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Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan
ISSN : -     EISSN : 24599891     DOI : 10.21831
Core Subject : Health, Social,
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan is a journal published by Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. The journal is published twice a year, in May and November. Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan biannually publishes research on various aspects of the sports and exercise sciences, including anatomy, biomechanics, performance analysis, physiology, psychology, sports medicine, sports nutrition, health, and well-being, as well as coaching and talent identification and physical education. The Journal also publishes review articles and book reviews. The Journal focuses on the human sciences, including responses to technologies such as the design of sports equipment and training facilities, athlete selection and recruitment, performance analysis or modification, and stress reduction. To be considered for publication, manuscripts must be original and relevant to the aforementioned topics. It is published by the Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. However, the readership for this Journal covers academics to practitioners from a range of disciplines and topics of interest. All articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing.
Articles 35 Documents
Pengaruh volume latihan dan kecepatan reaksi terhadap ketepatan pukulan drive tenis meja atlet junior Lefri Alamsyah; Tomoliyus Tomoliyus
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.344 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v2i1.17999


Penelitian untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan pengaruh volume latihan terhadap pukulan drive, (2) perbedaan pengaruh kecepatan reaksi terhadap pukulan drive, dan (3) interaksi antara volume latihan dan kecepatan reaksi terhadap ketepatan pukulan drive. Metode eksperimen faktorial 2x2. Populasi adalah atlet tenis meja junior. Jumlah sampel 20 orang diambil dengan teknik Random Sampling. Instrumen kecepatan reaksi menggunakan ruler drop test, untuk pukulan drive adalah tes oleh Tomoliyus (2012). Teknik analisis data menggunakan ANOVA dua jalur signifikan α = 0,05.     Hasil menunjukkan: (1) ada perbedaan pengaruh volume latihan terhadap pukulan drive, p = 0,000 0,05, volume rendah lebih baik dibandingkan volume tinggi, (2) ada perbedaan pengaruh kecepatan reaksi terhadap pukulan drive, p = 0,000 0,05, kecepatan reaksi tinggi lebih baik dibandingkan rendah, dan (3) ada interaksi antara volume latihan dan kecepatan reaksi terhadap pukulan drive, p = 0,013 0,05. The effect of exercise volume and reaction speed on drive accuracy in junior table tennis Abstract: This research is to find out: (1) whether the difference in the exercise volume effect the increased drive. (2) the difference between low and fast speed reaction effect to drive service accuracy, and (3) the interaction between exercise volume and reaction speed to drive. This research experiments with a 2x2 factorial design. The sample is 20 persons which were taken by random sampling. The instrument for measuring reaction speed is a ruler drop test, drive service accuracy used drive accuracy ability instrument at table tennis game by Tomoliyus (2012). Data analysis used two paths ANOVA in level significance α = 0.05. The result showed: (1) there are different effects of exercise volume on drive accuracy. It is proved by p-value = 0.000 0.05, low volume are better than high volume. (2) There are differences between low and high reaction speed’s effect on drive service accuracy, it is proved by p value= 0.000 0.05, High reaction speed athletes are better than low reaction speed (3) There is an interaction between exercise volume and reaction speed toward drive service accuracy ability, it is proved by p-value = 0.013 0.05.
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.756 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v1i2.58


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model tes fisik calon atlet taekwondo yang valid dan reliabel berdasarkan indikator fisik taekwondo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (RD) dengan pendekatan survei melalui tes pengukuran. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan berupa model tes fisik untuk calon atlet taekwondo usia 11-13 tahun. Teknik analisis data validitas menggunakan construct validity dengan korelasi Product Moment Pearson, Z skor untuk menyamakan satuan dan reliabilitas menggunakan test retest Conbrach’s Alpha dengan hasil reliabilitas panjang tungkai 1,00, kelentukan 0,992, kecepatan reaksi 0,639, kekuatan perut 0,604, power tungkai kanan 0,992, power tungkai kiri 0,998, kekuatan lengan 0,721 dan kelincahan 0,974. Hasil model tes fisik calon atlet taekwondo usia 11-13 tahun yang berupa norma dan buku panduan dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman pelatih dalam memilih bibit atlet taekwondo usia 11-13 tahun.Kata kunci: Model Tes Fisik, Taekwondo, Usia 11-13 Tahun DEVELOPING PHYSICAL MODEL TEST FOR PROSPECTIVE TAEKWONDO ATHLETE AGED 11-13 YEARSAbstractThis study aims to produce a model of a physical test of candidates taekwondo athlete which is valid and reliable based on physical indicators of taekwondo. This research is a Research and Development (RD) with survey approach through the test measurements. The result ofthis research and development is a model of a physical test for candidates of taekwondo athletes aged 11-13 years. The validity used construct validity with Product Moment Pearson correlation, Z scores were used to equalize unit and reliability used test retest Conbrach’s Alpha reliability resulting limb length as 1.00, flexibility 0.992, speed of reaction of 0.639, streght of abdominal 0.604, right leg power 0.992, left leg power 0.998, arms streght 0.721 and agility 0.974. The results of the physical tests models of taekwondo athletes candidate 11-13 years of age in the form of norms and guide books can be used as a guide in selecting taekwondo athletes aged 11-13 years.Keywords: Physical test models, Taekwondo, Age 11-13 Years
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.115 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v1i1.43


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui metode lompat berirama (lompat ritmik) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar lompat jangkit, dan (2) mencari bukti-bukti bahwa metode lompat ritmik dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar lompat jangkit peserta didik kelas XI AK. 4 (akuntansi 4) SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian ini adalah 31 peserta didik kelas XI AK 4 SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo semester kedua tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Penelitian ini terdiri atas tiga siklus, yang masing-masing terdiri dari tiga kali, dua kali, dan dua kali pertemuan. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan mengkomparasikan data siklus I dengan siklus-siklus berikutnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode lompat ritmik meningkatkan hasil belajar lompat jangkit peserta didik kelas XI AK 4 SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo. Pada akhir siklus ketiga dicapai rata-rata nilai aspek spiritual sebesar 83,85, aspek sosial sebesar 96,00, aspek pengetahuan sebesar 70,484 dan aspek keterampilan sebesar 95,17. Peningkatan dampak penyerta berupa peningkatan aktivitas peserta didik, dan guru, dan keefektifan penggunaan alat/media.Kata Kunci:  IMPROVING THE LEARNING OUTCOMES IN TRIPLE JUMP STUDENTS OF SMKN 2 PURWOREJO, THROUGH THE JUMP RHYTHMAbstractThis study aims to: (1) reveal whether the rhythmic jump method can improve the learning outcomes, and (2) discover the evidence that the rhythmic jump method can improve the learning outcomes in triple jump of XI AK. 4 SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo.This research is classroom action research (CAR). The subject was 31 students of class XI of the Accounting Departement of SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo in 2013/2014 in second semester. This classroom action research consisted of three cycles, each consisting of three, two, and two meetings subsequently.The data collection was performed by two collaborators and a cameraman using a handycam. The data analysis used the descriptive statistics by comparing the data in cycles I, II, and III. The results showed that the rhythmic jump method improves the learning outcomes of the students of class XI AK 4 SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo. In the third cycle, the average score of the spiritual aspect is 83.85, the social aspect 96.00, knowledge aspects 70.484 and skill aspect 95.17. The increasing impact of a concomitant increase is in the activity of the students, and teachers, and the effectiveness of the use of tools/media.Keywords : rhythmic jump method (rhythmic), triple jump
Pengembangan media pembelajaran pengenalan sinyal wasit bagi peserta kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bola basket sekolah menengah pertama Ranintya Meikahani; Wawan Sundawan Suherman
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v3i1.18007


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa CD pembelajaran pengenalan sinyal wasit bagi peserta kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bola basket SMP yang valid dan efektif. Media pembelajaran ini menggunakan software Adobe Flash CS6 Professional. Peneliti memodifikasi 10 tahap Borg Gall menjadi 5 tahap, yaitu tahap (1) analisis kebutuhan; (2) pembuatan disain; (3) validasi produk; (4) uji coba lapangan; dan (5) tahap uji operasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas produk hasil validasi ahli materi termasuk “Sangat baik” dengan rerata 4,35 dan hasil validasi ahli media termasuk “Baik” dengan rerata 4,13. Kualitas produk hasil uji coba kelompok kecil termasuk “Sangat baik” dengan rerata skor 4,42. Uji coba kelompok besar dengan kualitas produk “Sangat baik” dengan rerata 4,48. Hasil uji tes menunjukkan rerata skor pretest 36,66 dan rerata skor posttest 76,14. Skor siswa mengalami peningkatan dengan selisih skor 39,48. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran pengenalan sinyal wasit telah valid dan efektif digunakan dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bola basket SMP. Introduction a learning media development for participants in basketball extracurricular junior high school Abstract: This research aims to produce a CD computer-based learning media of referee signal for participants of basketball extracurricular junior high school which is validated. Adobe Flash CS6 Professional software was used to develop this media. This research modified 5 for 10 stages of Borg and Gall: (1) needs analysis, (2) create design, (3) product validation, (4) field trial, and (5) operational trial. The results show that the quality of products from the matter expert is “very good” with an average of 4.35. The validation result from the media expert shows that the quality of the product is “good” with an average of 4.13. The quality of products from the small group is “very good” with an average of 4.42. The quality of media from big groups is “very good” with an average of 4.48. Test results from the operational trial show that the score increased with the average score for the pretest being 36.66 and the average score for the post-test being 76.14. Based on the test results it can be concluded that the media is effectively used for learning.
Pengembangan alat bantu belajar gerak teknik dasar servis tenis untuk yunior pemula Ismail Gani
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.534 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v2i2.17766


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah alat bantu belajar teknik servis tenis yang efektif untuk meningkatkan teknik servis yunior pemula, yang memenuhi syarat edukatif, teknis, dan estetis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan dengan tahapan meliputi menggali potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan informasi, rancangan produk, pembuatan produk, validasi produk, revisi produk, uji skala kecil, uji skala besar dan uji efektivitas. Subjek pada uji skala kecil terdiri dari dua orang pelatih dan delapan yunior pemula. Subjek pada skala besar terdiri dari empat pelatih tenis DIY, dan tiga belas yunior pemula. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat bantu servis yang dikembangkan berdasarkan syarat edukatif, teknik, dan estetika. Alat bantu servis yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak oleh ahli tenis, ahli teknologi pembelajaran, ahli teknologi dan rekayasa dengan kategori “baik”, serta oleh pelatih dan yunior pemula dengan kategori “baik”. Alat bantu servis efektif untuk meningkatkan teknik servis yunior pemula dengan hasil kenaikan dengan rerata sebesar 13,06. Developing a learning aid to basic motions in tennis service techniques for junior beginners AbstractThis study aims to produce a learning aid to effective tennis service techniques to improve the serving techniques of junior beginners, relevant to the educational, technical, and esthetic requirements. This was a research and development study using the steps of potential and problem investigation, information collection, product design, product making, product validation, product revision, small-scale appropriateness testing, large-scale appropriateness testing, and effectiveness testing. The subjects in the small-scale testing were two coaches and eight junior beginners. The subjects in the large-scale testing were four tennis coaches of Yogyakarta Special Region and 13 junior beginners. The results of the study show that the junior beginner service aid is developed on the basis of the rules of educative, technical, and esthetic requirements. The developed service aid is appropriate for the tennis experts, learning technology experts,  engineering experts with a good category, and a good category from the coaches and junior beginners. The serving aid is effective to improve junior beginners’ service techniques with an improvement of 13.06.
Pengaruh metode latihan dan koordinasi mata tangan terhadap ketepatan drive pada ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis Zulhendri Zulhendri; Pamuji Sukoco
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.259 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v2i1.17995


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan pengaruh metode latihan drill tetap dan drill kombinasi (strokes) terhadap ketepatan pukulan drive; (2) perbedaan pengaruh koordinasi mata tangan tinggi dan koordinasi mata tangan rendah terhadap ketepatan pukulan drive; dan (3) Interaksi antara metode latihan dan koordinasi mata tangan terhadap ketepatan pukulan drive. Metode penelitian eksperimen faktorial 2 x 2. Populasi berjumlah 37 siswa. Sampel berjumlah 20 siswa. Instrumen koordinasi mata tangan menggunakan tes lempar tangkap bola tenis ketepatan pukulan drive menggunakan wall volley test. Teknik analisis data ANOVA dua jalur α = 0,05. Hasil menunjukkan: (1) ada perbedaan pengaruh metode latihan drill tetap dan drill kombinasi (strokes) terhadap ketepatan pukulan drive, drill tetap lebih baik daripada drill kombinasi (strokes); (2) ada perbedaan pengaruh koordinasi mata tangan tinggi dan rendah terhadap ketepatan pukulan drive, koordinasi mata tangan tinggi lebih baik daripada rendah; dan (3) ada interaksi antara metode latihan drill tetap dan drill kombinasi (strokes) dan koordinasi mata tangan tinggi dan rendah terhadap ketepatan pukulan drive. The effects of exercise and coordination of precision eye-hand drive in extracurricular badminton Abstract: This study aims to reveal: (1) differences in the influence of training methods drill fixed and drill combination (strokes) on the accuracy of punch drive; (2) differences in the effect of hand-eye coordination high and hand-eye coordination lower accuracy of the punch drives; and (3) the interaction between the practice and coordination hand-eye of the accuracy of punch drive. The method of this research was an experiment with factorial 2 x 2. The population was 37 students. The samples of this research were 20 students. The instrument to measure the use of hand-eye coordination catching tennis ball throwing punches accuracy-test drive using the wall volley. The data analysis technique was two ways ANOVA α = 0.05. The results of the research show that: (1) there are differences in the influence of training methods remain drill and drill combination (strokes) on the accuracy of punch drive, still better than the drill combination (strokes); (2) there is a significant difference of students that have the effect of hand-eye coordination high and low of the accuracy of punch drive, high hand-eye coordination is better than low; and (3) there was an interaction between training methods remain drill and drill combination (strokes) and hand-eye coordination high and low of the accuracy of punch drive. 
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.32 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v1i1.44


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) kontribusi faktor fisik dalam mengoptimalkan kemampuan free throw, (2) kontribusi faktor teknik dalam kemampuan free throw, (3) kontribusi faktor psikis dalam mengoptimalkan kemampuan free throw, dan (4) kontribusi ketiga faktor fisik, teknik, dan psikis dalam mengoptimalkan kemampuan free throw. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain non-experimental. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 81 peserta. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan teknik analisis Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan taraf signifikan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat kontribusi positif faktor fisik dalam mengoptimalkan kemampuan free throw, terbukti dari nilai koefisien jalur sebesar 0,1795 dan nilai t hitung 2,6074 t tabel 1,960, nilai kontribusi relatif sebesar 15,88% dan kontribusi efektif sebesar 14,08%; (2) terdapat kontribusi positif faktor teknik dalam mengoptimalkan kemampuan free throw, terbukti dari nilai koefisien jalur sebesar 0,3404 dan nilai t hitung 7,0207 t tabel 1,960, nilai kontribusi relatif sebesar 31,94% dan kontribusi efektif sebesar 28,32% (3) terdapat kontribusi positif faktor psikis dalam mengoptimalkan kemampuan free throw, terbukti dari nilai koefisien jalur sebesar 0,5095 dan nilai t hitung 8,3679 t tabel 1,960, nilai kontribusi relatif sebesar 52,18% dan kontribusi efektif sebesar 46,27%; dan (4) terdapat kontribusi ketiga faktor fisik, teknik, dan psikis dalam mengoptimalkan kemampuan free throw dengan nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,886695 atau 88,67%.Kata kunci: faktor fisik, teknik, psikis, kemampuan free throw. THE CONTRIBUTION OF PHYSICAL, TECHNICAL, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS TO THE FREE THROW ABILITY IN BASKETBALLAbstractThis study aims to determine: (1) the contribution of the physical factors in optimizing the free throw ability, (2) the contribution of technical factors in optimizing the free throw ability, (3) the contribution of psychological factors in optimizing the free throw ability, and (4) contribution of the three factors physical, technical, and psychological in optimizing the free throw ability. This research is a non-experimental design. The hypothesis testing was analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS) with the significance level α = 0.05. The samples in this research were 81 participants from SMA N 3 Yogyakarta, SMA N 4 Yogyakarta, SMA N 6 Yogyakarta, and SMA N 8 Yogyakarta that were chosen by using a simple random sampling technique. The results of the study show that: (1) there is a positive contribution of the physical factors in optimizing the free throw ability, proven by the value of the path coefficient that was 0.1795 and the t value 2.6074 t table 1.960, the value of relative contribution of 31.94% and an effective contribution value of 28.32%;  (2) there is a positive contribution of the technical factors in optimizing the free throw ability, proven by the value of the path coefficient that was 0.3404 and the t value 7.0207 t table 1.960, the value of relative contribution of 31.94% and an effective contribution value of 28.32% (3) there is a positive contribution of psychological factors in optimizing the free throw ability, proven by the value of the path coefficient that was 0.5095  and the t value 8.3679 t table 1.960, the value of relative contribution of 52.18% and an effective contribution value of 46.27% and (4) there is a contributions of three factors physical, technical, and psychological in optimizing the free throw ability, proven by the value of the corellation coefficient that was 0.886695 or 88.67%.Keywords: physical factors, technical, psychological, free throw ability.
Pengaruh air mineral, air berglukosa mineral, susu coklat terhadap hidrasi dan kadar glukosa darah Marsiline Pieter; B.M. Wara Kushartanti
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v3i1.18006


Penelitian untuk mengungkapkan: (1) pengaruh minuman terhadap status hidrasi dan kadar glukosa darah; (2) pengaruh air mineral, air berglukosa mineral, dan susu cokelat terhadap status hidrasi dan kadar glukosa darah, dan (3) perbedaan pengaruh ketiga minuman terhadap status hidrasi dan kadar glukosa darah. Metode pra eksperimen. Populasi Atlet karate 21 orang. Instrumen BJ urine clinitek analyzer dan kadar glukosa darah gluko DrTm. Teknik analisis data ANOVA satu jalur α = 0,05. Hasil menunjukkan: (1) Ada perbedaan berat badan setelah minum air mineral, air berglukosa mineral, dan susu coklat; (2) Pemberian air mineral setelah minum belum bisa mengembalikan kadar glukosa darah; (3) Ada perbedaan air mineral, air berglukosa mineral, dan susu cokelat dalam mengembalikan status hidrasi dan kadar glukosa darah, yaitu. (a) Air putih belum dapat mengembalikan kadar glukosa atlet; (b) Tidak ada perbedaan antara air berglukosa mineral dan susu cokelat. The impact of mineral water, glucose mineral water, and chocolate milk on hydration and blood glucose levels Abstract: Research to reveal: (1) the effect of drinking on hydration status and blood glucose levels; (2) the effect of mineral water, mineral glucose water, and chocolate milk on hydration status and blood glucose levels, and (3) different effects of the three drinks on hydration status and blood glucose levels. Pre-experimental method. The population of karate athletes is 21 people. BJ instrument clinical urine analyzer and blood glucose levels glucose DrTm. One-way ANOVA data analysis technique = 0.05. The results showed: (1) There was a difference in body weight after drinking mineral water, mineral glucose water, and chocolate milk; (2) Giving mineral water after drinking has not been able to restore blood glucose levels; (3) There are differences in mineral water, mineral glucose water, and chocolate milk in restoring hydration status and blood glucose levels, namely. (a) Water has not been able to restore the athlete's glucose level; (b) There is no difference between mineral glucose water and chocolate milk.
Analisis teknik jalan cepat atlet Indonesia Margi Asih; Ria Lumintuarso
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.598 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v2i2.17764


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja gerak teknik jalan cepat atlet Indonesia melalui analisis biomekanika olahraga di Jakarta tahun 2015. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan variabel gerak teknik jalan cepat. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu: (1) angket, yang berisi kisi-kisi analisis kinerja gerak teknik jalan cepat yang telah divalidasi oleh ahli biomekanika dan ahli atletik, (2) kamera, untuk melakukan pengamatan. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet yang mengikuti Kejurnas atletik di Jakarta tahun 2015 yang berjumlah 18 atlet putra dan 11 atlet putri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja gerak teknik jalan cepat atlet indonesia berada pada kategori baik. Kinerja atlet putra pada front support phase berada pada kategori baik. Kinerja back support phase berada pada kategori baik. Kinerja double support phase berada pada kategori cukup baik. Kinerja atlet putri pada front support phase berada pada kategori baik. Kinerja back support phase berada pada kategori baik. Kinerja double support phase berada pada kategori baik. An analysis of Indonesian athletes’ race walking Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the performance of Indonesian athletes’ race walking technique movements through a sports biomechanics analysis in Jakarta in 2015. This was a quantitative descriptive study in which the variable was race walking technique movements. The instruments included: (1) a questionnaire containing a grid of an analysis of the performance of race walking technique movements that had been validated by a biomechanics expert and an athletics expert, and (2) a camera to conduct observations. The research subjects were race walking athletes joining the National Athletics Competition in Jakarta in 2015 with a total of 18 male athletes and 11 female athletes. The results of the study showed that the performance of Indonesian athletes’ race walking technique movements was good. The male athletes’ performance in the front support phase techniques was good. The back support phase techniques were good. The double support phase was techniques moderately good. The female athletes’ performance in the front support phase techniques was good. The back support phase techniques were good. The double support phase techniques were good. 
Pengembangan model pembelajaran kolary untuk permainan bola basket di sekolah menengah atas Abdul ‘Aziz Purnomo Shidiq; Yustinus Sukarmin
Jurnal Pedagogi Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.706 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpok.v2i1.17996


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran kolary untuk permainan bola basket di SMA. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik sekolah menengah atas kelas X. Uji coba skala kecil dilakukan terhadap 32 peserta didik SMA N 1 Kartasura, dan 30 peserta didik SMA N 2 Sukoharjo. Uji coba skala besar dilakukan terhadap 32 peserta didik SMA N 1 Boyolali, 33 peserta didik SMA N 1 Banyudono, dan 36 peserta didik SMA N 2 Boyolali. Uji keefektifan dilakukan terhadap  32 peserta didik SMA N 7 Surakarta. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu: (1) pedoman wawancara, (2) pedoman observasi pembelajaran, dan (3) GPAI. Teknik analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini berupa model pembelajaran kolary untuk permainan bola basket di SMA. Dari hasil penilaian para ahli dan praktisi, model pembelajaran kolary memiliki validitas 0,988 sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa model pembelajaran kolary yang disusun dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dribbling, passing, dan shooting dan aspek afektif yang terdiri atas kerja sama, disiplin, dan sportif. Di samping itu, model pembelajaran kolary juga sangat sesuai dengan karakteristik, pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan peserta didik serta mampu membuat peserta didik lebih mudah untuk mempelajari teknik dasar permainan bola basket di SMA. Developing kolary instructional model for a basketball game in senior high school Abstract: The purpose of this study is to produce the kolary instructional model for a basketball game in senior high school. The approach taken in this study was research and development. The subjects were the tenth grade of high school. The preliminary field test was conducted on 32 students of the X grade in SMA N 1 Kartasura and 30 students of the X grade students of SMA N 2 Sukoharjo. The preliminary field test was conducted on 32 students of SMA N 1 Boyolali, 33 students of SMA Negeri 1 Banyudono, and 36 students of SMA N 2 Boyolali. The evaluation of the effectiveness was conducted on 32 students of SMA N 7 Surakarta. The data collection instruments used were: (1) interview (2) observation learning guide, and (3) GPAI. The data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this research were a learning model kolary for the game of basketball in high school. From the results of the assessment experts and practitioners' learning model kolary has a validity of 0,988 it could be concluded that the learning model kolary was drafted to improve the skills of dribbling, passing, and shooting and affective aspects consisting of operation, discipline, and sportsmanship. The learning models kolary in accordance with the characteristics and growth and development of students and students are able to make it easier to learn the basic techniques of basketball in high school.

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