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Jurnal Kapuas adalah Media Publikasi Elektronik Artikel Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat yang dikelola oleh Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (UPPM) Politeknik Negeri Pontianak. Ruang Lingkup kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat dapat berupa sosialisasi, penyuluhan, pendampingan hingga transformasi IPTEK kepada Masyarakat guna meningkatkan kompetensi dan taraf hidup masyarakat melalui kegiatan yang terstruktur. Bidang keilmuan publikasi artikel yang dimuat dapat mencakup bidang ilmu rekayasa dan non rekayasa. Redaksi menerima artikel dari praktisi dan akademisi melalui kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang dilakukan secara mandiri maupun melalui pendanaan lembaga tertentu agar dapat dipublikasikan secara umum dan dapat diakses dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Frekuensi publikasi artikel secara berkala sebanyak dua kali yakni pada bulan Januari dan Juli pada tiap tahun terbitan.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 51 Documents
Penguatan Badan Usaha Milik Desa Melalui Inventarisir dan Pemetaan Aset di Desa Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya Arianto Arianto; Wahyudi Wahyudi; Zulfikar Zulfikar; Elsa Sari Yuliana; Sari Zawitri; Tashadi Tarmizi
Kapuas Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v2i2.519


The existence of Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) is intended to manage businesses run by communities of a certain villages. The enterprise can be used as a forum for the productive economy of village communities that are tailored to the potential and needs of the village. BUMDes legally is an institutionalized village economy that has a legal entity formed and owned by the Village Government, and is operationally managed independently and professionally with all or most of the capital being separated village assets. Village asset management is a series of activities starting from planning, procurement, utilization, security, maintenance, deletion, transfer, administration, reporting, assessment, coaching, supervision and control of village assets. The purpose of this activity is to improve relations between BUMDes as well as to become a forum for communication between BUMDes managers and administrators. Thus BUMDes are expected to be able to take best practices from other BUMDes’s experiences. The result of this activity is the development of a Website which will be used to help the community know about Sungai Raya Dalam Village Owned Enterprise at a glance to support villagers technologically. This can be as a pilot project for Village Owned Enterprise in Kuburaya Regency.
Pengenalan Energi Surya sebagai Energi Alternatif pada Kelompok Pemuda RT 10/RW 40 Pringwulung Bambang Sudibya; Freddy Kurniawan; Lasmadi Lasmadi; Dedet Hermawan Setiabudi; Abdul Haris Subarjo
Kapuas Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v3i1.520


Karang Taruna, is a social organization for the development of young people who grow and develop on the basis of social awareness and responsibility. Karang Taruna carries out its strategy optimally in order to be able to foster the younger generation, one of which is by holding meetings by inviting resource persons. This community activity in partnership with Karang Taruna aims to provide knowledge to members. Material in the form of solar energy as an alternative energy source. At the beginning of the activity, community service activity modules were distributed in the form of material on alternative energy and solar energy and a pretest to obtain initial data on participants' knowledge of alternative energy and solar energy. The community service activities for this youth group were divided into four sessions, the first session was pretest, the second session was presentation of material from resource persons, the third session was about questions and answers, the fourth session was posttest. The result of the activity was an increase in the knowledge of participants in community service activities from 26 participants, initially the participants' understanding was 73% good, 20% sufficient, 7% less increased to 93% good and 7% sufficient. This shows that community service activities are in line with expectations. In general, community service activities run smoothly. Participants took part in all sessions of community service activities. The activity participants were quite enthusiastic in participating in community service activities. In the question and answer session the participants were also quite active and enthusiastic.
Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi SPSS untuk Statistik Dasar Penelitian bagi Mahasiswa Se-kota Pontianak Lia Suprihartini; Hasymi Rinaldi; Haris Mirza Saputra; Sulaiman Sulaiman; Rudy Tandra; Samuel Dendy Krisandi
Kapuas Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v3i1.527


In general, research methodology is divided into quantitative and qualitative methods where quantitative is usually used in exact science studies such as engineering and business, while qualitative is for social humanities studies such as social politics. So that not all higher education students master these two methodologies. This training is specifically designed to provide an understanding of one of the popular research methods, namely the quantitative method related to the use of the SPSS application, especially for students in Pontianak City. Community Service (PPM) is carried out with the aim of being part of increasing the capacity of students in the city of Pontianak regarding understanding the application of SPSS statistics so that it can be better and beneficial for the smooth running of their studies. This activity was held in collaboration with Statistics Indonesia West Kalimantan on July 23 2022 which was attended by approximately 30 participants. Based on the results of the implementation of the PPM activities, it was concluded that with the training activities on the use of this Statistical Application, from the results of observations and observations, students began to open their minds to later try to use Quantitative data processing methods with this SPSS Statistical application. This picture can be seen from the enthusiasm of the participants in carrying out the activity.
Pelatihan Penyusunan Proposal dan Analisis Biaya-Manfaat dalam Mendukung Pariwisata Olahraga di Dusun Gunung Ambawang Bob Mustafa; Sari Zawitri; Qisthi Ardhi; Perdhiansyah Perdhiansyah; Uray M. Noor; Rika Irawati
Kapuas Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v2i2.529


One of the government's efforts to achieve tourism development goals is through the development of tourist villages. Deras is one of the villages designated as a strategic tourism area, which was officially designated as a tourist village on April 10, 2021. The purpose of this activity is to increase understanding of tourism object managers and Tourism Awareness Groups (Pokdarwis) in preparing proposals and assessing program implementation and development of new tourist objects through a cost-benefit analysis approach. The training, which was attended by 15 participants, was held on Saturday, August 7, 2021, at Taman Wisata Alam Indah Lestari, which is located at Gunung Ambawang Hamlet, Sungai Deras Village, Kec. Pakedai Bay. All participants enthusiastically participated in this activity and their understanding increased significantly after attending the training. The results of mentoring participants showed that as much as 80% of participants were able to develop activity proposals and conduct cost-benefit analysis for the opening of new tourist objects. It can be said that in general this training activity ran smoothly and was able to increase participants' understanding in preparing activity proposals and applying cost and benefit analysis techniques for opening new tourist attractions.
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan di Masjid Pondok Pesantren Al-I’tishom Kubu Raya Henri Prasetyo
Kapuas Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v2i2.530


The news about the Kapal Munzalan Mosque Foundation, which was considered not transparent in the management of its funds by a community group, became hotter because representatives of the community group insisted that they be brought into the realm of law if financial reports were not provided. The implementation team imagined that this incident could happen to a large foundation in West Kalimantan with modern financial management, especially for mosque administrators whose reporting was still not good. Moving on from this, the implementation team is worried that they will be exposed to bad slander against the management of the Al I'tishom Islamic Boarding School Mosque which will only be established in 2021 with poor financial management. The implementation team identified the financial problems experienced by the Al I'tishom Islamic Boarding School Mosque using the fishbone method which resulted in 4 (problems), namely: low understanding of accounting from mosque administrators (Man Power), no standards used in compiling reports mosque finance (Materials), there is no financial management training for mosque administrators (Method), and there is no financial application used to compile mosque financial reports (Machine). The problem of Man Power, Method, and Material is given a solution by providing training and assistance in preparing financial reports according to financial accounting standards. For the problem (Machine), a solution is offered by presenting a financial application (Ai-Masjid). The output of the activities produced in this activity is the 2021 mosque financial reports and printed financial reports using the Ai-Masjid application. The positive response reached 100% from all mosque administrators at the Al-I'tishom Islamic Boarding School. With this activity, it is hoped that the negative views on the management of mosque funds can be overcome and regain public trust in mosques.
Pelatihan Otomasi untuk Guru-Guru SMK Se-Kabupaten Sintang Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kompetensi Bidang Otomasi Industri di Sintang Hasan Hasan; M. Ilyas Hadikusuma; Wawan Heryawan; Agus Riyanto; H. Irawan Suharto; Rianda Rianda; Wendhi Yuniarto
Kapuas Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v3i2.540


Kegiatan tridarma perguruan tinggi adalah aktifitas yang wajib dilaksanakan oleh dosen, yang salah satu kegiatannya adalah Pengabdian pada masyarakat (PPM). Aktualisasi PPM dapat berupa pemberian Training Kompetensi kepada guru-guru sekolah vokasi (SMK). Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan SDM tenaga pendidik yang dapat ditularkan kepada peserta didik.Kegiatan ini berupa pelatihan kepada guru-guru se Kabupaten Sintang dibidang Otomasi Industri berbasis Outseal PLC. Tujuannya selain untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dan murid SMK di Sintang, juga untuk memperkenalkan teknologi murah otomasi berupa outseal seal PLC berbasis piranti mikrokontroller. Sehingga teknologi ini nantinya dapat menjadi alternatif pilihan dalam pengembangan modul praktikum di SMK-SMK se Kabupaten Sintang. Tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan di SMK Negeri 1 Sintang yang diikuti oleh 8 guru perwakilan jurusan teknik listrik, jurusan teknik elektronika dan jurusan audio vidio. Dan juga melibatkan 8 siswa semester XII yang akan melaksanakan kegiatan praktek kerja industri. Waktu pelaksanaan selama 4 hari dari tanggal 5 Oktober sampai 8 Oktober 2022, dengan durasi 32 jam pertemuan. Kegiatan ini juga melibatkan mahasiswa semester VI Program Studi Teknik Elektronika Jurusan Teknik Elektro sebagai pendamping pelaksanaan pelaksanaan pelatihan dan sebagai pembuat modul-modul latih praktikum. Hasil kegiatan terlaksananya pelatihan yang sangat antusias diikuti oleh peserta pelatihan dengan penuh selama 32 jam kegiatan. Selama pelaksanaan peserta aktif dalam melakukan percobaan sehingga memiliki kemampuan dalam membuat program, melakukan komunikasi antara perangkat PC ke Outseal PLC, mampu melakukan instalasi instrumen input dan output dan mampu mengoperasikan perangkat kontrol (PLC Outseal). Dan hasil kegiatan lain SMK memiliki ketetarikan dalam mengembangkan perangkat praktik otomasi berbasis Outseal PLC dan team PPM siap untuk membantu dalam pengembangan modul praktikum mereka.
The Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Pemasaran Produk Pada Destinasi Wisata Kampung Caping Kota Pontianak Fiorintari Fiorintari; Agus Widodo; Anik Cahyowati; Desty Wana; Melati Pramudita Lestari; Merry Triani; Murti Puspita Rukmi; Ika Kurnia Indriani; Wida Arindya Sari; Yohanes Adi Nugroho
Kapuas Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v3i2.546


The implementation of community service aims to provide training and empower the community regarding the importance of financial management and awareness of the potential of tourist villages. This community service activity is carried out by providing material on simple financial management based on SAK EMKM, and providing an understanding that people can realize and make their living environment a tourist destination. The results of this activity the participants were able and able to compile simple financial reports based on SAK ETAP and were able to describe what potentials exist in the Caping Tourism Village, Pontianak City.
Optimalisasi Hasil Tangkapan Nelayan Menjadi Produk Olahan Perikanan, Sungai Dungun Kecamatan Sungai Kunyit Evi Evi Fitriyani; Untung Trimo Laksono; Ika Meidy Deviarni
Kapuas Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v3i2.550


Desa Sungai Dungun Kecamatan Sungai Kunyit merupakan kawasan yang terletak disepanjang perairan pantai, muara sungai dan perairan laut. Pemanfaatan perairan ini merupakan sumber utama bagi para penduduk untuk penangkapan ikan. Hasil tangkapan ikan dari nelayan hanya dijual dalam bentuk mentah, yang harus dijual pada hari itu juga. Jika terjadi peningkatan bahan baku yang berlebih, maka bahan baku hanya dikonsumsi sendiri dan dijadikan ikan kering saja. Transfer teknologi yang diberikan dalam kegiatan PKM ini adalah mengenai penanganan perikanan hasil yang baik, diharapkan para nelayan apabila dalam menangkap ikan harus memperhatikan factor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan kebusukan ikan. Jiwa kewirausahaan sangat diperlukan agar masyarakat memahami arti dalam menemukan sumber peluang usaha atau mengembangkan ide bisnis. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan IPTEK ini adalah aplikasi langsung dengan memberikan pelatihan kepada wanita nelayan mengenai penanganan hasil tangkapan dan optimalisasi ikan hasil tangkapan, kewirausahaan dan Diversifikasi olahan Kaki Naga dan Nugget Ikan. Salah satu indikator yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui bahwa tujuan tersebut tercapai adalah dengan memberikan kuisoner dan wawancara kepada masyarakat. Hasil yang didapat bahwa Hasil data hasil kuisioner yang diberikan setelah pelatihan menyatakan bahwa 100% rata-rata masyarakat belum ada gambaran untuk membuka usaha sendiri karena kendala modal dan 100% peserta pelatihan menyatakan bahwa pelatihan yang diberikan sudah memberikan gambaran kepada masyarakat mengenai produk olahan perikanan dan wawasan mengenai cara membuat usaha sendiri.
Penerapan Usaha Budidaya Arwana Brazil (Osteoglossum bicirhossum) Bagi Siswa SMKN 1 Sungai Raya Kubu Raya Agus Setiawan; Farid Mudlofar; Sarmila Sarmila; M. Idham Shilman; Susilawati Susilawati; Sri Warastuti; Hylda Khairah Putri; Nurfahma Nurfahma; Dewi Kusumawati
Kapuas Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v3i2.562


Brazilian Arowana fish is one of the ornamental fish with high economic value that has the potential to be developed in Kubu Raya district. This fish is relatively easy to care for, but there are still many people who are not brave enough to maintain it due to a lack of knowledge. For this reason, it is necessary to adopt technology through PPM activities by utilizing collaboration with SMKs as well as upgrading the competencies that students currently have. With this activity can be an alternative to improve the community's economy. The purpose of this PPM activity is to improve the competence and abilities of students in applying environmentally friendly, efficient and effective Brazilian Arwana ornamental fish farming business technology in a sustainable manner and it is hoped that it can become an example for the surrounding ornamental fish cultivating community. The maintenance process for Brazilian Arowana during PPM activities went well. The time required for one maintenance cycle is 2 months. The containers used consist of 2 types, namely a tarpaulin tub as a container and an aquarium as a container for further maintenance. As many as 420 seeds were sown and given feed in the form of frozen worms and small shrimp. The SR level is 100% so that the harvest can be sold entirely with a profit of Rp. 5,130,000.- and the R/C ratio is 1.54. This PPM activity is expected to spur the community in developing Brazilian Arowana fish farming by applying appropriate technology that is applicable to increase the productivity of aquaculture products in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner which will ultimately increase the economic level of the community.
Pelatihan Kewirausahaan dan Strategi Pemasaran Produk Hasil Kerajinan Kelompok PKK pada Desa Wisata Sungai Kupah Kabupaten Kubu Raya Melati Pramudita Lestari; Agus Widodo; Anik Cahyowati; Desty Wana; Fiorintari Fiorintari; Merry Triani; Murti Puspita Rukmi; Susan Andriana; Arindya Sari; Yohanes Adi Nugroho
Kapuas Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v3i2.571


The purpose of implementing this community service is to provide training and empower the community regarding the importance of entrepreneurial management and marketing strategies for the products of the PKK group's work in the Sungai Kupah tourist village. This community service activity is carried out by providing material on entrepreneurship and providing an understanding that the community can market handicraft products and make their living environment a tourist destination. The results of this activity the participants were able and able to market handicraft products by utilizing existing digital marketing and were able to describe what potentials existed in Sungai Kupah Tourism Village, Kubu Raya Regency.