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Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran
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Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran (JTPP) E-ISSN : 3026-6629 adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh CV. ITT-INDONESIA. Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang memuat dan menyebarluaskan hasil-hasil penelitian, kajian ilmiah dan pengembangan teknologi pendidikan yang memberi kontribusi pada pemahaman, pengembangan teori dan konsep keilmuan, Media Pembelajaran, Multimedia, E-learning, Kurikulum, Teknologi Pendidikan, Teknologi Pembelajaran, Desain Pembelajaran, Penilaian, Pengembangan, Pengelolaan, & Evaluasi Pembelajaran, serta aplikasinya terhadap pendidikan dan pembelajaran secara menyeluruh. jurnal JTPP tersedia secara gratis (akses terbuka) untuk semua pembaca.
Articles 71 Documents
Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Keterampilan Kolaborasi Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Bakayuh Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Syarifah ,; Ari Hidayat
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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The problem in this study lies in the low activity and collaboration skills of students in the content of Natural Sciences Theme 6 Heat and its Transfer. The purpose of this research is to describe the quality of students' activities and collaboration skills. This study used a quantitative approach with the type of Classroom Action Research (CAR) held in four meetings. The research subjects for Class V students at Barambai Kolam Kiri 3 Elementary School for the 2022/2023 school year totaled 20 students. The type of data in this research is qualitative and quantitative data through observation of students' activities and collaboration skills. Quantitative data was obtained through individual written test measurement techniques. Data analysis was carried out using a qualitative descriptive technique which was explained in tables and graphs presented with percentages as well as indicators of success and indicators of learning completeness that were determined. The results showed that the teacher's activity at meeting 4 obtained 92.5% achieving very good criteria. Student activity at meeting 4 obtained 85.71%. Collaboration skills at meeting 4 get 93%. Completeness of student learning outcomes in the classical meeting 4 obtains 100%.
Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Dengan Model PBL,TPS Dan NHT Di Kelas IV SDN TELUK DALAM 11 Muhammad Rizaldi; Tika Puspita Widya Rini
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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The issue in this exploration is the absence of understudy action and learning results of 4th grade understudies at SDN Teluk Dalam 11 Banjarmasin. Through the Issue Based Learning model, Think Pair Offer, and Numbered Heads Together which are elective answers for critical thinking. The motivation behind this examination is to further develop resilience abilities and understudy acquiring results. This examination utilizes a subjective methodology with the kind of Study hall Activity Exploration (Vehicle). The subjects of this review were 4th grade understudies at SDN Teluk Dalam 11 Banjarmasin, the quantity of understudies was 7 individuals. Information examination in this study utilized distinct investigation strategies converted into tables, diagrams and translations with rates. The outcomes showed that educator movement at meeting IV got a score of 32. Understudy movement at IV got a level of 93%. The understudies' resilience abilities at meeting IV got an old style level of 94%. In view of these discoveries it tends to be presumed that this model can increment understudy movement and understudy learning results.
Evaluasi Formatif Pendidikan Kesetaraan Paket C Di SPNF-SKB (Satuan Pendidikan Non Formal-Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar) Kota Serang Fatimah Az-Zahra; Hani Safitri; Medhisyam Febrio Alghifari; Rahma Yulia; Siti Muslimah Solehati
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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Evaluation is a very important stage when running a program, because there is an assessment stage to measure the success of learning. The formative evaluation model is an evaluation model created by Scriven (1967) saying that formative evaluation is the collection of information with the aim of improving the learning that has been provided. The research methods used are observation, interviews and literature study. The data analysis technique in this research includes descriptive qualitative research. Descriptive research is research obtained through various aspects regarding symptoms or facts, so that the object becomes clearer. Formative evaluation is important according to educators at SKB-SPNF. By carrying out and obtaining results from formative evaluation, it shows the extent to which the level of achievement of students with learning objectives has been determined. Formative evaluation conducted at SKB-SPNF is effective. This can be seen through the process and results given. The results of formative evaluation are beneficial for educators and learners. The benefits for educators, namely being able to know the extent to which the subject matter is mastered and can estimate the results of summative assessments.
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas 5  SD Menggunakan Model PBL, Mind Mapping dan Talking Stick Erly Noorliana; Khairil Anwar
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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The purpose of this study was to determine teacher and student activities and improve student learning outcomes. This type of Classroom Action Research (PTK) was conducted in four sessions. The research environment was 17 students in semester 2 of SDN Kuin Selatan 1 Banjarmasin in 2022/2023. The types of data used are qualitative and quantitative, with qualitative data from teacher and student activity observation sheets and quantitative data from learning outcomes determined by group tests and learning assessments. The results of this study indicate that teacher activity in each session continues to increase from a score of 19 "good" criteria to a score of 27 "very good" criteria in cycle II meeting 2. Student activity also increased in cycle I meeting 1 obtained 47% "Moderately Active" criteria and increased in cycle II meeting 2 to 88% "Very Active" criteria. Likewise, student learning outcomes at the first meeting in cycle I meeting 1 obtained 23% classical completeness and increased in cycle II meeting 2 to 100%. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the combination of PBL, Mind Mapping and Talking Stick learning models. This study aims to improve teacher activity, student activity, and improve can improve student learning outcomes.
Pengembangan Alat Permainan Edukatif Boneka Tangan Untuk Menstimulasi Perkembangan Bahasa Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun Di Tk Dharma Wanita Persatuan Sarolangun Tumewa Pangaribuan; Sarla Saffira; Siti Munifah; Nabila Vidri
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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This activity aims to stimulate the language development of children 4-6 at the Dharma Wanita Pertama Kindergarten Sarolangun using educational game tools. The research approach used is classroom action research, using data collection methods a) observation, b) conversation, and c) documentation. The results of the research stated that when the hand puppet stage activity was carried out, the children were very enthusiastic and the activity was carried out in a conducive manner where the children listened attentively and the children were given the opportunity to retell the story that had been told. This hand puppet stage performance provides feedback by asking questions and answers, children recognize various icons from the media used in telling stories (Kaaba, hand puppets, elephant troops, fire stones) as well as other supporting equipment, children have begun to understand so they can show good and bad behavior of the characters in the story
Analisis  Metode Demonstrasi Pembelajaran IPAS Perubahan Wujudbenda Kelas IV Mi Al-Ma’arif Drono Upita Ayu Widayanti; Afifah Fatin Pratiwi; Nela Rofisian
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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This study aims to determine how to apply and the impact of usi ng demonstration methods on science learning changes in the form of objects in class IV MI AL Ma'arif Drono. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The instruments used are documentation, observation, observation and interviews. The subjects of this study were 11 students of grade IV of MI Al Ma'arif Drono for the academic year semester 2023/2024. The result of this study is that by using the demonstration method students better understand the material provided, create a learning atmosphere that is fun and makes students more active in learning
Pengembangan Alat Permainan Edukatif Ular Tangga Numerasi Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Matematika Peserta Didik DI SDN 072/VII PANGINDARAN Siti Nur Syamsiyah; Dyas Chici Kanora; Hendra Sofyan
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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Numeracy ability is the ability to apply the concept of numbers and symbols in basic mathematics to solve problems in everyday life. In elementary school education, there are several aspects that students must master, such as cognitive, motor and psychomotor aspects. One of the abilities in the cognitive aspect that students must master is the ability to count. Numeracy is something related to managing numbers with a system that includes addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. So that mathematical skills can develop well, teachers must create a pleasant learning atmosphere, such as using the educational game Snakes and Ladders Numeracy. Snakes and Ladders Numeracy is an educational game that was developed by modifying the snakes and ladders game in general with mathematical problems. This game aims to increase the interest in learning mathematics in  students at SDN 072/VII Pangindaran, in order to make it easier for students to solve a mathematics problem. The method that will be used in this research is a descriptive method, while the approach that will be used is a qualitative approach, using data collection through observation and documentation. The results of this research are that students understand the material better and can improve students' mathematical abilities. Therefore, with the educational game tool Snakes and Ladders Numeration, it can improve students' mathematical abilities and learning motivation.
Identifikasi Kemampuan Menulis Permulaaan Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di TK Negeri Pembina Kecamatan Sungai Penuh Dora eliza; Khairani .; Norliza Milany; Silvia Wilandari; Masyunita Siregar, M.Pd
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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Children's first writing skills can be developed from an early age. Therefore, the author states that there is a gap between expectations and reality in the Sungai Banyak Kindergarten, namely that children's initial writing abilities have not yet developed perfectly, while children who are one year old have not yet developed fully. The aim of this research is to measure the development of early writing skills in the age range of 5 to 6 years through clay games at the Sungai Banyak Kindergarten. It is hoped that this research will be useful as knowledge to improve children's early writing skills through playdough games. This research uses a qualitative approach using Classroom Activity Study research methodology. The research subjects were 6 female students in group B of the Sungai Banyak Kindergarten. The data collection technique used was participant observation. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive qauntitative. Data analysis that explains reality or facts based on the data obtained. Study results show that children aged 5 to 6 years can improve their initial writing skills by playing with playdough.
Program Kerja Kampus Mengajar 6 Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Siswa/I Di SDN 125/Ix Simpang Selat Melalui Membaca Lantang Reni amalia; Nyimas Muazzomi
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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Reading aloud or what is called reading aloud reading aloud is the activity of reading by voicing picture or written text with clear speech, correct intonation so that listeners and readers can grasp the message correctly. The aim of carrying out this service activity is so that students are willing to listen to the stories being told so that it is hoped that interest in reading will arise and improve the way students read in terms of punctuation, intonation and pauses in reading within themselves. The research approach used in this research is outdoor study research. Outdoor study is a learning activity that uses nature directly as a learning resource to obtain various information about learning material. The evaluation results can be said to have increased literacy.
Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Menggunakan Kombinasi Model Pbl, Tai Dan Make A Match Pada Siswa Kelas 5 SDN Kuin Utara 7 Banjarmasin Dina Evi Irawati; Khairil Khairil Anwar
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran | E-ISSN : 3026-6629 Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Oktober - Desember

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The issue in this study is the low movement and learning results of understudies. Endeavors to further develop understudy learning exercises and results by utilizing a blend of Issue Based Learning, Group Helped Individualization, and Make a Match models. The motivation behind this study is to portray the exercises of educators, understudies, and to investigate understudy learning results. This examination utilizes a subjective methodology with the sort of Study hall Activity Exploration (Vehicle). The examination was led at four gatherings, while the subject of this exploration was understudies in grade 5 even semester at SDN Kuin Utara 7 Banjarmasin in the scholarly year 2023/2024 with a sum of 17 understudies. The sorts of information in this study are subjective and quantitative information. The outcomes showed that the mix of Issue Based Learning (PBL) models, Group Helped Individualization (TAI), Make a Macth in the second gathering of the fourth cycle showed that educator action scored 35 rates (95%) with the "Excellent" measures, understudy exercises scored 15 rates (88%) with the rules "Exceptionally Dynamic and Dynamic" and accomplishing traditional fulfillment understudy learning results 17 rates (100 percent) with "Finished" standards. In light of these discoveries it very well may be presumed that this blend of models can increment understudy learning exercises and results and is recommended as an elective reference in utilizing the model.