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Muh. Fahrurrozi
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Jalan Raya Pendidikan Dames, Dames Damai Kecamatan Suralaga Kabupaten Lombok Timur Nusa Tenggara Barat Indonesia
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Interdiciplinary Journal of Education
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aim is to form a scientific platform through which the researchers and educators produce and use the information in this field share theoretical and practical information that researchers produce in all fields of education
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 31 Documents
Detection Of Students With Special Needs At 1 Kesik Public Elementary School Devi Sri Wahyuni; Aswasulasikin Aswasulasikin; Abdul Aziz
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.25


This study aims to determine how to detect students with special needs early and can detect the presence of students with special needs in class 1 and grade 2. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, which are naturalistic research which aims to describe the early detection of students with special needs at SDN 1 Kesik. The results of this study are the procedures for implementing the identification of students with special needs carried out by teachers or homeroom teachers with several stages, namely: (a). collecting child data (b). transferring (c). calcifying student data (d). Holding intemal consultation meetings with all staff at the school: principal, homeroom teacher, special education teacher, subject teacher, and the entire team of teachers (e). organizing case meetings (f). preparing the final report. Identification procedures are carried out by teachers or homeroom teachers to find students who have barriers in the classroom. There are 3 students detected as having special barers at SDN 1 Kesik in the lower grades with 3 cognitive barrers, including (1) moderate speech difficulties, (1) severe cognitive difficulties, and one (1) student has more than 2 barriers, namely severe cognitive difficulties, moderate speech difficulties, and severe dyslexia
Development of Media Activity Books to Overcoming Reading Difficulties in Children With Special Needs Nurmala Hidayati; Roni Amrulloh; Abdul Aziz
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.32


This researchers use Activity Book media as a learning medium that can be used to improve reading skills in ABK (Children with Special Needs) students. This research was conducted with the aim of developing Activity Book media for ABK students (Children with Special Needs) who have reading difficulties or are called dyslexics using the Borg and Gall research design which consists of 10 steps which are then simplified into 7 steps namely (1) research and data collection, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) initial field trials, (5) learning media revision, (6) main product testing, (7) final product. This research was conducted on a grade 4 student who had difficulty reading. This research uses Research and Development approach. The research instrument used media expert validation sheets, material expert validation sheets and principal responses. The results of the media expert validation test get a score of 99 and are in the range of scores X> 96.54 with the category "very good" and the results of the validation of material experts get a score of 38 which is in the range of scores x> 33.54 with the category "very good" good” while the results of the principal's response obtained a score of 70 and were in the range of scores X> 63 in the "very good" category. It can be concluded that the Activity Book media is valid and effective as a tool that makes it easier for students to overcome reading difficulties.
Development Of Digital-Based Classroom Learning E-Learning Web Interface Study Bumigora University Project Case Widia Febriana; Rini Anggraini; Irwan Cahyadi; I Nyoman Yoga Sumadewa
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.35


Bumigora University has been trusted as a campus that can develop interactive learning models based on free open source software for all teaching and learning activities related to computers at Bumigora University. One of the obstacles that arises is doing full-day learning (8 hours) there is limited time and the material load is quite dense so a breakthrough learning model is needed that gives rise to acceleration and ease of transferring knowledge from learning sources (lecturers, textbooks, and other learning resources) to student. Therefore, Bumigora University designed an application in the form of a website where in this application admins and teachers can carry out management processes on student data and can convey information and materials or assignments to students. Students can see information about teaching and learning activities and can see subjects, materials, and grades. You can also download materials. From the results of testing using the Black Box Testing method that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the Bumigora University E-Learning System has fulfilled the research objectives to be used properly, as evidenced by the functioning of the functions in the application properly.
The Implementation of Pull Out Learning to Grow Interest in Learning to Read In Dyslexic Children in Class IV Students of SDN 1 Wanasaba Yuni Agustin; Aswasulasikin Aswasulasikin; Abdul Aziz; Zohrani Zohrani
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.36


Research aims to see how the pull out strategy influences to students' interest in learning to read dyslexia class IV SD Negeri 1 Wanasaba Year Teachings 2023. The type of research used is Quantitative research with Single Subject Research (SSR) design . In this research, researchers used samples 1 student namely students dyslexia . The data collection technique used by researchers is an observation instrument to see students in the learning process, tests to determine students' initial abilities, student questionnaire to determine students' interest in learning, And documentation in the form of photos. As well as technique analysis data Which used in this research namely testing the hypothesis using the t test with level significant 0.05. Results data observation show (30%) categorized as low. So can concluded bah student dyslexia on learning process before implementing the Pull Out interest learning model learn to read it Still low. Results study Also show bah strategy pull out learning included in the very well implemented category dyslexic students which can be seen from the results respondents (96%) who has an influence on dyslexic students' interest in learning and helps Teacher Also in give strategy Study for student Which own or need strategy special in the class. As for data mark pretest of 25 and the posttest value data is 85 . So, we can see the results from the t-count hypothesis test ≥ t-table (5.34522 ≥ 4.30265) then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. 
Improving Skill Indonesian language in 4th grade Elementary School Students of the Macro Role Playing Approach Aswasulasikin Aswasulasikin; Sri Pujiani; Marisa Apnika
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.40


Through the use of role-playing, this study seeks to improve 4th-grade pupils' command of the Indonesian language. Students from SDN 1 Waringin in the fourth grade make up the research subjects. The role-playing technique is expected to enhance students' command of the Indonesian language, according to the study's action hypothesis. The study, which was conducted as a classroom action research project, spans three cycles. The outcomes show that the role-playing method can successfully increase students' command of Indonesian vocabulary, as indicated by their (1) better and fluent pronunciation of vocabulary, and (2) improved comprehension and application of vocabulary, progressing with each cycle. The following findings may be taken from the conducted research and discussion regarding the application of the macro role-playing learning approach to increase Indonesian vocabulary among 4th grade students at SDN 1 Waringin: The implementation of the macro role-playing learning method can enhance learning outcomes in the subject of Indonesian language, specifically in the material of student interviews for 4th-grade students in Waringin. The research findings indicate that in Cycle I, the average class score was 74.5, although it had not yet reached the defined classical mastery level of 80%, achieving a classical mastery percentage of 75%. Meanwhile, in Cycle II, there was an increase in the average class score to 86.75, with a classical mastery rate of 92%.Bagian Atas Formulir
Implementation of Project-Based Learning Model to Improve Writing Skills of Descriptive Texts Rabiatul Mukhlisin; Supardi Supardi; Usuludin Usuludin
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.42


This study aims to improve the writing skills of English descriptive texts for VII B graders at SMPN 1 Selong through the implementation of a project-based learning model. The identified problems were the low writing ability of descriptive texts among students and the lack of appropriate learning method. The research was conducted in two cycles involving 32 students of class VII B. In the first cycle, the project-based learning method was applied by providing guidance on accurate English language usage in the context of writing descriptive texts. The observation results demonstrated an increase in student activity, with the average student score improving from 57 in the pre-cycle to 68.75 in the first cycle. However, some students still did not achieve learning completeness. In the second cycle, improvement measures were taken by involving students in group discussions to improve their project ideas and content. Overall, this research highlights the effectiveness of the project-based learning method in improving students' writing ability in English descriptive texts. Student activities and learning outcomes showed significant improvements after the implementation of this learning model.
Developing Students' Beginning Reading Textbooks With Inductive Model In Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Khirjan Nahdi; Zuhrowardi YS; Asrihul Jannah; Nahdiyatun Nahdiyatun; Salahuddin Muhlis
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.43


The Research and Development (R&D) aims to 1) produce a practical beginning reading textbook with an inductive model that is easy-to-use and improves their reading skills pleasurably, 2) to develop a beginning reading textbook with an inductive model that is easy-to-use and to improve their reading skills pleasurably and 3) to determine effectiveness, validity, and practicality of the inductive model beginning reading textbook. MI NWDI 5 Pancor Rakam, Lombok Timur, was selected for study intention. The ADDIE model development comprises five phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection was applied for interviews, observations, questionnaires for material experts, questionnaires for linguists, questionnaires for media/design experts, teacher response questionnaires, and test-sheet-form. Trials in terms of product are carried out with limited-size trials and large-size trials. The Research and Development (R&D) retrieves a practical beginning reading textbook with an easy-to-use inductive model that improves their reading skills pleasurably. In addition, the material, language, and media/design were highly feasible for use in feasibility tests and teacher response assessments. Furthermore, such measures were concluded to be effective in use.
The The Effect of Implementing Merdeka Curriculum, Learning Facilities, and Teacher Quality on the Learning Achievement of Sekolah Penggerak in East Lombok Baiq Yang Yuliana Puji Astuti; Muh Fahrurrozi; Farhana Muhammad
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.44


This study aims to; 1) knowing the effect of the implementation of the merdeka curriculum on student learning achievement in driving schools in East Lombok, 2) knowing the effect of learning fasilities on student learning achievement in driving schools in East Lombok, 3) knowing the effect of teacher quality on student learning achievement in driving schools in East Lombok, especially in driving schools at the Junior High School (JHS) level. This research is a type of quantitative research using a correlational design. The results of this study show; 1) The implementation of an independent curriculum has a partial influence on student learning achievement. 2) Learning facilities have no partial influence on student achievement. 3) Teacher quality has a partial influence on student learning achievement.
Through Traditional Music Sarone and Cultural Learning in an Educational Context Alfandi Al Ansori; Hary Murcahyanto; Yuspianal Imtihan; Alwan Hafiz
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.49


This research aims to describe the sacredness of Sarone music in wedding ceremonies within the Tanjung Luar village community, Keruak Subdistrict, East Lombok Regency. The research employs a qualitative ethnographic method. Data collection is carried out through literature review, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data are analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. To ensure data validity, triangulation techniques are utilized. The research findings reveal that the sacredness of Sarone music in wedding ceremonies in Tanjung Luar village encompasses elements such as origins, rituals, Sarone heirlooms, taboos, instruments, songs, and Mancak. Sarone music is considered a form of respect for ancestors, a link to cultural heritage, a means of preserving tradition's sanctity, and an integral part of the cultural identity of the Tanjung Luar village community. While the community has diverse perspectives, they all emphasize the importance of maintaining the strong tradition and cultural values associated with Sarone music. In conclusion, Sarone music possesses sacred elements like its history, heirlooms, taboos, instruments, songs, and Mancak dance, which create a sacred atmosphere and are used in the sequence of wedding events and rituals as a form of tribute to ancestors and the preservation of the cultural identity of the Tanjung Luar village community.
The Effect of The Multimedia-Assisted Problem-Based Learning Model on Student Learning Motivation Laili Atil Far'i; Muh. Fahrurrozi; Marhamah Marhamah
IJE : Interdisciplinary Journal of Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): November, Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IJE)
Publisher : Sumber Belajar Sejahtera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61277/ije.v1i2.61


This study aimed to determine the multimedia-assisted problem-based learning model's effect on motivation in mathematics studies learning. This quasi-experiment study used a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The study sample was all grade students at SD Negeri 4 Pringgabaya, which comprised 60 students and two classes using a non-probability sampling. To collect data using questionnaires. The experimental results show that the multimedia-assisted problem-based learning model positively impacts motivation in mathematics studies learning. This indicates that the pretest average in the experimental class is 43.33, while the post-test average is 76.50. The average pretest score in the control class was 47.80, while the average post-test was 69.33. Based on the T-Test analysis, the significance value obtained from the process results is 0.009 < 0.05, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Based on the n-gain test, the increase in student learning motivation in the experimental class is in the quite effective category with a value of 60%, while the increase in student learning outcomes in the control class is in the ineffective category, namely 39 %. So that, motivation Study students who are taught using a problem-based learning model assisted by multimedia are sufficient effective in increase motivation Study Mathematics students.

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