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Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences
Published by Universitas Iqra Buru
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Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES) is a peer reviewed journal that covers the fields of scientific knowledge and academic scholarship that study exact groups and, more generally, phisics. UJSS is published routine, three times a year on April, August, and December. The publication also cover articles on extended fields of exact sciences such as the conceptual groundwork of the sciences by analyzing the historical course of rigorous quantitative thought and the precise theory of nature in the fields of mathematics, physics, technical chemistry, computer science, astronomy, and the biological sciences, embracing as well their connections to experiment. This journal is published by the Research and Community Service Institution of Universitas Iqra Buru, Maluku, Indonesia. The UJES welcomes the scholars, researchers and practitioners of exact sciences around the world to submit scholarly articles such in Indonesian, English and Arabic to be published through this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles.
Articles 76 Documents
EFEKTIFITAS PEMBELAJARAN CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING (CTL) TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA : (The Effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on Student Mathematics Learning Achievements) Wa Malmia; Jumi Latbual; Vivi R Hentihu; Siti Hajar Loilatu
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (577.445 KB) | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i2.26


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) learning which is effective on the mathematics learning outcomes of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 14 Buru. The method used in this study is a pre-experimental research method with a one-grop pre-test post-test design. The data used in this study were obtained from instruments in the form of learning outcomes, student activities and student responses. The sample in this study were 22 students of class VIII SMP Negeri 14 Buru. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The results obtained in this research are that contextual teaching and learning (CTL) learning is effective on the mathematics learning outcomes of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 14 Buru. This can be seen in the mathematics learning outcomes of students with an average score of 71.86, student activities with an average score of 3.285 are in the good category and student responses with a percentage of 77.5% with student response criteria that is positive.
PERBEDAAN PEMAHAMAN KONSEP FISIKA SISWA MELALUI MODEL PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING DAN PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF: (Differences in Students' Understanding of Physics Concepts through the Problem-based Learning Model and Concept-based Interactive Learning) Tri Kurnia Badu; Muh. Syihab Ikbal
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1189.737 KB) | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i2.27


This research is a Quasi-experimental research which aims to determine the level of understanding of the physics concepts of students taught by the Problem Based Learning  model in class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo, to determine the level of understanding of the physics concepts of students who are taught using the Concept-Based Interactive learning model in class students. XI SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo, to find out the difference in understanding the concepts of physics between students taught by the Problem Based Learning learning model and students taught with the Concept-Based Interactive Learning model in class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo. The design used in this study is "The matching only Posttest only control group design". The population in this study were 247 students of class XI IPA at SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo in the academic year 2015/2016, consisting of 8 classes. The sample in this study amounted to 30 people spread in two classes obtained through purposive sampling with matching techniques. The instruments used in this research are the concept understanding test instrument, observation sheets and learning tools (RPP). The results showed that there was a significant difference in understanding the concept of physics between students who were taught using the Problem Based Learning model and students who were taught using the Concept-Based Interactive Learning model in class XI IPA 6 and class XI IPA 5. This is shown by the tcount value of 5.05 and the ttable value of 2.04, then tcount> ttable so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
EFEKTIFITAS FRAKSI AKTIF METANOL DAUN SIRIH MERAH (PIPER CROCATUM) YANG BERPOTENSI SEBAGAI ANTIBAKTERI SALMONELLAS TYPHI: (The Effectiveness of Methanol Active Fraction of Red Better Leaves [Piper Crucatum] that Potential as an Antibacterial Salmonellas Typhi) Rosita Mangesa; Irsan Irsan
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.577 KB) | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i2.31


Red betel leaf is a plant that is often used by people as medicine and used as an ornamental plant because of its unique shape. Red betel leaves contain the main essential oil consisting of phenols and their derivatives so that they have potency as an antiseptic and antifungal agent. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the crude fraction of flavonoid compounds from red betel leaf against Salmonella typhi bacteria and the compound content of the most active fraction. The M1, M2, and M4 fractions contain flavonoid compounds and have the ability to be antibacterial with the best potential fraction is in the M1 fraction with an inhibition zone of 4.83 mm.
PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR JARINGAN DAN KEBUTUHAN AIR BERSIH UNTUK PERUMAHAN DI DESA MORELA-KECAMATAN LEIHITU : (Network Structure Planning and the Need of Clean Water for Housing in Morela Village-Leihitu Sub-District) Sjaid S.Fais Assagaf; Rabiyatul Uzda; Andi Sudarman
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.44 KB) | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i2.44


The need for clean water in each area is very urgent, especially in rural areas that lack springs. Discussions are being carried out regarding drinking water needs in Morela village community housing, calculating the capacity requirements for drinking water volume in Morela Village housing and drawing of the existing clean water distribution system installation network. in Morela Village. The study used a quantitative analysis approach to processing primary data obtained from field data samples through the survey to be analyzed. The projection of drinking water until 2027 is 12.449 liters / second, while the availability of water sourced from rivers is based on a discharge analysis of 10.825 liters / second. The process of connecting the flow of clean water from the river to the Morela Village housing, through brouncaptering using the GPS Medium A pipe. 150 mm, 100 mm and 75 mm, water is flowed to a distribution reservoir measuring 6.30m x 8.10m x 2m and from the reservoir the water is flowed through a diameter pipe. 150 mm, 100 mm and 75 mm and flowed directly to the main pipe dia. 50 mm to the housing.
PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SINEKTIKUNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK PADA POKOK BAHASAN KOLOGATIF LARUTAN : (Application of Synectic Learning Models to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement in Solution Colligative Discussion) Hamela Sari Sitompul; Yumitra Falenthine Br Ginting; Ibnu Hajar
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (684.716 KB) | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i2.45


This study aimed to determine student learning outcomes using the Synectic learning model and learning outcomes using conventional learning models at YAPIM Taruna Dolok Masihul Private High School. The population was all students of class XII SMA which consisted of 2 classes. Samples were taken randomly from 2 classes consisting of the experimental class and the control class. The data observed were chemistry students' learning outcomes, which were collected through a multiple choice test of 20 questions consisting of 5 answer options, which had been tested for validity, reliability, difficulty level and test differentiation. The data obtained were analyzed using the T test, which previously tested the normality and homogeneity of the data. The learning outcomes of the experimental class mean pre-test (27.81 ± 7.21) and post-test mean (76.88 ± 5.70) with an increase in learning outcomes Gain by 68%, while the learning outcomes of the control class average pre-test (22.03 ± 6.70) and the average post-test (70.47 ± 6.00) with an increase in learning outcomes gain by 62%. Hypothesis testing is carried out at the significance level α = 0.05 using one-sided t-test, namely the right side where tcount> ttable (3.05> 1.667139), which means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. By looking at the results of these studies it can be concluded that the chemistry learning outcomes of students who were treated through the application of the Synectic learning model are higher than using conventional teaching.  
PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN CHILDREN LEARNING IN SCIENCE (CILS) TERHADAP PEMAHAMAN KONSEP FISIKA : (The Effect of Children Learning In Science Learning Models on The Physics Concepts Understanding) Muh. Syihab Ikbal; Jusman Jusman; Tri Kurnia Badu; Imam Permana; Mukti Ali
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i3.53


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran children learning in science (CLIS) terhadap pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah the matching only post test group design. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 136 peserta didik yang tersebar ke dalam 4 kelas. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 36 peserta didik yang terbagi ke dalam 2 kelas dan dipilih dengan teknik random kelas yang dipadu dengan teknik pemadanan sampel. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah instrumen tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pemahaman konsep fisik peserta didik yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran CLIS lebih besar dari rata-rata pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran konvensional, yaitu 78,93 > 70,64. Hasil pengujian hipotesis juga menunjukkan bahwa thitung lebih besar dari ttabel, yaitu 3.938 > 1,990, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran CLIS memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik terhadap pemahaman konsep peserta didik dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran konvensional.
THE CORRELATION OF LOW INTEREST ON LEARNING PROCESS WITH CLASS AVERAGE GRADES OF PUBLIC HEALTH STUDENTS FROM THE 2014-2017 GENERATIONS: (Korelasi Rendah Minat dalam Proses Belajar dengan Kelas Rata-rata Mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat) Debora Harsono
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i3.59


This paper presents the Correlation of Low Interest on Learning Process with Grade Averages of Public Health students from the 2014—2017 generations. In fact, many students have low interest of their study. And it will be influenced of the grade averages.  This research method uses an analysis. To achieve the credibility of data for this research, the researcher uses the data of Abstract Translation from nursing students on their mini thesis / skripsi. Finally, through this paper we can prove that we can find many common mistakes of writing Abstract Translation on Nursing students at Moluccas Christian University of Indonesia. Shortly, we can conclude that the nursing students of UKIM choose to translate Abstract Translation by Google Translate, and finally we need an expert to check all the common mistakes of writing Abstract translation.    
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i3.60


One of the learning methods in increasing student absorption is related to Social Sciences regarding natural phenomenon materials through demonstration methods. The research subjects were students of class VIII 3 SMP Negeri 1 Tellu Limpoe, Sidenreng Rappang District, 2018/2019 academic year, totaling 33 children. In the implementation of learning in class VIII 3 SMP Negeri 1 Tellu Limpoe, the teacher only applies the lecture method in learning, so that students' absorption is low. The research design consists of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The results showed the use of the demonstration method had a major contribution to the effort to increase student absorption, marked by the increase in student formative value acquisition. At the initial stage, the students 'completeness was only 39%, while in the first cycle students' learning completeness reached 72% or an increase of 33%. In cycle II, the maximum percentage of student completeness is 100%.
PENERAPAN METODE EKSPERIMEN TENTANG SIFAT-SIFAT AIR PADA BIDANG STUDI IPA DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA: (Application of Experimental Methods about the Properties of Water in the Field of Science in Improving Student Learning Outcomes) Fitriani Tabe
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i2.61


Metode eksperimen dipandang sebagai metode yang sesuai untuk pembelajaran IPA sebab eksperimen dapat menyediakan kondisi belajar sehingga peserta didik mampu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir dan kreativitas secara optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini diharapkan mengetahui perkembangan hasil belajar siswa melalui penerpan metode eksperimen pada pembelajaran IPA khususnya untuk materi sifat-sifat air. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan (action research). Dalam penelitian ini peneliti bekerja sama dengan rekan guru sebagai pengamat, kehadiran peneliti sebagai guru kelas dan dilakukan seperti biasa, sehingga siswa tidak tahu kalau diteliti. Adapun Langkah–langkah kerja yang dilakukan peneliti meliputi siklus I dan II, dalam tiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan yaitu Penerapan metode eksperimen pada pembelajaran IPA khususnya untuk materi sifat-sifat air dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hal tersebut terbukti dari data yang diperoleh yang menyebutkan bahwa pada tahap awal sebelum diterapkannya metode aksperimen, ketuntasan belajar siswa hanya mencapai 43%. Setelah diterapkannya metode eksperimen, yaitu pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 62 % atau mengalami peningkatan 19 %. Sedangkan pada siklus II, ketuntasan belajar siswa mencapai 100 % atau m,engalami peningkatan 57 % dari tahap awal dan 38 % dari siklus I.
OPTIMALISASI METODE EKSPERIMEN DALAM PENINGKATAN PRESTASI SISWA BELAJAR IPA TENTANG PENGARUH MATAHARI DALAM KEHIDUPAN SEHARI-HARI : (Optimization of Experimental Methods in Improving Student Achievement in Science Learning about the Effects of the Sun on Daily Life) Wellyanti Wellyanti
Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47323/ujes.v1i3.62


Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang diprioritaskan. Hal ini terbukti dengan pelajaran IPA selalu diikutkan dalam ujian nasional. Sehingga banyak lembaga-lembaga bimbingan membantu siswa yang merasa kesulitan dalam mengikuti pelajaran ini. Untuk itu, guru harus selalu kreatif dan inovatif dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran, sehingga tercapai hasil yang memuaskan dan seluruh siswa dapat tuntas dalam belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini dapat mengetahui dampak kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan menerapkan metode eksperimen dalam pelajaran IPA tentang Pengaruh Matahari dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari. Tahap perbaikan pembelajaran menggunakan model siklus yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang. Satu siklus putaran kegiatan yang terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi, kemudian membuat perencanaan kembali untuk siklus yang selanjutnya menunjukan perubahan yang signifikan dan dapat mencapai target yang ditentukan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu prestasi belajar siswa dalam pelajaran IPA tentang Pengaruh Matahari Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari mengalami peningkatan setelah menerqapkan metode eksperimen. Sedangkan ketuntasan belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan dari setiap siklus yang dilakukan. Pada tahap awal ketuntasan siswa 29%, pada siklus I 66%, dan pada siklus II 100%.