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Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan No. 37, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
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Published by Universitas Jember
ISSN : 23551798     EISSN : 28303903     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
ELECTRONICAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES (E-SOSPOL) is a fully open access peer-reviewed scholarly journal that addresses legal issues and questions arising in Indonesia and the Global World Wide. This journal aspires to provide a public policy, administrative, sociology, taxation, tourism, public relations, welfare, communication and politics. And other disciplines such as social anthropology, social psychology, law and social, technology and information, social geography education.
Articles 157 Documents
Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram (Analisis Wacana pada Endorser Perempuan di Jember) Al-Hadi, Robith Abdillah; Hidayat, Nurul
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract The research looked at the commodification of female body in Instagram. Commodification happened to parts of female body are used to gain the exchange rate. In this research, researcher saw a discourse on female endorser in Instagram. Hence, the researcher used the logic of commodification of Karl Marx, symbolic violence of Pierre Bourdieu, and discourse analysis method to analyze how the commodification of female body in Instagram is. The used informant determination method was snowball. The result of this research concluded that women in Instagram be commercialize by becoming themselves as an Endorser. The happened commodificationwas distinguished by categorization. Commodification on the face and hand occurred at endorser who wear veil with the product provision, but for the endorser who did not use veil, commoditization occurred on the entire body. On the other hand, endorser in terms of consciousness had two varieties where endorser who was aware that she was being commercialized. There was also an endorser who was not aware of and had their own ideals
Implementasi Program Jaminan Persalinan (Jampersal) di Puskesmas Jember Kidul Kecamatan Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember Salam, Miranti; Rahmawati, Atik
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract The government launched a program based Permenkes Jampersal No. 631/Menkes/per/III/2011 implemented in order to accelerate the achievement of national health development and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which aim to maternal and child mortality can be reduced. In order to service Jampersal Program, the Jember Kidul Local Government Clinic seeks to provide maximum health services to the community especially on the poor without exception to be able to maintain and improve public health by pressing AKI and AKB. Jember Kidul Local Government Clinic is a Local Government Clinic in the district Kaliwates with the rating of visitors amounted to 30.987 visitors and visitors Jampersal most receivers are in the period, May 2011 to April 2012 as many as 815 visitors. Unlike the other Local Government Clinic average about 534 to 723 visitors Jampersal receiver (Dinkes Jember, 2011-2012). Services provided from the Jember Kidul Local Government Clinic implementing has led to skyrocketing impact patient visits, especially pregnant women.
Evaluasi Kinerja PDAM Kota Probolinggo dalam Perspektif Balanced Scorecard Hubaisy, Zarrin; Suharsono, Agus; Helpiastuti, Selfi Budi
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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Regional Water Company (PDAM) is one form of Local Authority-Owned Enterprise (BUMD) that provides services in the provision of clean water to the society. Although in the year 2010, it was in the “healthy” category, in some important ways it still has problems, such as financial target that was achieved only 60%, the clean water service coverage of downtown population which is imbalance with the number of population, water production value which is still higher than the water sale to the community members as well as the efficiency level of employees toward the water connection which has not reached the target. In order to improve the company services and development, it is necessary to measure the performance of the Regional Water Company (PDAM) of Probolinggo City. Balanced Scorecard Perspective was used in this research. Time series data were collected by the document study and was analyzed with descriptive statistical technique. The analysis results were presented in graphical form. The research was intended to evaluate the PDAM performance of Probolinggo City. The results showed that, in the balanced scorecard perspective, PDAM performance of Probolinggo City in 2009 – 2011 was categorized “not good”. Keywords: public organization, balanced scorecard
Konstruksi Identitas Korban dan Pelaku Pemerkosaan di Media Online Aprilia, Elen Nur; Jannah, Raudlatul
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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The media can influence the public mindset. Similarly, the news of rape informed by online media can affect the public mindset towards rape. Meanwhile, news conveyed by media is the construction result of reality which also cannot be separated from reporters’ subjectivity. How online media represents the rape victims and doers in its reporting will affect the way the community members view the rape victims and perpetrators. This research was aimed to identify the identity construction of rape victims and perpetrators on online media. The method used in this research was critical discourse analysis by Norman Fairclough. In the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough, the research was conducted only at the text level covering representation, relation and identity. The research results showed that there were two patterns of rape; that is, those committed by family members and those by non-family members. Media construction on the victims, among others, karaoke girl guide, victim lover, female victims with disability, grandmother raped by younger man, poor girl, facebook friends, vegetable seller, public transportation passenger, housewife, victim’s friend, victim's neighbor. Based on all of the identity constructions, the media dominantly still blamed women for causing the rape to occur.   Keywords: identity construction, rape victims and rape perpetrators, patriarchal culture
Pemeliharaan Sumberdaya Manusia pada Perusahaan Jasa Angkutan Taksi: Studi Kasus pada Jember Taksi Zulkarnain, Deki; Poernomo, Djoko; Wahjuni, Sri
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Maintenance is an important process in human resource management in order to ensure the performance of a company. This research applied qualitative research with case study strategy in purpose of determining the maintenance of human resources at Jember Taxi as one of taxi transportation service companies in Jember. Data were collected by using in-depth interviews supported by a variety of archives and documentation and triangulation techniques. Data were analyzed by using Interactive Data Model Analysis. The results showed that the maintenance of human resources in Jember Taxis was not managed effectively in terms of aspects of planning, program implementation method, quality control and evaluation. It was indicated by data on turnover of human resources, so that the growth of company income declined throughout 2015. The importance of maintenance in boosting the company's performance requires Jember Taxi to improve the implementation of maintenance that has been running so far.
Efektivitas Peacekeeping Operation Uni Afrika pada Konflik Darfur 2004 - 2007 Arumsari, Gitra Fajar; Indriastuti, Suyani; Eriyanti, Linda Dwi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract .African Union Peacekeeping Operation in Darfur conflict or more known as African Mission in Sudan (AMIS) is one of African Union’s efforts to resolve the conflict in Darfur. This mission aimed to stop the ongoing violence between the government of Sudan and rebellious groups in Darfur that had caused the deaths of thousands of civilians since 2003. The Darfur conflict was originated from a competition due to the lack of natural resources; however, over the years, conflict Darfur evolved into a conflict regarding equality between two major groups in Africa, that is, Africans and non-Africans. Darfur is a state under the regional organization of African Union, so the African Union felt to have the responsibility to intervene the conflict in Darfur. African Union’s decision to intervene the conflict was prompted by African Union’s article that stated that African Union has the right to intervene a member of the union if in the case of genocide, war or crimes against humanity. AMIS started its operation in July 2004 and consisted of about 150 military armies. However, through the years AMIS continuously experienced an increase in the number of military components and in 2007 AMIS had 7000 military personnel in Darfur. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of AMIS in resolving the Darfur conflict. The research used deductive method
Pemberdayaan Mantan Penderita Gangguan Jiwa Rahman, Euis Septia; K, Krishendrijanto
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This research was intended to identify the empowerment process of ex-mental disorder sufferers conducted by Metal Islamic boarding school, Rejoso Village, District of Rejoso, Pasuruan Regency. Considering that the ones who would be empowered were abnornal individuals who needed special care and later special treatment. The fact that the institution carrying out the empowerment was a conventional institution was indeed what made the researcher interested in studying it. How was the empowerment process of ex-mental disorder sufferers conducted by Metal Islamic boarding school Pasuruan to help them to become individual figures that could recreate their social functions, so that they could become independent individuals who could meet their needs and live in prosperity? This research used qualitative approach, with case study research design. In data collection, researchers used several techniques of observation including: passive participatory observation, straight and hidden observation, the interview used was unstructured interview, and documentation. The research results were that: the empowerment process of ex-mental disorder sufferers conducted by Metal Islamic boarding Pasuruan passed through the stages of empowerment as follows: (i) the pre-empowerment (inspection, healing), (ii) the empowerment phase (recovery, social functioning, service delivery), (iii) the termination phase (repatriation, getting married).
Pengaruh Pengawasan terhadap Disiplin Kerja Karyawan pada Koperasi Margo Mulyo Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember Meika, Intan; Pramono, Rudy Eko; Wahjuni, Sri
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This research was aimed at probing the influence of monitoring on employees’ occupational discipline at Margo Mulyo Ambulu cooperation. Monitoring can be considered as an activity to determine and correct the important deviations from the results of planned activities. Therefore, companies are required to provide encouragement for employees to be more discipline. Discipline is a management action to encourage the company members to meet demands in accordance with the provisions. Carried out in quantitative explanatory approach, the research involved a number of data collection methods, comprising of observation, questionnaire, and library research. The instruments operationalized in the study denoted Likert-model scalar questionnaire, with several modifications operative. The data analysis technique applied in the study was linear regression analysis. The collected data were gathered using questionnaires, which were distributed to thirty employees involved as research sample. The research findings revealed significant influence exerted by monitoring on the employees’ occupational discipline at Margo Mulyo Ambulu cooperation. The data evinced that the variable under investigation, the influence of monitoring, counted for 70.5% of the employees’ occupational discipline, while 29.5% was under the influence of variables with which this research did not grapple.
Bertahan Hidup Dalam Kubangan Lumpur (Studi tentang Korban Lumpur Lapindo di Desa Glagaharum Kecamatan Porong Sidoarjo) Suryaningsih, Adelia; Handayani, Baiq Lily
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract The incident of Lapindo hot mudflow happened on May 29, 2006. The Glagaharum village was one of the villages affected by the incident, which was as many as ± 400 households. Most of the victims of the Lapindo mudflow chose to move to other areas, and some others chose to stay in the area of Lapindo mud. The theory used was a framework of thinking of Pierre Bourdieu about habitus. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The research results showed that victims of Lapindo mudflow decided to survive in the Glagaharum village because they already had capital as a source of strength in facing the battle arena which was occurred in the area of Lapindo mud especially Glagaharum village. Capital used as a source of strength by the victims of Lapindo mudflow, such as: (1) the orientationof social capital. It was in the form of no information to move, no have another choice, fear of new environments, and relation to the neighbors; (2) the orientation of economic capital. It was in form of not capable of managing compensation, occupational factors, economic barriers, waiting for the construction of the house, and waiting for the children graduate; (3) the orientation of cultural capital.It was in the form of relation to the residence and the traditional mindset.
Pelestarian Kearifan Lokal Desa Pakraman Tenganan Pegringsingan dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Saputro, Fajar Bagus Ekanda; Mulyono, Joko
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Local wisdom of Pakraman Tenganan Pegringsingan villagers highly contributes to the conservation of forests in the village area. In today’s globalization and modernization era in which the existence of local wisdom is considered to be fading in various community groups, the community local wisdom in the form of awig-awig governing the forest management still exists until now. The consistent existence of local knowledge is closely linked to conservation efforts in order to maintain its existence in community live. This research aimed to describe the preservation of local wisdom in forest management undertaken by community members of Pakraman Pegringsingan Tenganan Village. The explanation of this used a dialectical theory of objective structures and subjective phenomena by Pierre Bourdieu. The research applied qualitative approach, and the informants were determined using purposive sampling. Data collection used observation, interview, and documentation. The research results showed that the efforts of local wisdom preservation in the form of awig-awig that governs the forest management in community of Tenganan Pakraman Pegringsingan village were conducted by documentation, systematization, translation improvement into Indonesian, and socialization of awig-awig. The local wisdom has been a habitus in the local community, in which the habitus is dialectically related to the field that supports the sustainability of local wisdom in the live of people in Pakraman Tenganan Pegringsingan.

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