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Community Ritual in Dealing with the Threat of Merapi Eruption Permana, Septian Aji; Liernoor, Dewi; Slamet, Achmad; Juhadi, Juhadi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v9i1.7069


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kearifan masyarakat dalam ritual untuk menghadapi ancaman erupsi Merapi di Wilayah Cangkringan dan  menemukan makna pendidikan yang tersirat di dalam nilai-nilai ritual yang dimiliki masyarakat Cangkringan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menemukan nilai-nilai pendidikan yang tersirat didalam ritual masyarakat untuk menghadapi ancaman erupsi Merapi di wilayah Cangkringan. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Cangkringan, juru kunci gunung Merapi, tokoh masyarakat Cangkringan. Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi secara partisipan dan wawancara secara deskriptif dan terstruktur. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis domain, taksonomik, komponensial, dan tema kultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa budaya Jawa telah mengakar bertahun-tahun dan mendarah daging bagi masyarakat Cangkringan. Sikap masyarakat Cangkringan memiliki kearifan lokal sendiri yang dilandasi dengan nasihat-nasihat turun-temurun oleh nenek moyang, sehingga sampai sekarang masih tetap hidup meskipun di tengah-tengah masyarakat modern. Kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap kearifan lokal, dapat dilihat pada beberapa ritual yang dilakukan. Ritual tersebut berupa upacara keagamaan, upacara labuhan, dan lain sebagainya. Semua itu merupakan representasi dari nilai-nilai pendidikan yang paling mendasar dan mendalam untuk selalu menjaga alam, yaitu nilai-nilai kebersamaan, kerukunan, dan hormat kepada lingkungan. Tempat dimana mereka tinggal, hidup bersama, supaya tercapai keselarasan lahir dan batin.
Community Rituals in Facing Volcanic Eruption Threat in Java Permana, Septian Aji; Liernoor, Dewi; Slamet, Achmad; Juhadi, Juhadi
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Komunitas, March 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v9i1.7069


This research aims to explore the kinds of rituals done by the society in around Merapi mountain facing volcanic mountain eruption threat in Cangkringan and find educational meaning in the ritual. This research uses qualitative approach, phenomenology. Research informants are Cangkringan society, Merapi mountain caretaker, and Cangkringan figures.  Data collecting technique are participant observation; the researcher involved directly in the ritual. Data then analyzed by using domain, taxonomic, componential, and cultural theme. Research result shows that Cangkringan society in facing Merapi mountain eruption threat is still traditionally by labuhan ritual , laku topo bisu ritual, and sedekah Gunung ritual. These rituals are representation of educational values and local wisdom whose most fundamental objectives are to maintain nature, the values of togetherness, in order and respect to achieve outer and inner harmony.
Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 9, No 2 (2019): Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24176/re.v9i2.3277


This study aims to analyze community culture in understanding the eruption of Mount Merapi and analyze the meaning of education implied in the mythology of Mount Merapi. This study uses a qualitative approach. The informants in this study were the Cangkringan community, the caretaker of Mount Merapi, the NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Cangkringan. Data collection techniques are carried out by participant observation and in-depth interviews. The collected data is then analyzed using domain, taxonomic, compound, and cultural theme analysis techniques.The findings in the form of public trust in Mount Merapi that people believe Mount Merapi is inhabited by supernatural beings who should have a life like humans. The supernatural beings have their own organization that regulates the government hierarchy with all its attributes and activities. One form of government hierarchy of supernatural beings that is closely related to society is that people believe that Mount Merapi is a Palace of Fine Beings.
Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 9, No 2 (2019): Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24176/re.v9i2.3277


This study aims to analyze community culture in understanding the eruption of Mount Merapi and analyze the meaning of education implied in the mythology of Mount Merapi. This study uses a qualitative approach. The informants in this study were the Cangkringan community, the caretaker of Mount Merapi, the NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Cangkringan. Data collection techniques are carried out by participant observation and in-depth interviews. The collected data is then analyzed using domain, taxonomic, compound, and cultural theme analysis techniques.The findings in the form of public trust in Mount Merapi that people believe Mount Merapi is inhabited by supernatural beings who should have a life like humans. The supernatural beings have their own organization that regulates the government hierarchy with all its attributes and activities. One form of government hierarchy of supernatural beings that is closely related to society is that people believe that Mount Merapi is a Palace of Fine Beings.
The Business Ethics of Kotagede’s Silver Entrepreneurs from the Kingdom to the Modern Era Birsyada, Muhammad Iqbal; Permana, Septian Aji
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 30, No 2 (2020): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v30i2.20691


The silver business since the reign of Sri Sultan HB VIII has gained its position in driving the economic progress of Kotagede’s people. The silver industry, besides its economic values, is also a cultural asset of the people of Yogyakarta. From 1935-1938, there were more than 78 silver entrepreneurs with a total annual production of 25 tons of silver. This study aims to determine and to analyze the history of the silver business in Kotagede and the values inherited from the kingdom period to the modern era. This research used the historical method by describing data on the development of silver business in Kotagede in a descriptive, chronological manner combined with a phenomenological approach. This research shows the success of the silver industry in Kotagede from the kingdom to the colonial era. It is supported by the collective power of the craftsmen community and silver entrepreneurs. It was also encouraged by the local government which helped to open the silver market network both at national and international levels. During the old order until the new order, the role of business actors in each founder of the silver business in building marketing networks both nationally and internationally became one of the main factors in running the silver industry in Kotagede. Third, the ethics inherited include honest, patient, simple, clean, neat, conscientious, healthy intentions, innovative, hard work. Bisnis perak sejak era pemerintahan Sri Sultan HB VIII telah mendapatkan posisi tersendiri dalam mendorong kemajuan ekonomi masyarakat Kotagede. Industri perak selain bernilai ekonomis tinggi dan potensial di pasar domestik maupun mancanegara juga menjadi aset budaya masyarakat Yogyakarta. Sejak 1935- 1938 terdapat lebih dari 78 pengusaha perak dengan total produksi tiap tahun 25 ton perak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisis sejarah perkembangan bisnis perak di Kotagede beserta nilai-nilai yang di wariskan dari era kerajaan sampai era modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan memaparkan data-data perkembangan bisnis perak di Kotagede secara deskriptif, kronologis yang digabungkan dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan sebagai berikut. Pertama, kesuksesan perkembangan perak di Kotagede pada era kerajaan sampai kolonial selain ditopang oleh kekuatan kolektivitas komunitas pengrajin dan pengusaha perak juga didorong oleh pemerintah lokal yang membantu membuka jejaring pasar perak baik level nasional maupun internasional. Kedua, pada masa orde lama sampai orde baru peranan aktor-aktor bisnis pada masing-masing pendiri usaha perak dalam membangun jaringan pemasaran baik tingkat nasional maupun internasional menjadi salah satu faktor utama dalam menjalankan roda bisnis perak di Kotagede. Ketiga, etika yang diwariskan dalam bisnis perak diantaranya adalah: jujur, sabar, sederhana, bersih, rapi, teliti, niat kuat, inovatif, kerja keras. 
Jurnal SOSIALITA Vol 5, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Sosialita
Publisher : Jurnal SOSIALITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui pengaruh profesionalitas guru, kreativitas belajar, dan minat belajar baik sendiri maupun bersama-sama terhadap prestasi belajar IPS peserta didik di Madrasah Aliyah Al Hikmah 2 Benda, Sirampog, Brebes.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik Madrasah Aliyah Al Hikmah 2yang berjumlah 719. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportionale stratified random samplingkarena memiliki unsur yang tidak homogensehinggadiperoleh250 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner dan analisis data dengan uji regresi sederhana (uji t) dan uji regresi berganda (uji F).Hasil analisis regresi parsial dengan taraf signifikansi 5% menunjukan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan profesionalitas guru terhadap prestasi belajar IPS ditunjukan dengan nilai t sebesar 2,047 dengan p=0,042. Kreativitas belajar juga memberikan pengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar IPS dengan nilai t sebesar 2,088 dan p=0,038. Demikian juga minat belajar berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar IPS, dengan nilait sebesar 2,069, p=0,040. Hasil uji regresi ganda menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara profesionalitas guru, kreativitas belajar, dan minat belajar secara bersama-sama terhadap prestasi belajar IPS dengan nilai F sebesar 5,011 dengan p=0,002, dan besarnya R2=0,58. Dengan demikian, terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan baik secara parsial maupun bersama-sama tiga variabel bebas terhadap prestasi belajar IPS di Madrasah Aliyah Al Hikmah 2 Benda, Sirampog, Brebes, Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013. Sumbangan tiga variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat 58%, sedangkan sisanya 42% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.   Kata Kunci: profesional guru, kreativitas belajar, minat belajar, dan prestasi belajar This research was conducted to find out the influence of teacher’s profesionalism, learning creativity, and learning interest both individually or togetherness toward IPS learning achievement of students in Madrasah Aliyah Al Hikmah 2 Benda, Sirampog, Brebes.Thisresearch is a quantitative descriptive study. The population used in this research are students of Madrasah Al Hikmah 2. The total of whole population were 719. Proportionale stratified random sampling used in this research due to it had no homogeneous element. The researcher took 250 samples from the whole populations. The collecting data in this research are done by quantionnare and data analysis by simple regression test (test t) and multiple regression test (test f).The result of partial regression analysis, with significance level of 5% show that there is a positive and significant influence of teacher’s profesionalism toward students’ learning acvievement inIPS with t value of 2.047 and p=0.042. Learning creativity give influence on the learning perfomance significantly and positively with t value =2.088 and P=0.038. Learning interest give positive and significant influence toward IPS learning achievement with t=2.069 and p=0.40. The result of double regressions experiment show a positive and significant influence among teacher’s profesionalism, learning creativitly, and learning interest toward students’ learning achievementn in IPS with F value of 5.011, p=0.002, and R2=0.58. It can be concluded that there are positive and significant influences of three independent variables toward IPS learning achievement in Madrasah Aliyah Al Hikmah 2 Benda, Sirampog Brebes Academic Year 2012/2013 either partially or simultaneously. The contribution of three independent variables toward dependent variable about 58%, and the remain of 42% influenced by other variables which weren’t observed in this research. Keywords: teacher’s profesionalism, learning creativity, learning interest, and learning achievement.  
Jurnal Berdaya Mandiri Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Berdaya Mandiri (JBM)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (869.954 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jbm.v2i2.960


The purpose of this service is to improve the photographer's post-processing capabilities based on Photoshop and Nik Color Pro software in optimizing the results of the photos. This workshop method by providing integrated training from exposure to the need for entrepreneurship studies, understanding of the composition of photography, the practice of shooting and training in the use of nik colour pro software in the post-processing process of work through editing. Assistance is also needed in evaluating the results of photography to produce better work. The conclusions of this paper (1) Community service activities can improve the skills of photographers in opening creative economic opportunities. (2) The intensive training system with direct practice in the field, the guidance of shooting techniques, the direct editing practice of the Nik Color Software Effect Pro training turned out to be effectively applied.
Chinese Community under the Soekarno Era in Indonesia Permana, Septian Aji; Purwantiningsih, Ary
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 31, No 1 (2021): Maritime and Socio-Economic History of Indonesia
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v31i1.23986


Abstract: This study aims to analyze the life of Chinese people in Indonesia during the Soekarno government and analyze the government’s treatment of Chinese people in the Soekarno era. This study used a historical method approach with a limited history across the 1930s period, from 1941 to 1958, from 1959 to 1966. The method used is as follows: data collection in the form of literature studies relevant to the subject matter discussed, source criticism to find out the relevant elements through the incorporation of information obtained through the source, and compilation i.e., writing historical facts. Political and economic perceptions influenced Chinese ethnic communities in Indonesia during colonial, the old order, and the new times. Chinese society received many sanctions from the Soekarno government because of communist ideology, which was a threat to the government. The existence of ethnocentric during the old order so that Chinese people cannot be received well. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kehidupan masyarakat Tionghoa di Indonesia pada masa pemerintahan Soekarno dan menganalisis perlakuan pemerintah terhadap orang Tionghoa pada masa pemerintahan Soekarno. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode sejarah dengan sejarah terbatas pada periode tahun 1930-an, dari tahun 1941 hingga 1958, dari tahun 1959 hingga tahun 1966. Metode yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut: pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka yang relevan dengan materi pelajaran yang dibahas, kritik sumber untuk mengetahui unsur-unsur yang relevan melalui penggabungan informasi yang diperoleh melalui sumber, dan kompilasi yaitu, menulis fakta sejarah. Persepsi politik dan ekonomi mempengaruhi komunitas etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia pada masa penjajahan, Soekarno, dan Orde Baru. Masyarakat Tionghoa banyak mendapat sanksi dari pemerintah Soekarno karena ideologi komunis yang menjadi ancaman bagi pemerintah. Adanya etnosentris pada masa Soekarno sehingga masyarakat Tionghoa tidak bisa diterima dengan baik. 
Eling Lan Waspodo as A Local Perception for “Merapi” Volcanic Disaster Preparedness Permana, Septian Aji
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 13, No 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v13i2.27071


Cangkringan community has a perception that the Merapi eruption is a gift not a threat or danger. This phenomenon can be understood as an attitude of wisdom of Merapi slopes to always be ready to live modestly with nature. This study aims to analyze the incidence of Merapi eruption in 2010 which has killed 347 peoples and found perceptions for readiness to face the threat of Merapi eruption in Cangkringan. This study used a qualitative approach for the perception of cangkringan peoples as preparedness to encounter the threat of Merapi eruption. Informant in this study were the Cangkringan peoples, caretaker of Mount Merapi, officials of Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in Sleman, Yogyakarta and data collected by observation and in-depth interviews. The collected data were then analyzed by using domain analysis, taxonomic, componential, and the theme of culture. The results showed that Perception built over the years was not to face the threat of Merapi eruption, but gratitude of Cangkringan community to the gift given by Merapi Volcano in the form of extraordinary natural wealth. Community’s perception of preparedness to face the threat of Merapi eruption in the form of advice or messages that contain high phylosophy value is eling lan waspodo. The presence of disasters are not preventable, but casualties can be minimized by preparedness action in facing the threat of Merapi eruption.
Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 12, No 1 (2021): Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan (Desember 2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24176/re.v12i1.6762


The purpose of this study is to analyze the benefits of digital information services as a search for S1 alumni of the Universitas Terbuka PPKn Study Program.The research method used is the Mixed Method (quantitative and qualitative). The survey method was carried out on graduates from the PPKn S1 study program who graduated from 1998-2013 through a questionnaire sent using a google form. While the qualitative method is carried out through interviews conducted by interviewers who have attended qualitative research training at UT. The instrument was developed by the UT Study Tracer Team by involving expert reviewers. Data was collected in two ways, namely filling out a questionnaire and interviewing. The questionnaires were filled out for the selected sample graduates, graduate supervisors, and graduate colleagues.The results showed that the existence of digital information services as a search for S1 alumni of the Open University Civics Study Program received a good response from users. The alumni find it easy to fill in and get the data needed by alumni. Graduates of the UT PPKn Undergraduate Program received a fairly good appreciation in competitiveness with other university graduates, while for further studies they felt satisfied with the PPKn S1 graduates. they are satisfied because the substance of the field of knowledge obtained in the Civics Undergraduate Study Program because it is in accordance with the needs of the work, there are only a few courses that are not very relevant to the teaching material in junior high school.