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Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan No. 37, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
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Published by Universitas Jember
ISSN : 23551798     EISSN : 28303903     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
ELECTRONICAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES (E-SOSPOL) is a fully open access peer-reviewed scholarly journal that addresses legal issues and questions arising in Indonesia and the Global World Wide. This journal aspires to provide a public policy, administrative, sociology, taxation, tourism, public relations, welfare, communication and politics. And other disciplines such as social anthropology, social psychology, law and social, technology and information, social geography education.
Articles 157 Documents
Pemberdayaan Mantan Penderita Gangguan Jiwa Rahman, Euis Septia; Krishendrijanto, .
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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This research was intended to identify the empowerment process of ex-mental disorder sufferers conducted by Metal Islamic boarding school, Rejoso Village, District of Rejoso, Pasuruan Regency. Considering that the ones who would be empowered were abnornal individuals who needed special care and later special treatment. The fact that the institution carrying out the empowerment was a conventional institution was indeed what made the researcher interested in studying it. How was the empowerment process of ex-mental disorder sufferers conducted by Metal Islamic boarding school Pasuruan to help them to become individual figures that could recreate their social functions, so that they could become independent individuals who could meet their needs and live in prosperity? This research used qualitative approach, with case study research design. In data collection, researchers used several techniques of observation including: passive participatory observation, straight and hidden observation, the interview used was unstructured interview, and documentation. The research results were that: the empowerment process of ex-mental disorder sufferers conducted by Metal Islamic boarding Pasuruan passed through the stages of empowerment as follows: (i) the pre-empowerment (inspection, healing), (ii) the empowerment phase (recovery, social functioning, service delivery), (iii) the termination phase (repatriation, getting married).   Keywords: empowerment, ex-mental disorder sufferers, Metal Islamic Boarding School Pasuruan.
Potensi Penerimaan Pajak Mineral Bukan Logam Buatan dan Batuan Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah: Studi Kasus Bahan Galian Pasir dan Kerikil di Kabupaten Lumajang Hasanah, Dian Sarifatul; A, Anwar; Murdyastuti, Anastasia
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This research was intended to describe the amount of potential tax revenue of sand and gravel in Lumajang Regency and to projection in 2013-2017. Lumajang Regency is greatly well-known as the finest producer of sand in Indonesia. However, tax revenue realization of sand and gravel increasingly declined. The unusualness is more and more clearly seen when seeing the fact that the streets are full of large trucks loaded with sand and gravel, causing traffic jam and damaging the national roads. Thus, the tax revenue of sand and gravel should increase instead of decrease. The research type used was descriptive with quantitative approach. Determination of informants was by purposive sampling technique. The type of data collected was primary data collected by interview and observation, while the secondary data were collected by documentation and literature study. Methods of data analysis used potential analysis with macro- and micro- approaches and projection. The research results showed that the potential of sand and gravel tax in Lumajang Regency was very good; however, its realization was very low. The average revenue ratio and the potential was only 6.65% of the potentials that existed in the field, meaning that the tax paid by miners/taxpayers of sand and gravel was very small than expectation. Identification of sand and gravel tax was categorized left-behind as well as mining and excavation sector. The 2013-2017 projection was still relatively small because the forecast was based on revenue realization of non-revenue potentials.
Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir dan Pantai (P2MPP) untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat (Studi Deskritif pada UPKu Bina Insan Bahari, Desa Kilensari, Kecamatan Panarukan, Kabupaten Situbondo) Utama, Opan Priya; Hariyono, Syech
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Komunitas
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract As one of the efforts to contribute the mitigation and alleviation of poverty, Community Empowerment Board (Bapemas) of East Java, beginning in 2010, had realized P2MPP program which aimed to improve the community welfare, especially the coastal community through managing the Unit of Financial Management and Business (UPKu) as an instrument providing capital loan service to the community. This research aims to describe and to analyze the implementation of P2MPP on UPKu Bina Insan Bahari in Kilensari Village. This research used a qualitative research approach. The used informant determination was purposive technique. The data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. After the data was collected and analyzed by the method of data analysis, researchers used triangulation technique to test the validity of data. The results of this research indicated that there were four phases in the implementation of the P2MPP Program done by UPKu Bina Insan Bahari. The first phase was the preparation of UPKu that began with strengthening the UPKu institutional capacity. The second was the socialization done by UPKu through doing election of RTS or community group. The third was the management of funds done by UPKu in the form of fund distribution of P2MPP to RTS or community group and the management of Savings and Loans Business in order to assist community in accessing the funds provided by the government. The last phase was monitoring done by UPKu management in every three months.
Keunggulan Bersaing Usaha Mikro Hasil Olahan Belimbing Usaha Dagang Cemara Sari Berbasis Inovasi Produk di Kota Blitar Arianto, Novia Wahyu Arianto; Wahyudi, Edy Wahyudi; Iswono, Sugeng
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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AbstractThis research was conducted to find out and describe the Competitive Advantages in Small Firms Assorted Starfruits Product of Cemara Sari Trading Business Based on Product Innovation At Blitar City This research was carried out on UD Cemara Sari who innovate with processed star fruit-based product innovation. This research used a qualitative approach to research methodology, and use methods of snowball method in determining the informant. Informants in this study were three people associated with the competitive advantage and innovation-based products. The analysis of the data used is a domain analysis and taxonomy. The results showed indications that competitive strategy of Porter can be done on a micro scale, efforts in this research is the UD Cemara Sari. This can be evidenced by the results of the research done that companies were able to adapt the concept of competitive advantage strategy, focus, low cost and differentiation. The company also has done an innovation based on modulation products, innovation based on size, innovation based on packaging, innovation based on design, innovation based on development of complementary material, and innovation based on reduction costumer efforts. These innovations are based on intuition and impulse from the business owner to be able to create new products as a competitive company value. By innovating their products, firm can increase its advantages and became a leader in the environmental industry of assorted starfruit product at Blitar.
Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan di Perusahaan Industri Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Lybryanta, Ocktav Andrian; Toha, Akhmad; Sisbintari, Ika
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This research was aimed to determine the effect of financial performance on company's value and the effect of dividend policy in the relationship of financial performance on the company's value. This research was hypothesis testing-based research. The data used in this research were secondary data. In managing and analyzing data were used descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the processed and analyzed data can be used as an answer framework for the determined hypotheses. Data analysis techniques used to solve problems in this research were descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA), and hypothesis test that consisted of t-test and F-test. These analyses were used to identify and obtain a description of the effect of financial performance on company's value with the dividend policy as a moderating variable. The research results explained that partially and simultaneously financial performance was able to significantly affect the company’s value, that partially dividend policy was not able to moderate the effect of financial performance on the company's value, and that simultaneously dividend policy was able to significantly moderate the effect of financial performance on the company’s value.
Peran Paus Fransiskus Dalam Pemulihan Hubungan Diplomatik Amerika Serikat dan Kuba S, Sheila; Albayumi, Fuat; Hasan, Muhammad Nur
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Diplomatic relations between the United States of America and Cuba that had been cut off for 55 years were a phenomenon that attracted the international community’s attention, particularly from the Vatican. In seeking the rapprochement of diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba, three Popes played a role in this issue i.e. Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI were, in fact, unsuccessful in realizing the rapprochement in the United States of America and Cuba relations. However, Pope Francis was significantly successful in the recovery process of the relationship. This research will explain the role of Pope Francis in the the rapprochement of diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba. The research used qualitative, descriptive method and the data used were obtained through literatures with various relevant resources. The results showed that the role of Pope Francis as a mediator, facilitator and religious leader managed to make the two countries to establish a communication and discussion to find solutions together and to influence people from both countries to support each government for the realization of the rapprochement of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and Cuba. Keywords
Institusi Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Komunitas di RT 01 RW 03 Dusun Krajan Kalirejo Real Estate,Desa Kalirejo Kecamatan Kabat Kabupaten Banyuwangi Arumsari, Ningria; S, Supranoto; Makmur, M. Hadi
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Komunitas
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This research aims to describe the institution of community based waste management at RT 01 RW 03 Dusun Krajan Kalirejo village Kabat district Banyuwangi regency. Banyuwangi regency had public issues of environment which was also suitable with its predicate as the dirtiest city; the second dirtiest city in East Java in 2010. However, Banyuwangi transformed into the winner of clean city (Adipura) successively from 2012 to 2015.Adipura is a trophy and the predicate which is only given to the cleanest city/regency. The key success factor of Banyuwangi as a clean city was gradual rules to the level of community that supported the behavior of the community in waste management. Such behavior was seen at RT01 RW03. The waste was managed by institution which had the impact on improving the quality of environment in the form of beauty and cleanliness and decreasing the amount of residue waste produced for disposing to landfill. The used data collection methods were observation techniques in the form of overt and covert, interviews, documentation and triangulation. The used informant determination method was purposive sampling technique with eight key informants. The researcher checked the data validity by using persistence observation, triangulation, and peer discussion. Data were analyzed by using an interactive model of Miles and Huberman that consisted of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The research results showed that a community-based waste management in RT 01 RW 03 Dusun Krajan Village Kalirejo Real Estate Kalirejo village Kabat district Banyuwangi regency followed the institutional patterns. Institutional patterns were supported by formal and informal rules as well as the structure and role of executive institution (DKP, BSB, Kalirejo Village, RT 01 RW 03, Dasawisma) that shaped the behavior of community-based waste management at RT 01 RW 03.
Upaya PerMaTa (Perhimpunan Mandiri Kusta) Dalam Membangun Kapital Sosial pada Komunitas Orang Kusta di Kecamatan Jenggawah Kabupaten Jember Indriani, Yulia Ayu; Santoso, Budhy
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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Jember is an area in East Java province with dense population and diverse cultures and has characteristics in its communities. In addition, Jember has a variety of social problems including unemployment, crime, poor education, as well as cases of infectious diseases that cause sufferers to experience social dysfunctions such as leprosy. Leprosy leads to social problem such as stigma and discrimination in the community. The stigma of disease which is identical with the poor is a big social problem, from exclusion to getting no job. The research was conducted in the Jenggawah village, Jember Regency. The researchers’ reason to choose the village was because it was the leprosy endemic area. The research was designed as a qualitative research. The research results described that PerMaTa organization built trust by improving trust between members, members and board, as well as their partners. PerMaTa built a social network by establishing trust with the public through information media, as well as creating a norm by balancing the rights and obligations of all members. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced were lack of human resources support due to low education, lack of openness among its members, as well as lack of members’ awareness of the association. The conclusion of this research is that PerMaTa as the process of empowerment of people who ever experienced and are suffering leprosy is conducted and organized by a social organization in order to gain a proper living for themselves or others. Keywords: efforts, PerMaTa Organization, social capital
Peran Pemerintah Kabupaten Ponorogo Dalam Pelembagaan Kesenian Reyog Candra Sari, Alrisa Ayu; S, Sutomo; Makmur, M. Hadi
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This study aimed to describe the role of Local Government of Ponorogo Regency in institutionalization of Reyog. Reyog is a local culture that becomes a national icon. However, in its development, Reyog has not been utilized well as well as decreases in quantity. This type of approach was qualitative, symbolic interaction mainstream, and descriptive purpose. The sources of data used were primary data obtained from interview and observation of passive participation and supported by secondary data from documentation and library study. Technique of data validity test (triangulation) used method and data sources. Meanwhile, the techniques used determining the informants were purposive and snowball samplings. Data analysis was carried out by interactive model. The research showed that the facilitation of Reyog activities had been programmed in routines and have sustained from 1995 to present in Ponorogo making Reyog group activities in following festival sustainably and setting tourism image of Reyog in Ponorogo massively.
Nilai Sosial dan Ekonomi Tradisi Ngalak Anak di Pulau Gili Kabupaten Probolinggo Rofiq, Zainur; Ganefo, Akhmad
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This study discusses the existence of social and economic value that occurs in “Child Adoption” tradition at Gili Ketapang Probolinggo. The method that is used in this study is ethnometodology approach with a qualitative descriptive research. The informants are living at Gili that take care of other peoples’ children. The sampling method used is purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The results shows that there are social and economic orientation in a family when they take care of his brother's child or their neighbors’s children and also other people's children. The tradition of adoption at Gili is not the same as adoption that gives a clear position of children’s status as their own children. In that tradition, there is a cost and reward that will be a consideration between foster parents and biological parents. The Social value in this tradition are the basic thought that they take care others people’s children because they want to help for children’s prosperity and also they want to get some benefits from the children biological parents’ opulence.

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