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Pengembangan Pemberdayaan dan Demonstrasi Skill Menu “Diet Rendah Garam” pada Penderita Hipertensi Suharno Usman; Anshar Rante; Djusmadi Rasyid
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202161.504


DEVELOPMENT OF EMPOWERMENT AND DEMONSTRATION OF “LOW SALT DIET” MENU SKILL ON PATIENTS WITH HYPERTENSION. There are 60% of people with hypertension ending in stroke, while the rest in blindness, kidney failure, and various heart diseases. JNC-8 recommends limiting high intake of salt as one of the preventions of hypertension. Public facilities or facilities especially health facilities are still minimal, health personnel are still lacking, internet access is very limited, making To'bungku village, Banggai Islands less updated on health information related to education or counseling and health empowerment training about "Low Salt Diet "Button. This activity aims to help people with hypertension to recognize and understand health education programs and low-salt diet exercises. The method used through educational training is through media leaflets, booklets, log books, and LCD projectors, demonstrations of low-salt menu cooking skills, regular meetings, and follow-up discussions. The output of this activity is an increase in community understanding and skills in selecting and preparing low-salt food ingredients. Dissemination of events in the form of scientific publication of products, booklets, and log books as other output material. Educational training activities and regular meetings by empowering participants about the management of hypertension through low salt diet interventions have a positive effect on those who are hypertensive to start implementing a low salt diet. Further involvement of health workers and family support is needed in following-up on the adoption of a low salt diet.
Analysis of Factors Related to Spiritual Distress Among HIV/AIDS Patients Anshar Rante; Djusmadi Rasyid; Warda Masta; Ismunandar Ismunandar
Poltekita : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol. 16 No. 4 (2023): February
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/jik.v16i4.1817


The severity of the problems experienced by PLWHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS) can affect the psychological, social and spiritual aspects, as well as the ability and capacity of the health services. People living with HIV/AIDS experience psychosocial problems, such as anxiety towards illnesses they cannot predict. Patients commonly experience financial problems, chronic grief, depression, guilt, depression, and fear of death. Other psychosocial problems include withdrawal, impaired socialization, role disturbance, worry about relationships with partners, lifestyle changes, loss of enthusiasm due to limitations and feelings of alienation. This study aims to determine the factors related to spiritual distress among HIV/AIDS patients at Sawerigading General Hospital in Palopo. This was a quantitative study using a cross-sectional design. The study samples were selected using purposive sampling technique. Samples were selected among patients who came to the PCT unit of Sawerigading Hospital, Palopo City. The results showed that there was a relationship between self-relationship (p=0.005), relationship with others (p=0.024), art, music, literature and nature (p=0.024) and greater power (p=0.022) with spiritual distress. It can be concluded that there was a relationship between the independent variables of self-relationship, relationship with others, art, music, literature and nature, greater power with the dependent variable of spiritual distress.
Nyeri Sendi pada Lansia dan Cara Mengatasinya djusmadi rasyid; Anshar Rante
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Desember)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.4 KB) | DOI: 10.59585/sosisabdimas.v1i1.12


Nyeri sendi dikarenakan ketika beraktivitas, penggunaan sendi secara monoton dalam waktu yang lama, dan akibat salah dalam melakukan pergerakan. Nyeri sendi lazim didapatkan pada lansia. Pupulasi lansia berdasarkan BPS 2018, sebanyak 9,27% (24,49 juta orang) dan tahun 2019, sebanyak 9,6% (25 juta orang). Sementara prevalensi penyakit sendi usia lansia (≥60 Tahun) sebanyak 37,5 % (Riskesdes ,2018). Ekstremitas bawah, khususnya persendian lutut merupakan bagian tubuh yang sering mengalami nyeri. Keadaan ini dikarenakan lutut atau persendian lutut dalam melakukan fungsinya, sekitar 50-60% menopang berat tubuh/badan, sehingga rentan mengalami nyeri. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian yaitu ceramah dan diskusi langsung, demontrasi dan praktek latihan gerak sendi. Implikasi kegiatan pengabdian dimana lansia dalam mengatasi resiko dan atau nyeri pada lutut dapat mengamalkan upaya-upaya prefentive dan curative.
Penyuluhan Tentang Makanan Pendamping Asi Dengan Status Gizi Balita Masdarwati Masdarwati; Erni Kadir; Serli Serli; Sethiana Dewi Ruben; Rahmat Pannyiwi; Anshar Rante
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Maret)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (134.669 KB) | DOI: 10.59585/sosisabdimas.v1i2.28


Health education is a health education activity, which is carried out by spreading messages, instilling beliefs, so that people are not only aware, know and understand, but are also willing and able to make recommendations related to health. Mother's Milk (ASI) is the best food for babies, so ASI plays a role in the baby's body's defense system to prevent various diseases, every drop of breast milk also contains minerals and enzymes to prevent disease and antibodies which are more effective compared to the content contained in milk formulas. The emergence of nutritional problems is multifactorial, therefore the approach and solution must be from several factors. The method of this activity is by lecturing which means a method of delivering health messages orally and accompanied by questions and answers and of course distributing leaflets to mothers and then counseling, evaluating activities, namely distributing pre-posttest questionnaires. The results of the increase were obtained by increasing the mother's knowledge about the nutritional status of the child.
Hubungan Pola Makan Terhadap Penyakit Asam Urat Pada Lansia Junaidin Junaidin; Djusmadi Rasyid; Muhammad Qasim; Rezqiqah Aulia; Yenny Sima; Kurniawati Kurniawati; Serli Serli; Anshar Rante
Barongko: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Barongko : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (Maret)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (92.089 KB) | DOI: 10.59585/bajik.v1i2.21


Gout atau penyakit asam urat, merupakan suatu penyakit dimana terjadi penumpukan asam urat dalam tubuh secara berlebihan, baik akibat produksi yang meningkat, pembuangannya melalui ginjal yang menurun atau akibat peningkatan asupan makanan tinggi purin. Gout terjadi ketika cairan tubuh sangat jenuh akan asam urat karena kadarnya yang tinggi. Gout ditandai dengan serangan berulang dari artritis (peradangan sendi) yang akut, kadang kadang disertai pembentukan kristal natrium urat besar yang dinamakan tophus, deformitas atau (kerusakan sendi) secara kronis, dan cedera pada ginjal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional, dengan rancangan penelitian analitik yang menganalisis tentang hubungan variabel independen (jenis makanan yang beresiko seperti daging, sayur hijau, kacang; frekuensi kejadian seperti jumlah kejadian asam urat yang dialami dan pola makan yakni keteraturan menu dan jumlah makanan) dengan variabel dependen (kejadian Asam Urat). Hasil penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas dengan sampel penelitian yang digunakan sebanyak 60 orang yang diambil dengan pertimbangan bahwa orang tersebut pernah dan sedang terkena penyakit Asam Urat.
Menejemen Perawatan Diri Untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Keluarga Dan Pasien Gagal Jantung Di Desa Mendatte Hasna Hasna; Anshar Rante; Djusmadi Rasyid; Warda Warda; Marwa Sariati
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Juni)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/sosisabdimas.v1i3.61


Heart failure is the most common cardiovascular disease and is associated with uncontrolled risk factors. Self-care management is the ability of heart failure patients to manage themselves and their disease. Based on research data from the service center, there are 30 heart failure patients and 30 heart failure patients in the family. The purpose of the service is to expand the knowledge and skills of families and heart failure patients in self-care. The counseling was held in the health center building which was attended by 30 patients with heart disease. Newspaper media was used as a tool in counseling activities, which was delivered by the speaker orally within 45 minutes, and continued with evaluation and renewal of evidence. The results showed that 90% of respondents understood the material provided. This was reflected in the answers to questions and the willingness of families and patients to exercise again after the simulation during the evaluation. Self-care management can be improved through training and simulation
Gebyar Khitan Toraja “Khitanan Massal dan Layanan Kesehatan Gratis” Djunaedi Djunaedi; Andi Nursinah; Anshar Rante; Rahmat Pannyiwi
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Juni)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/sosisabdimas.v1i3.73


Circumcision (circumcision) in Indonesian is known as circumcision or supit, which is a guideline for Islamic law for both men and women. Not only adherents of the Islamic religion perform circumcision, Jews, Christians and other religions now also practice circumcision because it is proven to provide health benefits. Circumcision or circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin / prepuce / scalp of the penis. The purpose and benefits of this Mass Circumcision PkM is to reduce the risk of infection and even reduce the risk of penile cancer. Mass circumcising of Muslim children who are about to reach puberty in the Toraja area, Fulfilling the Prophet's Sunnah, Socializing the importance of maintaining health and cleanliness, Growing concern for others. The method used is Mass Circumcision using the smartklamp method and tubes that don't need stitches and bandages, so that the child can immediately do his activities as usual. The Klamp circumcision method was chosen because it is more comfortable for the child and has minimal pain and the participant/patient is circumcised without any complications from the circumcision procedure. It is hoped that the Circumcision PkM activities will go well according to the expectations of the community.
Patient Satisfaction in the Inpatient Room of the Management Board of Arifin Nu'mang General Hospital Ali Imran; Devin Mahendika; Anshar Rante; M Khalid Fredy Saputra; Anjar Briliannita; Lumastari Ajeng Wijayanti; Nurhaedah Nurhaedah
International Journal of Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): International Journal of Health Sciences
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.913 KB) | DOI: 10.59585/ijhs.v1i1.49


Patient satisfaction with the health services provided is influenced by satisfaction with services (medical, nursing, nutrition, laboratory, radiology, administration), environment and facilities available. The better the health services provided by a hospital, the more satisfying the patient as a service recipient is expected, although basically client satisfaction with the services provided is a subjective value of the quality of service provided and received by the client. Although this subjective value is strongly influenced by various factors, client satisfaction will still be based on the truth and objective reality experienced by clients when receiving services at the Hospital. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect patient satisfaction in the inpatient room of the Arifin Nu'mang General Hospital Management Agency. The type of research used is descriptive research, which explains something or some circumstances (Azwar & Prihartono, 2013). This study uses a cross sectional design that reveals the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable (Nursalam & Pariani, 2001). This study was conducted to see Analyst factors affecting patient satisfaction in the inpatient room of Arifin Nu'mang Regency General Hospital Management Agency. The result is After data collection and analysis of existing data, it can be seen that in general patients in the Inpatient Room of the Management Board of the Arifin Nu'mang General Hospital said they were satisfied with the services provided. This can be seen in the data that 90% of respondents said they were satisfied and only 10% were not satisfied. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between hospital services and patient satisfaction in the inpatient room of Arifin Nu'mang General Hospital Management Agency.
Nurses' Knowledge with Prevention of Nosocomial Infections in Postoperative Patients at Labuang Baji Hospital Makassar Muhammad Iqbal Ahmad; Ria Wahyuni; Solehudin Solehudin; Abu Bakar Betan; Anshar Rante; Rezqiqah Aulia Rahmat
International Journal of Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): International Journal of Health Sciences
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (145.551 KB) | DOI: 10.59585/ijhs.v1i2.79


Nosocomial infections can be defined as infections that are acquired or that occur in hospitals. Nosocomial infections can occur in patients, health workers, and also everyone who comes to the hospital. Infections that exist in this health care center can be transmitted or obtained through health workers, sick people, visitors who have career status or due to hospital conditions. In general, in nosocomial infections, patients who enter the hospital and cause symptoms of infection after 3 times 24 hours after the patient is hospitalized. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nurse knowledge and prevention of nosocomial infections in postoperative patients at Labuang Baji Makassar Regional General Hospital. This type of research is descriptive analytic with a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study were 26 nurses who served in the surgical room at the Makassar Labuang Baji Regional General Hospital. Data analysis through a computerized program  = 0.05. The research variables consisted of independent variables; knowledge, education, length of work. The results showed that: the level of knowledge P value = 0.000, the level of education p value = 0.000, and the length of work p value = 0.107. The conclusions in this study are: There is a relationship between the level of knowledge and education with the prevention of nosocomial infections in postoperative patients and there is no relationship between length of work with the prevention of nosocomial infections in postoperative patients.
Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri Pada Pasien Pasca Operasi Melalui Teknik Relaksasi Genggam Jari Literatur Review Anshar Rante; Putri Viola Ananda Kasih; Djusmadi Rasyid
Barongko: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Barongko : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (Juli)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/bajik.v1i3.87


The Finger Grip Relaxation Technique is an easy and simple technique that anyone can do. Its application is related to the fingers and the flow of energy in the body. This relaxation can then heat the entry and exit points of energy in the meridians (body or energy pathways) in the fingers, thereby causing reflex stimulation (spontaneous) when gripping. The finger tapping relaxation technique helps the soul, mind, and body relax. When conditions are relaxed, it triggers the natural release of endorphins, this is the hormone that naturally acts to relieve pain. Writing this proposed scientific article aims to determine the effectiveness of finger grip relaxation techniques in reducing pain intensity in postoperative patients. This study used a descriptive method with a literature review approach. The data source is secondary. Articles and some magazines serve as sources of information. The literature search strategy uses the PICO framework. The inclusion criteria are national and international research journals that discuss reducing pain intensity in postoperative patients using finger grip relaxation techniques, as well as articles or journals published after 2018 in English and Indonesian. An approach consisting of presentation methods and analytical methods is used for data analysis. The results obtained in this study regarding the effect of hand-held relaxation techniques on reducing pain intensity. Of the five research publications reviewed, all of them are effective in reducing pain using finger grip relaxation techniques. The interventions used were the results of five studies where there was a decrease in pain. This proves that finger-held relaxation techniques can reduce pain intensity in postoperative patients.