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Analysis of Teenage Students' Moral Through Physical Education Ismail, Ghulam Zaky; Ridwan, Mochamad; Ockta, Yovhandra
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Special Issue
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i1.5822


The challenges faced by young people today in shaping their morality from adolescence can be identified through Physical Education (PE) learning. PE plays a significant role in shaping the morals and character of adolescent students. It goes beyond focusing solely on knowledge and psychomotor skills, incorporating essential moral aspects. By promoting discipline, fostering collaboration, and instilling a sense of responsibility, PE helps in molding well-rounded individuals.The objective of this study was to identify the moral values of adolescent students through PE learning. A descriptive research method with a quantitative approach was employed. Data collection was carried out using a Likert scale questionnaire. The sample consisted of 64 junior high school students selected through random sampling techniques. This research utilized three indicators to describe the moral values of adolescent students: discipline, collaboration, and responsibility. The classification for determining good morals was based on standard categories of excellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor. The results showed that the moral values of adolescent students were as follows: 20% of students were classified as excellent, 78% as good, and 2% as fair, with no students falling into the poor or very poor categories. These findings indicate that PE learning significantly contributes to the moral development of adolescent students. Consequently, it can be concluded that PE learning is integral to shaping the morals of adolescent students, playing a crucial role in their overall development and character building. The positive impact observed underscores the importance of incorporating moral education within the PE curriculum to nurture disciplined, collaborative, and responsible individuals.
Improving Elementary Students' Learning Motivation and Physical Fitness Illahi, Randy Firman; Syamsuar, Syamsuar; Sin, Tjung Hauw; Welis, Wilda; Ockta, Yovhandra
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 2 (2024): Volume 9 Number 2 September 2024
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i2.5567


Pengembangan model pembelajaran berbasis permainan pada siswa sekolah dasar bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan kebugaran jasmani. Model ini membahas aspek-aspek utama termasuk keterampilan kognitif, emosional, dan psikomotorik, yang penting untuk pembelajaran yang efektif. Mengatasi kendala umum seperti kurangnya minat, monoton, dan keterbatasan guru dalam berbagai pendekatan pengajaran adalah inti dari upaya ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D), yang mencakup fase pra-pengembangan dan pengembangan. Pra-pengembangan meliputi identifikasi masalah, tinjauan literatur, studi lapangan, dan penyelidikan awal, sedangkan pengembangan meliputi penyusunan model, validasi ahli, pengujian produk, dan finalisasi. Subjek dari SDN 11 Koto Sungai Sarik, Pariaman bersama validator ahli berkontribusi dalam pengumpulan data melalui angket dan tes kebugaran jasmani, dianalisis secara deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Temuan menunjukkan efektivitas model berbasis permainan dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan kebugaran jasmani, terbukti dalam peningkatan pretest-posttest yang signifikan. Hal ini menggarisbawahi dampak positifnya terhadap pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, menawarkan solusi yang layak untuk tantangan pendidikan umum. Model ini muncul sebagai alat yang menjanjikan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan siswa dan kualitas pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani. Pendidik jasmani didorong untuk mengintegrasikan model ini untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran dan kesejahteraan siswa, sehingga meningkatkan pengalaman pendidikan secara keseluruhan.
Motivation And Physical Activity: Correlation Study on Extracurricular Sports of High School Students Oktadinata, Alek; Prabowo, Bangkit Yudo; Daya, Wawan Junresti; Diana, Fitri; Nugraha, Ugi; Melinda, Melinda; Ockta, Yovhandra
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Special Issue
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i1.5914


Problems arise when students feel less enthusiastic about extracurricular sports activities. This is an indication of the quality of physical activity. This research is a correlational research aimed at finding out whether there is a relationship between motivation and physical activity of students who take part in extracurricular sports at State High School 8 Merangin. This research method uses a quantitative descriptive method. The population in this study was class X extracurricular sports students at State High School 8 Merangin, totaling 118 students. Determining the sample in this study used a simple random sampling technique using the Slovin formula to obtain a sample of 33 students. Data collection used a motivation questionnaire and the international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ). Based on the results of the data, the overall relationship between motivation and physical activity has a correlation coefficient value of (0.391) in the strong category, the relationship between intrinsic motivation and physical activity has a correlation coefficient value of (0.407) in the strong category and the relationship between extrinsic motivation and physical activity has a correlation coefficient value of (0.135). in the weak category. The conclusion illustrates that there is a positive relationship between motivation and extracurricular sports activities of students at State High School 8 Merangin in the strong category.
AN OVERVIEW OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS Karisman, Vicki Ahmad; Kuswahyudi, Kuswahyudi; Setiakarnawijaya, Yasep; Taufik, Muhamad Syamsu; Kastrena, Ervan; Solihin, Amril Rahmat; Rahadian, Adi; Ockta, Yovhandra
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Special Issue
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i1.6073


The study purpose was Our reviews make some unique contributions. First, we identify authors whose publications can serve as benchmarks for the future of researchers, geographic coverage of "physical activity" issues AND "element school", and the most relevant journals cited papers. Materials and methods Research using bibliometric analysis methods on physical activities in elementary schools has never been conducted, especially in Accredited International journals. This study evaluated the pattern and development of physical activity in elementary schools in 2013-2021. Materials and methods. This study used bibliometric analysis and similarity visualization using the VOS- Viewer application for graphical conception of bibliographic very such as keywords and co-authoring. In addition, this study will also evaluate, author country organizations, developments in various countries, the most prolific authors, the most cited citations, and the level of author collaboration. Results. The results showed “physical activity" AND "element school" has grown significantly demonstrated a considerable increase in publications on "physical activity" AND "elementary school" over the previous nine years. Many publications in the globe with primary authors and research institutes participating are from the United States, which is the world leader in the study of physical activity in elementary schools. Conclusions: The Journal of School Health is a prestigious journal. According to a keyword analysis, studies on "physical activity" AND "element school" have concentrated on topics linked to physical exercise, kids, and elementary school over the past 20 years. Conclusions. The bibliometric analysis presented provides relevant information about the main themes studied about "physical activity" AND "elemental school". and technological advances in development.
Developing Engaging Audio-Visual Learning Media for Basic Locomotor Patterns through Play-Based Activities for Early Learners Arfi, Jeni; Wahyuri, Asep Sujana; Gusril, Gusril; Rasyid, Willadi; Ockta, Yovhandra
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Special Issue
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i1.5922


This research aims to develop interactive learning media for physical education, sports and health, based on audio-visual, basic pattern motion materials based on games in elementary schools in Phase A. Based on the researcher's observation, there has been no development of audio-visual learning media at the Phase A level on locomotor motion materials, so the researcher tries to present learning media that is adapted to the Independent curriculum as a solution students who still have shortcomings, such as students' understanding of basic movement materials that are not optimal.  This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE development model, which consists of 5 development steps, namely Analyze,  Design, Development, Implementation  and Evaluation. This research was assisted by 3 validators. The instrument used in this study is a validation sheet. The data analysis technique uses a scoring scale and a percentage range.From the research that has been carried out, it is found that the validity of the media developed has a percentage of 92.5% with a very feasible classification. Then for the student response, which is 97.92%, with that the audio-visual learning media in PE learning is a game-based basic locomotor movement pattern material at the phase A elementary school level.
Boosting Elementary Students' Mastery Of Passing Techniques: The Role Of Team Games Tournaments, Command Methods, And Learning Motivation Ramadaniaty, Riri; Arsil, Arsil; Irawan, Roma; Syamsuar, Syamsuar; Ockta, Yovhandra; Sabilah, Muhamad Ichsan; Rahman, Dally
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Special Issue
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i1.5992


The problem of this research is the low passing skills of futsal players of Elementary Schools 7 Pekanbaru. This study aims to find out: 1) The difference in the influence of the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning method and the command method on the improvement of the mastery of futsal passing techniques of Elementary Schools 7 Pekanbaru students, 2) The interaction between the TGT method and the command method is reviewed from the aspect of learning motivation on the improvement of the mastery of futsal passing techniques of Elementary Schools Negeri 7 Pekanbaru students, 3) The difference in the influence of the TGT learning method and the command method on mastery of futsal passing techniques of Elementary Schools 7 Pekanbaru students who have high learning motivation, 4) The difference in the influence of the TGT learning method and the command method on the mastery of futsal passing techniques of Elementary School 7 Pekanbaru students who have low learning motivation..This type of research is an experiment using a 2 x 2 factorial design. The population in this study is 38 students in grade V of Elementary Schools 7 Pekanbaru. The sample of this study amounted to 20 people who were taken using the purposive sampling technique, then ordinal pairing was carried out to divide the two groups. The instrument to measure learning motivation uses a questionnaire of the Likert skala, while passing uses the Vernon A Crew metode futsal passing test. The data analysis technique used is ANOVA two way.The results of the study were found: (1) There was a significant difference in the influence between the TGT method and the command method on the mastery of futsal passing for elementary school students. TGT method group is higher (good) compared to the command method learning group, 2) There is an interaction between the TGT learning method and the command learning method reviewed from the aspect of learning motivation (high and low) towards the improvement of futsal passing mastery of Elementary Schools 7 Pekanbaru students,with a value of F 5.333 and a significance value of p 0.035 < 0.05, 3) The difference in the influence of the TGT learning method and the command method on the mastery of futsal passing techniques of Elementary Schools 7 Pekanbaru students who have high learning motivation, 4) There is a difference in the influence of the TGT learning method and the command method on the mastery of futsal passing techniques of Elementary Schools 7 Pekanbaru students who have low learning motivation. Students who had high learning motivation were higher (good) compared to children who had low learning motivation, with an average posttest difference of 0.60
The Relationship between Environment and Physical Fitness on Physical Education Learning Outcomes and Al-Quran Tahfidz Ability of Middle School Students Andica, Ultrio Lipu; Welis, Wilda; Syahrastani, Syahrastani; Chaeroni, Ahmad; Ockta, Yovhandra
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Special Issue
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i1.5907


The problem in this research is the low ability of learning outcomes (physical education learning outcomes and the ability to recite the Koran) as well as the low fitness of students. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between learning environmental factors and physical fitness on physical education learning outcomes and the ability to tahfidz Al-Quran students at Junior High School ICBS Payakumbuh, Harau Putra. The type of research is simple regression correlation with a population of 155 students at Junior High School ICBS Payakumbuh, Harau Putra. The sample in this research was 30 people, the technique used in sampling was the Stratified Proportional Random Sampling technique by taking 20% samples at each class level. The research instrument used used were questionnaire statement sheets, Indonesian student fitness tests (TKSI), and physical education learning outcomes and Al-Quran tahfidz. Data analysis techniques were carried out using normality tests and homogeneity tests with the help of SPSS 22 software. Hypothesis test results used product moment correlation tests with manual calculations at a 95% confidence level α = 0.05. The results of research data analysis show that: (1) There is a correlation between learning environmental factors and students' physical education learning outcomes of 79.8% (2) There is a correlation between learning environmental factors with students' Al-Quran tahfidz ability of 33.1% (3) There is The relationship between physical fitness and students' physical education learning outcomes is 87.8% (4) There is a relationship between physical fitness factors and the ability to recite the Al-Quran by 23% (5) There is a relationship between learning environment factors and physical fitness on physical education learning outcomes amounting to 91.7% (6) There is a relationship between learning environmental factors and physical fitness on the ability to tahfidz Al-Quran amounting to 35.5%.
Analyzing the Reliability of Thesis Assessment Instruments: Generalizability Theory Handayani, Reli; Ernanda, Ernanda; Rahariyoso, Dwi; Falani, Ilham; Oktadinata, Alek; Daya, Wawan Junresti; Ockta, Yovhandra
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Special Issue
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i1.5715


This study aims to analyze the reliability of the thesis assessment instrument using Generalizability Theory (G-Theory).  This research is a quantitative study that applies G-Theory. G-Theory is unique and useful in evaluating the sources of actual variance and error in any measurement design. Thus, G-Theory contributes to improving reliability and validity in assessment. In this study, data were collected using a thesis assessment instrument that had been tested on thesis assessments conducted at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Jambi.  G-Theory analysis in this study includes several main points, namely G-Study, Optimization (D-Study), and G-facets analysis. The results of the analysis show that the assessment instrument has a fairly high level of reliability with a G coefficient of 0.78. This indicates that the instrument can be used effectively in the thesis assessment. In addition, based on the results of the analysis carried out, recommendations were obtained to reassess item number two, increase the number of raters to six people to increase the reliability of the instrument to 0.80 to meet the satisfactory category. The resulting recommendations can be used by developers to improve the reliability of instruments in future assessment activities. This research is also expected to be a reference for future researchers in applying G-Theory in analyzing the reliability of measurement instruments.
Developing Of Cognitive Assessment Instrumens Of High Order Thinking Skills In Small Ball Game Material Hadinata, Reza; Adrizal, Mohd.; Daya, Wawan Junresti; Mardian, Roli; Ilham, Muhammad; Ockta, Yovhandra
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Special Issue
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i1.5827


The Instrument of Higher Level Thinking Skills in Small Ball Games is an assessment instrument in sports subjects, especially in the sports of tennis, table tennis and badminton. This instrument is used to measure students' Higher Level Thinking abilities. This study aimed to: (1) produce a test instrumen that is feasible and meets the requirements for use in measuring the Higher Order Thinking Skills of students majoring in Sports Education, and (2) find out the characteristics of the instrumen of Higher Order Thinking Skills on Small Ball Game material of students majoring in Sports Education.This study used a modification development model from Wilson, Orindo, and Antonio, consisting of three stage: (1) designing the tests, (2) conducting test trials, and (3) taking test measurements. The population in this study was 308 students. The sampling technique was carried out using a total sampling technique. The trial subjects in this study consisted of 152 students, while measurement subject consisted of 156 students. Test instrument products were assessed by experts through a content validation sheet, where there are 2 experts, namely measurement experts (test construction experts) and sports education experts (material experts). Analysis was carried out using Item Response Theory with the help of the QUEST program. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the test instrumen is feasible and meets the requirements for use in measurements. The conclusions in this research are a) The test instrument has been proven to be valid by experts; b) The test instrument has questions that are in the good category based on the results of the unidimensional test analysis; c) The test instrument is in the high category based on the information function.
The Impact of Political Literacy Education and Learning on the Political Participation of First-Time Voters Ahead of the 2024 Election in Kerinci Regency Revalina, Atiqah; Suryanef, Suryanef; Rafni, Al; Putra, Eka Vidya; Ockta, Yovhandra
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): Special Issue
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jetl.v9i1.5925


In a democratic country, political literacy is a very important aspect in elections because the higher the political literacy of its citizens, the higher the quality of democracy implementation in the country. Political literacy will create a politically literate society, if there is a lack of political literacy, it will have an impact on the quality of participation. This study aims to find out the level of political literacy of novice voters, find out the level of political participation of novice voters and find out the quality of the correlation between the political literacy of novice voters and their political participation ahead of the 2024 general election. This research is located in Air Hangat Barat District, Kerinci Regency. This study uses a descriptive-correlational method. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire. The sampling technique used is probability sampling, which is simple random sampling. Data analysis was carried out by Pearson correlation test analysis, which was first carried out as a prerequisite for analysis, there was a significant positive relationship between the political literacy of novice voters and political participation ahead of the 2024 election, showing a significance value of p < 0.05. The value of the product moment correlation between x and y is only at 0.409 from the interval of 0.40-0.599, so it is concluded that it is "quite strong" even though it is not at a very high level, because not only political literacy affects novice voters to participate but many other factors can influence novice voters to participate in activities ahead of the general election.