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The Behaviour of Health Faculty Students Responding to Hoaxes Related Covid-19 on Social Media Haikal, Haikal; Pramitasari, Ratih; Yanuar, Alvin Maulana Firza; Rahma, Nis Syifa’ur
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol 15, No 2 (2021): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v15i2.3992


Background: Hoax is still a problem in the era of information disclosure and technological advances currently. News or information containing hoax related to Covid-19 affects the handling effort of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research aimed to describe the behavior of health faculty students in responding to the hoaxes associated with Covid-19 on social media. Method: This research was a descriptive study. The sampling technique used was random sampling. The samples were 384 students who were required to complete the questionnaire. The statistical test used was descriptive statistical analysis. Results: The results obtained in this study were that respondents considered Facebook as the most widely used social media for spreading hoaxes (68%). Respondents thought that cross-checking the accuracy and validity of information is a step that should be performed when receiving hoax news (85%). Respondents stated that they dug up information through official government websites regarding the handling of Covid-19 to check the statement's truth (65%). Some respondents did not cross-check the news or information related to Covid-19 due to the assumption that someone else had done it. Conclusion: Most respondents have cross-checked news or information about Covid-19. Extracting information through official government websites on handling Covid-19 has also been taken to check the accuracy and validity of the statement.
VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 10, No 1 (2011): Visikes
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/visikes.v10i1.1682


Implementation of inappropriate ergonomics in worker can cause health problems. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) is one of the health problems that often occur due to improper application of ergonomics. Every step in this beverage factory mostly has the potential for ergonomic risk. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional study design. The total sample size of 309 has been systematic randomly selected from each department with proportional to size of the population. Data collection tools using BRIEFTM Survey and analyze the data with STATA. BRIEFTM figured the risk associated with posture, force, duration and incidence frequency of nine areas of the body. The results showed the prevalence of ergonomic risk occurring on the left and right sides of the elbows (73.14%). The prevalence of middle ergonomic risk on the left side and wrist is 55.99% and right side 55.02% then the left side of the shoulder is 77.02% and the right side 63.11% after being behind is 55.02%. Suggestions for the company should perform particular program about the proper ergonomic position and working order in each department at the beverage factory.
Analisis Deskriptif Masalah Kesehatan Pada Nelayan di Desa Kemojan, Karimun Jawa, Jepara Ratih Pramitasari; Haikal Haikal; Yoni Setyo Nugroho Bayu
VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 21, No 1 (2022): VISIKES
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/visikes.v21i1Supp.5813


Background: Indonesian population 58.22% work in the informal sector where on average 33% work as farmers and fishermen. This underlies the importance of paying attention to the informal sector in terms of occupational health. Karimun Jawa region at least 60% of the population work as fishermen and traditional divers.Method: This type of descriptive research with the aim to describe the condition of the description of health problems experienced by fishermen in Kemojan village with a sample of 21 fishermen with research instruments in the form of questionnaires, HB quick check, tensimeter, and urine color sample tests.Results: Respondent's blood pressure showed a systolic pressure that was more than normal or more than 121mmHg of 81% of the total 21 respondents and 47.6% had a diastole level that was more than normal, with 32% of respondents having higher levels of hemoglobin abnormal and 61.9% experiencing moderate dehydration.Conclusion: Respondent's blood pressure showed a tendency to experience hypertension, and lack of consumption of mineral water. Divers of fisherman respondents are advised to be able to control salt consumption to reduce the potential risk of hypertension and increase consumption of mineral water so that respondents avoid interference with the excretion channels in the body.
Faktor Resiko Ergonomi dengan Quick Exposure Check pada Pekerja Batik Tulis Berkah Lestari, Bantul, Yogyakarta Ratih Pramitasari; Eko Hartini
VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 17, No 02 (2018): September
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/visikes.v17i02.2127


Based on Indonesian Statistic Center, in 2012 total of textile industry (including batik) was 4,553 businesses. The process of making traditional batik is still through a manual process which are draw the pattern in fabric, cover the pattern using hot candle, coloring the fabric and removing the candle from fabric. The work attitude of batik workers is to sit in a small chairs without backrest and do batik activities for proximately 6 hours/day. This research is a quantitative study using a cross sectional research design. The method used is observation to observe the work posture of workers when doing work and using the QEC (Quick Exposure Check) quetionnaire to assess work attitudes. The study population was batik workers in Bantul, Yogyakarta with a sampling technique using simple random sampling totaling 50 workers. Based on the assessment of the level of exposure to ergonomic risk using Quick Exposure Check, work attitudes in batik workers have a very high score on the neck with a percentage of 8%. Followed by 34% and 44% with high and medium exposure levels. The working attitude on the back of the batik is also considered to have a high exposure level with a percentage of 4% and a moderate exposure rate of 68%. The work position of batik workers in around their wrist, has a moderate score with a percentage of 74%. Unlike other body parts, the work attitude of the batik does not overload the batik shoulder which has a low score of 62%. Workers who complained of difficulties in doing work were also quite high with a percentage of 66%, relatively low scores on driving work attitudes, exposure to vibration and work stress. Based on these data, it is known that the most risky work attitudes to workers in batik are on the both upper neck and bottom neck. From the results of this study can be made interventions to reduce the risk of exposure to work attitudes on the neck of batik workers, Bantul, Yogyakarta.
VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 16, No 1 (2017): VisiKes
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (896.043 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/visikes.v16i1.1891


Implementation of inappropriate ergonomics in worker can cause health problems. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) is one of the health problems that often occur due to improper application of ergonomics. Every step in this beverage factory mostly has the potential for ergonomic risk. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional study design. Thetotal sample size of 309 has been systematic randomly selected from each department with proportional to size of the population. Data collection tools using BRIEFTM Survey and analyze the data with STATA. BRIEFTM igured the risk associated with posture, force, duration and incidence frequency of nine areas of the body. The results showed the prevalence of ergonomic risk occurring on the left and right sides of the elbows (73.14%). The prevalence of middleergonomic risk on the left side and wrist is 55.99% and right side 55.02% then the left side of the shoulder is 77.02% and the right side 63.11% after being behind is 55.02%. Suggestions for the company should perform particular program about the proper ergonomic position and working order in each department at the beverage factory.
Persepsi Mahasiswa FKES UDINUS terkait Hoax Covid-19 Haikal Haikal; Ratih Pramitasari; Jaka Prasetya; Agus Perry Kusuma
VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 20, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/visikes.v20i2.4626


Hoax news or information relating to Covid-19 affects the obstruction of efforts to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a descriptive study because it provides an overview or description of students' perceptions in news related to the covid-19 hoax. The results that obtained information from this study were 208 respondents or 54% of the total respondents considered hoaxes as information with no known truth, 168 respondents or 44% revealed that hoaxes related to Covid-19 were most often found or said to be hoaxes as a global elite conspiracy, 223 respondents or 58% of the total respondents received hoaxes related to Covid-19 through writing and pictures, 162 respondents or 42% of the total respondents considered that steps that could be taken to overcome the spread of hoaxes related to Covid-19 were cross-checking or clarifying first , 317 respondents or 83% thought that each party was responsible for overcoming the spread of hoaxes related to Covid-19 and 150 respondents or 39% of the total analysis that information on social media had a negative influence. The conclusion in this study is that health hoaxes can not only cause disputes like political hoaxes, but can also cause the loss of a person's life. Digital literacy skills will be able to provide hoax. Critical and analytical thinking is also an asset to prevent the spread of covid-19 related to hoaxes 
Analysis of Factors Related to Compliance With The Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on Construction Workers at PT. Jaya Kusuma Sarana (PT. JKS) Desy Ayu Arifin; Ratih Pramitasari; Kristin Ishak Kurnia Dwi; Anyelir Khailla Eurissetaqtha
VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 20, No 2 (2022): VISIKES (SUPLEMEN)
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/visikes.v20i2Supp.5910


1)Background: Human resources are one part of the company. Therefore a sound management system is needed. A work accident can be from one of the human factors, namely, not obeying PPE. Therefore, current occupational health and safety issues are not only an obligation that must be paid attention to by workers but also must be fulfilled by the work system because this is a demand that every worker must meet. 2) Objective: This study aims to analyze the factors related to compliance with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in construction project workers at PT. JKS 2021. 3) Method: This research was conducted using an analytical observational method with a cross-sectional design of construction workers to construct GBI NDC by PT. JKS. The number of samples in this study was 96 construction workers at PT. JKS. The data is processed using the Spearman rank test. 4) Result: The results showed the behavior of the use of PPE workers at PT. JKS in the construction was good (60 workers) with a percentage of 62.5%. There was a relationship between knowledge and supervision with compliance with the use of PPE on construction project workers of GBI NDC construction by PT. JKS with each value (P-value 0.008) and (P-value 0.020) while there is no relationship between attitude and motivation with compliance with the use of PPE with each value (P-value 0.880) and (P-value 0.628). 5) Conclusion: There was a relationship between knowledge and supervision with the use of PPE on construction workers at PT. JKS.
VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 19, No 01 (2020)
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (383.598 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/visikes.v19i01.3782


Latar belakang: Perkiraan jumlah kejadian hipertensi di Indonesia adalah 63.309.620 penduduk, dan angka kematian di Indonesia yang disebabkan oleh hipertensi sebanyak 427.218 kejadian. Data 20 besar penyakit dari kunjungan rawat jalan selama tahun 2019 di puskesmas Karimun Jawa, hipertensi menduduki urutan ketiga dengan jumlah 409 Pasien.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganilisis kejadian Hipertensi pada Nelayan di Desa Kemojan, Karimun Jawa, Jepara.Metode: Jenis penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan jumlah sampel 21 nelayan yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Kemojan dengan instrument penelitian berupa tensimeter-digital yang sudah dikalibrasi dan kuesioner untuk mengetahui karakteristik responden. Pengolahan data menggunakan program SPSS dengan uji statistic yang dilakukan adalah uji normalitas data dan analisis univariate dan bivariate dengan uji fisher exact test.Hasil: Tekanan darah responden menunjukkan hasil tekanan sistole yang lebih dari normal atau lebih dari 121mmHg sebesar 81% dari total 21 responden dan 47,6% mengalami level diastole yang lebih dari keadaan normal. Kasus hipertensi pada nelayan di desa kemojan mencapai 17 dari 21 nelayan dengan prosentase 81% nelayan mengalami hipertensi.Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar Nelayan di desa kemojan mengalami hipertensi dengan prosentase 81% . Responden nelayan penyelam disarankan untuk bisa mengontrol konsumsi garam untuk mengurangi potensi resiko hipertensi dan memperbanyak konsumsi air mineral agar responden terhindar dari gangguan saluran ekskresi pada tubuh.Kata kunci: nelayan, karimun jawa, hipertensi
The Behaviour of Health Faculty Students Responding to Hoaxes Related Covid-19 on Social Media Haikal Haikal; Ratih Pramitasari; Alvin Maulana Firza Yanuar; Nis Syifa’ur Rahma
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v15i2.3992


Background: Hoax is still a problem in the era of information disclosure and technological advances currently. News or information containing hoax related to Covid-19 affects the handling effort of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research aimed to describe the behavior of health faculty students in responding to the hoaxes associated with Covid-19 on social media. Method: This research was a descriptive study. The sampling technique used was random sampling. The samples were 384 students who were required to complete the questionnaire. The statistical test used was descriptive statistical analysis. Results: The results obtained in this study were that respondents considered Facebook as the most widely used social media for spreading hoaxes (68%). Respondents thought that cross-checking the accuracy and validity of information is a step that should be performed when receiving hoax news (85%). Respondents stated that they dug up information through official government websites regarding the handling of Covid-19 to check the statement's truth (65%). Some respondents did not cross-check the news or information related to Covid-19 due to the assumption that someone else had done it. Conclusion: Most respondents have cross-checked news or information about Covid-19. Extracting information through official government websites on handling Covid-19 has also been taken to check the accuracy and validity of the statement.
Job Safety Analysis and Hazard Identification of Welding Process in Semarang - JSA Method AS/NZS 4360:2004 Ratih Pramitasari; Haikal Haikal; MG Catur Yuantari; Kristin Ishak Kurnia Dwi; Chalobon Treesak
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v16i1.4613


Background: The welding workshop in Semarang City is spread over several areas in Semarang City. There are several types of work in welding workshops, namely, cutting raw materials, assembling, welding, grinding, sanding, and painting. This study aimed to analyze occupational safety and health risks in the informal welding workshop using the JSA (Job Safety Analysis) AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Management method. Method: This research was conducted using semi-quantitative method with descriptive analysis. A cross-sectional research design was used because data (observations, interviews, filling in risk analysis tables, work accidents, occupational diseases, and controls) were collected at a particular time. The study was conducted in Semarang, Central Java, and the population was all informal welding workshops. Result: This study showed that there are 8 types of welding tasks, 21 potential hazards, and 24 health consequences in a welding process. The total score calculated by multiplying "chance" by "severity" shows that 11 health consequences were acceptable risk while 13 others were high risk. Conclusion: The highest score of occupational health hazards was electric shock due to chipped cable, electric shock due to a chipped short circuit, and wet/rain/cloudy work area. Welders are recommended to follow the proper instruction in the welding process, and each workshop must provide a first aid box for its workers.
Co-Authors Adelia Puspitasari Agil Fahrudi Hibatulla Agnes Oktavi Maharani Agus Perry Kusuma Aji Kusumah Ramdhani Alif Maulana Iqbal Alvin Maulana Firza Yanuar Anyelir Khailla Eurissetaqtha Anyelir Khailla Eurissetaqtha Aprillia Putri Wulandari Bayu Yoni Setyo Nugroho Berlian Totti Viala Chalobon Treesak Desy Ayu Arifin Deyani Deyani Dian Indriana Hapsari Dina Saputri Hindiyastutik Eko Hartini Emik Rahayu Enny Rachmani Erika Devi Udayanti Haikal - - Haikal . Haikal Haikal Haikal Haikal Haikal Haikal Haikal Haikal Haikal Haikal Ibnu Utomo Wahyu Mulyono Ika Pantiawati Ika Pantiawati Imang Dapit Pamungkas Izza Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi Izzatul Alifah Sifai Jaka Prasetya Joseph Aldo Irawan Kania Salma Nur Prastiwi Kristin Ishak Kurnia Dwi Kristin Ishak Kurnia Dwi Lenci Aryani Lidya Citra Nirmala Magumi Avrora Iftita Maria Goretti Catur Yuantari Maria Maya Purnamasari MG Catur Yuantari Muhammad Gymnastiar Aziz Mutiara Dwi Rahayuni Mutiara Dwi Rahayuni Nanda Zahrotul Maulidah Naning Pipit Ernawati Neva Marsela Nis Syifa’ur Rahma Nor Amalia Muthoharoh Nur Rizki Darmawan Nurjanah Nurjanah Nurjanah Nurjanah Nurrisa Ananda Pulung Nurtantio Andono Putri Regita Pramesti Rachmansyah Adityo Nugroho Rahma, Nis Syifa’ur Rani Hardiningtyas Sari Ayu Wulandari Soflina Nur Cholifah Supriyono Asfawi Susilo Susilo Sutikno Madnasri Syahiful Yudhi Nugroho Vira Aditya Putri Wahyuni Ainuly Umayah Widyatmoko Karis Wongsa Laohasiriwong Wongsa Laohasiriwong Yanuar, Alvin Maulana Firza Yoni Setyo Nugroho Bayu Yoni Setyo Nugroho Bayu