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Pelita Eksakta
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Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat PELITA EKSAKTA adalah sebuah jurnal yang berisi hasil pengabdian masyarakat dalam bidang Matematika dan Sains seperti biologi, fisika, dan kimia dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kriteria untuk publikasi di Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pelita Eksakta adalah sifat kebaruan (novelty), kualitas, dan kemanfaatan kepada khalayak umum dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 134 Documents
Workshop on Proposal and Classroom Action Research Report for Primary School Teachers in Pasaman District, West Sumatera Relsas Yogica
Pelita Eksakta Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 2 No. 2
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol2-iss2/78


Classroom action research has the character to find and solve problems in the learning process. By conducting action researchs the ability of teachers to master classroom conditions will increase, so that students' understanding of material will increase. Further impact, students' interest in learning will increase rapidly. But there are still many teachers who are unable to carry out this action research. In Pasaman District, this problem arose. Action is needed to train teachers to be able to carry out classroom action research. We have carried out community service in the form of workshops on making proposals and preparing research reports for teachers. We carry out activities for 1 month, in accordance with the agreement of the team, the school principal and the district head. The workshop was held at Pasaman 23rd Public Elementary School. Participants are teachers from several schools, as many as 40 people. The workshop instructor is a Classroom Action Research expert. Based on the satisfaction questionnaire, we learned that the workshop material had increased teacher understanding, a score of 92.24. The workshop method has trained the teacher's ability, a score of 89.66. Workshop techniques have improved the quality of learning and improved teacher skills, a score of 93.10. Finally, the workshop product has increased the teacher's understanding of classroom action research, a score of 93.10. Based on these data it was concluded that the overall workshop implementation had improved teacher competency.
Business Unit "Mooghurt" Academic Community Biology Department FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang Syamsurizal Syamsurizal; Linda Advinda; Resti Fevria; M Maizirwan
Pelita Eksakta Vol 1 No 02 (2018): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 1 No. 2
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol1-iss2/31


Abstract - Science and Technology Program for Entrepreneurship and Campus Innovation (IbKIK) involves a number of experienced lecturers from various disciplines. IbKIK carries out guidance to prospective entrepreneurs / novice entrepreneurs (students) through business management training and a number of other creative activities to produce new entrepreneurs who are independent in science and technology based. The form of new entrepreneurship offered is the production of fermented cow's milk which is named the "Mooghurt" Business Unit of the Biology Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNP. Mooghurt is designed primarily to generate and develop the entrepreneurial spirit of students in the Biology Department at FMIPA UNP. The activities that have been carried out are the manufacture of moquette with a taste of plan (original, pineapple, starwbery and blue berry packaged with 150mL glass. The total production of 600 packs / month with a selling price of Rp.4,000. IbKIK activities have successfully trained and fostered new entrepreneurs. as many as eight students joined in the KWU unit of the student association of the Department of Biology FMIPA UNP.
Development Study and Effectiveness of Online Data Based Scientific Writing Model Using Endnote Application for MGMP Chemistry Teachers Padang Panjang City Rahadian Zainul; Budhi Oktavia; Edi Nasra; Visca Alisia Arianti; Putri Fatimah; Yulia Mona Liza; Trihanto Setiadi
Pelita Eksakta Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 2 No. 2
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol2-iss2/43


In writing scientific work, a work system is needed online (online) so that the search process is fast and accurate. The online data-based writing model with endnote application is an alternative model of scientific writing that can be applied to school teacher teachers and lecturers. The purpose of this study was to develop a model of scientific writing and measure the effectiveness of its application to MGMP Chemistry teachers in Padang Panjang City. The method used is the development of the ADDIE model and the success test with CV (Coefficient of Variations). Implementation is carried out on all Chemistry teacher teachers who are members of the Padangpanjang City Chemical MGMP. Each teacher will receive training and assistance in creating an Online Library as a database. The training continued with the application of the preparation of scientific works based on student learning outcomes data in each school. From the results of the study, it was found that the level of ease in literacy and compilation of scientific work reached 70% SS and 30% S. The level of interest of Master in compiling scientific work with Endnote reached 30%. SS san 70% S. The desire of participants to start compiling scientific work reaches 20% US, 60% S and 20% SS. The training effectiveness test found that the coefficient of variation had decreased from 2.75% to 1.63%, so it could be concluded that the model for the preparation of scientific work was successfully applied to the Teachers of the Padangpanjang Chemical MGMP.
Training of Classroom Action Research for Science Teachers on Padang Pariaman’s SMPN 1, SMPN 2 Sintuk Toboh Gadang and SMPN 1 V Koto Kampung Dalam Rahmah Evita Putri; Tuti Lestari
Pelita Eksakta Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 1 No. 1
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol1-iss1/15


To improve the quality of learning and reflect on learning outcomes are things that really improve science teacher profesionalism. That is the biggest motivation for Universitas Negeri Padang’s community service team to make a training session about science learning on Padang Pariaman’s. Understanding the classroom action reaserch, science teachers can solve the learning problems and write their own scientific work. The purpose of this training are teachers can make their own classroom action research and do their own research untill they can make theirown journals. The result shows that the training was good and reach the target that reaserchers make. 16th proposal finished are more than enough. Proposal are the result from traning, with a lot of revition before the proposal really finished.
An Assistance to Develop Learning Materials Based on Video Analysis and Virtual Laboratories for Physics MGMP Teachers in Padang Pariaman District Zulhendri Kamus
Pelita Eksakta Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 2 No. 1
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol2-iss1/68


Teachers for physics subjects is an avant garde of the best quality learning in a class, especially the schools at Padang Pariaman Regency. In consequence, the teacher must have the reliable professional competencies, namely the abilities and skills to develop teaching materials that are in accordance with student characteristics and contextual (based on natural phenomena in the environment). In fact, physics teachers have not been able to develop the teaching materials that compatible with student and contextual. The purpose of an assistance program is to become the abilities and skills of teachers to develop teaching materials based on video analysis of physical phenomena and virtual laboratories. There are several methods used in realizing the objectives of the activity, namely presentation, discussion and practice. Presentations are used to provide knowledge and insight to teachers about teaching materials, physical phenomena videos, video analysis and virtual laboratories. Group and class discussions are conducted to address the problems of teachers both theoretically and practically. The teacher does to design, develop and produce physics phenomena videos, video analysis, virtual laboratories and teaching materials by using practical methods. There are seven results and outcomes of an assistance program, namely 11 Student Worksheets as teaching materials, 5 videos about physical phenomena, 5 virtual laboratories, the results of test about developing teaching materials with very good categories, the response of participants about an assistance program with good to very good categories, the implementation of student worksheets products in learning can improve student activities and suggestions from participants about the importance of follow-up activities.
Design of Biogas Reactor as a Sustainable Energy Source in Pauh Sub-District Padang, West Sumatra Ramli Ramli; Letmi Dwiridal
Pelita Eksakta Vol 1 No 02 (2018): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 1 No. 2
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol1-iss02/26


Cow dung waste in Pauh sub-district is widely available. Only partly used as a traditional fertilizer. In fact, the utilization of cow dung is one of the alternative sources of renewable energy. Although biogas technology is not something new in Indonesia, the obstacles faced by farmers are their lack of knowledge about processing cow dung into biogas and making of biogas reactors. Community service has been undertaken to provide knowledge through guidance and counseling methods to farmers about biogas, biogas reactor manufacturing and technology, and the advantages of biogas reactors, both in terms of economic and environmental values. Stages of the implementation of the activities; 1). Provide guidance and counseling to farmers about biogas and how to manufacture biogas reactor, 2). Provide guidance and counseling about the safety of biogas reactors, 3). Conduct periodic monitoring of farmer groups that are partners to the continuity and continuity of activities. The result of the activity is the availability of biogas reactor in farmer group in Pauh sub-district. The fermentation process to produce biogas in the reactor is approximately 3 weeks. Biogas reactors are built easy to make and cheap.
Pelita Eksakta Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 2 No. 2
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol2-iss2/59


The aim of study to improve competency junior high school mathematics teachers in Solok Selatan district in compiling Olympiad questions mathematics and solving problems based on high order thinking skills (HOTS). The target audience for community service is mathematics teachers incorporated in the Subject Mathematics Teacher's Consultation (MGMP) Mathematics in Solok Selatan. The method used in the service includes the presentation of material by the team community service then carried out the pre test and post test, the design of the question HOTS, discussion and question and answer sessions at the math Olympiad. Conclusions of this research is: There is a positive increase in teacher competency after being given training in compiling math Olympiad questions that the posttest results are better than the results pretest in the training to improve the competency of mathematics teachers in compiling the questions Mathematical Olympiad based on high order thinking skills of SMPN in Solok Selatan District
IbM Mushroom Cultivation to Empowerment Mothers Dasa Wisma Yosi Laila Rahmi; Heffi Alberida; Helendra Helendra
Pelita Eksakta Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 1 No. 1
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol1-iss1/23


敖獲潩㩮⸱ര匊慴瑲呈䱍〺〰〰〰㐲ഹ䔊摮呈䱍〺〰〰㈲㐷ഴ匊慴瑲牆条敭瑮〺〰〰〲㠷ള䔊摮牆条敭瑮〺〰〰㈲〷ഴ匊畯捲啥䱒昺汩㩥⼯䐯尺㔰┮〲敐杮扡楤湡㈥䴰獡慹慲慫屴⸱㈥䤰䵢㈥䈰摵摩祡╡〲慊畭屲⸹㈥䄰瑲歩汥奜獯╩〲慌汩╡〲慒浨Ⱪ㈥䤰䵢㈥䈰摵摩祡╡〲慊畭⹲潤ൣഊ㰊瑨汭砠汭獮漺∽牵㩮捳敨慭⵳業牣獯景⵴潣㩭景楦散漺晦捩≥਍浸湬㩳㵷產湲猺档浥獡洭捩潲潳瑦挭浯漺晦捩㩥潷摲ഢ砊汭獮洺∽瑨灴⼺猯档浥獡洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯漯晦捩⽥〲㐰ㄯ⼲浯汭ഢ砊汭獮∽瑨灴⼺眯睷眮⸳牯⽧剔刯䍅栭浴㑬∰ാഊ㰊敨摡ാ㰊敭慴栠瑴⵰煥極㵶潃瑮湥⵴祔数挠湯整瑮∽整瑸栯浴㭬挠慨獲瑥甽晴㠭㸢਍洼瑥⁡慮敭倽潲䥧⁤潣瑮湥㵴潗摲䐮捯浵湥㹴਍洼瑥⁡慮敭䜽湥牥瑡牯挠湯整瑮∽楍牣獯景⁴潗摲ㄠ∴ാ㰊敭慴渠浡㵥牏杩湩瑡牯挠湯整瑮∽楍牣獯景⁴潗摲ㄠ∴ാ㰊楬歮爠汥䘽汩ⵥ楌瑳਍牨晥∽楦敬⼺⼯㩃啜敳獲慜畳屳灁䑰瑡屡潌慣屬敔灭浜潳瑨汭汣灩就㄰捜楬彰楦敬楬瑳砮汭㸢਍ℼⴭ楛⁦瑧⁥獭崹㰾浸㹬਍㰠㩯晏楦散潄畣敭瑮敓瑴湩獧ാ 㰠㩯敒祬湏䵖⽌ാ 㰠㩯汁潬偷䝎㸯਍†漼吺牡敧却牣敥卮穩㹥〸砰〶㰰漯吺牡敧却牣敥卮穩㹥਍㰠漯伺晦捩䑥捯浵湥却瑥楴杮㹳਍⼼浸㹬ℼ敛摮晩ⵝ㸭਍氼湩敲㵬桴浥䑥瑡ൡ栊敲㵦昢汩㩥⼯䌯尺獕牥屳獡獵䅜灰慄慴䱜捯污呜浥屰獭桯浴捬楬ㅰぜ就汣灩瑟敨敭慤慴琮浨≸ാ㰊楬歮爠汥挽汯牯捓敨敭慍灰湩൧栊敲㵦昢汩㩥⼯䌯尺獕牥屳獡獵䅜灰慄慴䱜捯污呜浥屰獭桯浴捬楬ㅰぜ就汣灩损汯牯捳敨敭慭灰湩⹧浸≬ാ㰊ⴡ嬭晩朠整洠潳㤠㹝砼汭ാ 眼场牯䑤捯浵湥㹴਍†眼嘺敩㹷潎浲污⼼㩷楖睥ാ 㰠㩷潚浯〾⼼㩷潚浯ാ 㰠㩷牔捡䵫癯獥㸯਍†眼吺慲正潆浲瑡楴杮㸯਍†眼债湵瑣慵楴湯敋湲湩⽧ാ 㰠㩷慖楬慤整杁楡獮却档浥獡㸯਍†眼区癡䥥塦䱍湉慶楬㹤慦獬㱥眯区癡䥥塦䱍湉慶楬㹤਍†眼䤺湧牯䵥硩摥潃瑮湥㹴慦獬㱥眯䤺湧牯䵥硩摥潃瑮湥㹴਍†眼䄺睬祡即潨偷慬散潨摬牥敔瑸显污敳⼼㩷汁慷獹桓睯汐捡桥汯敤呲硥㹴਍†眼䐺乯瑯牐浯瑯入⽆ാ 㰠㩷楌呤敨敭瑏敨㹲义⼼㩷楌呤敨敭瑏敨㹲਍†眼䰺摩桔浥䅥楳湡堾中乏㱅眯䰺摩桔浥䅥楳湡ാ 㰠㩷楌呤敨敭潃灭敬卸牣灩㹴ⵘ低䕎⼼㩷楌呤敨敭潃灭敬卸牣灩㹴਍†眼䌺浯慰楴楢楬祴ാ †眼䈺敲歡牗灡数呤扡敬⽳ാ †眼区慮呰䝯楲䥤䍮汥⽬ാ †眼场慲呰硥坴瑩偨湵瑣㸯਍†㰠㩷獕䅥楳湡牂慥剫汵獥㸯਍†㰠㩷潄瑮片睯畁潴楦⽴ാ †眼区汰瑩材牂慥䅫摮慐慲慍歲㸯਍†㰠㩷湅扡敬灏湥祔数敋湲湩⽧ാ †眼䐺湯䙴楬䵰物潲䥲摮湥獴㸯਍†㰠㩷癏牥楲敤慔汢卥祴敬灈⽳ാ †眼唺敳䕆慌潹瑵㸯਍†⼼㩷潃灭瑡扩汩瑩㹹਍†洼洺瑡偨㹲਍†㰠㩭慭桴潆瑮洠瘺污∽慃扭楲⁡慍桴⼢ാ †洼戺歲楂㩭慶㵬戢晥牯≥㸯਍†㰠㩭牢䉫湩畓⁢㩭慶㵬☢㐣㬵∭㸯਍†㰠㩭浳污䙬慲⁣㩭慶㵬漢晦⼢ാ †洼携獩䑰晥㸯਍†㰠㩭䵬牡楧㩭慶㵬〢⼢ാ †洼爺慍杲湩洠瘺污∽∰㸯਍†㰠㩭敤䩦⁣㩭慶㵬挢湥整䝲潲灵⼢ാ †洼眺慲䥰摮湥⁴㩭慶㵬ㄢ㐴∰㸯਍†㰠㩭湩䱴浩洠瘺污∽畳卢灵⼢ാ †洼渺牡䱹浩洠瘺污∽湵佤牶⼢ാ 㰠洯洺瑡偨㹲⼼㩷潗摲潄畣敭瑮ാ㰊砯汭㰾嬡湥楤嵦ⴭ㰾ⴡ嬭晩朠整洠潳㤠㹝砼汭ാ 眼䰺瑡湥却祴敬⁳敄䱦捯敫卤慴整∽慦獬≥䐠晥湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽牴敵ഢ 䐠晥敓業楈摤湥∽牴敵•敄兦潆浲瑡∽慦獬≥䐠晥牐潩楲祴∽㤹ഢ 䰠瑡湥却祴敬潃湵㵴㈢㜶㸢਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹〢•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥丢牯慭≬㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㤢•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥栢慥楤杮ㄠ⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽∹儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽敨摡湩⁧∲㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㤢•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥栢慥楤杮㌠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽∹儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽敨摡湩⁧∴㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㤢•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥栢慥楤杮㔠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽∹儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽敨摡湩⁧∶㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㤢•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥栢慥楤杮㜠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽∹儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽敨摡湩⁧∸㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㤢•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥栢慥楤杮㤠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㤳•慎敭∽潴⁣∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㌢∹丠浡㵥琢捯㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㤳•慎敭∽潴⁣∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㌢∹丠浡㵥琢捯㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㤳•慎敭∽潴⁣∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㌢∹丠浡㵥琢捯㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㤳•慎敭∽潴⁣∷㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㌢∹丠浡㵥琢捯㠠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㤳•慎敭∽潴⁣∹㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㌢∵儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽慣瑰潩≮㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹ㄢ∰匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽楔汴≥㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹ㄢ•慎敭∽敄慦汵⁴慐慲牧灡⁨潆瑮⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽ㄱ•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥匢扵楴汴≥㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㈢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽瑓潲杮⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽〲•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥䔢灭慨楳≳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㔢∹匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥吢扡敬䜠楲≤㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽汐捡桥汯敤⁲敔瑸⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽潎匠慰楣杮⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽〶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴桓摡湩≧㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨䰠獩≴㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨䜠楲≤㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∳匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩桓摡湩⁧∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∴匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩桓摡湩⁧∲㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∵匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩楌瑳ㄠ⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㘶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䰠獩⁴∲㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∷匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩ㄠ⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㠶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤∲㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∹匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩㌠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽〷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽慄歲䰠獩≴㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦桓摡湩≧㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦楌瑳⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㌷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵䜠楲≤㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∰匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨匠慨楤杮䄠捣湥⁴∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨䰠獩⁴捁散瑮ㄠ⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㈶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴片摩䄠捣湥⁴∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∳匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩桓摡湩⁧‱捁散瑮ㄠ⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㐶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵匠慨楤杮㈠䄠捣湥⁴∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∵匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩楌瑳ㄠ䄠捣湥⁴∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敒楶楳湯⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㐳•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥䰢獩⁴慐慲牧灡≨㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㈢∹匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽畑瑯≥㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㌢∰匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽湉整獮⁥畑瑯≥㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∶匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩楌瑳㈠䄠捣湥⁴∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∷匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩ㄠ䄠捣湥⁴∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∸匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩㈠䄠捣湥⁴∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∹匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩㌠䄠捣湥⁴∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∰匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䐢牡楌瑳䄠捣湥⁴∱㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦桓摡湩⁧捁散瑮ㄠ⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㈷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵䰠獩⁴捁散瑮ㄠ⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㌷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵䜠楲⁤捁散瑮ㄠ⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽〶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴桓摡湩⁧捁散瑮㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽ㄶ•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴楌瑳䄠捣湥⁴∲㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨䜠楲⁤捁散瑮㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㌶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵匠慨楤杮ㄠ䄠捣湥⁴∲㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∴匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩桓摡湩⁧′捁散瑮㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㔶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䰠獩⁴‱捁散瑮㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㘶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䰠獩⁴′捁散瑮㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㜶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤‱捁散瑮㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㠶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤′捁散瑮㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㤶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤″捁散瑮㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽〷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽慄歲䰠獩⁴捁散瑮㈠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽ㄷ•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵匠慨楤杮䄠捣湥⁴∲㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦楌瑳䄠捣湥⁴∲㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∳匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦片摩䄠捣湥⁴∲㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∰匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨匠慨楤杮䄠捣湥⁴∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨䰠獩⁴捁散瑮㌠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㈶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴片摩䄠捣湥⁴∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∳匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩桓摡湩⁧‱捁散瑮㌠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㐶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵匠慨楤杮㈠䄠捣湥⁴∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∵匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩楌瑳ㄠ䄠捣湥⁴∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∶匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩楌瑳㈠䄠捣湥⁴∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∷匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩ㄠ䄠捣湥⁴∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∸匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩㈠䄠捣湥⁴∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∹匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩㌠䄠捣湥⁴∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∰匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䐢牡楌瑳䄠捣湥⁴∳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦桓摡湩⁧捁散瑮㌠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㈷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵䰠獩⁴捁散瑮㌠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㌷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵䜠楲⁤捁散瑮㌠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽〶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴桓摡湩⁧捁散瑮㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽ㄶ•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴楌瑳䄠捣湥⁴∴㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨䜠楲⁤捁散瑮㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㌶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵匠慨楤杮ㄠ䄠捣湥⁴∴㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∴匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩桓摡湩⁧′捁散瑮㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㔶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䰠獩⁴‱捁散瑮㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㘶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䰠獩⁴′捁散瑮㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㜶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤‱捁散瑮㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㠶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤′捁散瑮㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㤶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤″捁散瑮㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽〷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽慄歲䰠獩⁴捁散瑮㐠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽ㄷ•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵匠慨楤杮䄠捣湥⁴∴㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦楌瑳䄠捣湥⁴∴㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∳匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦片摩䄠捣湥⁴∴㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∰匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨匠慨楤杮䄠捣湥⁴∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨䰠獩⁴捁散瑮㔠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㈶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴片摩䄠捣湥⁴∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∳匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩桓摡湩⁧‱捁散瑮㔠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㐶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵匠慨楤杮㈠䄠捣湥⁴∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∵匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩楌瑳ㄠ䄠捣湥⁴∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∶匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩楌瑳㈠䄠捣湥⁴∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∷匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩ㄠ䄠捣湥⁴∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∸匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩㈠䄠捣湥⁴∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∹匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩片摩㌠䄠捣湥⁴∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∰匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䐢牡楌瑳䄠捣湥⁴∵㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦桓摡湩⁧捁散瑮㔠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㈷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵䰠獩⁴捁散瑮㔠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㌷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵䜠楲⁤捁散瑮㔠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽〶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴桓摡湩⁧捁散瑮㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽ㄶ•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽楌桧⁴楌瑳䄠捣湥⁴∶㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䰢杩瑨䜠楲⁤捁散瑮㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㌶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵匠慨楤杮ㄠ䄠捣湥⁴∶㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㘢∴匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䴢摥畩桓摡湩⁧′捁散瑮㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㔶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䰠獩⁴‱捁散瑮㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㘶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䰠獩⁴′捁散瑮㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㜶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤‱捁散瑮㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㠶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤′捁散瑮㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㤶•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽敍楤浵䜠楲⁤″捁散瑮㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽〷•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽慄歲䰠獩⁴捁散瑮㘠⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽ㄷ•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•慎敭∽潃潬晲汵匠慨楤杮䄠捣湥⁴∶㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦楌瑳䄠捣湥⁴∶㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㜢∳匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥丠浡㵥䌢汯牯畦片摩䄠捣湥⁴∶㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹ㄢ∹匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽畓瑢敬䔠灭慨楳≳㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㈢∱匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽湉整獮⁥浅桰獡獩⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽ㄳ•敓業楈摤湥∽慦獬≥਍†唠桮摩坥敨啮敳㵤昢污敳•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥匢扵汴⁥敒敦敲据≥㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㌢∲匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽湉整獮⁥敒敦敲据≥㸯਍†眼䰺摳硅散瑰潩潌正摥∽慦獬≥倠楲牯瑩㵹㌢∳匠浥䡩摩敤㵮昢污敳ഢ †湕楨敤桗湥獕摥∽慦獬≥儠潆浲瑡∽牴敵•慎敭∽潂歯吠瑩敬⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㜳•慎敭∽楂汢潩牧灡票⼢ാ 㰠㩷獌䕤捸灥楴湯䰠捯敫㵤昢污敳•牐潩楲祴∽㤳•䙑牯慭㵴琢畲≥丠浡㵥吢䍏䠠慥楤杮⼢ാ ⼼㩷慌整瑮瑓汹獥ാ㰊砯汭㰾嬡湥楤嵦ⴭാ㰊瑳汹㹥਍ℼⴭ਍⼠‪潆瑮䐠晥湩瑩潩獮⨠യ 晀湯⵴慦散਍笉潦瑮昭浡汩㩹慃楬牢㭩਍瀉湡獯ⵥ㨱′㔱㔠㈠㈠㈠㐠㌠㈠㐠഻ऊ獭ⵯ潦瑮挭慨獲瑥〺഻ऊ獭ⵯ敧敮楲ⵣ潦瑮昭浡汩㩹睳獩㭳਍洉潳昭湯⵴楰捴㩨慶楲扡敬഻ऊ獭ⵯ潦瑮猭杩慮畴敲ⴺ㌵㠶〷㐱‵〱㌷㠷ㄶㄱㄠ〠㐠㔱〠紻਍晀湯⵴慦散਍笉潦瑮昭浡汩㩹夢⁵楍据潨㬢਍洉潳昭湯⵴污㩴䄢楲污唠楮潣敤䴠≓഻ऊ獭ⵯ潦瑮挭慨獲瑥ㄺ㠲഻ऊ獭ⵯ敧敮楲ⵣ潦瑮昭浡汩㩹潲慭㭮਍洉潳昭湯⵴楰捴㩨慶楲扡敬഻ऊ獭ⵯ潦瑮猭杩慮畴敲〺㜠㜱㐷㐹㠸ㄠ‸‰㌱㈱ㄳ〠紻਍晀湯⵴慦散਍笉潦瑮昭浡汩㩹尢奀⁵楍据潨㬢਍洉潳昭湯⵴档牡敳㩴㈱㬸਍洉潳札湥牥捩昭湯⵴慦業祬爺浯湡഻ऊ獭ⵯ潦瑮瀭瑩档瘺牡慩汢㭥਍洉潳昭湯⵴楳湧瑡牵㩥‰ㄷ㜷㤴㠴‸㠱〠ㄠㄳ㌲‱㬰ൽ ⨯匠祴敬䐠晥湩瑩潩獮⨠യ ⹰獍乯牯慭ⱬ氠⹩獍乯牯慭ⱬ搠癩䴮潳潎浲污਍笉獭ⵯ瑳汹ⵥ湵楨敤渺㭯਍洉潳猭祴敬焭潦浲瑡示獥഻ऊ獭ⵯ瑳汹ⵥ慰敲瑮∺㬢਍洉牡楧⵮潴㩰挰㭭਍洉牡楧⵮楲桧㩴挰㭭਍洉牡楧⵮潢瑴浯ㄺ⸰瀰㭴਍洉牡楧⵮敬瑦〺浣഻ऊ楬敮栭楥桧㩴ㄱ┵഻ऊ獭ⵯ慰楧慮楴湯眺摩睯漭灲慨㭮਍昉湯⵴楳敺ㄺ⸱瀰㭴਍昉湯⵴慦業祬∺慃楬牢≩∬慳獮猭牥晩㬢਍洉潳昭牡慥瑳昭湯⵴慦業祬∺留䴠湩档≯഻ऊ獭ⵯ楢楤昭湯⵴慦業祬∺楔敭⁳敎⁷潒慭≮഻ऊ獭ⵯ湡楳氭湡畧条㩥剆഻ऊ獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴慬杮慵敧䔺ⵎ单紻਍䴮潳桃䑰晥畡瑬਍笉獭ⵯ瑳汹ⵥ祴数攺灸牯⵴湯祬഻ऊ獭ⵯ敤慦汵⵴牰灯㩳敹㭳਍昉湯⵴楳敺ㄺ⸰瀰㭴਍洉潳愭獮⵩潦瑮猭穩㩥〱〮瑰഻ऊ獭ⵯ楢楤昭湯⵴楳敺ㄺ⸰瀰㭴਍昉湯⵴慦業祬∺慃楬牢≩∬慳獮猭牥晩㬢਍洉潳愭捳楩昭湯⵴慦業祬䌺污扩楲഻ऊ獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴潦瑮昭浡汩㩹夢⁵楍据潨㬢਍洉潳栭湡楳昭湯⵴慦業祬䌺污扩楲紻਍灀条⁥潗摲敓瑣潩ㅮ਍笉楳敺㘺㈱〮瑰㜠㈹〮瑰഻ऊ慭杲湩㜺⸲瀰⁴㈷〮瑰㜠⸲瀰⁴㈷〮瑰഻ऊ獭ⵯ敨摡牥洭牡楧㩮㘳〮瑰഻ऊ獭ⵯ潦瑯牥洭牡楧㩮㘳〮瑰഻ऊ獭ⵯ慰数⵲潳牵散〺紻਍楤⹶潗摲敓瑣潩ㅮ਍笉慰敧场牯卤捥楴湯㬱ൽⴊ㸭਍⼼瑳汹㹥਍ℼⴭ楛⁦瑧⁥獭〱㹝਍猼祴敬ാ ⨯匠祴敬䐠晥湩瑩潩獮⨠യ 慴汢⹥獍乯牯慭呬扡敬਍笉獭ⵯ瑳汹ⵥ慮敭∺慔汢⁥潎浲污㬢਍洉潳琭瑳汹ⵥ潲扷湡ⵤ楳敺〺഻ऊ獭ⵯ獴祴敬挭汯慢摮猭穩㩥㬰਍洉潳猭祴敬渭獯潨㩷敹㭳਍洉潳猭祴敬瀭楲牯瑩㩹㤹഻ऊ獭ⵯ瑳汹ⵥ慰敲瑮∺㬢਍洉潳瀭摡楤杮愭瑬〺浣㔠㐮瑰〠浣㔠㐮瑰഻ऊ獭ⵯ慰慲洭牡楧㩮挰㭭਍洉潳瀭牡ⵡ慭杲湩戭瑯潴㩭〮〰瀱㭴਍洉潳瀭条湩瑡潩㩮楷潤⵷牯桰湡഻ऊ潦瑮猭穩㩥〱〮瑰഻ऊ潦瑮昭浡汩㩹䌢污扩楲Ⱒ猢湡⵳敳楲≦紻਍⼼瑳汹㹥਍ℼ敛摮晩ⵝ㸭਍⼼敨摡ാഊ㰊潢祤氠湡㵧义猠祴敬✽慴ⵢ湩整癲污㌺⸶瀰❴ാ㰊ⴡ匭慴瑲牆条敭瑮ⴭ㰾灳湡猠祴敬✽潦瑮猭穩㩥〱〮瑰氻湩ⵥ敨杩瑨ㄺ㔱㬥਍潦瑮昭浡汩㩹吢浩獥丠睥删浯湡Ⱒ猢牥晩㬢獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴潦瑮昭浡汩㩹夢⁵楍据潨㬢਍獭ⵯ湡楳氭湡畧条㩥义活潳昭牡慥瑳氭湡畧条㩥久唭㭓獭ⵯ楢楤氭湡畧条㩥剁匭❁䴾⼼灳湡㰾灳湡਍慬杮䔽⁎瑳汹㵥昧湯⵴楳敺ㄺ⸰瀰㭴楬敮栭楥桧㩴ㄱ┵昻湯⵴慦業祬∺楔敭⁳敎⁷潒慭≮∬敳楲≦഻洊潳昭牡慥瑳昭湯⵴慦業祬∺留䴠湩档≯活潳愭獮⵩慬杮慵敧䔺㭎獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴慬杮慵敧ഺ䔊ⵎ单活潳戭摩⵩慬杮慵敧䄺ⵒ䅓㸧瑡牵椠⁳湯⁥景搠獩牴捩獴椠桴⁥牡慥漠⁦⼼灳湡㰾灳湡਍瑳汹㵥昧湯⵴楳敺ㄺ⸰瀰㭴楬敮栭楥桧㩴ㄱ┵昻湯⵴慦業祬∺楔敭⁳敎⁷潒慭≮∬敳楲≦഻洊潳昭牡慥瑳昭湯⵴慦業祬∺留䴠湩档≯活潳愭獮⵩慬杮慵敧䤺㭎獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴慬杮慵敧ഺ䔊ⵎ单活潳戭摩⵩慬杮慵敧䄺ⵒ䅓㸧態畢慰整㱁猯慰㹮猼慰慬杮䔽ൎ猊祴敬✽潦瑮猭穩㩥〱〮瑰氻湩ⵥ敨杩瑨ㄺ㔱㬥潦瑮昭浡汩㩹吢浩獥丠睥删浯湡Ⱒ猢牥晩㬢਍獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴潦瑮昭浡汩㩹夢⁵楍据潨㬢獭ⵯ湡楳氭湡畧条㩥久活潳昭牡慥瑳氭湡畧条㩥਍久唭㭓獭ⵯ楢楤氭湡畧条㩥剁匭❁朾浡㰮猯慰㹮猼慰慬杮䔽⁎瑳汹㵥昧湯⵴楳敺ㄺ⸰瀰㭴਍楬敮栭楥桧㩴ㄱ┵昻湯⵴慦業祬∺楔敭⁳敎⁷潒慭≮∬敳楲≦活潳昭牡慥瑳昭湯⵴慦業祬ഺ∊留䴠湩档≯活潳愭獮⵩慬杮慵敧䤺㭎獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴慬杮慵敧䔺ⵎ单活潳戭摩⵩慬杮慵敧ഺ䄊ⵒ䅓㸧㰠猯慰㹮猼慰慬杮䔽⁎瑳汹㵥昧湯⵴楳敺ㄺ⸰瀰㭴楬敮栭楥桧㩴ㄱ┵഻昊湯⵴慦業祬∺楔敭⁳敎⁷潒慭≮∬敳楲≦活潳昭牡慥瑳昭湯⵴慦業祬∺留䴠湩档≯഻洊潳愭獮⵩慬杮慵敧䔺㭎獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴慬杮慵敧䔺ⵎ单活潳戭摩⵩慬杮慵敧䄺ⵒ䅓㸧敒楧湯污਍⼼灳湡㰾灳湡猠祴敬✽潦瑮猭穩㩥〱〮瑰氻湩ⵥ敨杩瑨ㄺ㔱㬥潦瑮昭浡汩㩹吢浩獥丠睥删浯湡Ⱒ猢牥晩㬢਍獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴潦瑮昭浡汩㩹夢⁵楍据潨㬢獭ⵯ湡楳氭湡畧条㩥义活潳昭牡慥瑳氭湡畧条㩥਍久唭㭓獭ⵯ楢楤氭湡畧条㩥剁匭❁䴾⼼灳湡㰾灳湡氠湡㵧久猠祴敬✽潦瑮猭穩㩥〱〮瑰഻氊湩ⵥ敨杩瑨ㄺ㔱㬥潦瑮昭浡汩㩹吢浩獥丠睥删浯湡Ⱒ猢牥晩㬢獭ⵯ慦敲獡⵴潦瑮昭浡汩㩹਍夢⁵楍据潨㬢獭ⵯ湡楳氭湡畧条㩥久活潳昭牡慥瑳氭湡畧条㩥久唭㭓獭ⵯ楢楤氭湡畧条㩥਍剁匭❁愾畴⁲慨楶杮瘠牡潩獵瀠瑯湥楴污ⱳ渠瑯漠汮⁹湩琠牥獭漠⁦敧杯慲桰捩污ബ琊畯楲浳愠摮琠敨挠湯楤楴湯漠⁦瑩⁳慮畴慲畢⁴污潳椠整浲⁳景栠浵湡爠獥畯捲獥ബ渊浡汥⁹慤慳眠獩慭㰮猯慰㹮ℼⴭ湅䙤慲浧湥⵴㸭਍⼼潢祤ാഊ㰊栯浴㹬਍
The Use of Tracker Application to Enchance Physics Teachers in Senior High School in Making Laboratory Video Yulkifli Yulkifli; Ramli Ramli
Pelita Eksakta Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 1 No. 1
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol1-iss1/9


During this time, practicum activities in the School have not gone well. In fact, practical activities can support the understanding of the theory or material Physics taught to students. In addition, the lab can also generate student motivation and passion, as well as develop the students' process skills by conducting experiments. Experimental activities are very useful for students if this activity has been planned and designed well by teachers. Currently, technological advances can help improve Physical practice in the School. One of them by using video based laboratory (VBL). VBL is a practical activity in the laboratory in the form of video-based educational software. Technical Guidance for Making Video-Based Laboratory Application Tracker for Physics Teacher in Teachers' Consultation in Subject (MGMP) of High School Physics (SMA) in Padang and Padang Panjang City ", This activity was held for 2 months with the activity stage is preparation, implementation and activity evaluation. Based on the planning, the activities have been successfully done well. Implementation of this activity by the way the teacher is guided using the application Tracker on Physics practicum activities. The output of this activity is the Digital Video Labaratory for teaching material with Tracker application for physics practicum activity, especially Regular Straight Motion (GLB), Straight Changed Motion (GLBB), Momentum and Impulse.
Pelita Eksakta Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 2 No. 1
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol2-iss1/61


The 2015 PISA (Program for international students assessment) results put Indonesia in 65th position out of 72 countries. The results show that the mathematical abilities of Indonesian students are still very low. These low abilities include. : (1) understanding complex information; (2) theory, analysis and problem solving; (3) use of tools, procedures and problem solving; and (4) conducting an investigation. These four abilities are known as high-order thinking skills (HOTS). Similar conditions are also found in the city of Payakumbuh. Based on interviews with several elementary school teachers from Payakumbuh it was revealed that students were not used to solving problems that demanded HOTS because in general teachers are also not trained to design mathematical problems with high cognitive levels. They tend to give questions at low level. As a result, this is not developing students' mathematical abilities. Based on this, a community partnership program was implemented with the aim of increasing the ability of elementary school teachers to design questions to assess HOTS. The activity partners were high school elementary school teachers in Groups 1 and 3 of Payakumbuh, which numbered 55 people. Activities are packaged in the form of a combination of workshops and implementation in schools. In the workshop, the teachers were given knowledge and skills in designing HOTS questions by the resource person. Next, the teachers in groups designed HOTS questions. The questions that have been designed by the teacher are validated together, then tested to students in grades IV, V, and VI. Based on the collected data, it is known that there was an increase in the ability of high-class teachers in Elementary Groups 1 and 3 of Payakumbuh in solving HOTS questions. The ability of the teachers to design HOTS questions also increased, although some of the questions that were designed were still slightly above the application (few still want high analysis, evaluating, or creating).

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