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Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.3061/dedikasi.v6i1.2166


The world is currently busy with the emergence of corona virus diseases (Covid 19). The government has made various efforts to limit activities, one of which is conducting an online learning process. The role of parents is important to accompany children during their studies. The purpose of this study was to determine the parents' perspective on the learning process of elementary school students during the covid 19 pandemic in Ie Masen Kayee Adang Village, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh City in 2021. This type of research is descriptive observational, the research was carried out on June 14 to 19, 2021. The population in this study was all parents of elementary school age children living in Gampong Ie Masen Kayee Adang, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh City, with sampling using proportional random sampling technique as many as 61 people. The results showed that most of the respondents' parental perspectives on the student learning process were in the less category as many as 35 respondents (57.4%), student learning process methods were in the good category as many as 31 respondents (50.8 %), student learning process are in the good category as many as 36 respondents (59%), student learning process are in the good category as many as 33 respondents (54.1%). it is hoped that this research can provide input for teachers in designing learning methods so that it is easy for students to understand when learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that it can make it easier for parents in  learning process and can improve the learning achievement of children.
Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji (Psidisium Guajava L) Terhadap Penurunan Frekuensi Diare pada Anak Usia 6-12 Tahun di Puskesmas Aceh Besar Cut Rara Hasviana; Nanda Desreza; Riyan Mulfianda
Viva Medika Vol 16 No 1 (2022): VOLUME 16 / Nomor 01 /SEPTEMBER/ 2022
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Bangsa Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.946 KB) | DOI: 10.35960/vm.v16i1.852


In developing countries, diarrhea is a common disease and a leading cause of mortality in children. Moreover, the guava plant (Psidium guajava L) is known by the Indonesian people as herbal medicine that may serve as a remedy for various diseases. One of the best-known benefits of guava leaf for people in Indonesia is that it can act as an antidiarrheal. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of guava leaf extract (Psidium Guajava L.) in diarrhea treatment among children aged 6-12 years in the working area of Krueng Barona Jaya Community Health Center. This study was a quasi-experiment of One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population member in this study was mothers with children aged 6-12 years old suffering from diarrhea in the working area of Krueng Barona Jaya Public Health Center. The purposive sampling technique was employed to select 15 respondents. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to respondents. This study was conducted from 27 June to 4 July 2022. The data were processed using editing, coding, transferring, and tabulating, and analyzed using the T-test at an error level of 0,05. The results showed that is effective in diarrhea treatment for children aged 6-12 years old with a p-value of 0.000
Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan Vol 6, No 2 (2022): JULI 2022
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30601/dedikasi.v6i2.2157


The spread of COVID-19 cases is increasing, it is necessary to prevent covid 19, especially for school children. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education on increasing children's knowledge about covid 19 at SD Negeri 2 Krueng Sabee, Aceh Jaya Regency in 2021. This type of research was quasi-experimental using a one-group pretest posttest design, the study was carried out 6 to 19 April 2021. The population in this study were all fourth and fifth-grade school children at SD Negeri 2 Krueng Sabee, Aceh Jaya Regency using a purposive sampling technique as many as 20 people. The results showed that before the intervention, most of the children's knowledge was in the sufficient category as many as 11 respondents (55%) and in the good category only 1 respondent (5%), after the intervention most of the children's knowledge was in the good category as many as 9 respondents ( 45%) and in the sufficient category as many as 10 respondents (50%). The results of the analysis using the paired sample T-test obtained a p-value of 0.000 < = 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of health education on increasing children's knowledge about covid 19 before and after treatment. It is hoped that this research can provide significant information for teachers and UKS officers in conducting socialization for students in the school environment about the application of the practice of using masks, washing hands and social distancing during the pandemic.
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pemilihan Penolong Persalinan Pada Tenaga Non Medis di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sungai Mas Tahun.2022 Khaira Monita; Syarifah Masthura; Riyan Mulfianda
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2346


Keterampilan yang dimiliki dukun dalam menolong persalinan didapatkan dari kebiasaan, dan ini berisiko tinggi bagi ibu. Ibu yang melahirkan dengan tenaga non medis cenderung mendapat tindakan-tindakan yang tidak steril yang dapat mengancam ibu dan bayi seperti menaburkan kapur sirih ke tali pusar bayi yang baru lahir, memotong tali pusar bayi menggunakan gunting yang tidak di strerilkan, pantangan makan dan minum terlalu banyak selama nifas, dan praktik bakar batu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan penolong persalinan pada tenaga non medis di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sungai Mas tahun 2022. Desain penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional, populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu yang pernah melahirkan dengan bantuan tenaga non medis sebanyak 75 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 43 responden. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 7 s/d 15 Mei 2022 menggunakan alat ukur kuesioner. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa ada pengaruh faktor ekonomi (p=0,011), faktor budaya (p=0,018), faktor sosial (p=0,005), faktor teknologi (p=0,014), faktor pendidikan (p=0,034) terhadap pemilihan ibu bersalin dalam mengambil keputusan dengan bantuan tenaga non medis. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan informasi bagi tenaga medis dalam memberikan Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang bahaya persalinan di tenaga non medis dan persalinan yang aman di tenaga medis sehingga dapat menurunkan angka kematian dan kesakitan pada ibu akibat proses persalinan dan nifas.Kata Kunci     :  Persalinan, Tenaga Non Medis The skills that traditional childbirth attendants have are often obtained from their habits, and their practices may pose a high risk for the mother. Mothers who give birth handled by non-medical personnel tend to receive unsterile interventions that may be harmful for the mother and baby. Some common risky actions include sprinkling whiting into the umbilical cord of a newborn baby, cutting the baby’s umbilical cord using unsterilized scissors, abstaining from eating and drinking too much during childbirth, and performing the burning stones on new mothers. This study aimed to identify the factors related to the selection of childbirth assistance by non-medical personnel in the working area of Sungai Mas Community Health Center in 2022. This study was a descriptive correlational study with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study was 75 mothers who had given birth handled by non-medical personnel. 43 respondents were selected using the purposive sampling technique. This study was conducted from 7 to 15 May 2022 using questionnaires. The results revealed that economic factors (p = 0.011), cultural factors (p = 0.018), social factors (p = 0.005), technological factors (p = 0.014), and educational factors (p = 0.034) influenced mothers in making decision to give birth by non-medical personnel. The findings of this study have provided a deeper insight for medical personnel in providing health education about the risks of giving birth with the assistance of non-medical personnel and highlighted the importance of having a safe delivery with medical personnel that can help reduce maternal mortality and morbidity in the labor and postpartum process.Keywords        : Maternity, Non-Medical Personnel
Pengaruh Pemberian Teh Hijau (Camellia sinensis) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Kolesterol Pada Pasien Hiperkolesterolemia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Krueng Barona Jaya Nadiatul Hikhmah; Riyan Mulfianda; Iskandar Iskandar
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2332


Kolesterol merupakan komponen asam lemak yang terdapat dalam darah. Zat ini sangat di perlukan oleh tubuh untuk proses-proses tertentu bagi kelangsungan hidup. Di antaranya untuk membentuk hormon, sel dan merawat sel-sel saraf. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian teh hijau terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol pada pasien hiperkolesterolemia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Krueng Barona Jaya tahun 2022. Desain penelitian ini adalah pre-eksperimen pretest-posttest one group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pasien hiperkolesterolemia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Krueng Barona Jaya dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang berjumlah 15 responden. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 25-31 Maret 2022. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa sebelum diberikan intervensi pemberian teh hijau, sebagian besar kadar kolesterol responden berada pada kategori tinggi sebanyak 9 responden (60%), dan kategori normal sebanyak 7 responden (46,6%), Simpulan penelitian terdapat pengaruh pemberian teh hijau terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol pada pasien hiperkolesterolemia dengan nilai p-value=0,000. Saran diharapkan kepada masyarakat yang mengalami hiperkolesterolemia dapat menggunakan teh hijau sebagai pengobatan alternatif untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol.Kata Kunci     :  Teh Hijau, Hiperkolesterolemia Cholesterol is a component of fatty acids in the blood needed for particular processes in the body for human life, such as in producing hormones and cells and treating nerve cells. This study aimed to examine the effect of green tea on reducing cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic patients at the working area of Krueng Barona Jaya Commmunity Health Center in 2022. This study used a pre-experimental pretest-posttest one-group design. The population in this study were all hypercholesterolemic patients in the working area of Krueng Barona Jaya Public Health Center. 15 respondents in this study were selected using the purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted from March 25 to 31, 2022. The results revealed that before the green tea intervention, most of the respondents' cholesterol levels were in the high category, as shown in nine respondents (60%) and seven respondents (46.6%) were the normal category. Thus, green tea affects cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic patients with a p-value = 0.000. Moreover, people with hypercholesterolemia are urged to consume green tea as an alternative treatment to lower their cholesterol levels.Keywords        : Green Tea, Hypercholesterolemia
Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Persepsi Orang Tua dengan Vaksinasi Covid-19 Pada Anak Usia 11-17 Tahun di Desa Pulo Bate Kecamatan Glumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie Una Namira; Syarifah Masthura; Riyan Mulfianda
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2313


Pemberian vaksinasi Covid-19 pada anak usia 11 sampai 17 tahun, memunculkan berbagai macam persepsi orang tua. Orang tua tidak akan memvaksinasi anaknya karena takut akan efek dan resiko setelah di vaksinasi, takut vaksinasi membuat anaknya cacat, dan juga ada yang mengatakan akan memvaksin anaknya karena tuntutan dari proses belajar mengajar (PBM) yang mengharuskan anak usia sekolah divaksinasi COVID-19.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi orang tua terhadap vaksinasi Covid-19 pada anak usia 11-17 tahun di Desa Pulo Bate Kecamatan Glumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie.jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah deskripsi korelasi dengan desain atau pendekatan cross-sectional.populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh orang tua yang memiliki anak usia 11-17 tahun sebanyak 43 populasi di Desa Pulo Bate Kecamatan Glumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie.Hasil penelitian univariat diketahui bahwa dari 43 responden,sebagian besar responden tidak lengkap vaksinansi Covid-19 anak usia 11-17 tahun yaitu sebanyak 25 responden (58,14%),mayoritas yang memiliki pengetahuan rendah tentang vaksinasi Covid-19 yaitu sebanyak 26 responden (60,47%) dan sebagian besar responden memiliki persepsi negatif tengtang vaksinasi Covid-19 pada anak usia 11-17 tahun yaitu sebanyak 24 responden (55,81%).Hasil penelitian bivariat di peroleh hasil adanya hubungan pengetahuan orang tua terhadap vaksinasi Covid-19 pada anak usia 11-17 tahun  (p value = 0,001) dan adanya hubungan persepsi orang tua terhadap vaksinasi Covid-19 pada anak usia 11-17 tahun di Desa Pulo Bate Kecamatan Glumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie (P value=0,001).Peneliti menyarankan agar masyarakat mendapatkan edukasi yang tepat mengenai manfaat vaksinasi Covid-19 pada anak uasia 11-17 tahun dari pihak terkaitKata Kunci :   Pengetahuan, Persepsi Orang Tua, Vaksinasi Covid-19 The Covid-19 vaccination on 11-17 years-old children has created many parents' perceptions about vaccines. Some parents tend to refuse their children to be vaccinated because they were worried about the effects and also the possible risks post-vaccination. The common comment from parents about the vaccine is parents worry that the vaccines can cause crippling. Besides, the vaccine obligation is a requirement from schools that requires students to be vaccinated. This study aims to investigate parents’ perceptions toward covid-19 vaccination on 11-17 years-old children in Pulo Bate Village, Glumpang Tiga, Pidie. This research was a correlation description study with a cross-sectional design. The population was all parents that have 11-17-year-old children with a total of 43 samples in Pulo Bate Village, Glumpang Tiga, Pidie. The univariate result showed that from 43 samples, most respondents with 11-17-year-old children with uncompleted covid-19 vaccination as much as 25 samples (58,14%), with less knowledge of covid-19 vaccination as much as 26 samples (60,47%) and with respondents who had negative perception toward covid-19 vaccination on 11-17-year-old children were 24 samples (55,81%). The bivariate result indicated that there was a relationship between parents’ knowledge of covid-19 vaccination on 11-17-year-old children (p-value = 0,001) and parents’ perceptions toward covid-19 vaccination on 11-17-year-old children in Pulo Bate Village, Glumpang Tiga, Pidie (p-value = 0,001). This study recommends that the local health center provide better knowledge and education for parents about covid-19 vaccination benefits.Keywords : knowledge, perceptions, covid-19 vaccination.
Efek Senam Kaki Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Riyan Mulfianda; Nursaadah Nursaadah; M. Agus Fitra
Jurnal Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): November: Jurnal Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Politeknik Pratama Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jrik.v1i3.2598


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by a lack of the hormone insulin. The hormone insulin is produced by a group of beta cells in the gland of the pancreas and plays an important role in glucose metabolism in body cells. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2013) 80% of DM sufferers in the world come from developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. The prevalence of DM in Indonesia reaches 4.7% of the national population and is expected to reach 5.9% by 2030. In general, the prevalence of DM in Aceh province is 1.8%. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Diabetes Mellitus Gymnastic Therapy on Decreased Blood Sugar Levels in the Elderly in Ceurih Village, Banda Aceh City. This study uses Quasi Experiment Design research design using one group pre test-post test design. The sampling technique uses total sampling by measuring blood sugar levels before and after diabetes exercises with a total sample of 16 people. Bivariate analysis uses paired t-test. The results showed that there was an Effect of Diabetes Mellitus Gymnastic Therapy on Decreased Blood Sugar Levels in the Elderly in Ceurih Village, Banda Aceh City with a statistical result of 0,000.
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55047/comorbid.v1i1.822


Malnutrition in young individuals can have severe consequences, including complex issues such as short stature and stunting. Stunting during early childhood can negatively impact intelligence quotient (IQ), psychomotor development, motor skills, and neurosensory integration. Therefore, the role of parents in preventing stunting is crucial. The aim of this research is to investigate strategies for preventing stunting among families with newborns using the Planned Behavior Theory approach in Lampulo Village, Banda Aceh City, in 2019. This research is a descriptive correlation study with a cross-sectional approach, conducted from August 7th to 31st, 2019. The study's population consisted of all mothers at risk of stunting in Lampulo Village, Banda Aceh City, with a sample size of 74 people selected through proportional sampling. The study's results indicated that there was a significant influence of behavioral beliefs (p=0.011), normative beliefs (p=0.021), and control beliefs (p=0.020) on stunting prevention in families with young children. It is hoped that this research can provide valuable insights to healthcare providers and community health centers (posyandu) in delivering information on stunting prevention.
Treatment adherence in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 Riyan Mulfianda; Nanda Desreza; Khaira Rizki; Rizky Azhari Syam; Rauza Alda; Rizka Dara Vonna
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science Vol 6, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawata Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/minh.v6i3.11634


Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease often referred to as a lifelong disease with chronic complications. The risk of complications of diabetes mellitus can be reduced by effective management of medication therapy by implementing medication adherence. Medication compliance in diabetes mellitus is influenced by various determinants that describe the extent to which the patient's behavior is to comply with taking medication, following a diet, and implementing lifestyle changes per the recommendations recommended by health care providers.Purpose: to analyze the determinants of medication adherence in patients with type 2. Method: The design of this research is quantitative with a cross-sectional study approach. The sample amounted to 97 patients with diabetes mellitus. The statistical analysis used is logistic regression.Results: Showed that the determinants related to medication adherence were age p-value (0.019), education p-value (0.039), Income p-value (0.006), Health Examination p-value (0.034), Blood Sugar Check p-value (0.005), DM knowledge p-value (0.000), and Social Support p-value (0.003), while work p-value (0.136), Length of Suffering from DM p-value (0.399), Use of insulin p-value (0.504), Number of Diseases p-value (0.409), Comorbid p-value (0.583), emotional p-value (0.561) there is no relationship. The most dominant determinant related to medication adherence was the knowledge variable p-value (0.000) with an odds ratio of 0.150 (95% CI: 057-391Conclusion: The most significant determinant of medication adherence is knowledge, so it is recommended to provide continuous and comprehensive updated information about the management of DM, one of which is the diabetes self-management education (DSME) method. The provision of the DSME method can be carried out through a home visit approach to the homes of type 2 DM sufferers.
Perbedaan Efektivitas Kompres Hangat Kayu Manis Dan Kompres Air Hangat Terhadap Skala Nyeri Pada Penderita Arthritis Gout Husna Mardillah; Riyan Mulfianda; Nanda Desreza
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v9i2.3323


Penatalaksanaan nyeri dengan tehnik non farmakologi untuk penderita Arthritis Gout bisa dilakukan dengan beberapa tehnik, salah satunya adalah kompres hangat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektifitas kompres hangat kayu manis dan kompres air hangat terhadap skala nyeri pada penderita Arthritis Gout di Gampong Seupeu Aceh Besar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah komparatif dengan rancangan two group pretest-posttest. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tanggal 16 s/d 26 Mei 2022. Populasi dalam penelitian ini 20 responden terdiri dari 10 orang kelompok kompres hangat kayu manis dan 10 orang kompres air hangat. Pengumpulan data mengggunakan data primer. Analisis menggunakan wilcoxone dan mann whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada penurunan intensitas nyeri sebelum dan sesudah pemberian intervensi pada kelompok kompres hangat kayu manis (p=0,004) dan kompres air hangat (p=0,004) dan diketahui bahwa kompres kayu manis lebih efektif dibandingkan kompres air hangat dengan nilai p value 0,012.Kata kunci: Kompres Hangat Kayu Manis, Kompres Air Hangat, Nyeri, Arthritis GoutPain management with non-pharmacological techniques for patients with Gout arthritis can be done with several techniques, one of which is a warm compress. This study aims to determine the differences in the effectiveness of cinnamon warm compresses and warm water compresses on pain scale in patients with Gout arthritis in Gampong Seupeu Aceh Besar. This type of research is a comparative study with a two group pretest-posttest design. Data collection was carried out on 16 to 26 May 2022. The population in this study was 20 respondents consisting of 10 cinnamon warm compresses and 10 warm water compresses. Data collection using primary data. Analysis using Wilcoxone and Mann Whitney. The results showed that there was a decrease in pain intensity before and after the intervention in the cinnamon warm compress group (p = 0.004) and warm water compress (p = 0.004) and it was known that the cinnamon compress was more effective than the warm water compress with a p value of 0.012. It can be concluded that there is a decrease in pain before and after the intervention of cinnamon compresses and warm water, furthermore it is known that cinnamon warm compress therapy is more effective when compared to warm water compresses.Keywords: Cinnamon Warm Compress, Warm Water Compress, Pain, Gouty Arthritis