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Muh. Fahrurrozi
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Interdiciplinary Journal of Education
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aim is to form a scientific platform through which the researchers and educators produce and use the information in this field share theoretical and practical information that researchers produce in all fields of education
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 31 Documents
The Influence of Application of The Discovery Learning Model and Learning Styles on Science Learning Outcomes in Primary School Students Hairul Anam; Muh Fahrurrozi; Khirjan Nahdi
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.63


The aim of this research is to determine the effect of implementing the discovery learning model and learning styles on the learning outcomes of fifth grade elementary school students. The research method uses quantitative experimental methods. The research results show that student learning outcomes using the discovery learning learning model and learning styles with a Mean Square number of 429.577 and a significance value of 0.001<0.05 or (A) less than 0.05 means there is a significant influence, which means H1 is accepted. Learning style has a significant influence with a Mean Square of 414,502.817 and a significance value of 0.01, which is smaller than 0.05, meaning it is significant. On the other hand, if we look at the interaction between the model and student learning styles, they can be correlated so that there is an interaction effect using discovery learning and learning styles on student learning outcomes with a Mean Square value of 301.517 with a significance value of 001, which is smaller than 0.05
Leadership and Speech Acts of Maulanasyaikh: Character and Educational Values in The Younger Generation Siti Ainun Hasanah; Bambang Eka Saputra; Lalu Murdi Murdi; Hary Murcahyanto
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.64


This study aims to examine Maulanasyaikh's daily speech acts, including when giving recitations, interacting with the community, and family, in politics and government, and other speech acts that have character values for the younger generation. In addition, this study also aims to understand the values contained in Maulanasyaikh's speech acts. This research was conducted in the village of Pancor Bermi Village, Selong District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, four months from March to June 2022. Using a qualitative approach with the historical method, this research focuses on the value of speech acts of TGKH Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid (Maulanasyaikh). This approach allows data collection from in-depth written or oral words. The historical method involves the steps of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this study reveal Maulanasyaikh's speech acts in various contexts, including interacting with students, in the social sphere, towards the congregation, in politics, and towards his family. Maulanasyaikh demonstrated politeness, caring, and teaching moral and ethical values in his communication and actions in various aspects of his life.
Analysis of the Aptitude of Teachers and Students of Economic Education in Facing the Challenges of Implementation of MBKM Curriculum Ika Puspita Ika; Purwaningrum Puji Lestari; Dies Nurhayati
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v2i1.71


The implementation of the Free Learning Program of Free Campus (MBKM) in higher education is a significant focal point today. This study aims to assess the readiness of both educators and students for the MBKM curriculum. Conducted qualitatively, the research engaged faculty and students from the PGRI University of Wiranegara Economic Education Studies Program. Regarding lecturers, preparedness involves multifaceted aspects. They must enhance comprehension of MBKM's objectives and advantages, alongside understanding the curriculum alterations. Furthermore, managing augmented workload due to additional MBKM courses becomes imperative. On the other hand, students’ preparedness is equally pivotal. They must grasp the benefits of MBKM, comprehend their responsibilities in time management and study planning, adapt to new settings, and nurture the motivation for self-development. The readiness factors for both educators and learners in the MBKM implementation are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Educators, equipped to handle MBKM changes, can offer effective guidance to students. Simultaneously, well-prepared students can fully leverage MBKM opportunities. Consequently, lecturers need to refine their understanding, pedagogical prowess, and workload management. Students, on the other hand, must cultivate awareness, self-learning abilities, adaptability, and intrinsic motivation for personal development. Adequate preparation for the MBKM curriculum can yield maximum benefits, enabling faculty and students to explore interests, talents, and expertise beyond the confines of their prescribed course of study. This readiness aligns teachers and students to make the most of the MBKM curriculum, fostering comprehensive growth and skill development.
Meta Analysis Of Learning Models Problem Based Learning In Improving Critical Thinking Skills In Primary Schools Muhammad Sururuddin; Ni Ketut Suarni; I Gede Margunayasa
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v2i1.72


This   study   aims   to   analyze   Problem-based   Learning   models intended to improve critical thinking skills in elementary school students. Problem-based learning models are learning processes where students are open minded, reflexive, active, reflective, and critical through real-world context activities. In this study the researchers used a meta-analysis method. First, the researcher formulated the research problem, then proceeded to review the existing relevant research for analysis.  Data were collected by using a non-test technique by browsing electronic journals through Google Scholar and studying documentation in the library. Seven articles were found through Google Scholar and only one was found in the library. Based on the analysis of the results, the problem-based learning model can improve students' thinking ability from as little as 2.87% up to 33.56% with an average of 14.18%.
Implementing Discovery Learning Model to Improve Students' Creative Thinking Skills Baiq Jauziati; Nuraini Nuraini; Sabahanudin Sabahanudin; Muhamad Ali Muis; Jalaluddin Jalaluddin; Siti Salmiyatun Mariani; Muh Zulhifzi Nurulloh
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v2i1.74


One alternative learning model is discovery learning, which is a discovery learning model for understanding concepts, meanings, and relationships through an intuitive process that finally concludes; this learning is assumed to be able to improve students' creative thinking skills. This study aims to see the implementation of the discovery learning learning model to enhance students' creative thinking skills. The methods used in this study, observation methods and data recording, were carried out during the learning process through observation using observation sheets and video recording by implementing a technician recording using a mobile phone. The shooting is done thoroughly, and then editing will be done on several events that are considered essential. The results of this study show that lesson study includes plan (planning), do (implementation), and see (reflection) activities. The first lesson study activity is a plan (planning) regarding goal setting, fundamental competency analysis, syllabus, adequate location and time, selecting the correct learning method and model for predetermined material, and preparing a learning implementation plan. The second lesson study activity (the implementation) is done to apply learning strategies to students based on the analysis of student characteristics and experiences and the achievement of learning indicators on light material and its properties. The third activity of the lesson study is see (reflection) on the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects of grade V students of SD Negeri 1 Bagik Payung who have met the achievement of competency indicators.
Implementation of The Project Based Learning Model Lesson Study on Creativity, Abilitycreative Thinking, and Learning Outcomes Nuraini Nuraini; Zainul Afwan; Sofian Sauri; Zohiri Ahmad; Tuti Wahyuningsih; Syarifah Aulia; Muhammad Anwar
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v2i1.75


Application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) Model Based on Lesson Study on Creativity, Creative Thinking Ability, and Learning Outcomes of Class II-B Students at SDN 1 Terara on Measuring Instrument Material. Based on the results of observations that have been made using students' learning practices in the field of Mathematics study in SDN 1 Terara for the 2023/2024 Even Semester Academic Year shows that students experience difficulties in mastering learning material on the subject of Measuring Instruments. Project Based Learning (PjBL) collaborated with Lesson Study (LS) is applied in this approach because LS is believed to be successful in improving learning practices. This implementation includes three aspects, namely: (a) Plan (Learning Planning), namely how a teacher designs learning so that students can learn actively. (b) Do (Learning Implementation) Implementation of learning that has been designed in the previous stage, where one teacher acts as a model and another teacher as an Observer of the learning. (c) See (Learning Reflection) After carrying out learning activities and observations, all parties involved reflect to discuss the learning that has been carried out and complete the parts that are still considered lacking.
Application of STEAM Approach in Improving Science Process Skills With Lesson Study Pattern in SD Unggulan Hamzanwadi Nurfathiyah Hariyati; Risa Febriana Putri; Nuraeni Nuraeni; Nengah Wardatul Uyun; Yulia Nurmalasari; Mulyadi Irwan
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v2i1.77


This study aims to improve SCIENCE process skills with the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) approach based on Lesson Study in grade 4 SD Unggulan Hamzanwadi. This research is a type of classroom action research based on Lesson Study with activity stages including Plan (Planning), Do (Implementation) and See (Reflection). The subjects of the lesson study activities were all students of grade 4 SD Unggulan Hamzanwadi in IPAS subjects. The data sources in this study are the results of observations of student activity during learning and documentation. The results of the study showed that: the implementation of the STEAM model based on lesson study can improve the science process skills of 4th grade students of Hamzanwadi Unggulan Elementary School from cycle 1 to cycle 2
Implementation Of Steam Model To Increase Student Engagement Through Lesson Study Suharniwati Suharniwati; Nuraini Nuraini; Sapariah Sapariah; Amri Zulkarnain; Rusdan Rusdan; M. Alpan Hadi; Khaerudin Khaerudin
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v2i1.78


Lesson Study is conducted to improve students' understanding through collaborative learning approach. The purpose of this study is to apply the STEAM model in improving students' understanding at SDN 4 Jerowaru. This research methodology uses qualitative methods. The techniques used to collect data in this study were adjusted to the type of data taken, namely (1) observation, (2) rubrics, (3) tests, and (4) documentation, taking pictures by researchers to strengthen the data obtained in learning activities. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative descriptive technique. The results of this study In cycle I of the learning process activities or at the do stage showed that students still did not look active and their creative thinking skills were still not very significant, so a reflection was carried out by the model teacher to plan the plan process in cycle II, several improvements were made by changing the methods used and learning materials. Furthermore, at the do stage of cycle II, student activities have looked very active, collaboration between groups has been active, besides that students' creative thinking skills have increased significantly.
Optimizing Problem-Solving Skills in First Grade: A Project-Based Learning Model Enhanced by Lesson Study at Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Hamzanwadi Siti Sarah Maulida; Sastrawan Banuharli; Saparwadi Saparwadi; Nursali Nursali; Sanuardi Sanuardi; Rita Kartika Murni; Nuraini Nuraini
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v2i1.79


This research examines the implementation of School-Based Lesson Study at Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Hamzanwadi with a focus on improving the quality of teacher learning. Field data indicates that some students have not reached the target for learning quality, especially in group problem-solving skills. The research is focused on improvement through planning, implementation, and evaluation cycles (Plan-Do-See). Cycle I focuses on visual arts learning about shapes, while Cycle II emphasizes group problem-solving through practical baking activities. Lesson Study at Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Hamzanwadi has advantages in encouraging student interaction and fostering creativity but needs to address drawbacks such as a relatively long implementation time and student resistance to group learning.
The Effectiveness of Online Learning on the Level of Understanding of International Course Material Mohzana Mohzana; Hary Murcahyanto; Hartini Haritani
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): March, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v2i1.80


This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of online learning in achieving educational goals through understanding the material of international course subjects. A descriptive qualitative approach was employed, involving 87 students as research participants. Data collection techniques included questionnaires, interviews, and tests to measure students' understanding of international course materials. The results indicate that online learning effectiveness was rated as good based on an average questionnaire score of 55.25. Meanwhile, test results showed that 50.57% of students had a good understanding of the material, while 48.27% were below the proficient level. Thus, online learning is considered effective in enhancing understanding of international course materials. These findings highlight the importance of integrating technology in the learning process to achieve educational goals effectively.

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