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Journal : International Journal of Informatics, Information System and Computer Engineering (INJIISCOM)

Fog Computing Architecture for Indoor Disaster Management Asep Id Hadiana
International Journal of Informatics, Information System and Computer Engineering (INJIISCOM) Vol 1 No 1 (2020): International JournalĀ of Informatics, Information System and Computer Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.229 KB) | DOI: 10.34010/injiiscom.v1i1.4022


Most people spend their time indoors. Indoors have a higher complexity than outdoors. Moreover, today's building structures are increasingly sophisticated and complex, which can create problems when a disaster occurs in the room. Fire is one of the disasters that often occurs in a building. For that, we need disaster management that can minimize the risk of casualties. Disaster management with cloud computing has been extensively investigated in other studies. Traditional ways of centralizing data in the cloud are almost scalable as they cannot cater to many latency-critical IoT applications, and this results in too high network traffic when the number of objects and services increased. It will be especially problematic when in a disaster that requires a quick response. The Fog infrastructure is the beginning of the answer to such problems. This research started with an analysis of literature and hot topics related to fog computing and indoor disasters, which later became the basis for creating a fog computing-based architecture for indoor disasters. In this research, fog computing is used as the backbone in disaster management architecture in buildings. MQTT is used as a messaging protocol with the advantages of simplicity and speed. This research proposes a disaster architecture for indoor disasters, mainly fire disasters.
Co-Authors Abidillah, Gunawan Adelia Siti Rukoyah Agri Yodi Prayoga Agus Komarudin Agus Komarudin Agus Komarudin Albi Mulyadi Sapari Anggoro, Sigit Anggun Titah Islamiyyah Azy Mushofy Anwary Begawan Raka Sakti Sakti Dewi Marini Umi Atmaja Dewi Ratnasari DEWI RATNASARI Diah Tri Wahyuni Eddie Khrisna Putra Faiza Renaldi Faiza Renaldi Fajri Rakhmat Umbara Fajri Rakhmat Umbara Fajri Rakhmat Umbara Fajri Rakhmat Umbara Fajri Rakhmat Umbara Fajri Rakhmat Ferdiansyah Ferdian Ferina Nur Maulidya Firman Alamsyah Galih Yuga Pangestu Engko M Grace Christian M. Purba Gunawan Abdillah Gunawan Abidillah Hadi Apryana Helsa Hawariyah Hovi Sohibul Wafa Hovi Idham Pratama Putra Indah Putriani Fajar Sidik Ipan Sugiana Irma Santikarama Irma Setiawati Kasyidi, Fatan Lugina Masri Mahbub Arrozi As As Melina Melina Melina Melina Muhamad Eka Purnama Rijaludin Muhammad Hasan Thoriq Almuwaffaq Thoriq Pryma Saputra Ginting Puspita Nurul Sabrina Puspita Nurul Sabrina Puspita Nurul Sabrina Puspita Putra, Eddie Krishna Putri Eka Prakasawati Rafli Firdaus Raflialdy Raksanagara Rezki Yuniarti Rezky Yuniarti Ria Amelia Junandes Ridwan Ilyas Rifaldi Elpry Rizal Rizal Dwiwahyu Pribadi Rizal Febrian Fahrezi Rizky Bayu Oktavian Rizky Fauzi Achman Rukoyah, Adelia Siti Salsa Safira Nur Syamsi Sevty Nourmantana Shisi Prayesti Siti Rohaeni Siti Widiani Syechru Denny Irja Gotama Tacbir Hendro P Tacbir Hendro P Tacbir Hendro P Tacbir Hendro Pudjiantoro Tacbir Hendro Pudjiantoro Tacbir Hendro Pudjiantoro Tacbir Hendro Pudjiantoro Tacbir Pudjiantoro Hendro Tachbir Hendro Taufiq Akbar Herawan Thomas Adi Nugroho Tulus Harry Lamramot Tulus Wahyuni Rodiyah Risfianti Wina Witanti Wina Witanti Wina Witanti Wina Witanti Wina Witanti Wina Witanti Wina Witanti Wina Witanti Wina Winalia Winalia Winta Witanti Yudi Setiadi Permana Yulianto Dwi Saptohadi Yulison H Chrisnanto Yulison H. Chrisnanto Yulison Herry Chrisnanto Yulison Herry Chrisnanto Yulison Herry Chrisnanto