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Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature
ISSN : 24600938     EISSN : 24602604     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature is an International Journal that is published twice a year in the months of July and December. This journal has been indexed on DOAJ. The aim of this journal is to promote a principled approach to research on language and language-related concerns by encouraging enquiry into relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis as First and Second Language Teaching and Learning, Language in Education, Language Planning, Language Testing, Curriculum Design and Development, Multilingualism and Multilingual Education, Discourse Analysis, Systemic and Functional Grammar, Translation, Prose Analysis, Drama Analysis, Poetry Analysis.
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Articles 74 Documents
Learning Writing by Paraphrasing the Quotations on SFL Edy Suseno
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): July
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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Writing is one of the language skills. Nevertheless, most EFL students got a problem with writing. It provokes their hindrance in learning English. The lack of vocabulary and competence in adapting grammar rules are the agent to worsen their writing ability. Comprehending the text is a kind of way to help the students build their vocabulary knowledge. The words they learn can be adapted to study grammar through GTM. They are essential to better their practical ability in descriptive text. It is the implementation of the SFL theory. Practicing descriptive text supported by adapting reading comprehension and GTM develops the students’ competence to paraphrase the text. Paraphrasing through SFL enhances writing skills.
Grammar Translation Method's Effect on Yemeni Advanced Students' English Production in Communicative Situations Ali Mohammed Saleh Al-Hamzi
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): July
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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In the past and present, the Yemeni government provided free education at all levels of public education. Until the early days, and more precisely until now, the Yemeni government used to send honorary high school students to pursue their university studies abroad, honour university students to pursue a master's degree abroad, and honour holders of a master's degree abroad to pursue a doctorate study. They all obtain special certificates from Egypt, India, the United Kingdom, Australia, and other countries worldwide. EFL was learned at the seventh-grade level. While the Yemeni government has made all these attempts, English for the success of Yemeni advanced students' English production in communication contexts has been unsatisfactory. Several studies in the Arab world, particularly in Yemeni contexts, have shown that the main explanation for this discontent is the method used in Yemeni schools to teach English. Therefore, this research aims to find out the effect of this method on Yemeni students' performance in the English language when they speak English. This study follows a qualitative research method that focuses on secondary sources represented in literature reviews and primary resources expressed in interviews with ten Yemeni English teachers. The study reached many results, the most important of which is that GTM does not necessarily allow Yemeni students to use the English language communicatively. Instead, it allows them to learn about English as a subject. The study makes several suggestions on the basis of the study's findings. In particular, English language teachers should use other effective teaching approaches to help Yemeni students use the English language in communicative contexts, and grammar must be taught in context.
The Representation of Masculinity through Peter Parker as the Main Character in Spider-Man No Way Home Movie Hidayatun Ni’mah; Dyah Kurniawati
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): July
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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This research aims at analyzing the personal characteristics of Peter Parker character in Spider-Man No Way Home movie using Masculinity theory. This research focuses on explaining and analyzing the masculinity characteristics and its type founded in Peter Parker as the main character in this movie. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. Procedure of collecting and analyzing the data in this research are preparing the data, selecting the data, watching the movie to obtain the data.While in analyzing the data, the researchers employ some steps as follows: analyzing the data, identifying the data, coding the data, describing the data and making the report. This research finds the Masculinity characteristics in the main character based on Janet Saltzman Chafetz’s theory. Based on the references used in this study, Peter Parker has all the characteristics of masculinity: physical, function of the man, sexual aggressive, emotion, intellectual, interpersonal and other personal characteristics. Based on the film and the references it shows that Peter Parker has a hegemony type of masculinity.
Developing Interactive Multimedia for Teaching Personal Pronouns for English Learners of Egypt Islamic Boarding and Course Pare Fatqu Rofiqoh Dewi; Kurnia Maulidya
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): July
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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The research objectives were: (1) to discover the needs of the target and the needs of the teaching and learning of the English learners of Egypt Islamic Boarding and Course, and (2) to develop a media for learning English especially in teaching and learning personal pronoun for English learners of Egypt Islamic Boarding and Course. The researcher used R & D as a method. The participants were 4 female and 8 male students who studied English Egypt Islamic Boarding and Course. Lee and Owens Model (2004: 3- 264) were the guidance in developing this media, but the researcher give some modification to develop this. The need analysis was the first step that the researcher did to find out what the participant needs to enjoy in teaching and learning process. It was giving questionnaire to the students and teacher. The basis for developing a material was the result of the needs analysis. The guideline to develop the beginning draft of personal pronoun materials were the course grid that was taken from the need analysis. After the first draft was arranged, the draft was revised by the experts, and they gave the feedback about the draft. And then, the researcher responded the feedback from the experts by revised the feedback. The needs analysis questionnaire and the experts and the feedback from the experts were the instrumentals of the research. The data analyzing of the needs analysis and the judgement of the experts were through statistical data and description of the result of the instruments. The media was conducted by power point application that was modified with the personal pronoun topics. Each unit consists goals, material, and quiz with twenty tasks focusing on personal pronoun. Then try-out media products that have been revised by English learners of Egypt Islamic Boarding and Course. The average value of the percentage of yes amounted to 95% and the percentage does not amount to 5%. This percentage indicates the category can be used without revision. It can be concluded that media products interactive learning on the material of personal pronoun is so practical and interesting that it can be used easily.
An Analysis of Deixis in the Chernobyl Movie Series Husni Pratama Noviansyah; Agus Wardhono; K.J. Vargheese
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): July
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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Language is the most important aspect to support humans in communicating. In communication, people need to understand the meaning of language. Language and context are two inseparable things. In a given context, it is important for listeners or recipients to understand what the speaker meant to say or express. Deixis shows a phenomenon that requires contextual information to understand the meaning of certain words or phrases in their pronunciation. Deixis can be found not only in daily conversations, but also in speeches, films, songs, novels, and the like. This research focuses on deixis in the film Chernobyl in characters that play an important role in the course of the story. The purpose of this study is to find out kinds of deixis that are found in the movie script and to determine the dominant types of deixis. The researchers use descriptive qualitative methods to collect data and have been assisted byAtlas.ti software in data coding. The theory of Levinson is used by the researchers to analyze the type of deixis. In this study, the most dominant deixis is the person deixis (450), the second dominant deixis is place deixis (57), and the third is time deixis (48), followed by discourse deixis (36), and the last is social deixis (26).
The Memory of Female Characters in the Novel Teenage Virgins in the Grip of the Military by Pramoedya Ananta Toer: a Review of Literary Memory Sinta Ariska; Suantoko Suantoko; Mansur Mansur
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): July
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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The Indonesian state stands by leaving a long history behind. Indonesian historical records show that the Indonesian state was colonized or occupied by the Japanese for 3.5 years, starting from March 8, 1942 and ending on Independence Day, August 17, 1945. Of course, that specific period left its mark in the shape of indelible memories on the collective minds of the colonized population. The social reality applied by the Japanese, as recorded in the memory of the indigenous population is far from positive and can even be classified as difficult to accept. One of these dark events was recorded in Pramoedya Ananta Toer's novel TeenageVirgins in the Grip of the Military.This study aims to describe the memory of female characters. Cognitive Psychology has been used as an approach in this study. Cognitive Psychology is regarded as a part of psychology that focuses on the study of perception, memory, and decision-making. This is a challenging subject to study because it deals with behavior. The data analysis techniques make use of Miles and Huberman who specialize in workflows: data collection, reduction, presentation, and data verification. The results show that the female character recalled in her memory that the soldiers from Nippon had raped a local female student. This brings about memory transmission and has traumatic consequences for women who have been 'grabbed'. Women are sexually assaulted. The incident made Buru Island women marginalized. The women of Buru Island never had the opportunity to learn as had been promised. Such treatment triggers a nightmarish and traumatic memory.
Nationality Value Depicted in When English Rings a Bell Textbook: Content Analysis Ainu Zumrudiana; Aprilia Susanti; Mufidatul Aslamiyah
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): July
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the integration of moral values into language textbook. This study aims to investigate the value nationality values in When English Rings a Bell (revised 2017) textbook for eighth-grade of Junior High School based on the curriculum 2013 that the Ministry of Education and culture published. This research used the content analysis method to analyse the value nationality in the textbook, and the interviews togain the English teachers perceptions on the value nationality values and how it applies to “When English Rings a Bell” (revised 2017) textbook to strengthen the result of research. The finding show that the most dominant percentage of value nationality values based on the seven indicators are related to being love of Indonesia which found (43%), followed by the willingness to sacrifice after the country (27%), pride of the motley culture (11%), receive the complex (7%), proud of being Indonesian (5%), prioritizing public interest (5%). In contrast, the least percentage was the values of heroes (0%). Those values depicted in “When English Rings a Bell” textbook aresocioculturally ingrained in Indonesian culture and appropriate to be implemented for eighth-grade Junior High School students in the teaching-learning process because it has value nationality values in each chapter which correlate to the curriculum 2013.
An Analysis of Pronunciation Errors Produced by Indonesian Learners of English: a Case Study of English Department Students of Trunojoyo University Ananda Khoirunnisa; Misnadin Misnadin
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): July
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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The present study investigated pronunciation errors made by English learners as a foreign language (EFL). We attempted to find the types of pronunciation errors in the consonants and vowels in English. To achieve this, twenty students of the English Department at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura were recruited as participants. They were asked to pronounce seventy-five English words that contain the consonants [v], [θ], [ð], and [ʒ] and the vowels [ʌ], [æ], [ɑ], [ɜ], [ɒ], [eɪ], [əʊ], and [ɪə]. The consonants and vowels were chosen based on the differences between English and Indonesian since the participants’ first language is Indonesian. The study used a descriptive qualitative method employing the convenience sampling technique for its data collection. The data which were obtained from recordings of stimuli by the participants were transcribed impressionistically using phonetic transcriptions to identify the errors. The results showed that the most frequent type of pronunciation error produced by the participants was sound substitution (83% of the participants produced this error), while sound deletion and insertion were 67% and 63%, respectively. It was also found that they produced errors not only in pronouncing [v], [θ], [ð], [ʒ], [ʌ], [æ], [ɑ], [ɜ], [ɒ], [eɪ], [əʊ] but also in pronouncing [ɪə] as well as [t], [tʃ],[k], [b], [d], [dʒ], [j], [w], [ɪ], [ə] in certain positions. Furthermore, we found that the Indonesian phonological interference, the problem of the silent letter, pronouncing a word as it is spelt, overgeneralization, and hypercorrection were possible factors that contributed to the errors. In addition, the position of consonants also induced the participants to make errors in their pronunciation.
Developing Academic Institution: Narrative Inquiry on Proposing English Department Hari Prastyo
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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Innovation in academic environment is the urgent thing that university must be done in this era. There are many innovative strategies that can be done in academic environment. One of the strategies is proposing new department that community needs in global era. This article will discuss about innovative strategy in proposing English Department based on local wisdom and strength of university. It is kind of research article that uses Narrative Inquiry. The researcher writes narratively and academicly the strategy in proposing English Department. He tries to do need analysis by using observation and unstructered interview. Based on the observation and unstructered interview, the researcher creates academic Draft, then he presented the academic draft at International Conference on Linguistics, ELT, and Literature (ICOLEL). At last, he revised the academic draft for proposing English Department as Final Draft academically. This research article be useful for institution that will develop instittuion academically. This kind of article can be used as a model for academician in creating innovative way at academic environment.
‘It’s Video Era’: University Students’ Perception of Asynchronous Learning during Online Speaking Course Mohammad Fatoni; Iin Widya Lestari
Indonesian EFL Journal: Journal of ELT, Linguistics, and Literature Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Language Center of Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah (IAI Uluwiyah) Mojokerto Indonesia

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Studying in university is still using asynchronous during online speaking courses due to technology development and practical consideration. This research aims to analyze the students' perception and the effect of using videos in speaking courses using asynchronous mode. This research used the quantitative research method. The instruments are used questionnaires and tests. The finding shows that the university's students have a positive perception of asynchronous learning mode, and the use of videos, as learning material, have a large effect size on the students’ ability to speak during asynchronous mode. It means the use of video can be recommended to teach speaking in the classroom.