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Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan No. 37, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
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Published by Universitas Jember
ISSN : 23551798     EISSN : 28303903     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
ELECTRONICAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES (E-SOSPOL) is a fully open access peer-reviewed scholarly journal that addresses legal issues and questions arising in Indonesia and the Global World Wide. This journal aspires to provide a public policy, administrative, sociology, taxation, tourism, public relations, welfare, communication and politics. And other disciplines such as social anthropology, social psychology, law and social, technology and information, social geography education.
Articles 157 Documents
Kebijakan Cina Membatasi Ekspor LTJ (Logam Tanah Jarang) keAmerika Serikat Saadah, Kurniawati; Kusuma, Sugiyanto Eddie
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Rare Earth Metal (REM) or Rare Earth Element is one of unrenewable natural resources as a main resource in electronic, automotive, and military industries. Almost all of resent high technology and green products, such as, television, smart phone, hybrid car, and nuclear guidance tools use REM. China is the world largest REM user, producer, and exporter, in which China also has the highest percentage of aplication of REM. However, since 2005, the REM prices have decreased significantly and the Chinese Government started to restrict the REM export to the importer countries, especially United States. The reason behind REM export restrictiotion was based on costs and benefits consideration whose goals are to replace all the costs that had been used, and to fulfil increasing domestic needs and stockpilling, as in line with International Political Economy concepts. China also tries to hold global market monopoly of REM and to increase a dependence among importer countries. Aside than that, Chinese Goverment focus and concern relate to environmental destruction due tothe increasing of smuggling and illegal mining that have happened for several years. This environment problems are the main reason why the Chinese Government restrict it's REM export. As the implication of this policy, some importer countries, such as, United States, Japan amd European Union sued Chinese Government to WTO due to China's REM export restriction and monopoly.
Pengembangan Produk Raport Elektronik Automatic Leger & Manuscript Software (ALMaS) dalam Proses Penilaian Belajar Siswa di SMA Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo Khasanah, Imas; Poernomo, Djoko; S, Suhartono
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Global technology increasingly grows rapidly, which demands the Indonesian people to be able to adapt to global technological development. One of technological developments that have been done in the field of education is the product eRaport ALMaS (Automatic Leger and Manuscript Software). eRaport product needs development in order to meet the desires and needs of its users. The development is done on the aspects of Visual Communication Design (DKV), typography, and product features. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to determine the level of interest of the three aspects in accordance with the needs and desires of the users. The research was conducted at SMA (Senior High School) Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo, which utilized this product for 2 years. The analysis obtained Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.025. CR result was lower than 0.10; thus, the result is said to be consistent, meaning that priority scale can be implemented as a policy to achieve the goals of product development. Based on the calculation, the product feature is the major priority that needs development with a 0.588 scale, the respondent perception feature on eRaport has a lot of lack for example user guidance, analisis statistic and especially on security system. The second priority is DKV with 0.285 scale, this aspects needs to be developed becouse, places of shape is not accords, so user not comfortable with appearance of eRaport. The third priority is Typography with 0.126 scale, selection of shaped and size font was serves need user, so typography aspects in the last priority level than Feature and DKV.
Gastrodiplomacy Jepang di Indonesia Melalui Program Japan Halal Food Project (JHFP) Tahun 2013-2015 ( Rizal Adam, Muhammad Fuad; Iqbal, Muhammad; Trihartono, Agus
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Gastrodiplomacy denotes a form of public diplomacy which aggregates the diplomacy germane to culture, food, and establishing national achievement (nation branding) so as to make foreign culture omnipresent and come true. The objective of gastrodiplomacy is to elevate positive image of a country through the utilization of food. Food, which is a part of culture in every country, is deemed a sound bridge of nonverbal communication to bring various parties together, and, when seriously dealt with, it will make massive contribution to economic growth of a country. The utilization of food constitutes a part of the whole creative economy development by combining omnifarious elements from the concept of culture diplomacy, building national reputation (nation branding) and halal principle in order to elevate positive image of a country. This particular strategy was opted by Japan in Indonesia through implementing Japan Halal Food Project from 2013 to 2015. This study grappled with discovering and describing the processes and ways implemented by Japan government in Indonesia, which used food as the focal instrument in creating an image of Muslim-friendly country. The research method applied was descriptive qualitative, which aimed at elaborating the process and ideas on the creation of Japan’s image as a Muslim-friendly country through Japan Halal Food Project in Indonesia from 2013 to 2015. Research data were collected by library study and interview. The research findings indicated that Japan gastrodiplomacy through Japan Halal Food was carried out by combining public diplomacy, culture diplomacy, nation branding, and Halal certification. The very program was made operative through a number of information disseminations by website, cooking tutorial, seminar, and business matching, the objectives of which were to create an image of Japan being a Muslim-friendly country .
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Perum Perhutani di Kecamatan Kalipuro, Kabupaten Banyuwangi Ardiansyah, Vicky; Gianawati, Nur Dyah
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in Indonesia is the mandate of the legislation, namely, the Law No.25 of 2007 on TLN No.4274 LNNo.67 Investment and Law Number 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Article 74 paragraph (1) of the company that runs its business activities in the field and / or related to the natural resources required to carry out its social and environmental responsibilities. Perum Perhutani is one of the state-owned enterprises that have implemented CSR. This research is focused on how to answer the problem formulation on CSR implementation Perhutani office in Forest Village Community Institution Rukun Makmur Kalipuro subdistrict in order to determine, describe and explain the implementation of the program. This study used qualitative research methods, descriptive research, data collection based on observations, interviews and documentation as well as the determination of informants using purposive sampling technique. Analysis of qualitative data, ie everything that is said informants, both written and verbal and real behavior were studied. Powered by the technique of triangulation validity sumberdata guide you in preparing the discussion. The results showed that the implementation of programs to improve the welfare of society as evidenced by an increase in revenues and an increase in knowledge about plants and institutional
Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan APBD Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2012 Fastari, Agisma Dyah; Wasiati, Inti; Boedijono, .
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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Village Fund Allocation is one type of direct financial assistance for villages given by the regency government taken 10% of balance funding of DAU (General Allocation Fund) and DAK (Special Fund Allocation) of the central board. Village Fund Alloca­tion, often referred to as ADD, has its own rules in its establishment. The rules are stated in the legislation; that is, in PERMENDAGRI (Ministry of Internal Affairs Regulation) No. 37 Year 2007 which is set out in Jember Local Regulation No. 3 Year 2007. Jember Regency government establishes ADD because of lack of village in­come to finance its own operation. ADD becomes very important since, without ADD or other direct financial assistance to village, it will not exist. ADD which is a form of budget, in its stipulation is included in the budget formulation process. This research was conducted to identify the allocation process of ADD in the local budget policy for­mulation of Jember Regency in 2012 by applying descriptive-qualitative research method. The research results of were that Jember Regency government in the alloca­tion of ADD, a little bit disregarded the fairness principle and overstated the equity princi­ple. In PERMENDAGRI it is stated that equity principle is in line with the regional conditions. However, in reality, the local government of Jember Regency allo­cated ADD without considering this. Among villages is only a little difference in allo­cation. In fact, if using the fairness principle, It would be seen the very poor and the rich villages. Thus, the ADD of villages will have a big gap. It was shown that there was no significant difference between one village and another. Keywords: policy formulation, Village Fund Allocation, legislation
Analisis Manajemen Kesan Pengguna Facebook Alfiyah, Elis; Jannah, Raudlatul
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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The use of facebook as a social network site wins a lot of demands. Moreover, in Indonesia, facebook fever becomes a trend among young people. The phenomenon of facebook use in Indonesia has been widespread in many areas such as in Jember Town. The town is also supported by the existence of educational facilities such as state universities, one of which is the University of Jember. Facebook has become a means of making an impression management in facebook. This research was aimed to identify, describe and analyze the impression management of facebook users conducted by students of UNEJ in accordance with the impression management theory by Erving Goffman. The method used in this research was qualitative with purposive sampling technique. The research results showed that the impression that one wanted to show was in line with certain situation and condition depending on the audience. The impressions that one wanted to show up, among others, were impression of a university student, impression of people in pairs, impression of people who love traveling, impression of beautiful look, impression of confusion, impression of familiarity and impression of people who like sports. The impression management could not be separated from the appearance through clothing, makeup, and items such as purse or laptop, then the manner or style shown through expression described in photographs such smiling, staring eyes. It can be concluded that someone is considered more ideal when he is able to behave and act in accordance with common view as an individual who always interacts in community live, so facebook users always show and manage a good or positive impression in his friendship networks.Keywords: impression management, facebook users, expected roles
Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Pasokan Bahan Baku Karkas Ayam: Studi Kasus pada Rumah Makan “Ayam Bakar Wong Solo” Jember Zahro, Fatimatuz; Poernomo, Djoko; Iswono, Sugeng
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This research aimed to determine and describe the implementation of supply procurement of chicken carcass as the raw materials at “Ayam Bakar Wong Solo” Restaurant Jember that causes delays and unfulfillment of the quantity of chicken carcass ordered. The research used qualitative paradigm with case study design. Data were collected by in-depth interview, passive observation, and documentation. Data analysis used analyses of domain, taxonomy, and fishbone diagram. The result showed that "Ayam Bakar Wong Solo" Restaurant Jember worked with two suppliers of chicken carcass. The suppliers selection was based on price and quality of chicken carcass offered. However, the main consideration in prioritizing the supplier was the supplier’s ability to meet the demand of chicken carcass quantity. The factors that caused delay and unfulfillment of chicken carcass ordered were the environment and human.
Pola Asuh Anak Dalam Keluarga di Lingkungan Lokalisasi Padang Bulan Banyuwangi Ristanti, Kurnia; Hidayat, Nurul
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Family and community are determining factors of children personality. In family, children are introduced to a wide range of values and norms. The family is the first place of socialization for children, and then the second socialization is the community. If the children should ideally live in conducive neighborhood to support their growth, the case of children who live in prostitution environment is in opposition. Many children in the school who still live in are cared in prostitution environment “Padang Bulan” Banyuwangi. They grow up in an environment whose surroundings are focused on pornography. Their parents’ profession as pimps and their house in the prostitution environment make the children live in the prostitution environment. This research aimed to determine, describe and analyze the patterns of child care applied by parents to their children. The research used qualitative approach, and the informants were selected by purposive sampling involving pimps as the research subjects who had children and lived in the prostitution. There were three kinds of values instilled by parents to their children: value of morality, religious value and value of virtue in selecting friendship neighborhood.
Pemutusan Hubungan Diplomatik Kanada Terhadap Iran Poeteri, Olivia Razmana; Susilo, Djoko; Indriastuti, Suyani
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract The severance of diplomatic relations of Canada toward Iran is a Canadian Foreign policy that was taken in order to unilaterally sever the diplomatic relations with Iran. The decision was made as an opposition act to some of Iran’s policies which were considered threatening international security stability that concerned on nuclear development of Iran and to protect the sovereignty of Canada’s foreign policy in the Middle-East region. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that caused Canada to sever the diplomatic relations with Iran, using descriptive analysis method. The result showed that the severance of diplomatic relations of Canada with Iran was caused by Iran’s several foreign policies which were in conflict with the foreign policy of Canada such as nuclear development, anti-Israel rhetoric, human rights violations, and support for Bashar Al–Assad regime in the Syrian conflict
Pengaruh Inflasi dan BI Rate terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Properti dan Real Estate yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode Tahun 2011-2015) Maslikha, Henik; Puspitaningtyas, Zarah; Prakoso, Aryo
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Investors in economic motive will afford to invest in stock of company that can provide profit and dividends. Capital market participants will observe the movement of the Composite Stock Price Index on the stock exchange as one of viewpoints to invest. Stock price index is influenced by several factors, such as inflation rate, interest rate, exchange rate. In analyzing theComposite Stock Price Index, the researcher only limited on the inflation and BI ratevariables. This research aims to know the effect of inflation and BI rate on Composite Stock Price Index (a case study on the property and real estate companies registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in period of 2011-2015). This research used a quantitative approach. 40 companies and real estate properties were taken as the samples which were obtained by using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression method. The research results indicated that inflation did not affect the Composite Stock Price Index while BI rate significantly affected on the Composite Stock Price Index. Inflation and BI rate showed the result of 10.3% which means that the variation of inflation and BI rate variablesaffectedthe Composite Stock Price Index while the remaining of 89.7% was affected or caused by other factors that were not included in this research model.

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