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Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
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A Study of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Senior High School Students Through Alberta Inquiry Learning Model at Siak Watershed Area, Riau Province Kartini, Kartini; Yuanita, Putri; Siregar, Syarifah Nur
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The research is aimed at examining mathematical creative thinking ability of senior high school students using Alberta inquiry learning model and conventional learning method in Siak watershed, and disseminating Alberta inquiry learning model. This quasi-experimental research used nonequivalent control group design. The research population was senior high school students in Siak watershed, Riau Province. Forty-six students of grade X were chosen as the samples. The data were analyzed using t-test. The research results showed that students’ mathematical creative thinking ability was better increased through the use of Alberta inquiry learning model compared to conventional learning methods.
Indonesian Language Politeness of Elementary Students at SDN 06 Kota Bengkulu Daimun, Daimun; Novia, Novia
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The purpose of this research was to describe Indonesian language politeness among the students, andbetween the students to their teachers at SDN 06 Kota Bengkulu. The subject of this research was thestudents at five grade. The scope of this research was the use of verbal and nonverbal politeness by thestudents and the teacher of SDN 06 Bengkulu: students with students, and students with teachers. Thistype of this research was qualitative descriptive. Data collected by observation, field notes, interviewtechniques and recording technique. Steps of data analysis conducted in stages, data reduction, datadisplay and data verification. The results of this research on linguistic politeness Indonesia students in theSDN 06 Kota Bengkulu, their are (1) for politeness the students data found conversional politenessstudents more than the data conversation violation of politeness, 21 data conversations containng maximsof politeness and 5 data conversation violation maxim of politeness, (2) for politeness between studentsand teachers found 7 data containing politeness conversation, and was not found students who violate themaxim of politeness and not found students against teachers. All data conversation concluded with a lookat the context of the speech that underline the conversation. The conclusion of this research was thepoliteness among the students and the students to their teacher reveal politeness. For nonverbal language,in students speaking use between body language and verbal language.
The Implementation of Direct Learning by Using Handout toward Students Achievement in Biology Subject at Class VII-1 of Junior High School Rokan IV Koto in Academic Year 2014/2015 Syafitri, Listia
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The purpose of this research is to find out the students’ achievement in Biology subject at class VII-1 of Junior High School Rokan IV Koto, RokanHulu Regency in academic year of 2014/2015 through the implementation of direct learning by using handout which was conducted in January to July 2015. The design of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of the research are 24 students including 9 males and 15 females. This research has 2 cycles including 6 meetings at cycle I and 4 meetings at cycle II. Parameter measured is the students’ learning achievement in comprehension and mastery which are obtained through quiz in each meeting and block exams in each cycle. Data is analyzed descriptively. The analysis from the implementation of direct learning shows students’ comprehension increased by 19,77% before CAR (63,38%), after CAR of cycle I (83,15%), and increased by 4,49% after cycle II (87,64%). Students’ mastery before CAR (50%) increased to 83,33% after Cycle I and at cycle II, it increased by 12,5% to be 95,83%. KI score before CAR was 91,66% increasing by 8,34% after cycle I of CAR (100%) and after cycle II (100%). In conclusion, the implementation of direct learning by using handout can improve students’ achievement in Biology subject at the Class VII-1 of Junior High SchoolRokan IV Koto in academic year 2014/2015.
The Real Project is Better than Conventional Paper Assignment; A View from the Student Perspective Islami, Annisa Permata
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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There are several types of assignment given by teacher to the student. The purpose of the assignment is actually to increase the student understanding of certain topic. In this study, the powerful of a real project assessment has been examined in increasing the student understanding especially in the biology topic of SMA curriculum. A real project entitled “Pertumbuhan Kecambah” was assigned to the student starting from seeds selection, seeding to the polybag, and the growth observation for the total of two weeks. The collected data were processed, analyzed and finally presented into the compacted report. Selected student was then presenting the project. This research took the student of 12 IPA 5 - SMA 12 Pekanbaru as the population of the research. The interview method was used to obtain the opinion of the given project. A total of 21 students agree with the real project compared than conventional paper assignment. Whilst, 10 students strongly agree, 5 students disagree, and 2 students abstain. Mostly the student can easily answer why the seed grow vary toward the sun light intensity scientifically. This is an evident that the real project is better than conventional paper assignment.
Quality Evaluation on Private Higher Education Institutions in Pekanbaru (Integrating Kano Model and Quality Function Deployment) Purwati, Astri Ayu; Sitompul, Silvia Sari
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The era of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) requires all higher education institutions in Asia should be ready to compete each other so the alumni can fulfill the requirements in ASEAN labor market. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the quality of higher education institutions (HEI) in Pekanbaru based on student sperceptions and to provide some technical responses to result in quality improvement. Samples of this research are seven (7) private universities which were selected by using cluster sampling method with 379 students of the total respondents. This research also used Kano Model and Quality Function Deployment approach as the integration tools which can help togather voice of customer (VoC) and generate a matrix of priority needs and technical responds in a form of House of Quality. The result of this research found 9 (nine) priority on need. They are student’s achievement index which is more than 3.00, research supervising by the lecturer, lecturer’s discipline, ability of the use of technology, lecturer’s assesment method, academic staff’s passion and patience in delivering service, english proficiency, teaching and learning atmosphere, academic Information Effectiveness. From this research, HEI can conduct several steps to improve the quality such as lecturer and staff’s training and development, monitoring of teaching and learning process, student’s softskill and practical ability improvement, and monitoring of academic’s rules and procedures.
The Use of Talking Sticklearning Model to Improve Interest of Students Majoring at Pancasila and Civic Education in Studying Political Science Erlinda, Sri
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This classroom action research aims to improve, understand, and describe students’ interest in studying political sciences in the Pancasila and Civic Education program in Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Riau University by using a Talking Stick learning model.Students’ interest in studying political sciences is still low, observed from the low number of actively participated-students (10%) in the classroom and such attitudes as not enthusiastic and having greatanxiety towards the lecturers. There were 36 third-semester students chosen as the research subject. The research evaluated by an observer was conducted in two cycles.Data like lecturers’ and students’ activities, and students’ interest in studying were gathered through observation sheets, and analyzed on the basis of descriptive method. The research result shows that the lecturers’ activity in the first cycle was ‘very good’ and that it is improved to be to ‘excellent’in the second cycle. The students’ activity in both cycles isgreat. Meanwhile, their study interest is increasedas thesecond cyclewas completed.
Developing High Order Thinking Skill in the Context of Mathematical Learning in Primary School Fajri, Muhammad
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The purpose of this paper is to describe about high order thinking skill in matematic learning in primary school. High order thinking skills are absolutely necessary for students to equip them in the context of 21st learning century. In the primary school, the implementation is embedded in the curriculum framework currently used to develop high order thinking skills in the learning process. In addition, the competency of learning is also affiliated with the achievement of 21st learning century skills. The process of learning mathematics, is not purely only learn how to count in the implementation of learning that done. This is in line with the high level of expected competence related to the development of high order thinking skills by referring to the development of 21st learning century contexts in the primary school classes. This developed of high order thinking skills refers to Bloom’s taxonomy that has been revised by Anderson, Based on these taxonomy, the high order thinking skills is consists of from 3 levels of the 6 levels developed at levels 4 through 6. These three levels among others, are: (1) analyze; (2) evaluation; (3) create. These three levels in the cognitive domain are implemented through a series of mathematics learning processes in primary school. In the process, the development of cognitive abilities at such a high level can be implemented by provising high order thinking skills challenges to enable meaningful learning in the mathematics learning process in primary schools. The result of this paper is we can know and understand at least about mathematical learning process in primary school and how to develop high order thinking skill by referring to the development of 21st century learning skills in primary school classes.
Mapping the English Proficiency of Junior High School English Teachers Across Riau Province Syarfi, Muhammad; Ras, Fakhri; Masyhur, Masyhur
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This research aims at getting a solid map of standard English Proficiency possessed and used by Junior High School English teachers throughout Riau Province, which covers Listening, Structure, Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension. The indicators of the standard English Proficiency are scores (high, moderate, and low) obtained by English teachers in TOEFL test. The subjects of the research are all Junior High School English teachers throughout Riau Province (613 teachers), all of whom become the research samples. The research instrument is TOEFL Equivalent intended to get a solid map of standard English Proficiency of the teachers. Research data were comprehensively analyzed to describe the English Proficiency of the teachers based on seven factors; gender, employment status, level of education, University alma mater, length of teaching period, attended trainings, and ethnics. By and large, data analysis results in the followings: a) English Proficiency of male English teachers is better that that of female ones, each of whose average scores are 407,8 – 391,4, b) English Proficiency of Non Civil Servant teachers is a bit higher than that of those Civil Servant ones, each of whose average scores are 392,16 and 393,9, c) The higher the level of education of the teachers, the higher or the better their English Proficiency, d) English Proficiency of teachers graduated from State University is better than that of those from Private University, whose average scores are 399,1 and 378,6, e) English Proficiency of the teachers teaching between the periods 1 up to 10 years is the highest (average score 401.7), followed by the teachers whose teaching period is between 11 and 20 years, then 21 up to 30 years and the last or the worst are those whose teaching period is above or longer than 31 years, f) English Proficiency of the teachers who have ever attended training on English is better than that of those who have not, each of whose average scores are 396.3 and 380.9, g) English Proficiency of Javanese English teachers is the best among the other ethnics, whose average score is 421.7, and then Malay English teachers, whose average score is 392.6, and then followed by Batak English teachers whose average score is 369.6, and the last is the English teachers from Minang ethnic, whose average score is 329.8. It can be inferred that the English Proficiency of Junior High School English teachers throughout Riau Province is generally below the expected target for their average score is still less than 450.
Performance Analysis of Junior High School Natural Sciences Teacher Forum on Professional Development Suryawati, Evi; Fatmala, Kiki; Arnentis, Arnentis; Deswati, Deswati
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The aim of this study was to describe the performance of Junior High School Natural Sciences Teacher Forum (MGMP members) in Pekanbaru on professional development. This study was performed on November 2016 to April 2017. Fifty members of Junior High School natural sciences teacher forumin Pekanbaru that has been actively participating in teacher forumactivity took part in this study. The data collection instruments used in this study are closed questionnaire and open questionnaire.Closed questionnaire consists of 30 statements that are divided into 4 indicators namely motivation, creativity, self efficacy, and attitude.Open questionnaire consists of 5 questions. Questionnaires have passed the validity test stage through pearson correlation test. Reliability test results obtained Cronbach alpha value of 0.89 (good). Descriptive data analysis show that performance of Junior High School Natural Sciences teacher forummembers in Pekanbaru on professional development gained a mean of 4.07 (good)with details of average motivation 4,02 (good), average creativity 3,90 (good), average self effficacy 4,09 (good) and average attitude 4,29 (very good). Based on this study we can conclude that Junior High School Natural Sciences teacher forum members in Pekanbaru had a good performance on professional development.
Design and Validation of Dynamic Fluid Experiment Devices as a Media of Physics Learning Suhartiwi, Fenny; Mariyo, Hadis; Aryani, Dila Rizki
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Media usage of teaching in schools very important role for students and can assist students in the learning process and can improve student learning outcomes. This research aims to design build and validate device of fluid dynamic experiment as learning media of physics in school. The subject of this research is an experimental device consisting of experimental tools and manuals. Data collection using a validation assessment sheet provide to a validator consisting of five people. Data were analyzed descriptively to determine the result and the value of its validity. The results of data analysis obtained from the assessment of validation that is, in the experimental tools and manuals got average score 3.46 and 3.60 with very high category. The dynamic fluid experimental device has been declared valid, resulting in an experimental device that is eligible to be used as a media of physics learning in school.