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Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Published by Piramida Akademi
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30218780     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies is a multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed, and academic journal creating a forum for the publication of critical research on learning and education studies. This journal is published by Piramida Akademi with the online ISSN 3021-8780. The journal provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific research in the areas of Learning Methods, Technology in Learning, Curriculum and Development of Learning Materials, Measurement and Evaluation of Learning, Online and Distance Learning, Innovation in Learning, Teacher Professional Development, Continuing Education, educational thinking, educational philosophy, and Character Education. This journal is published two times a year (May and November).
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 12 Documents
Pengembangan Alat Peraga Listrik Searah pada Miniatur Rumah Amin Al Akbar; Hanifah Ridho Syuwari; Nailul Muna; Vina Nur Cholimah; Adinda Haniatul Maghfiroh; Ika Kartika; Iva Nandya Atika; Muadi Muadi
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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This study aims to develop a teaching aid in the form of miniature houses that explains the concept of series and parallel electrical circuits. This type of research is research and development research. Research and Development is a research method used to produce products, the product produced in this research is the manufacture of learning media. This research was said to be successful if the results obtained from the questionnaire were in the range of 3.26-4.00 and 2.56-3.25 or in very good and good criteria. In the material expert assessment, an average score of 3 was obtained in the good category, while in the media expert asessment, 2.22 was obtained in the poor category. So it can be concluded that conceptually the development of learning media in the form of a miniature house is able to explain series and parallel circuits in unidirectional electricity material. However, in the terms of feasibility and aesthetics, it is necessary to revise the appearance of the props.
Pengembangan Media Audio Visual pada Pembelajaran Tematik untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Wulan Rizqi Janati; Ayu Rahayu; Dwi Wijayanti
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas V SD N Kedungbenda 01 Cilacap dengan jumlah siswa 10 untuk uji coba terbatas dan 11 siswa untuk uji coba lebih luas. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D) kombinasi model Borg 7 Gall dan Sukmadinata. Menurut Sukmadinata dalam Nursiti (2015: 179) membagi penelitian R&D menjadi tiga tahap: (1) tahap pendahuluan, (2) tahap pengembangan, dan (3) tahap pengujian. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan observasi, angket, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu wawancara analisis kebutuhan guru, analisis kebutuhan peserta didik, angket validasi oleh expert dan stakeholder, dan dokumentasi. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Produk di validasi oleh expert dan stakeholder sebelum melaksanakan uji coba. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) hasil validasi media audio visual oleh expert yaitu dengan jumlah rerata 4,9, presentase 98 % dengan kategori sangat baik dan jumlah rerata 4,4, presentase 88 % dengan kategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil validasi tersebut maka media audio visual dikatakan sangat layak digunakan Sedangkan hasil media audio visual oleh validasi stakeholder yaitu dengan jumlah rerata 4,9 dengan presentase 98 % dengan kategori sangat baik. Maka media audio visual tersebut sangat layak untuk digunakan (2) Penggunaan media audio visual Powtoon dalam pembelajaraan tematik siswa kelas V Tema 7 Peristiwa dalam Kehidupan Subtema 2 Pembelajaran 4 SD N Kedungbenda 01 Cilacap mengalami peningkatan. Hasil belajar siswa pada semester lalu memperoleh jumlah rata- rata nilai 59. Pada pada uji coba terbatas memperoleh rerata nilai 84 jumlah skor 41,5 dan rerata 4,15 dengan kategori baik. Pada uji coba lebih luas memperoleh rerata nilai 89, jumlah skor 49 dan rerata 4,45 dengan kategori baik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa produk media audio visual Powtoon sangat layak untuk digunakan pada proses dan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran di kelas V SD N Kedungbenda 01 Cilacap.
Pengembangan Animasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Kinemaster untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa pada Materi IPA Tri Septi Agita Cahyanti; Retno Utaminingsih; Ayu Rahayu
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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This study aims to; (1) describe the characteristics of learning animation video media in science learning on the material properties of objects and changes in the shape of objects in class V (2) determine the feasibility of animated video media for learning animation on material properties of objects and changes in the shape of objects in class V students (3 ) Knowing student responses to learning animation video media in science learning material properties of objects and changes in the shape of the object to increase student interest in learning in class V SDN Banteran 1. This type of research is development (Research and Development), there are 6 steps, namely potential problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, and product testing. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this research is using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this development research show the following results, (1) the characteristics of the learning video are made using the kinemaster application by taking class V material, namely the properties of objects and changes in the shape of objects which are then animated and put together to produce a kinemaster-based learning video. (2) the feasibility of the learning video media developed based on the results of the assessment, material experts obtained an average of 95.3 and obtained very good assessment criteria. The assessment from media experts obtained an average of 96 and obtained very good assessment criteria. The teacher's assessment was included in the "very good" category with a score of 94. (3) the response of the fifth grade students' interest in learning at SDN Banteran 1 was included in the "very good" category with a score of 85.2%.
Students' Attitudes Towards Learning Mathematics: "Too Soft Attitudes-Very Difficult-Boring-In A Good Way" Rani Darmayanti; Alfi Rachma Nisfi Laila; Shahid Khan; Imamah Dien Fitriyah; Umar Bausir; Agus Setio; Usmiyatun Usmiyatun
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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Students' attitudes towards learning mathematics: "too soft attitudes-very difficult-bored-in a good way" is an expression that is described because of a problem. Difficulties in understanding mathematical concepts have an impact on poor problem-solving abilities, so it is important to know what causes students to make mistakes and difficulties in learning mathematics. The goal to be achieved through this research is to find learning problems, their causes, and how to overcome them in learning mathematics. The research method of this research is a qualitative research based on a phenomenological approach. This study was conducted at his MTs Darul Hikmah Kedungwaru in Tulungagung. The main data sources are students and teachers of mathematics. Sources of supporting data are the Head of MTs Darul Hikmah Kedungwaru and class teachers. Data collection techniques through observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/validation. The results are as follows. (a) student problems: Lack of understanding of the material provided by the teacher, low student motivation to study, lazy to do homework regularly. (b) Educator's Problems: The teacher's inability to master the class, the teacher's inability to master the learning material. Efforts to overcome problems learning mathematics: (a) Efforts to Solve Student Problems: Strive to improve the learning environment Attempt to motivate students by providing suggestions to help them learn more actively Reward students with grades and praise for their learning Remind them to complete their homework (b) Efforts to solve educator problems, namely: Schools conduct assessments, summon teachers who are unable to attend class, and conduct teacher coaching and training, especially math teachers
Problem Solving Analysis Through Tests in View Of Student Learning Achievement Putri Adila Dwi Rizqi; Rani Darmayanti; Rahmad Sugianto; Choirudin Choirudin; Ilham Muhammad
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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This research is motivated by the importance of problem solving abilities for students. The importance of having problem solving skills is one of the main tasks in learning mathematics, moreover the process of solving mathematical problems is the essence of mathematics. The purpose of writing this paper is to find out how problem-solving abilities through test questions are assessed from student achievement. Data collection was carried out in the Lamongan area with the subjects being grade VI elementary school students who were selected based on the results of student achievement which were then grouped into 3 categories, low, medium and high. The method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques carried out by administering tests. Based on the results of the field trials, it was found that the ability to solve mathematical problems using test questions for students who are classified as having high learning achievement fulfills 3-4 indicators of problem solving. Students who are classified as having moderate learning achievement fulfill 3-2 indicators of problem solving. Meanwhile, students who are classified as having low learning achievement are unable to meet the indicators of solving mathematical problems
Analisis Kesiapan Guru dalam Melaksanakan Sistem Pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka di SD Negeri Timbulharjo Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta Vellia Amanda Putri Amanda; Dinar Westri Andini; Mahmudah Titi Muanifah
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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Readiness is necessary for all professions, especially for teachers. Teachers are one of the determining factors for success in learning activities. The descriptive research aims to describe the readiness of teachers in implementing the independent curriculum learning system at SD Negeri Timbulharjo Sewon Bantul, Yogyakarta. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using purposive sampling subject selection techniques. The subjects in this study were the principal, grade I and IV teachers, and four learners. The results showed that the readiness of teachers in implementing the independent curriculum learning system at SD Negeri Timbulharjo Timbulharjo showed that teachers were ready to implement the independent curriculum. This can be seen from two aspects, namely ability and will.   In the ability aspect, teachers attend various trainings organized by the education office such as training training conducted by Korwil and KKG training. In the learning system, teachers prepare learning tools needed during the learning process. Analyze learning outcomes (CP), conduct diagnostic assessments, develop teaching modules, conduct formative and summative assessments, and evaluate learning and form teams for P5 implementation activities. While in the aspect of willingness, namely in making changes, it is necessary to have psychological maturity of teachers, in this case teachers at SD Negeri Timbulharjo show an attitude of responsibility, confidence, and commitment.
Optimalisasi Aplikasi Quizwhizzer dalam Kegiatan Perkuliahan Terhadap Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Firdiawan Ekaputra
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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Motivasi belajar memegang peranan penting dalam keberhasilan mahasiswa dalam belajar. Penggunaan media yang kurang mampu membangkitkan semangat belajar dapat menjadikan motivasi belajar menjadi rendah dan berdampak pada tingkat keberhasilan belajar mahasiswa. Penerapan aplikasi quizwhizzer merupakan fokus penelitian untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji optimalisasi aplikasi quizwhizzer dalam kegiatan perkuliahan terhadap peningkatan motivasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Biokimia II kelas R-001. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan one group pretest-posttest design. Subjek yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Jambi yang mengikuti perkuliahan Biokimia II kelas R-001 tahun akademik 2023/2024. Teknik pengumpulan data motivasi belajar menggunakan angket. Pengisian angket motivasi belajar dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah penerapan aplikasi quizwhizzer dalam perkuliahan. Uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan uji paired samples t test. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah penerapan aplikasi quizwhizzer dalam kegiatan perkuliahan efektif dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Biokimia II kelas R-001.
Pengaruh Penerapan Model Problem Based Learning terhadap Kemampuan Berfikir Kritis Siswa pada Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas 5 SD N Jomblangan Arya Dani Setyawan; Dimas Tri Atmaja; Ardian Arief; Dyan Indah Purnamasari; Kristi Wardani; Endah Marwanti
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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This article is a quasi-experiment with a non-equipvalent control group design. The data obtained in this article are from SD Negeri Jomblangan Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The subject used is the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Jomblangan. The object used is the ability to think critically. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques, tests and documentation. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive. The results of the analysis show that students' critical thinking skills have increased by using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. This is evidenced by an increase in critical thinking skills which can be seen from the average score of the test results. The average value of the pretest was 70.14, after the action was taken using the PBL model the average value increased to 86.14. The results of the t-test for experimental pre-test data and control pre-test showed a sig value of 0.332 (sig value> 0.05) or t count <t table (0.980 <1.67), that is, there was no difference in critical thinking skills during the pre-test between the experimental class and the control class. This means that the initial ability to think critically is the same, so different treatments may be given. From these results it can be seen that there is an increase in critical thinking skills in thematic learning with PPKN class V SDN Jomblangan Banguntapan Bantul.
Tantangan Guru dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Moral Siswa Generasi Z: Studi kasus Bullying di Sekolah Dasar Dorawan Lia sihite; Tri Indah Sari; Reh Bungana Beru PA; Deny Setiawan
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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21st century humans as thinking creatures elaborate the phenomenon of technological progress as a whole by balancing the elements within it. The abilities that need to be possessed to balance knowledge with 21st century skills are life and career skills, learning and innovation skills, technology and information media skills. Generation Z is a lifestyle technology generation whose globalization has become a trend for Generation Z which has a positive impact on the progress of civilization, knowledge and so on. However, it cannot be denied that there are negative impacts in using technology, one of which is moral development. The problems caused by the use of social media are that most generation Z are less skilled at communicating in the real world. The aim of instilling moral values is to instill moral values that are starting to fade in children's environment due to the bad influences they receive so that it is hoped that children in the future will have good morals, because if left untreated from childhood it will possibly destroy the next generation. -young generations in the future. This research uses a research library (Library Study). The aim of this research is to find out what the challenges are for a teacher in improving moral values in generation Z students. A teacher must be able to change teaching styles and discover the latest concepts so that students can understand and prepare well for the future. Instilling morals in elementary schools in the right way in the teaching and learning process can be one of the main goals in the field of education in producing a quality generation in order to build moral human resources. Especially in this era of society 5.0, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication skills are very important for students because they provide preparation for generation Z in developing themselves in the future, including in cases of bullying.
Flipbook Sebagai Media untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Kembali Teks Non-fiksi pada Peserta Didik Kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar Indah Rosalina Dewi; Akbar Al Masjid Masjid; Biya Ebi Praheto; Trisharsiwi Trisharsiwi
Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Learning and Educational Studies
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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Writing is the most complex language skill, because writing skills involve proficiency in language selection, pouring logical and structured ideas. Writing skills in grade 5A students of SD Negeri Jomblangan are still relatively low. The purpose of this study is to improve the skills of rewriting nonfiction texts using flipbook media. This research uses Classroom Action Research, which consists of two cycles and consists of four main steps, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collection techniques in this research include interviews, observation, tests, and documentation. Data analysis used quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The research results showed that, as seen in each research cycle, the skills of class 5 A students in rewriting nonfiction texts were improved by using flipbook media. The average score of students in cycle I rewriting nonfiction texts was 68.03 with a classical completeness level of 53.57%. In cycle II there was an increase in value, namely 79.82 with a classical completion level of 82.14%. For activities in cycle I, students obtained a score of 67.19% and in cycle II it increased to 90.63%. The conclusion of this research is that students in class 5 A of Jomblangan State Elementary School can effectively improve their skills in rewriting nonfiction texts using flipbook media.

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