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Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering
ISSN : 29621003     EISSN : 29620767     DOI :
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) publishes articles on community service and empowerment results that are problem-solving, comprehensive, meaningful, and sustainable, with clear goals. Community service and empowerment activities must have novelty, innovation, and creativity. The manuscripts do not just replicate the same activities in different places, have measurable results and impacts on society, and support achieving the goals outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs are a global plan agreed upon by world leaders to end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the environment. The SDGs contain 17 Goals and 169 Targets, so each article must be linked to these goals and targets (as stated in the contribution statement).
Articles 34 Documents
Determination of some metals contained in well drinking water obtained from some secondary schools in Sokoto East District, Nigeria Yusuf Sarkingobir; Abbas Abubakar Hiliya; Yusuf Yahaya Miya; AI Umar; Aminu Musa Yabo; Nura Maiakwai Salah
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Available Online in April 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v2i1.19427


This study determined the levels of metals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, cadmium, chromium, lead, copper, zinc, and iron) in well water obtained from three secondary schools in Sokoto East district, Nigeria. Standard methods, procedures, and analytical grade reagents were used to determine the metals in atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results were expressed using calculated mean and standard deviation and tested using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and found to be significant . The ranges of determined potassium, calcium, and magnesium are  ppm,  ppm, and  ppm respectively; the ranges of zinc, copper, and iron are:  ppm,  ppm, and  ppm respectively; and the ranges of determined cadmium, chromium, and lead are:  ppm,  ppm, and  ppm respectively. Thus, the water contains heavy metals that can elicit adverse effects on school-aged children, especially chronic exposure; therefore, treated drinking water should be provided to safeguard the health and academic capacity of students and other school actors. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar logam (kalsium, magnesium, kalium, kadmium, kromium, timbal, tembaga, seng, dan besi) dalam air sumur yang diperoleh dari tiga sekolah menengah di distrik Sokoto East, Nigeria. Metode standar, prosedur, dan reagen kelas analitik digunakan untuk menentukan logam dalam spektroskopi serapan atom. Hasilnya dinyatakan dengan menggunakan rata-rata yang dihitung dan standar deviasi dan diuji menggunakan analisis varians satu arah (ANOVA) dan ditemukan signifikan . Kandungan kalium, kalsium, dan magnesium yang ditentukan masing-masing adalah  ppm,  ppm, dan  ppm; kisaran seng, tembaga, dan besi masing-masing adalah:  ppm,  ppm, dan  ppm; dan rentang kadmium, kromium, dan timbal yang ditentukan adalah:  ppm,  ppm, dan  ppm. Dengan demikian, air tersebut mengandung logam berat yang dapat menimbulkan efek buruk pada anak usia sekolah, terutama paparan kronis; oleh karena itu, air minum olahan harus disediakan untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kapasitas akademik siswa dan pelaku sekolah lainnya.
Penyuluhan penanganan batang sawit pada Kelompok Tani Sawit Maju Bersama di Kabupaten Kampar Fatmayati Fatmayati; Nina Veronika; Hanifah Khairiah
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Available Online in October 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v1i1.16823


Perkembangan industri sawit di Indonesia cukup pesat yang bisa dilihat dari peningkatan luas perkebunan sawit baik milik masyarakat maupun milik perusahaan perkebunan. Kelurahan Pasir Sialang, Kecamatan Bangkinang di Kabupaten Kampar memiliki perkebunan sawit yang pada tahun 2021 baru saja melakukan proses peremajaan tanaman sawitnya karena tanaman sawit sudah melewati masa produktifnya. Kelompok Tani Sawit Maju Bersama memiliki luas perkebunan sawit sekitar 51,8 ha yang berlokasi di Daerah Sei Jernih, Kelurahan Pasir Sialang, Kecamatan Bangkinang, Kabupaten Kampar. Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) telah melakukan survey dan wawancara dengan kelompok tani sawit tersebut untuk mengetahui keadaan perkebunan sawit secara langsung pasca peremajaan tanaman sawit. Pada kegiatan tersebut telah dilakukan kegiatan transfer ilmu tentang potensi dari limbah batang sawit peremajaan tanaman sawit sebagai bahan baku pupuk kompos untuk membantu mitra dalam memanfaatkan limbah batang sawit yang akan terjadi setelah mitra nantinya melaksanakan proses peremajaan tanaman sawit di kebunnya. Selain itu, juga dilaksanakan kegiatan PKM berupa penyuluhan dan diskusi kepada mitra dan masyarakat umum sekitar mitra tentang persiapan lahan kebun sawit dan pemilihan bibit sawit yang tepat agar produktivitas tanaman sawit mencapai jumlah maksimal. The development of the palm oil industry in Indonesia is relatively rapid, which can be seen from the increase in the area of oil palm plantations, both owned by the community and owned by plantation companies. Pasir Sialang Village, Bangkinang Subdistrict in Kampar Regency, has an oil palm plantation which 2021 has just carried out the process of rejuvenating its oil palm plantations because the oil palm plant has passed its productive period. The Maju Bersama Sawit Farmers Group has an area of 51.8 ha of oil palm plantations in the Sei Jernih area, Pasir Sialang Village, Bangkinang District, Kampar Regency. The community service team (PKM) has conducted surveys and interviews with the oil palm farmer groups to determine the state of oil palm plantations directly after oil palm rejuvenation. In this activity, knowledge transfer activities have been carried out on the potential of palm oil stem rejuvenation waste as raw material for compost fertilizer to assist partners in utilizing palm oil stem waste which will occur after partners carry out the process of rejuvenating oil palm plants in their gardens. In addition, PKM activities were also carried out in the form of counseling and discussions with partners and the general public regarding the preparation of oil palm plantations and selecting the right oil palm seeds so that the productivity of oil palm plants reaches the maximum amount.
Introducing simple farming methods at home for children during a pandemic Ahmad Shulhany; Muhammad Rafi; Ali Akbar; Neisya Linggadhellya Dyva; Nida Amalia; Nina Khoirunisa; Tasya Nur Septi; Arum Febri Nur Hemiyani; Ceri Ahendyarti; Agusutrisno Agusutrisno; Fajri Ikhsan
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Available Online in April 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v2i1.19805


Children prefer to play games on gadgets rather than explore the environment around the house. This situation is exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic that is happening around the world, which has caused the children's play environment to become more limited. The passivity of these children is, of course, very bad for their development and growth. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce fun activities that can be done around the house to avoid the coronavirus. The activity introduced in this community service activity is farming in polybags. The plant introduced was ginger because this plant has many benefits, including as a body warmer. This service activity received a positive response from the children who took part in the event. This introductory activity is expected to raise children's interest in simple farming around the house. Saat ini anak-anak lebih memilih untuk bermain game di gawai dibandingkan dengan melakukan eksplorasi lingkungan di sekitar rumah. Keadaan itu diperparah dengan pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di seluruh dunia, yang menyebabkan lingkungan bermain anak menjadi lebih terbatas. Kepasifan anak-anak tersebut tentunya sangat berdampak buruk bagi perkembangan maupun pertumbuhan mereka. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengenalan aktivitas yang menyenangkan sekaligus dapat dilakukan di sekitar rumah agar terhindar dari virus korona. Aktifitas yang diperkenalkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah bercocok tanam di polibag. Tanaman yang diperkenalkan yaitu jahe karena tanaman tersebut memiliki banyak manfaat, di antaranya sebagai minuman penghangat tubuh. Kegiatan pengabdian ini mendapat respo  positif dari anak-anak yang mengikuti acara. Kegiatan pengenalan ini diharapkan dapat memunculkan ketertarikan anak-anak untuk bercocok tanam secara sederhana di sekitar rumah.
Strengthening teachers in realizing child-friendly schools for positive character development Susanto Susanto
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Available Online in October 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v1i1.17226


This article contains the results of community service carried out by postgraduate lecturers at the PTIQ Jakarta Institute. The implementation of the activity was motivated by the common understanding of teachers on child-friendly school programs in developing students' character, which became a national issue. Implementing the service is expected to improve the competence of teachers in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province, especially in realizing child-friendly schools. The implementation method used is training with demonstration. The use of the method is considered following the target and assisted object. The training participants consisted of teachers in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province, totaling 75 people, and it was held on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. The implementation of this activity showed that teachers in Tanggamus Regency did not comprehensively understand child-friendly schools in students' character development. After the activity, it was found that all teachers understood conceptually child-friendly schools, and teachers understood the urgency of realizing child-friendly schools. This program has the potential to develop the character of Indonesian children. Artikel ini memuat tentang hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh dosen pascasarjana Institut PTIQ Jakarta. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangi rendahnya pemahaman guru terhadap program sekolah ramah anak dalam pengembangan karakter peserta didik yang menjadi isu nasional. Terlaksananya pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru di Kabupaten Tanggamus Provinsi Lampung khususnya dalam mewujudkan sekolah ramah anak. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah pelatihan dengan demonstrasi. Penggunaan metode ini dianggap sesuai dengan target dan objek dampingan. Peserta pelatihan ini terdiri dari guru-guru di Kabupaten Tanggamus Provinsi Lampung berjumlah 75 orang, dan dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, 15 September 2021. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru di Kabupaten Tanggamus belum memahami secara komprehensif tentang sekolah ramah anak dalam pengembangan karakter peserta didik. Setelah kegiatan, diketahui bahwa semua guru telah memahami secara baik tentang sekolah ramah anak secara konseptual, serta guru memahami tentang urgensi mewujudkan sekolah ramah anak. Program ini berpotensi mengembangkan karakter anak-anak Indonesia.
Enhancing the competency of vocational students through 3D CAD training using Solidworks Romiyadi Romiyadi; Widya Sinta Mustika; Yudi Dwianda; Adi Febrianton; Purnama Irwan; Indah Purnama Putri
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Available Online in April 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v2i1.19435


Computer-aided design (CAD) is one of the competencies taught to vocational students. The software commonly used is Auto CAD, which focuses on constructing two-dimensional (2D) drawings. AutoCAD can also create three-dimensional (3D) drawings, but its features are limited. Based on these conditions, through community service activities, Politeknik Kampar improves the competence of students of SMK Negeri 1 Bangkinang Kota, Department of Mechanical Engineering. This activity aims to strengthen the CAD competence of vocational students using Solidworks software. The results of the training activities show the level of success with indications of a positive response from the participants and the participant's understanding of the material being taught. Computer-aided design (CAD) merupakan salah satu kompetensi yang diajarkan kepada siswa smk. Software yang biasa digunakan adalah Auto CAD yang fokus pada konstruksi gambar dua dimensi (2D). AutoCAD juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat Gambar tiga dimesnsi (3D), tetapi fiturnya sangat terbatas. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, Politeknik Kampar turut serta dalam meningkatkan kompetensi siswa SMK Negeri 1 Bangkinang Kota, Jurusan Teknik Pemesinan melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi CAD dari siswa smk menggunakan software Solidworks. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan menunjukkan tingkat keberhasilan dengan indikasi adanya adanya respon yang positif dari peserta serta pemahaman peserta terhadap materi yang diajarkan.
Inovasi kemasan dan pemasaran produk Keripik Pisang ADIF Kramat Watu Serang Banten Dhena Ria Barleany; Akbar Gunawan; Alifia Puspa Septianingrum; Budi Darma Maulana
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Available Online in October 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v1i1.16382


Keripik pisang ADIF merupakan salah satu UMKM yang berada di Kecamatan Kramatwatu, Kabupaten Serang. Usaha keripik pisang ini telah ada sejak tahun 2009. Sejak kasus pertama Covid-19 ditemukan di Indonesia, berbagai permasalahan perekonomian muncul di tengah masyarakat, salah satunya dampak tersebut juga dirasakan oleh Keripik Pisang ADIF. Tujuan program pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang pentingnya inovasi,  serta memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam penerapan pemanfaatan teknologi digital dalam mengembangkan UMKM Keripik Pisang ADIF. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan penyuluhan, pembuatan akun sosial media sebagai sarana promosi, membuat logo usaha serta mengubah kemasan lama menjadi bentuk pouch plastic dengan mencantumkan desain logo terbaru. Pada kegiatan sosialisasi, penyuluhan kepada pelaku usaha serta kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan penggunaan teknologi digital berjalan dengan lancar. Hasil dari pengabdian ini yaitu berupa model kemasan keripik pisang ADIF yang lebih inovatif dengan logo baru dan label yang lebih informatif, serta akun instagram (IG) resmi bernama “keripikpisangadif” sebagai sarana promosi dan penjualan secara daring. Keripik Pisang ADIF is one of the MSMEs in Kramatwatu District, Serang Regency. The business has been around since 2009. Since the first case of Covid-19 was discovered in Indonesia, various economic problems have emerged in the community, one of which has been felt by Keripik Pisang ADIF. The purpose of this service program is to increase understanding of the importance of innovation, as well as provide training and assistance in the application of the use of digital technology in developing Keripik Pisang ADIF MSMEs. The activities are counseling, creating social media accounts as a promotion, making business logos, and changing old packaging into plastic pouches by including the latest logo design. In socialization activities, counseling to business actors and training and assistance activities on using digital technology went smoothly. The results of this service are in the form of a more innovative Keripik Pisang ADIF packaging model with a new logo and more informative label, as well as an official Instagram (IG) account called “keripikpisangadif” as a means of online promotion and sales.
Introducing the manufacture of composites made from natural fillers as craft products for housewives Tri Partuti; Bening Nurul Hidayah Kambuna; Yanyan Dwiyanti; Indah Uswatun Hasanah; Abdul Aziz
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Available Online in October 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v2i2.21438


Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dalam upaya pengenalan manufaktur komposit berpengisi bahan alam sebagai produk kerajinan ibu rumah tangga di Perumahan Metro Cendana, RT 01 dan 02, Kelurahan Kebondalem, Kecamatan Purwakarta, Banten telah dilakukan. Produk yang dibuat adalah gantungan kunci terbuat dari resin epoksi sebagai matriks dan daun/bunga/ranting kering sebagai filler/pengisi sebagai salah satu cara untuk mengurangi limbah alam. Rasio resin epoksi dengan katalis adalah 2:1. Penggunaan daun/bunga yang baru dipetik mengakibatkan warna daun/bunga akan menjadi pudar. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan material komposit melalui demonstrasi pembuatan gantungan kunci berbahan komposit dan mengisi kuesioner untuk evaluasi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan. Usia responden bervariasi dari 20 – diatas 60 tahun. Responden sebanyak 100% menyatakan bahwa kegiatan ini sangat menginspirasi dan bermanfaat serta terdapat 23% responden berminat menjadikan kerajinan gantungan kunci ini sebagai salah satu usaha bisnis karena belum adanya modal untuk memulai usaha ini secara mandiri. Community service activities to introduce composite manufacturing filled with natural materials as craft products for homemakers in Metro Cendana Housing, RT 01 and 02, Kebondalem Village, Purwakarta District, Banten, have been carried out. The product is a key chain made from epoxy resin as a matrix and dried leaves/flowers/twigs as a filler to reduce natural waste. The ratio of epoxy resin to catalyst is 2:1. Using freshly picked leaves/flowers will result in the color of the leaves/flowers fading. This service activity aims to introduce composite materials through a demonstration of making key chains from composite materials and filling out a questionnaire to evaluate the actions that have been carried out. Respondents' ages varied from 20 – over 60 years. 100% of respondents stated that this activity was very inspiring and helpful, and 23% were interested in making this key chain craft a business venture because there was no capital to start this business independently.
Design of a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) for the NH3 analyzer at PT. Pusri Palembang Ivan Sofyan; Amrillah Nugrasyah
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Available Online in October 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v2i2.20381


PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri) is one of the urea fertilizer producers in Indonesia. Pusri is a fertilizer factory that received the Green PROPER award from the Ministry of the Environment in 2011 and 2012 and the Green Industry award from the President of the Republic of Indonesia in 2012. PT. Pusri demonstrated success in environmental management by achieving gold proper in 2022. Under the Minister of Environment Regulation (Permen LHK) No. 13 of 2021 concerning SISPEK (Continuous Industrial Monitoring Information System), which contains regulations regarding systems that aim to obtain emission data and information correctly, accurately, and continuously in an integrated manner. Data from monitoring stationary source emissions or stack emissions using continuous measurements or CEMS must be measured and evaluated. This study concerns the design of CEMS on the Induced Fan chimney in the Prilling Tower of the PIV Factory, which is designed to measure ammonia (NH3 Analyzer). The sampling probe has an automatic blowback function controlled automatically with Programmable Logic Control (PLC) or a simple relay. Blowback will use a water instrument with an available pressure of 4-7 kg/cm2. The NH3 (ammonia) measurement system is an extractive type. The NH3 component was measured using a laser beam and a power supply with specifications of 220 VAC, 50 Hz, and 1 phase with a measurement range of 0 ± 600 mg/NM3. PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri) adalah salah satu produsen pupuk urea di Indonesia. Pusri adalah pabrik pupuk yang mendapatkan penghargaan PROPER Hijau dari Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup tahun 2011 dan 2012, dan penghargaan Industri Hijau dari Presiden RI tahun 2012. PT. Pusri menunjukkan keberhasilan dalam pengelolaan lingkungan, dengan meraih proper emas pada tahun 2022. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup (Permen LHK) No. 13 tahun 2021 tentang SISPEK (Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Industri secara Terus Menerus), yang berisi aturang mengenai sistem yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi emisi secara benar, akurat, dan terus-menerus secara terintegrasi. Data hasil pemantauan emisi sumber tidak bergerak atau emisi cerobong dengan pengukuran secara terus menerus atau CEMS harus diukur dan dievaluasi. Studi ini mengenai perancangan CEMS pada cerobong Induced Fan di Prilling Tower Pabrik PIV yang dirancang untuk mengukur ammonia (NH3 Analyzer). Sampling probe memiliki fungsi automatic blow back yang dikontrol secara otomatis dengan Programable Logic Control (PLC) atau relay sederhana. Blow back akan menggunakan instrument air dengan tekanan yang tersedia 4-7 kg/cm2. Sistem pengukuran NH3 (ammoniak) termasuk jenis extractive. Pengukuran komponen NH3 menggunakan sinar laser, serta power supply dengan spesifikasi 220 VAC, 50 Hz, dan 1 phase dengan range pengukuran 0 ± 600 mg/NM3.
Rotavirus disease (gastroenteritis) in children with diarrhea (0-5 years): Determined prevalence in selected hospitals of Sokoto City, Nigeria Salisu Garba; Malami Dikko; Barga Isiyaka Bala; Zayyanu Malami; Yusuf Sarkingobir; Sabiu Muhammad
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Available Online in October 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v2i2.22174


Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea among children under five years of age worldwide. This study was conducted to detect the prevalence of Rotaviruses in children attending selected hospitals in Sokoto State. Three hundred fifty stool samples were collected from diarrheic children under five years of age. Samples were analyzed for Group A rotavirus antigens using the CUSABIO Human Rotavirus (RV Ag) ELISA kit. Rotaviruses were detected in stool samples of 53/350 children, given a 15.1% prevalence, with the infection occurring throughout the study period. The percentage of Rotavirus infections was 52.8% and 47.2 % among males and females, respectively. The Rotavirus cases were significantly higher in children below two years of age 32/53 (60.4%) than children between 2-5 years of age 21/53 (39.6%). The result further showed that 35/53(66.1%) of the positive cases exhibited three major symptoms of the disease, while 13/53 (24.5%) exhibited diarrhea with either fever or vomiting, while 9.4%(5/53) showed only diarrhea. Vaccination and other related interventions, including routine diagnosis, should be provided to safeguard public health against the Rotavirus. Rotavirus adalah penyebab paling umum diare parah pada anak di bawah lima tahun di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeteksi prevalensi Rotavirus pada anak-anak yang dirawat di rumah sakit tertentu di Negara Bagian Sokoto. Tiga ratus lima puluh sampel tinja dikumpulkan dari anak-anak di bawah usia lima tahun yang menderita diare. Sampel dianalisis untuk antigen rotavirus Grup A menggunakan kit ELISA CUSABIO Human Rotavirus (RV Ag). Rotavirus terdeteksi pada sampel tinja 53/350 anak, dengan prevalensi 15,1%, dengan infeksi terjadi sepanjang masa penelitian. Persentase infeksi Rotavirus masing-masing adalah 52,8% dan 47,2% pada laki-laki dan perempuan. Kasus Rotavirus secara signifikan lebih tinggi pada anak-anak di bawah usia dua tahun 32/53 (60,4%) dibandingkan anak-anak antara usia 2-5 tahun 21/53 (39,6%). Hasilnya lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa 35/53 (66,1%) dari kasus positif menunjukkan tiga gejala utama penyakit, sementara 13/53 (24,5%) menunjukkan diare disertai demam atau muntah, sedangkan 9,4% (5/53) hanya menunjukkan gejala penyakit yang sama. diare. Vaksinasi dan intervensi terkait lainnya, termasuk diagnosis rutin, harus diberikan untuk menjaga kesehatan masyarakat terhadap Rotavirus.  
Government policy in providing legal protection for industrial designs on logos as a characteristic of a business in social media Muhamad Firman; Rafi Harits Anandito; Anggi Permana; Maulana Rafli Nuriska Salim; Herli Antoni
Journal of Community Service in Science and Engineering (JoCSE) Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Available Online in October 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jocse.v2i2.20525


Perlindungan Hak Cipta sangat dibutuhkan untuk mencegah terjadinya pelanggaran hak ekonomi dan hak moral bagi sang pemilik. Peraturan mengenai Hak cipta telah diregulasi pada UU Hak Cipta dan UU kekayaan intelektual sehingga dapat membantu masyarakat dalam memahami dan mengatasi permasalahan mengenai hak cipta. Namun, masih banyak kejadian plagiasi maupun peniruan suatu desain, termasuk peniruan logo yang mana mereka tidak mendapat izin  sama sekali dari pencipta namun menggunakannya secara tidak bertanggung jawab. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan membuat bahan kajian mengenai upaya perlindungan hak cipta oleh pemerintah melalui UU. Metode penelitian hukum normatif yang mendekatkan pada UU digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Beberapa hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terdapat beberapa perlindungan hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk membantu perlindungan keorisinilan dengan cara upaya preventif dan represif. Selain itu, dilakukan sosialisasi pada mayarakat mengenai HKI dan bagaimana langkah yang tepat ketika suatu karya diplagiasi. Copyright protection is necessary to prevent violations of the economic and moral rights of the owner. Regulations regarding copyright have been regulated in the Copyright Law and intellectual property law to help the public understand and resolve problems regarding copyright. However, there are still many incidents of plagiarism or imitation of designs, including fabrication of logos where they need permission from the creator but use them irresponsibly. This community service is carried out by creating study materials regarding efforts to protect copyright by the government through law. Normative legal research methods that are closer to the rule are used in this research. Some of the results obtained are that there are several legal protections that the government can implement to help protect originality using preventive and repressive efforts. Apart from that, socialization was carried out to the public regarding IPR and the appropriate steps when a work is plagiarized.

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