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Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil TRANSUKMA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Transukma
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Balikpapan

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Telah dilakukan penelitian identifikasi perubahan nilai resistivitas tanah gambut akibat pencampuran jamur rhizopus oligosporus (10:1). Resistivitas tanah gambut diukur menggunakan metode geolistrik resistivitas konfigurasi wenner alfa. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada skala laboratorium dengan panjang kotak 4 (empat) meter dan jarak antar elektroda 10 cm. Pengukuran resistivitas tanah gambut dilakukan dengan dua tahap yaitu sebelum dan sesudah diberikan campuran jamur rhizopus oligosporus. Data resistivitas tanah gambut dipetakan dalam bentuk 2 (dua) dimensi menggunakan perangkat lunak res2dinv dengan variasi pemeraman rentang waktu dimulai dari 5 hari, 10 hari dan 15 hari. Hasil uji laboratorium pencampuran jamur rhizopus oligosporus terhadap perubahan resistivitas menunjukkan nilai resistivitas tanah gambut sebelum diberikan perlakuan berkisar 13,5-48,2 Ωm, sedangkan nilai resistivitas tanah gambut pada pemeraman 5 hari setelah diberi perlakuan berkisar 8,36-33,4 Ωm, pada rentang 10 hari pemeraman berkisar 5,18-23,3 Ωm dan pada rentang 15 hari berkisar 17,1-58,0 Ωm. Perubahan resistivitas tanah gambut yang paling signifikan terjadi pada rentang waktu 15 hari setelah pencampuran dan dengan rata-rata kesalahan iterasi 30%.   Research has been carried out to identify changes in the resistivity value of peat soil due to the mixing of the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus (10:1). The resistivity of peat soil was measured using the geoelectrical resistivity method of the Wenner alpha configuration. Data collection was carried out on a laboratory scale with a box length of 4 (four) meters and a distance between electrodes of 10 cm. Peat soil resistivity measurement was carried out in two stages, namely before and after being given a mixture of the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus. Peat soil resistivity data were mapped in 2 (two) dimensions using the res2dinv software with variations in curing time ranging from 5 days, 10 days and 15 days. The results of the laboratory test of mixing the fungus rhizopus oligosporus against changes in resistivity showed that the resistivity value of peat soil before treatment was around 13.5-48.2 Ωm, while the resistivity value of peat soil at 5 days curing after being treated ranged from 8.36-33.4 Ωm, in the range of 10 days of curing ranged from 5.18-23.3 Ωm and in the range of 15 days it ranged from 17.1 to 58.0 Ωm. The most significant change in resistivity of peat soil occurred in the 15 days after mixing and with an average iteration error of 30%.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil TRANSUKMA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Transukma
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Balikpapan

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Tanah adalah dasar dari sebuah struktur bangunan. Namun tidak semua tanah dalam suatu bangunan dapat digunakan. Sifat yang tidak baik dari tanah dapat mengakibatkan bangunan yang didirikan mengalami kerusakan. Hal tersebut sangat tidak diinginkan dalam suatu kontruksi. Maka dari itu, suatu kondisi tanah tertentu mempengaruhi kuat atau tidaknya suatu konstruksi. Pada penelitian ini akan digunakan tanah lempung pada lokasi daerah Desa samba kahayan Kecamatan Katingan Tengah, Kabupaten Katingan, Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan daya dukung tanah. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan campuran batu zeolite dan semen portland yang dicampurkan dengan tanah asli berdampak pada meningkatnya nilai daya dukung tanah yang didapatkan dari hubungan antara nilai DDT dengan CBRrencana.  Daya dukung tanah asli adalah sebesar 3,62 dengan penambahan tanah asli, batu zeolite dan semen portland di pemeraman 3 hari menjadi 4,43, 4,85 dan 5,08, dengan nilai tertinggi daya dukung tanah dasar terbesar di pemeraman 3 hari terjadi di penambahan batu zeolite dan semen portland 10% sebesar 5,08 dengan persentase kenaikan dari daya dukung tanah asli menjadi 40,3%. Sedangkan untuk pemeraman 7 hari menjadi 4,54, 5,01 dan 5,25. Nilai daya dukung tanah dasar terbesar terjadi di penambahan batu zeolite dan semen portland 10% yaitu 5,25 dengan persentase kenaikan dari daya dukung tanah asli menjadi 45,02%.   Soil is the basis of a building structure. However, not all land in a building can be used. The unfavorable nature of the soil can cause the buildings that are erected to be damaged. This is highly undesirable in a construction. Therefore, a certain soil condition affects whether or not a construction is strong. In this study, clay soil will be used at the location of the Samba Kahayan Village, Central Katingan District, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan. This research is expected to be one of the efforts to increase the bearing capacity of the soil. Based on the tests that have been carried out, it is found that a mixture of zeolite and portland cement mixed with native soil has an impact on increasing the carrying capacity of the soil obtained from the relationship between the DDT value and the planned CBR. The original soil bearing capacity was 3.62 with the addition of native soil, zeolite stone and portland cement in 3 days of curing to 4.43, 4.85 and 5.08, with the highest value of the largest subgrade bearing capacity at 3 days curing occurred at the addition of zeolite stone and 10% portland cement was 5.08 with a percentage increase from the original soil bearing capacity to 40.3%. As for the 7-day curing, it becomes 4.54, 5.01 and 5.25. The greatest value of subgrade bearing capacity occurred in the addition of zeolite stone and 10% portland cement, namely 5.25 with a percentage increase from the original soil bearing capacity to 45.02%.
Jurnal Ilmiah Desain & Konstruksi Vol 22, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35760/dk.2023.v22i1.7906


Pada penambangan terbuka membutuhkan kegiatan galian, material galian dipindahkan dan disimpan di waste dump. Untuk mencegah terjadinya perpindahan material oleh air akibat adanya limpasan dan longsor maka dilakukan upaya untuk menahan perpindahan tanah yang ada di stock pile, salah satunya dengan membangun bund wall pada lereng. Bund wall dikatakan stabil jika nilai safety factor (SF) > 1. Pada kasus ini, terdapat lapisan tanah lunak di lokasi rencana pembangunan bund wall karena dapat mengganggu kestabilan pada bund wall. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan ketinggian maksimum timbunan, sehingga tidak terjadi longsor (internal stability dan overall stability) agar bund wall dapat bekerja dengan baik.  Metode yang digunakan untuk melakukan analisis kestabilan lereng pada bund wall dengan menggunakan metode φ-c reduction (Based on Finite Element Analysis). Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa desain bund wall dengan tinggi 4,5 meter, lebar bagian atas 12 meter dan kemiringan 1:6 tanpa perkuatan memiliki nilai safety factor (SF) sebesar 1,018 (kritis) dan desain bund wall dengan perkuatan geotekstil memiliki nilai safety factor (SF) sebesar 1,455 (aman).
Enhancing Sustainability in Urban Transportation with Innovative Mechanical Engineering Solutions for Electric Buses in Jakarta Fatma Sarie; Abdul Tahir; Rival Pahrijal
West Science Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 1 No. 10 (2023): West Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsis.v1i10.299


This study looks into how novel mechanical engineering solutions for electric bus technology in Jakarta could change the industry, with an emphasis on improving sustainability, efficiency, and performance. Quantitative data was gathered through technical inspections, stakeholder questionnaires, and real-time monitoring. According to the results, buses with regenerative braking systems, lightweight construction, and cutting-edge drivetrain technologies consume 15% less energy. A comparative investigation revealed a 12% boost in overall speed and responsiveness and a 20% improvement in braking efficiency. The environmental benefits were highlighted by the environmental impact evaluations, which showed a notable 25% reduction in particulate matter and emissions. Positive responses to surveys conducted among passengers and bus operators demonstrated the practical viability and user pleasure of these advances. Although they recognized the potential, city officials stressed the need for a thorough and gradual implementation strategy. According to the research, creative mechanical engineering solutions might completely transform Jakarta's urban transportation system and serve as a template for effective and sustainable mobility.
Enhancing Sustainability in Urban Transportation with Innovative Mechanical Engineering Solutions for Electric Buses in Jakarta Fatma Sarie; Abdul Tahir; Rival Pahrijal
West Science Interdisciplinary Studies Vol. 1 No. 10 (2023): West Science Interdisciplinary Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsis.v1i10.299


This study looks into how novel mechanical engineering solutions for electric bus technology in Jakarta could change the industry, with an emphasis on improving sustainability, efficiency, and performance. Quantitative data was gathered through technical inspections, stakeholder questionnaires, and real-time monitoring. According to the results, buses with regenerative braking systems, lightweight construction, and cutting-edge drivetrain technologies consume 15% less energy. A comparative investigation revealed a 12% boost in overall speed and responsiveness and a 20% improvement in braking efficiency. The environmental benefits were highlighted by the environmental impact evaluations, which showed a notable 25% reduction in particulate matter and emissions. Positive responses to surveys conducted among passengers and bus operators demonstrated the practical viability and user pleasure of these advances. Although they recognized the potential, city officials stressed the need for a thorough and gradual implementation strategy. According to the research, creative mechanical engineering solutions might completely transform Jakarta's urban transportation system and serve as a template for effective and sustainable mobility.
Efforts to Enhance Anthropological Insights on Sustainable Practices in Human-Environmental Interactions in Central Java Fatma Sarie; Muhamad Ammar Muhtadi; Rully Fildansyah
West Science Social and Humanities Studies Vol. 1 No. 04 (2023): West Science Social and Humanities Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsshs.v1i04.270


This study employs a broad multidisciplinary approach to investigate the complex dynamics of human-environment interactions in Central Java. The close relationship between cultural behaviors, like customary ceremonies and indigenous knowledge systems, and the surrounding environment is made evident by ethnographic discoveries. The qualitative tales are supported quantitatively by ecological analyses, such as land use mapping and biodiversity assessments, which underscore the relationship between ecological health and cultural resilience. Workshops and participatory mapping are examples of community engagement activities that provide a forum for co-creating sustainable projects with nearby communities. The robustness of the results is ensured by the triangulation of data sources. The results' synthesis highlights the role that cultural practices have in forming sustainable habits and adds to the growing global conversation about the relationship between culture and ecology.
Bibliometric Analysis of Eco-Friendly Practices in Contemporary Popular Culture Fatma Sarie; Murthada Murthada; Jusatria Jusatria
West Science Social and Humanities Studies Vol. 1 No. 04 (2023): West Science Social and Humanities Studies
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/wsshs.v1i04.273


This study undertakes a thorough bibliometric examination of environmentally conscious behaviors in modern popular culture. By applying sophisticated bibliometric techniques and citation analysis, the research reveals important publication patterns, prolific writers, recurring themes, and seminal works in the multidisciplinary domain. The findings show a consistent increase in scholarly output, with significant peaks occurring in tandem with major world events and cultural movements. The discourse's interdisciplinary nature is emphasized by prolific writers and cooperative networks, while thematic clusters including consumer perspectives, green synthesis, and sustainability are revealed through keyword analysis. The ongoing importance of foundational research is highlighted by highly referenced works such as the mainstreaming of green product developments, the idea of planned behavior in green hotels, and the investigation of the Mediterranean diet. In addition to suggesting future options, such as greater consumer insights, breakthroughs in green synthesis, and investigation of sustainable business practices, the research offers cross-cluster insights that highlight the interdependence of topics. In summary, this research provides a sophisticated comprehension of environmentally conscious behaviors in popular culture, providing insightful information to scholars, instructors, and professionals across various disciplines.
Penerapan Lima Pola Hidup Untuk Tetap Bugar Sehat Menuju Longevity Yunida Iashania; Fatma Sarie; Sylvana Anethe
Diteksi : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Fakultas Teknik Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Diteksi, Vol. 1, No. 1, Mei 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Palangka Raya

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Pola hidup sehat merupakan upaya setiap orang yang ingin selalu sehat dan bugar, dengan memperhatikan gaya hidup sehat agar tubuh selalu terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit. Penerapan pola hidup sehat ini dilakukan dengan melakukan sosialisasi melalui webinar, dengan menyampaikan materi dan pengalaman dari narasumber mengenai pola hidup sehat dan bugar agar tubuh selalu sehat dan bugar. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan sosialisasi pola hidup sehat untuk membantu masyarakat dalam meningkatkan pola hidup yang baik dan benar untuk mendapatkan edukasi mengenai Kesehatan yang baik dan menanamkan pola hidup sehat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu melalui pemberian informasi dan berbagi pengalaman mengenai kesehatan dan penerpaannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Program ini sangat bermanfaat dan membawa hasil bagi masyarakat khusunya bagi masyarakat yang belum menerapkan pola hidup sehat. Hasil yang dicapai dalam sosialisasi ini adalah menyampaikan edukasi dan diskusi-diskusi mengenai cara penerapan pola hidup sehat. Dari hasil sosialisasi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat dapat menerapkan dan meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai 5 (lima) pilar dalam menerapkan pola hidup sehat dengan baik dan benar, serta memberikan motivasi untuk mencegah dari penyakit akibat pola hidup yang salah
Analysis of the Effect Current Ratio on Return on Assets at PT Astra Otoparts TBK. Ikhyanuddin; Fatma Sarie; Andi Aris Mattunruang; Eva Yuniarti Utami; Fajriani Azis
Fundamental and Applied Management Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): FAMJ, December 2023
Publisher : PT. Lontara Digitech Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61220/famj.v1i2.202308


This study makes an important contribution in understanding the relationship between current ratio and return on assets at PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. Through the use of a simple linear regression test on financial statement data for the period 2015-2022, this study intends to explain the extent to which the current ratio affects the company's return on assets. Current ratio, as the independent variable, is used as an indicator of the company's ability to meet its short-term obligations, while return on assets, as the dependent variable, reflects the company's level of profitability. The results show that, although the current ratio has a positive influence on return on assets, the influence is not statistically significant. In other words, the increase in current ratio does not contribute significantly to the increase in return on assets at PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. The findings can provide valuable insights for company management in designing financial strategies, especially in terms of managing short-term assets and liabilities. In the context of the automotive and spare parts industry in Indonesia, where PT Astra Otoparts Tbk operates, an in-depth understanding of the factors that influence return on assets is crucial. The results of this study can serve as a basis for similar companies to evaluate and improve their financial performance, optimize asset allocation, and manage short-term liabilities more effectively. Further research and the integration of other factors in financial analysis can help shape a more holistic and sustainable business strategy amidst changing market dynamics.
How does Organizational Communication affect Job Satisfaction among Employees of Automotive Companies? Fasiha; Fatma Sarie; Suharto; Andi Naila Quin Azisah Alisyahbana; Andika Isma
Fundamental and Applied Management Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): FAMJ, December 2023
Publisher : PT. Lontara Digitech Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61220/famj.v1i2.202310


This research aims to find out how organizational communication influences job satisfaction among automotive company employees. The population in this study were all internal employees of companies operating in the automotive sector, or in this case PT Hadji Kalla Toyota, totaling 80 people. The instruments used in the research were observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is simple linear regression analysis and partial hypothesis testing using the IBM Statistical for Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 21 program. Based on the results of statistical tests, it shows that partially the organizational communication variable has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. Based on the results of this research, PT Hadji Kalla Toyota should maintain and improve organizational communication by creating a work environment that is not rigid, because a rigid work environment can cause communication between employees to decrease. By establishing good communication, this variable can increase job satisfaction. employee.