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AgriSains Vol 17, No 2 (2016)

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The reseach aimed to evaluate the condition of coral reefs based on  location of coral reefs and production flare in Tiaka Oil Field and to evaluated parameter of water environment  that effected by flare stack in Tiaka Oil field. The reseach used Line Interception Transect (LIT) metod at permanent transect and data of water biofisic, namely; (1) temperature (2) water transparency (3) current velocity, (4) salinity, (5) pH and (6) demand oxigen/DO by insitu. The data has been taken in September 2015, November 2015 and April 2016. The result of this research show that The Percentage of life hard coral cover at Tiaka Oil Field in station 1 is 52,56 %, station 2 is 73,58%, and stasiun 3, is 55,88%.  Key words: Coral reefs, production flare, tiaka oil field
AgriSains Vol 17, No 1 (2016)

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MIGAS Block of Toili, Tolo Bay, Central Sulawesi Province has been developed by Joint Operating Body Pertamina Medco E&P Tomori South since 2004. There are 8 main coral sandbas located this block. Those are Taka Tiaka, Tambaga, Mbunginang, Takasuda, Ranggasang, Lana’ang, Buntar and Pakangkah Alonya. Corals reefs as primary component in marine ecosystem have important roles for the sustainability of fisheries resources that utilized by local fishermen. Also, corals have been used as indicators for assessing the health of the ecosystem, primarily for assessing the impact of the activity reated to fishery and oil and gas exploitation in Toili Block. This research used line interception transect to measure the growth  and long life form of coral. The Analysis was based on percentage of coral cover (English et al., 1997). The Corals Mortalitas Indeks is use to asses canges life hard corals to be dead corals. Mortality index was used to asses the change from live to dead coral. The determination of coral reefs condition was referred to Ministrial Decree No: KEP-04/MENLH/02/2001. Coral cover percentage found in Tiaka was 28,82%-68,70% (IM 0,59 and 0,13); Taka Tambaga 9,70%-55,66% (IM 0.89-0,38); Taka Suda’ 13,44%-42,62% (IM 0.72-0,52); Taka Mbunginang 21,68%-48,36% (IM 0.76-0,43); Taka Ranggassang 20,64%-42,00% (IM 0.70-0,50); Taka Lana’ang  26,92%-53,5% (IM 0.73-0,37); Taka Buntar 24,08%-38,94% (IM 0.70-0,51) and Taka Pakangkah Alonerya 77,24%-72,16% (IM 0.08-0,17). Coral reefs that found along the coastal water of Central Sulawesi particularly by the terrestrial area mostly in bad to moderate condition while those that opposed to the open sea ((Tolo Bay) are found to have moderate to very good condition.Keywords: coral reefs, condition, block toili.
KAUDERNI : Journal of Fisheries, Marine and Aquatic Science Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan dan Kelautan (STPL) Palu

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Penggunaan bahan tambahan pada pakan ikan yang dibudidaya bertujuan untuk melengkapi kebutuhan ikan, terutama secara fungsional, dan mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan dan sintasan ikan tersebut. Salah satu bahan tambahan yang relatif murah dan mudah didapatkan adalah temulawak (Curcuma xanthorhiza Roxb). Temulawak adalah salah satu bahan nabati yang dilaporkan mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan sintasan ikan, sekaligus sebagai imunostimulan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan sintasan benih ikan mas koi dengan penambahan tepung temulawak dalam dosis berbeda pada pakan komersil. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan: A (pakan komersil tanpa penambahan temulawak), B (pakan komersil +2,5% tepung temulawak), C (pakan komersil +5% tepungtemulawak, dan D (pakan komersil +7,5% tepung temulawak). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tidak berpengaruh nayta terhadap sintasan dan penggunaan pakan komersil dengan penambahan 5% tepung temulawak (perlakuan C) memberikan pertumbuhan terbaik pada benih ikan mas.
Sex Ratio and Size at First Maturity of Snakehead Gudgeon (Giuris margaritacea) Caught with Gillnets at Bolano Sau Lake, Parigi Moutong District Putra, Aswad Eka; Nurdin, Muh. Saleh; Hasanah, Nur; Ndobe, Samliok; Mansyur, Kasim
AgriSains Vol 21, No 3 (2020)

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The research aimed to sex ratio and size at first maturity of snakehead gudgeon at Bolano Sau Lake. The research was conducted at Bolano Sau Lake from August to December 2019. Snakehead gudgeon samples were obtained from the fishermen using a gillnet with a mesh size 2½-3½ inches. Sample analysis was carried out at the Water Quality Laboratory, State College of Fisheries and Marine, Palu. The difference in sex ratios of snakehead gudgeon used the Chi-square test, while the size at first maturity was estimated based on the Spearman - Karber method. Snakehead gudgeon caught on a gillnet in Bolano Sau Lake measuring 79-163 mm. The sex ratio between males and females is not balanced where males are more dominant in females. The size at first maturity was 119.19 mm. Suggestion minimum legal size > 120 mm. The use of gillnets in snakehead gudgeon fishing activities has an effect on the balance of male and females, but is very selective with size.
Suistainability of Small Scale Capture Fisheries in Banggai Laut Waters, Indonesia Putra, Aswad Eka; Mansyur, Kasim; Sulistiawati, Dwi; Nurdin, Muh Saleh
Journal of Marine Research Vol 10, No 4 (2021): Journal of Marine Research
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas PerikanJurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jmr.v10i4.31666


Small scale capture fisheries is one of the leading sectors that drive the economy of Banggai Laut Regency. Fishing technology improved related to fishing efforts has an effect on the preservation of fish stocks resource in the area that it required management efforts. This study aims to determine the sustainability status of small scale fisheries in Banggai Laut Regency based on ecological, fishing technology, social and economic dimensions. The research was conducted from September to December 2017 in seven sub-districts in Banggai Laut Regency. In determining the sustainability status of each dimension, the Rapfish (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries Sustainability) approach is used. Furthermore, in determining the attributes that had an influence on the sustainability performance of small scale capture fisheries, a leverage analysis is carried out. The results showed that the highest sustainability index was the economic dimension of 75.57 (good), the ecological dimension of 59.25 (good), and the lowest was the social dimension of 22.95 (very bad), the dimension of fishing technology was 22.62 (very bad). Remedial measures that must be taken to improve sustainability performance include improving law enforcement facilities and infrastructure at sea and empowering supervisory officers, limiting excessive use of FAD, providing subsidies to small scale fisheries, and regulating fishing areas between local fishermen and Andon fishermen.
Composition of coral species and benthic organism at Tiaka Oilfield, Tolo Bay, Central Sulawesi Kasim Mansyur; Achmad Rizal; Musayyadah Tis'in; Muh Saleh Nurdin; Nuke Susanti
Tomini Journal of Aquatic Science VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1, MAY 2020
Publisher : Gorontalo State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.815 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/tjas.v1i1.5941


This research aims to find out the composition of the coral and benthic organisms at Tiaka Oilfield. This study was conducted in July 2015. Monitoring of coral and benthic organisms used line intercept transect and visual census method. The research results indicated that 16 coral species were consisting of 6 genera. Coral species dominated by the genus Acropora. Benthic organisms that live in symbiosis with coral reef ecosystems in the Tiaka Oil Field were found 11 benthic species consisting of 54 species
Penggunaan Bubuk Daun Ketapang (Terminalia catappa) dengan Dosis dan Suhu Inkubasi Berbeda Terhadap Embriogenesis dan Penetasan Telur Ikan Cupang (Betta splendens) Abd. Waris; Kasim Mansyur; Rusaini Rusaini
Prosiding Simposium Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol. 5 (2018): PROSIDING SIMPOSIUM NASIONAL V KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN UNHAS
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan (FIKP), Universitas Hasanuddin

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Ikan cupang (Betta splendens) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan hias yang dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Kegiatan budidaya ikan umumnya terdiri dari beberapa tahap, mulai dari pemeliharaan induk sampai pemeliharaan benih hingga mencapai ukuran pasar. Tahap awal dari pemeliharaan benih adalah proses penetasan. Selama proses penetasan, embrio sangat rentan terkena serangan bakteri, jamur atau mikroorganisme patogen lainnya. Sehingga diperlukan bahan yang dapat menjaga embrio agar terhindar dari serangan mikroorganisme patogen. Salah satu bahan alternatif yang dapat digunakan sebagai antiparasit, antibakteri dan antijamur adalah daun ketapang. Hal ini disebabkan kandungan bahan aktif daun ketapang yang dapat berfungsi sebagai antimikroba seperti alkaloid, saponin, tanin dan flavonoid. Faktor penting lain yang harus diperhatikan saat inkubasi embrio adalah suhu air. Suhu sangat mempengaruhi metabolisme embrio dan berdampak pada perkembangan embrio, laju penetasan dan tingkat penetasan telur. Diharapkan melalui penelitian ini diperoleh kombinasi perlakukan yang baik untuk embriogenesis, lama penetasan dan tingkat penetasan telur untuk meningkatkan produksi benih ikan cupang. Organisme uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu telur ikan cupang sebanyak 30 butir/wadah. Penelitian didesain dalam rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial (RALF) dengan tiga taraf dosis bubuk daun ketapang kering per liter media pemeliharaan (0 g/L, 0,25 g/L, 0,50 g/L) dan tiga taraf suhu media inkubasi (24oC, 27oC, 30oC). Masing-masing kombinasi perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi perlakuan dosis bubuk daun ketapang 0,50 g/L dan suhu inkubasi 30oC memberikan hasil paling cepat terhadap embriogenesis dan lama penetasan telur, serta tingkat penetasan telur (HR) tertinggi pada B. splendens. Kata kunci: Ikan cupang, daun ketapang, suhu, embriogenesis, penetasan telur. 
Pertumbuhan dan Sintasan Karang Hasil Transplantasi di Lapangan Minyak Tiaka, Teluk Tolo, Sulawesi Tengah Kasim Mansyur; Achmad Rizal; Musayyadah Tis’in; Muh. Saleh Nurdin; Nuke Susanti
Prosiding Simposium Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol. 6 (2019): PROSIDING SIMPOSIUM NASIONAL VI KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN UNHAS
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan (FIKP), Universitas Hasanuddin

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberhasilan transplantasi karang di Lapangan MinyakTiaka. Keberhasilan transplantasi dinilai dari perkembangan fragmen karang melalui sintasan danpertumbuhan karang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2015 – April 2016, di perairanLapangan Minyak Tiaka, Teluk Tolo, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Jumlah fragmen karang yangdigunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 1600 pieces. Prosedur kerja transplantasi karang dimulaidari pembuatan tatakan, pemilihan bibit karang, fragmentasi, dan perawatan. Karang yangdigunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu karang jenis family Acrophoridae, (1) Acropora formasa; (2)A. nobilis; (3) A. grandis: (4) A. nasuta. Media transplantasi ditata pada lokasi transplantasidengan kedalaman 5-7 m di bawah permukaan laut saat surut terendah. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukkan pertumbuhan optimum anakan karang hasil transplantasi mencapai 33 cm, terutamajenis karang Acropora formosa dan A. nobilis. Sebesar 61,94% koloni telah mencapai ukuran 25-33 cm, 31,06% berukuran 20-25 cm, 6,43% berukuran 15-20 cm; dan 0,56% berukuran 10 cm.Kisaran nilai sintasan fragmen karang tergolong tinggi dengan nilai 97 – 99,44 %. Sintasan yangtinggi ditemukan pada monitoring terakhir sedangkan terendah pada monitoring kedua. Kondisiperairan sangat optimum untuk mendukung perkembangan dan pertumbuhan terumbu karang.Kata kunci: transplantasi karang, pertumbuhan, sintasan, lapangan minyak Tiaka
Growth and Survival Rate of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Given Acanthaster planci Based Feed muhammad safir; Kasim Mansyur; Novalina Serdiati; Septina F Mangitung; Fachri Ramadhan Tamrin
Journal Omni-Akuatika Vol 18, No 1 (2022): Omni-Akuatika May
Publisher : Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty - Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.oa.2022.18.1.906


Crown of thorns star (Acanthaster planci) is one of the aquatic organisms that contains protein and amino acids similar to fish meal, and has not been used properly for feed ingredients. This research was conducted to examine A planci flour as a feed ingredient on the growth of tilapia. The research method was a completely randomized design, consisting of 4 treatments with doses of A planci flour, 7 %, 14 %, 21 % and 0 % (control), given three replications. The results showed growth (daily growth rate and biomass increase) of 3.84 %, 3.81 %, 4.00 %, and 4.21 % per day, and 61.00 g, 49.33 g, 54.33 g, and 52.67 g. This growth did not show any difference between treatments (P>0.05). Feed consumption ranged from 129.20 g – 132.24 g (P>0.05). Feed conversion ratio and survival rates ranged from 2.13 – 2.75 and 94.44 % - 100.00 % (P>0.05). A. planci flour can be used up to 21 % as a source of protein for feed ingredients in minimizing fish meal as feed ingredients. 
Suistainability of Small Scale Capture Fisheries in Banggai Laut Waters, Indonesia Aswad Eka Putra; Kasim Mansyur; Dwi Sulistiawati; Muh Saleh Nurdin
Journal of Marine Research Vol 10, No 4 (2021): Journal of Marine Research
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas PerikanJurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.351 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jmr.v10i4.31666


Small scale capture fisheries is one of the leading sectors that drive the economy of Banggai Laut Regency. Fishing technology improved related to fishing efforts has an effect on the preservation of fish stocks resource in the area that it required management efforts. This study aims to determine the sustainability status of small scale fisheries in Banggai Laut Regency based on ecological, fishing technology, social and economic dimensions. The research was conducted from September to December 2017 in seven sub-districts in Banggai Laut Regency. In determining the sustainability status of each dimension, the Rapfish (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries Sustainability) approach is used. Furthermore, in determining the attributes that had an influence on the sustainability performance of small scale capture fisheries, a leverage analysis is carried out. The results showed that the highest sustainability index was the economic dimension of 75.57 (good), the ecological dimension of 59.25 (good), and the lowest was the social dimension of 22.95 (very bad), the dimension of fishing technology was 22.62 (very bad). Remedial measures that must be taken to improve sustainability performance include improving law enforcement facilities and infrastructure at sea and empowering supervisory officers, limiting excessive use of FAD, providing subsidies to small scale fisheries, and regulating fishing areas between local fishermen and Andon fishermen.