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Journal of Medicine and Health
ISSN : 24425227     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health, Science,
Journal of Medicine and Health (JMH) is an open access journal (OAJ), a periodic scientific publication biannually online published on February and August; using review and screening system by peer group reviewer. JMH receives original research articles which related to medicine, health, new developing therapy from traditional medicine or herbs and developing clinical therapy. JMH also receives otiginal review articles, case report, continuing medicine and health study. Articles should be written in good English or Indonesian language.
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Articles 264 Documents
Expression of Ki-67 has Correlation with the Degree and Size of Endometriosis Cysts Anwar, Ruswana; Alif, Muhammad; Pribadi, Adhi
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological problem. Cells resulted in chronic inflammation and progressive, proliferative, invasive and even infiltrating an area that resembles the character of the malignancy. Ki-67 is an antigen on the cell nucleus that is found only in actively dividing cells. Expression of Ki-67 are associated with an aggressive tumor and metastasis. This study aims to determine the level of Ki-67 expression correlation with stage and size of the endometriosis cyst. Methods research is observational analytic cross cut method on 56 paraffin blocks of patients who have been diagnosed with endometriosis and had performed a laparotomy or laparoscopic surgery in Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital. The results showed a significant relationship between the level of expression of Ki-67 with endometriosis cyst size (p <0.001) with a fairly strong relationship (0.55) according to statistics based on criteria Guilford. Moreover the results also showed a significant relationship between the level of expression of Ki-67 with endometriosis stage (p <0.001) with a fairly close relationship (0.564) according to statistics based on criteria Guilford. It can be concluded that the expression of Ki-67 associated with cyst size and stage of endometriosis. Keywords: Ki-67, endometriosis stage, endometriosis cyst
Effect of Lycopene on Peritoneal Fluid Malondialdehyde Level in Endometriosis Astarto, Nanang W.; Djuwantono, Tono; Yelliantty, .
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Oxidative stress is a factor that contribute in pathogenesis of endometriosis. This condition could also implicated in infertility. Lycopene is a carotenoid that has antioxidant activity. Supplementation of lycopene can reduce oxidative stress in peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis. This study aims to compare the effect of lycopene on malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis. It is an experimental study on peritoneal fluid from five women with endometriosis. The result show that lycopene supplementation affecting the MDA levels in peritoneal fluid. MDA levels in peritoneal fluid with lycopene is lower than without lycopene. It conclude that lycopene is proved lowering MDA levels in peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis. Keywords: endometriosis lycopene, malondialdehyde
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Various factors contribute to the routine hematology values in a healthy-looking person. Variability in analysis methods can also influence the results. However, all of the factors above can be standardized. Those variables have to be considered in determining hematology reference values. The aim of this research is to compare routine hematology results based on local RSHS Clinical Pathology laboratory with Sysmex KX-21 reference values in Medical Check Up (MCU) patients. Another aim is to determine own reference values of RSHS Clinical Pathology Laboratory. The subject of research is MCU patients who came to RSHS Clinical Pathology laboratory, Bandung, for medical check-ups and declared healthy by the internist, and meet the inclusion criteria. The method used is diagnostic test research with cross-sectional descriptive design. The result shows that routine hematology values range that is not too different from reference value range used for KX-21 in Japanese population. Nevertheless, the value range acquired in this research is closer to reference values in Wintrobe reference book. In conclusion, this research shows that routine hematology results of normal population in RSHS are closer to Wintrobe reference values compared to Sysmex KX-21 reference value in Japanese population.  Keywords : reference value range, MCU, Wintrobe, Sysmex KX-21
POTENCY OF VINEGAR THERAPY IN OTOMYCOSIS PATIENTS Sulaiman, Eman; Purwanto, Bambang; Lasminingrum, Lina; Dewi, Yussy Afriani; Mahdiani, Sally
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Otomycosis is an outer ear canal infection caused by fungi. Clinicians are trying to find out the most effective antifungal drug for treating otomycosis. Traditionally Apple cider vinegar has been used for the treatment of various diseases, including antifungal.The high cost in otomycosis treatment effort, long duration of treatment, high recurrence rate, and the difficulty in the application of drugs in the otomycosis treatment have encouraged the researcher to do this study. Having evaluated  the improvement of clinical symptoms, otoscopy view and examination of KOH 10% in patients receiving apple cider vinegar therap, this study uses descriptive study design of four otomycosis patients in the ORL HNS outpatient clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung from July to August 2014. Having evaluated a clinical symptoms improvement, it is found out that there is an increase of otoscopy view and examination of KOH 10% in patients receiving apple cider vinegar. In other words, there is an Improvement of clinical symptoms, otoscopy view, and examination of KOH 10% in patients receiving apple cider vinegar therapy. Topical apple cider vinegar therapy gives a good result in the improvement of clinical symptom,otoscopy view, and examination of KOH 10% in otomycosis  patients. Keywords: otomikosis, sign and symptoms improvement, apple cider vinegar.
Cytotoxic Activity of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) Oil and Its Effect On Cyclooxygenase-2 Gene Expression in Raji Cells Tih, Fen
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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The number of cancer patient is increasing, while a really effective therapy has not yet been discovered. One concept of carcinogenesis is the relation between chronic inflammation and cancer. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) has a carcinogenic effect in inflamed and malignant tissues. Red Fruit contains carotenoid that can suppress COX-2 gene expression and tocopherol, which is a potent inhibitor of  COX-2.  The purpose of this study is to determine cytotoxic activity of Red Fruit oil and its effect on COX-2 gene expression. The experiment used 5 dosages of Red Fruit, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 µg/mL, exposed to Raji cells. However, unexposed Raji cells were used as control. Cytotoxic activities were evaluated by MTT Assay, while Lethal Concentration50 (LC50) was determined through regression-correlation analysis. Red Fruit oil effect on COX-2 gene expression was evaluated by Reversed Transcriptase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) method and electrophoresis. Electrophoresis bands were analyzed by Scion Image for Windows. Optical Integrated Density (OID) of unexposed and exposed groups were statistically analyzed with one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by Duncan test with α=0.05. The results showed that Red Fruit had a cytotoxic activity on Raji cells with LC50 of331.42 µg/mL. Red Fruit suppressed COX-2 gene expression with an effective dosage obtained at 500 µg/mL.          Keywords: red fruit, cytotoxicity, cox-2 gene expression, raji cells
Progressive Neurological Deficit in Adult Idiopathic Syringomyelia (IS): Case Report and Literature Review Yudoyono, Farid; Widhiatmo, Anugrah O.; Wirjomartani, Beny A.
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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A syringomyelia is a clinical entity of any tubular fluid-filled cavity within the spinalcord that causes slowly but relentlessly progressive symptoms as well as expansion of thecavity, which is most commonly associated with Chiari malformation Type I, which due toadvancement of imaging techniques has resulted in more incidental idiopathic syringes that arenot associated with tumor, trauma, or postinfectious causes. Idiopathic syringomyelia (IS) is apathological entity in which no overt etiology is evident for a syrinx. In this study, we describe acase in a 45 year-old woman presented with progressive difficulties in walking and also hadmyelopathic signs evidenced by hyperreflexia in the lower extremities and underwent foramenmagnum decompression and C1 lamiectomy. Idiopathic syringomyelia is a pathological entityin which no overt etiology is evident for a syrinx. It can be managed succesfully byconservative treatment but if there is a progression of neurological deficit, surgicaldecompression is a mandatory.Keywords: idiopathic syringomyelia, neurological deficit
Peer Reviewers of JMH Volume 1 Number 3 February 2016 Editorial Team, Editorial
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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We would like to thank our peer reviewers for the precious contributions in providing clinical,scientific, and methodological expertise for JMH Volume 1 Number 3. We appreciate everythoughtful review of submitted manuscripts and for making important contributions to improve thescientific quality of articles published in JMH. We listed the names in alphabetical order.Dr.dr.Agung Budi,Sp.BSdr. Amaylia Oehadian,Sp.PD-KHOMProf. Dr. Ambrosius Purba, dr.,MS.,AIFOdr.Cherry Azaria, M.Kesdr.Decky Gunawan,M.Kesdr. Djaja Rusmana, M.Si.dr Dono Pranoto, SpB., M.Kesdr. Frecillia Regina,Sp.A.,IBCLCDr. dr. Hana Ratnawati, M.Kes., PA(K)Ingrid S. Surono, PhDProf.dr. Jeanne A. Pawitan, MS, PhDdr. Justin Ginting, Sp.Raddr. Laella Kinghua Liana,Sp.PA,M.Kesdrg. Linda Sari Sembiring, Sp.KGADr. dr. Meilinah Hidayat, M.KesProf. Dr. dr. M. Nurhalim Shahibdrg. Ruslin,Sp.BM.,M.KesProf. Dr. dr. Susy Tjahjani, M.KesProf. dr. Wahyuni Lukita Atmadja, PhD.dr. Yenni Limyati, Sp.KFR.,M.Kes
Prevalence and Characteristics of Liver Cancer Patients in Immanuel Hospital Bandung within January 2013 until December 2014 Period Permadi, Achmad R.; Ratnawati, Hana; Wargasetia, Teresa L.
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Liver cancer is the fifth most common cancer in Indonesia. This research is to find out the prevalence and characteristics of liver cancer patients in Immanuel Hospital Bandung within the January 2013 until December 2014 period based on age, gender, clinical symptoms and predilections. This study was a descriptive verificative research with data retrieval of patients medical records that have been diagnosed with liver cancer that were hospitalized in Immanuel Hospital Bandung within January 2013 until December 2014 period. The study showed that the liver cancer patient prevalence in Immanuel Hospital Bandung within the period of January 2013 until December 2014 was 46 people. Characteristics of liver cancer patients in Immanuel Hospital Bandung within January 2013 until December 2014 period showed that the most liver cancer patients were male, compare with female with ratio 4:1, the most common age group of 56-65 years old, the most common clinical symptoms were abdominal pain with or without reffered pain to the right scapular bone and the most common predilection was right lobe of the liver. Key words: liver cancer, patients characteristics, prevalence 
Peer Reviewers of JMH Volume 1 Number 4 August 2016 Team, Editorial
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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We would like to thank our peer reviewers for the precious contributions in providing clinical, scientific, and methodological expertise for JMH Volume 1 Number 4. We appreciate every thoughtful review of submitted manuscripts and for making important contributions to improve the scientific quality of articles published in JMH. We listed the names in alphabetical order. Dr.Achadiyani,dr.,M.KesProf. Andreanus A. Soemardji, DEAdr.Andri Rezano,M.Kes,PhDdr. Cindra Paskaria,MKMdr.Cherry Azaria, M.KesDr. dr Diana Krisanti Jasaputra, M.KesDr. Irda Fidriannydr.Jonathan,Sp.Raddr. Limdawati,Sp.PDdr. Lusiana Darsono, M.Kes.Dr. dr. Oeij Anindita Adhika, M.Kes., PA(K)Prof.Dr. Ridad Agoes,MPHdr.Sunny Wangko,M.Si,PA(K)dr. Sylvia Soeng, M.Kes., PA(K)Dr. Wahyu Widowati, M.Si.Prof. dr. Wahyuni Lukita Atmadja, PhD  
Effect of Mefenamic Acid to Acupuncture Therapy on Carrageenan-Induced Inflammatory Pain in the Hind Limb of Rat Mercya, Yovita; Soemardji, Andreanus A; Fanty, Felesia
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 5 (2017)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and acupuncture are treatments forinflammatory pain. The purpose of this study is to see the effectiveness of mefenamic acid, adrug from the class of NSAIDs compared with acupuncture therapy in 24 male Wistar rats thathave received intraplantar induced of carrageenan. The experimental animals are divided intosix groups: pain control group, mefenamic acid group, before-induction acupuncture group,after-induction acupuncture group, before-induction mefenamic acid-acupuncture combinationgroup, and after-induction mefenamic acid-acupuncture combination. Inflammation and painassessment with inflammation volume and pain threshold parameters tenderness is done every60 minutes during 6 hours after induction of carrageenan. The results of animal studies showthat the combination of mefenamic acid - acupuncture before induction (inflammation inhibitionvalue of 40.24%; pain inhibition value 8.95%) shows a significantly smaller value (p <0.05) inreducing inflammation and increasing the pain threshold compared to single mefenamic acidgroup (inflammation inhibition value 58.53%; the pain inhibition value 29.09%) and singleacupuncture therapy before induction (inflammation inhibition value 78.04%; the paininhibition value 23.07%). It happens because mefenamic acid inhibits the action of acupunctureas an analgesic. This study concludes that the administration of mefenamic acid degrades theeffectiveness of acupuncture therapy in addressing inflammatory pain.Keywords: acupuncture, mefenamic acid, carragenaan, analgesic, antiinflammation

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