Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI)
The scopes of the journal include instruction of, but are not limited to, the following topics: Mathematic Education Algebra, Analysis Geometry and Topology Graph Theory Logic and Foundations of Mathematics Mathematical Physics Number Theory Numerical Analysis Probability Theory Statistics Mathematical Finance Ethnomathematics
44 Documents
Effects of The Geometer’s Sketchpad on Algebraic Reasoning Among Junior Private High School Students
Hwa Li Li;
Hutkemri Zulnaidi
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): December
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i1.10
Previous studies reported the student’s difficulties in algebraic reasoning for solving problems involving quadratic equations. Mostly full to the agreement of understanding and solving quadratic equations is the conceptual challenge in subject mathematics. Integrating technology in the national school curriculum enhances the teaching and learning development throughout the science, engineering and mathematics in the facets of multidiscipline skills and reasoning in context. A quasi-experiment was conducted to determine the effects of Geometer’s Sketchpad (GSP)-based instruction through using Geometer’s Sketchpad on the algebraic reasoning abilities of Junior Two students. The experimental study was conducted on 60 Junior Two students, who were equally divided into experimental (30 students) and control groups (30 students). The data were collected through algebraic reasoning abilities test. Data were analysed using ANATES 4 and SPSS 25.0. Inferential statistics including the independent sample t-test was used in analyzing the quantitative data obtained. Significant differences were found in the algebraic reasoning abilities of students in relation to quadratic problem solving according to their group type. GSP-based instruction helped students develop their algebraic reasoning abilities in the instructional intervention and provided insights for mathematics educators into utilising the software. Moreover, the effect of the GSP-based instruction enhanced the algebraic reasoning abilities of students without influence of prior knowledge.
The Effectiveness of the Self-Regulated Learning Model to Improving Student Academic Ability in Mathematics Class
Dewi Asmarani
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): December
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i1.11
This study describes the effectiveness of the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) model to improve students' academic abilities in mathematics classes. Many studies suggest that the ability of Indonesian students to solve problems is still relatively low. Students are not allowed or encouraged to optimize their potential, develop reasoning and creativity, thereby causing the knowledge provided to be less meaningful. The success of this study was determined through three effectiveness criteria. This research design used by giving assignments to students. Assignments were completed using strategies chosen by students. The task is reflected and then evaluated. This process is carried out in the mathematics class. The class chosen is a 7th grade mathematics class with statistics and Opportunities. The three criteria are (1) the average mastery of teaching materials students meet the KKM, (2) student activities according to the syntax of the SRL Model, (3) students' responses to the learning of the SRL Model are Positive. The results of the application of the SRL model that has been done. First, students are able to complete the category very well. This is evidenced by the achievement of the average score of Mastery of Teaching Materials above the KKM score. Second, student activities are in the active category. This is indicated by the average score of the observers during the four meetings included in the active category in learning. Third, students' responses to learning have been positive.
An Analysis of Students' Errors in Solving Indefinite Integral Problems Viewed From Gender Differences
Hesty Marwani Siregar;
Titi Solfitri
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): December
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i1.12
Based on previous research, one of the gender differences between men and women in mathematics is problem solving skills. Gender differences in mathematical problem solving can be an indication of the different errors experienced by male and female students. The question of this research is what kinds of error are made by students in solving indefinite integrals viewed from gender differences? While the purpose of this research is to describe the type of errors made by students in solving indefinite integrals viewed from gender differences. This research is a qualitative research using a descriptive research methodology approach. The subjects were 3 male students male and 3 female students taken by purposive sampling. Data were collected from indefinite integral test, which are used to determine the type of the students’ fault in solving problem based on indicators Newman. Indefinite integrals in this research regarding indefinite integral by substitution and integration of fractional function by partial fraction. From the result of the study, it was found that for integral substitution problem, all of the male students could solve the problems well, while female students made transformation and process skill errors. In a matter of integration of rational function by partial fractions, 1 male students encountered process skills error, while two other male students encountered comprehension error. For female students, the error that occurs is transformation error.
Construction of Student Representasi on Three-Dimensional Word Problem
Anwar Muttaqien
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): December
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i1.13
Many students have difficulty solving the word geometry problem because it requires representation. This study analyzes the construction of representation of class XII students in solving three dimensional word problem. Research with descriptive methods to determine the representation construction that students use when given the task of solving three dimensional word problem. The results showed two constructs of representation, namely: pictorial representation and schematic representation. Students who construct pictorial representations produce correct answers while students who construct schematic representations produce correct answers in solving three-dimensional word problems.
Mathematics Learning To Use Moodle-Based Hybrid Learning in SMA Negeri 1 Tembilahan Hulu
Mas`'ud Zein;
Zukifli M Nuh;
Musa Thahir
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): December
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i1.14
The development of science and technology needs to be accompanied by an increase in the quality of human resources, including through education. Education is closely related to the learning process so that one way to improve the quality of human resources is by choosing a learning model that involves technology during the learning process. One learning model that uses technology during the learning process is the Moodle-based Hybrid Learning model. The use of the Moodle-based Hybrid Learning model can help students understand the subject matter. Cognitive aspects are one important component that must be owned by students but these aspects are still relatively low. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to: 1) describe student activities during the implementation of the Moodle-based Hybrid Learning model in mathematics learning; and 2) determine the effect of Moodle-based Hybrid Learning models on student mathematics learning outcomes. This type of research is a quantitative research with experimental methods in the form of pure experimental types carried out at SMAN Negeri 1 Tembilahan Hulu with a sample size of 33 experimental classes and 33 control classes. The data collection method used in this study is a test technique. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded: 1) the implementation of the Moodle-based Hybrid Learning model is classified as good as seen from the mean values of the experimental class 19.97 while the mean control class is 17.52; and 2) there is an influence of Moodle-based Hybrid Learning models on student mathematics learning outcomes.
Development of ICT-Based Mathematical Learning Media on Linear Program Materials to Improve Students Achivement
Puji Karuniakhalida;
Atma Murni
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): December
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i1.15
This research was inspired by the lack of ICT-based learning media in linear program material. Linear program material has the potential to be developed visually using computer devices to facilitate students in understanding the linear programs. The aim of the study was to develop ICT-based mathematics learning media that met the validity, practicality and effectiveness. The instruments used in this research were material validation sheets, media validation sheets, response questionnaires and student achievement test. Questionnaire sheets were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the ICT-based media of mathematics learning is valid with an average score of 3.36 by the material validator and 3.42 by the media validator. This learning media also fulfills practical requirements with an average student response of 3.45 in small group trials and 3.18 in large group trials. Learning media also influence students achievement learning. Student achievements in this research are in sufficient criteria that is 65.21%.
The Effectiveness of Learning With a Scientific Approach in The STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model Based on Lesson Study on Mathematics Students Learning Activities
Arus Ginanjar;
Sehatta Saragih;
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): June
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i2.17
This research aimed to reveal the effectiveness of learning with a scientific approach in the STAD type cooperative learning model based on lesson study on mathematics students learning activities. This is a quasi-experimental research where the population was the junior high school students in Rokan Hilir regency which divided into three school levels, namely; high level, middle level and low level. The subject of this research was chosen by applying clustering random sampling method. The second grader of each school was chosen to be the subject of this research by applying purposive sampling. There were experiment and control classes in each subject. The instruments that were used in this research, namely learning media (syllabus, lesson plan and students learning sheet activity) and for the data collection media (question sheet and observation sheet). The design of hypothesis testing of student learning activities in the form of data analysis of student learning activities through statistical tests. Statistical tests used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov data normality test, the Levene variance homogeneity test, the Mann Whitney U difference test, the Independent T-Test, the one-way ANOVA test and continued with the Scheffe test. The result of this research revealed that: students learning activities in the experiment class was better compared to the control class, for every level, there were differences of students learning activities reviewed from school level; and learning with scientific approach in STAD type cooperative learning based o lesson study was effective reviewed from students learning activities. In conclusion, it is proven that learning with a scientific approach in the STAD type cooperative learning model based on lesson study is effective to improve students’ learning activities
The Effect of Using LKPD Based of Problem Based Learning Model on Improving the Ability of Students’ Mathematical Communication
Hany Zahira;
Putri Yuanita
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): June
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i2.19
This research aims to know the effect of using LKPD based of Problem Based Learning model in improving Mathematical Communication Ability of Grade VIII Students at Dwi Sejahtera Junior High School Pekanbaru. The type of this research was Quasi Experimental Research with pretest-posttest control group design. The population was all students of Dwi Sejahtera Junior High School Pekanbaru Academic Year 2019/2020. The samples selection was conducted by using random sampling technique. Based on the result of data analysis, obtained the average score of posttest in Experimental Class 90,87, and the average score of the Control Class is 48,67. It means the average of Experimental Class is higher than the Control Class. The difference test of both averages used t-test obtained significance (2-tailed) 0,000 < α = 0,05 which means the average of posttest score of students’ Mathematical Communication Ability who learn by using LKPD based of PBL is different from the average score of posttest of students’ Mathematical Communication Ability who learn by using scientific learning model. Thus, it can be concluded that there is effect of Problem Based Learning model on students’ Mathematics Communication Ability.
The Improvement of Students Mathematical Problem Solving Ability by Implementing Cooperative Learning Model in Smp Tunas Pelita Binjai
Azrina Purba;
Suci Ramadhani
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): June
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i2.20
This research is a quasi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest control group design. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem solving abilities using the STAD type cooperative learning model in class VIII of Tunas Pelita Binjai private Junior High School on algebraic operation material. The population in this study were the whole students of class VIII SMP Tunas Pelita Binjai and the sample was randomly selected, namely class VIII-1 (experimental class) and class VIII-2 (control class). The instrument used was a mathematical problem solving ability test instrument. The tests were carried out twice, namely at the beginning of learning (pretest) before receiving treatment and after receiving treatment at the end of learning (posttest). The instrument was confirmed to have fulfilled the validation and reliability requirements. The data analysis was performed using t-test. The finding of this study indicate that there is an improvement in students' mathematical problem-solving abilities using the STAD type cooperative learning model on the subject of algebraic operations significantly. The improvement was seen from the results of the gain score analysis, it was known that the average gain of the experimental class was in the moderate category (0.692) and the average gain of the control class was in the moderate category somehow lower than the experimental class (0.609). The aforementioned findings indicate that there was an improvement in the mathematical problem solving ability of the experimental class which was higher than the improvement in problem solving ability in the control class.
The Mathematical Critical Thinking of MTs Students in Solving Math Problems
Anike Putri
Journal of Research on Mathematics Instruction (JRMI) Vol 1 No 2 (2020): June
Publisher : Magister Mathematic Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Riau
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DOI: 10.33578/jrmi.v1i2.25
The purpose of this descriptive qualitative research was to provide a description of the mathematical critical thinking skills of MTs students in solving mathematical problems, more precisely in the context of a flat side room shape. The research subjects were selected based on the UTS Math score. Subjects who were Grade VIII students of the Riau Technology Islamic Boarding School were grouped into high, medium, and low mathematical abilities. From each group, one student who has good communication skills is chosen as the research subject. After giving tests and interviews to the three subjects, the results obtained showed that the average test for each indicator of mathematical critical thinking skills at the inference stage reached 96.83, the analysis stage reached 88.33, the evaluation stage reached 79.33 and the inference stage reached 59.83. Each subject has different critical thinking skills according to the indicators of mathematical critical thinking skills