringan amat berbeda dengan kayu, yakni cendrung lebih rapat. Semakin besar beban yang harus dipikul, jarak kuda-kuda semakin pendek. Dalam pembuatan konstruksi gedung, misalnya untuk genteng dengan bobot 40 kg/m2, jarak kuda-kuda bisa dibuat setiap 1,4 m. Sementara, bila bobot genteng mencapai 75kg/m2, maka jarak kuda-kuda menjadi 1,2 m.Untuk mengetahui cara bagi pejalan kaki agar dapat menyeberang dalam keadaan aman dan nyaman, maka perlu dibangun jembatan penyebrangan dari Pertokoan Matahari Duta Plaza menuju Pertokoan Mall Denpasar Robinson-Mc Donalds. Metode penanggulangan yang dilakukan sebagai solusi bagi pejalan kaki untuk menyeberang di tengah padatnya arus kendaraan, maka akan sangat tepat bila dibangun konstruksi jembatan dengan menggunakan baja ringan yang bersifat hidrolis. Dalam merencanakan konstruksi jembatan hidrolis yang menggunakan baja ringan, perlu memperhatikan lingkungan yang berwawasan pariwisata budaya.
Tenun Gringsing Teknik Produksi, Motif Dan Makna Simbolik Ni Ketut Sri Astati Sukawati
Jurnal Ilmiah Vastuwidya Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1670.344 KB) | DOI: 10.47532/jiv.v3i1.101


The background of this research is that Tenganan Pagringsingan Village, Karangasem Bali, produces the best Ikat Weaving in Indonesia. One of the Ikat Weaving is Gringsing Weaving produced by the community in Tenganan Pagringsingan Village, Karangasem Regency, Bali. This village is one of the villages inhabited by the people of Bali Mula or Bali Aga (Original Bali) alias Bali who were not from Java when the Majapahit Kingdom expedition to Bali. Weaving is a process of weaving between weft and warp threads. Warp yarns (threads that are attached to the loom) and weft (threads that are linked to the warp threads) which, if both are linked, will produce motifs. This simple process of craft art is now developing into a number of techniques in weaving depending on the creativity of each human - each so as to produce creations of attractive weaving motifs. In the subsequent development of weaving, it can be seen that the woven cloth produced is no longer a body covering material but the woven fabric has more functions than the body covering, for example this woven cloth has a function as traditional clothing or as the identity of the maker area. In addition, woven fabric can be used as a work of art that appears in accordance with local community life.This gringsing weaving describes the system of balance which is about the relationship between humans and humans, humans with nature, and humans with God. The god of the senses who are always worshiped by the Tenganan Pagringsingan people of Karangasem Bali are respected by a pandanus war rite, the pain seems to vanish by gringsing which always binds the body. Gringsing is believed to be able to avoid disease. Even more complex gringsing is a repellent of danger. Based on the background above, in this study the focus is on the process, forms of motifs and symbolic meaning of weaving gringsing in Tenganan Pagringsingan Village, Karangasem, Bali.
Jurnal Ilmiah Vastuwidya Vol 4, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47532/jiv.v4i2.314


Terdapat beberapa jenis transportasi baik dalam bentuk kendaraan pribadi seperti mobil, sepeda motor serta angkutan umum baik angkutan online maupun offline. Transportasi online dan offline bersaing dalam menawarkan berbagai pelayanan dan promosi yang dapat menarik minat masyarakat dalam memilih moda transporasi mana yang akan dipilih dalam melakukan aktifitas dari dan menuju Bandara. Berdasarkan uraian diatas, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis minat masyarakat terhadap pemilihan moda transportasi taksi online (Grab) dan taksi konvensional (Blue Bird) dari dan menuju Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai.Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan analisa regresi logistik biner yang diolah melalui program SPSS 17.0. Penentuan pilihan moda transportasi dilakukan dengan survey kuisioner menggunakan media onine. Hasil penelitian dari 100 responden menentukan preferensi pemilihan moda terdapat 90 responden memilih taksi online (Grab) dan 10 responden memilih taksi konvensional (Blue Bird).Berdasarkan hasil analisis diatas, moda transportasi yang lebih diminati masyarakat adalah moda transportasi online (Grab) dilihat dari beberapa aspek yang ditawarkan penyedia jasa online maupun konvensional, seperti tarif sebesar 49%, kemudahan mendapat moda sebesar 78% dan kualitas pelayanan sebesar 85%.
Pengaruh Penambahan Sat Additive Addition H.E Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Ni Ketut Sri Astati Sukawati
Jurnal Ilmiah Vastuwidya Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1014.509 KB) | DOI: 10.47532/jiv.v2i1.74


Concrete with various variants is a basic requirement in building a building. The concrete mixture is diverse depending on the planning made beforehand. The cement mixture is usually in the form of a mixture of artificial stone, cement, water and fine aggregates and coarse aggregates. Aggregates (fine aggregates and coarse aggregates) function as fillers in concrete mixtures. (Subakti, A., 1994). However, in building construction, additives are often added, but there is still a sense of uncertainty at the time of dismantling the mold and the reference before the concrete reaches sufficient strength to carry its own weight and the carrying loads acting on it. To overcome the time of carrying out work related to concrete, it is necessary to find an alternative solution, for example by looking for alternative ingredients of concrete mixture on the basis of consideration without reducing the quality of the concrete. From the results of previous studies it was stated that due to the partial replacement of cement with Fly Ash, the strength of the pressure and tensile strength of the concrete had increased (Budhi Saputro, A., 2008). Based on the description above, the author seeks to examine how the compressive strength of concrete characteristics that occur by adding additives Addition H.E in the concrete mixture and is there any additive Additon H.E effect on the increase in the compressive strength characteristic of the concrete. From the results of the study, it was found that the compressive strength of the concrete with the addition of additives HE was that after the compressive strength test of the concrete cube was carried out and the analysis of concrete compressive strength of 10 specimens, in each experiment a cube specimen was made with the addition of additons. HE with a dose of 80 cc, 120 cc, and 200 cc can accelerate and increase the compressive strength of concrete characteristics.
Analisis Perilaku Struktur Komposit Pada Gedung Di Atas Tanah Keras, Sedang Dan Lunak Akibat Beban Gempa I Wayan Giatmajaya; Ni Ketut Sri Astati Sukawati; I Gede Oka Darmayasa
Jurnal Ilmiah Vastuwidya Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47532/jiv.v4i1.245


Dalam perencanaan struktur tahan gempa pada suatu wilayah sangat dipengaruhi oleh jenis tanah pada suatu wilayah tertentu. Dalam SNI Gempa 1726-2012 terdapat berbagai jenis tanah yang dikalsifikasikan diantaranya batuan keras, batuan, tanah keras, tanah sedang, tanah lunak dan tanah khusus. Beban gempa pada setiap jenis tanah akan memiliki faktor desain seismik yang berbeda. Hal inilah yang akan menimbulakan besaran beban gempa yang berbeda yang dialami pada suatu struktur. Penggunaan jenis struktur komposit juga menjadi hal yang efesien baik dari pengerjaannya dilapangan maupun berat sendiri yang di pikul oleh struktur komposit dibandingkan dengan struktur beton bertulang jauh lebih ringan. Selain itu perilaku komposit pada suatu struktur komposit akan terjadi apabila potensi terjadinya slip antara kedua material dapat dicegah dengan menggunakan penghubung geser (Setiawan,2008). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku struktur komposit di atas tanah tanah keras, tanah sedang dan tanah lunak. Selanjutnya struktur komposit dimodelkan 3 dimensi menggunakan program SAP2000 yang kemudian dianalisa pada setiap jenis tanah keras, sedang dan lunak. Analisa pada struktur akibat beban gempa menggunakan metode gaya lateral ekivalen dan metode spektrum respon ragam. Hasil analisis menunjukkan struktur mengalami gaya-gaya yang berbeda dari jenis tanah keras, tanah sedang dan tanah lunak diantaranya struktur mengalami simpangan maksimum sebesar 79,57mm, 93,06mm, 113,65mm, simpangan antar tingkat sebesar 23,05mm, 26,96mm, 32,93mm, gaya geser dasar sebesar 182,58kN, 218,26kN, 264,56kN, serta gaya geser tingkat sebesar 63,7 kN, 74,48 kN, 91 kN. Dari ketiga kondisi tanah yang di dianalisa tersebut, struktur mengalami gaya-gaya yang paling besar adalah pada kondisi tanah lunak, kemudian diikuti dengan tanah sedang dan keras.
Perencanaan Struktur Komposit Baja-Beton Dengan Metode Lrfd (Load And Resistance Factor Design) Ruang Kelas Lantai Iii Smk Pariwisata Labuan Bajo – Flores – Ntt I Wayan Giatmajaya; I Gede Oka Darmayasa; Ni Ketut Sri Astati Sukawati
Jurnal Ilmiah Vastuwidya Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (728.379 KB) | DOI: 10.47532/jiv.v3i2.214


Planning a steel-concrete composite structure using the LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design) method is a method that clearly takes into account the boundary conditions, various load factors, and resistance factors, where in this case the resistance factor is needed to maintain the possible lack of structural strength, while the factor load is used to anticipate the possibility of an overload that is formulated. This planning uses a composite structure that is focused on profile steel beams, steel deck plates, and composite columns. Dead and live loads are calculated based on the Indonesian loading regulations for 1983 buildings, while earthquake loads are calculated based on the earthquake resistance planning procedure for building and non-building structures as stipulated in SNI 1762-2012. The steel-concrete composite structure itself is calculated based on the specifications for the design of steel structure buildings using the LRFD method as stated in SNI 03-1729-2002. The structural analysis in the form of the magnitude of the force acting on the building was carried out using the SAP2000 application while the analysis of the feasibility of using the dimensions of the composite structure based on the SNI used was done manually. From the planning results, the dimensions of beam and column cross-sections for each floor plate 1, 2 and 3 are B1 250/250, B2 250/175, B3 300/150, and K1 350/350. The use of steel decks on floor plates 1, 2, and 3 uses shear connectors (studs) with a diameter of 19 mm with 40, 20, and 25 shear connectors, respectively. The joints used in the main and child beams on floors 1, 2, and 3 respectively use 19 mm diameter bolts with 4 bolts, 2 bolts, and 4 bolts respectively, while the connections to columns and beams use diameter bolts 20 mm with the number of bolts 8 pieces.
International Journal of Applied Science and Sustainable Development (IJASSD) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Applied Science and Sustainable Development (IJASSD)
Publisher : Unmas Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.212 KB)


Kereneng Market is a place where the buying and selling process takes place, where most of the traders and buyers or the public who come to Kereneng Market use transportation services (vehicles) to get to the market. This activity resulted in an increase in the volume of vehicles entering the Kereneng Market area due to the activities that occurred, and even when the market caused congestion at the Kereneng intersection and its surroundings. To anticipate this, it is necessary to provide adequate and neatly arranged parking facilities so that they can provide the parking services desired by all parties. The method used in collecting data in this research is direct observation in the field by conducting a survey. The survey was conducted for 3 (three) days, namely on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The results of the research on the characteristics of parking at Kereneng Market include parking volume, parking accumulation, parking turnover rate, average parking duration and parking index. After doing the research, it can be seen the characteristics of the parking for each vehicle, namely the average volume of motorcycles is5309.3vehicles, while for cars is 658 vehicles on average market day, the highest accumulation of parking for motorcycles occurs at 05.00 – 06.00 00 in the eastern Indonesia time zone which is 1245 vehicles, while for cars occurs at 07.00 – 08.00 00 in the eastern Indonesia time zone which is 138 vehicles. Based non the results of the research, it shows that the capacity of the Kereneng Market parking area is no longer able to meet the needs of parking users
ANALISIS PEMILIHAN MODA TRANSPORTASI ONLINE DAN TRANSPORTASI KONVENSIONAL DI KOTA DENPASAR (Contoh Kasus: Go-Car dan Sarbagita) Ni Ketut Sri Astati Sukawati; Cokorda Putra Wirasutama; Rosnyati Cartona
Jurnal Ilmiah Kurva Teknik Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kurva Teknik
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.266 KB) | DOI: 10.36733/jikt.v10i1.2145


Transportation is very necessary to meet the main needs of society in general in Denpasar, such as the need for education, health, economy, and social. Currently, there are various choices of vehicles or modes of transportation that you want to use to reach your destination, be it online transportation (Go-Car) or conventional transportation (Sarbagita). The choice of transportation modes in Denpasar City aims to find out the factors that influence the community in choosing the online mode of transportation (Go - Car) and conventional transportation (Sarbagita). The questionnaire in this study was in the form of google form and then distributed via online media to respondents and processed using a multiple linear regression analysis approach with the help of the SPSS V25 program. The results of the study of 100 respondents were 94 respondents who chose the online mode of transportation (Go-Car) and 6 respondents who chose the conventional mode of transportation (Sarbagita). From the results of the data analysis shows that the variable transportation cost variation (x1) affects the community in choosing the transportation mode in Denpasar City by 21% with the choice of conventional transportation mode (Sarbagita), variations in waiting time (x2) affect the community in choosing the mode of transportation in Denpasar City. 58.5% with the choice of online transportation mode (Go-Car), variations in the level of comfort (x3) affecting the community in Denpasar City by 17.3% with the choice of online transportation mode (Go-Car).
PERENCANAAN KARAKTERISTIK RUANG PARKIR KENDARAAN PADA SMA (SLUA) SARASWATI 1 DENPASAR I Gusti Agung Gde Suryadarmawan; Ni Ketut Sri Astati Sukawati; I Ketut Sudipta Giri; I Ketut Olgi Aditya Surya
Jurnal Ilmiah Kurva Teknik Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kurva Teknik
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.959 KB) | DOI: 10.36733/jikt.v10i1.2146


The problem of parking is very important to be studied more deeply, because almost all activities in open spaces require parking facilities. The required parking space must be provided adequately. On street parking is parking that takes place along the body of the road. This has a negative impact on the smooth flow of traffic, because it causes a reduction in the width of the road that is traversed. The aim of this research is to determine the characteristics of motorized vehicle parking and the shape of the parking angle pattern by considering the incidence of side friction factors. The vehicle parking area at Saraswati 1 Denpasar Senior High School has not received a touch of planning and arrangement, so this condition causes vehicle chaos and difficulty parking for users to get out and enter the parking location. By making a parking arrangement plan at the school, it is hoped that it will be able to accommodate the number of parked vehicles and facilitate access in and out of the vehicles themselves.
Penyediaan Ruang Parkir dalam Memenuhi Kebutuhan Pengguna Parkir di UPT Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor Dinas Perhubungan Kota Denpasar Ni Ketut Sri Astati Sukawati; I Gusti Agung Gde Suryadarmawan; Kadek Andiyani Suarmawati
Jurnal Ilmiah Kurva Teknik Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kurva Teknik
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.435 KB) | DOI: 10.36733/jikt.v10i2.3002


Keberadaan pengujian kendaraan bermotor dirasakan cukup penting sebagai aspek yang harus dilakukan dan diterapkan. Salah satunya terletak di daerah Desa Suwung Kauh Denpasar Selatan yaitu UPT Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor Dinas Perhubungan Kota Denpasar. Dimana dalam bidang pelayanan publik ini dihadapkan pada permasalahan yaitu kapasitas lahan parkir yang terdapat di kawasan UPT Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor Dinas Perhubungan Kota Denpasar. Adapun hal - hal yang akan disurvei adalah jumlah kendaraan wajib uji yang parkir diareal kantor UPT Dinas Perhubungan Kota Denpasar. Dari analisis yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil volume kendaraan yang parkir pada hari senin yaitu 119 kendaraan , sedangkan pada hari jumat yaitu 84 kendaraan. Akumulasi parkir tertinggi terjadi pada pukul 10.30 - 10.45 wita yaitu sebesar 15 kendaraan pada saat hari senin, sedangkan akumulasi tertinggi pada hari jumat terjadi pada pukul 09.15 - 09.30 yaitu sebesar 12 kendaraan. Turnover (Tingkat Pergantian parkir) adalah 3 kendaraan/stall/jam. Rata-rata lamanya parkir kendaraan adalah 0,11 jam/kendaraan. Kapasitas parkir yaitu 90 kendaraan. Indeks parkir yaitu 150%. Perhitungan kebutuhan luas lahan parkir adalah 637,5 m2. Kapasitas parkir dengan perluasan lahan adalah 136 kendaraan. Indeks parkir dengan perluasan adalah 100% (memenuhi syarat minimal).