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Published by Universitas Widyagama
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Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal Agrika mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam bidang ilmu pertanian meliputi penelitian di bidang budidaya pertanian, agrobisnis dan teknologi pengolahan hasil pertanian, juga menginformasikan berbagai paket teknologi, ulasan ilmiah, komunikasi singkat dan informasi pertanian.
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Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5543


ABSTRAKFase aklimatisasi pada planlet merupakan tahap kritis dalam transisi dari lingkungan in vitro ke ex vivo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi variasi media tanam guna meningkatkan keberhasilan aklimatisasi planlet tanaman nilam (Pogostemon cablin Benth). Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Non Faktorial. Rancangan eksperimen menggunakan lima perlakuan media tanam dengan tiga ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter batang, dan panjang akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan M0: Tanah Topsoil + Cocopeat + Arang Sekam (1:1:1) berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, mencapai 9.13 cm pada minggu ke-3 dan 21,13 cm pada minggu ke-8, serta menghasilkan panjang akar terpanjang. Di sisi lain, perlakuan M3: Tanah Top Soil + Cocopeat + Pasir Malang (1:1:1)  memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap  jumlah daun, dari 12.83 helai pada minggu ke-3 hingga 18.33 helai pada minggu ke-8. Perlakuan  media tanam tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap diameter batang dan panjang akar tanaman nilam. Perlakuan terbaik untuk pertumbuhan tanaman nilam secara berurut dari yang tertinggi hingga terendah adalah M0, M1, M3 dan M2. ABSTRACTAcclimatization phase of plantlets is a critical stage in the transition from the in vitro to the ex vivo environment. The aim of this research is to explore variations in planting media to increase the success of acclimatization of patchouli plantlets (Pogostemon cablin Benth). The method used was a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD). The experimental design used five planting media treatments with three replications. The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter and root length. The results show that the M0 treatment: Topsoil + Cocopeat + Charcoal Husk (1:1:1) had a significant effect on plant height, reaching 9.13 cm in the 3rd week and 21.13 cm in the 8th week, as well as producing long roots. longest. On the other hand, treatment M3: Top Soil + Cocopeat + Malang Sand (1:1:1) had a real effect on the number of leaves, from 12.83 in the 3rd week to 18.33 in the 8th week. The planting media treatment did not have a significant effect on the stem diameter and root length of patchouli plants. The best treatments for patchouli plant growth in order from highest to lowest were M0, M1, M3 and M2. 
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5848


ABSTRAKPakchoy adalah sayuran yang banyak ditanam petani karena banyak diminati masyarakat dan memiliki nilai gizi tinggi. Pemupukan merupakan suatu upaya menambah kandungan hara dalam tanah dan selanjutnya meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman. Bioslurry yang berasal dari limbah biogas mengandung unsur hara yang dibutuhkan tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini menentukan kombinasi terbaik dari bioslurry dan nitrogen anorganik pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman pakchoy (Brassica rapa L.). Penelitian dilakukan di kebun percobaan Unisba Blitar pada bulan April-Mei 2024.  Ketinggian tempat penelitian 300 m dpl dengan suhu harian 30°C. Bioslurry yang digunakan berasal dari limbah cair dan padat biogas yang bahan dasarnya kotoran sapi perah. Starter menggunakan urea dengan kadar 46% N. Bioslurry dan urea diinkubasi selama satu bulan sebelum diaplikasikan pada media tanam. Tanaman indikator adalah pakchoy Varietas Green Rapid yang sebelumnya benihnya disemai selama satu bulan dan dipindah tanam pada media yang telah diaplikasikan dengan booster. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah dosis bioslurry padat, terdiri dari S0:   tanpa pemberian; S1: pemberian bioslurry padat 64 gram/polybag; S2:  pemberian bioslurry padat 128 gram/polybag. Faktor kedua adalah dosis urea yang terdiri dari E0: tanpa pemberian; E1: pemberian urea 1.6 gram/polibag dan E2: pemberian pupuk urea 3.2 gram/polibag. Perlakuan terbaik adalah perlakuan S2E2 yaitu bioslurry 128 gram/polybag dan urea 3.2 gram/polibag. Interaksi perlakuan ini memberikan jumlah daun, luas daun dan bobot daun/tanaman pakchoy yang paling besar dibanding perlakuan lainnya, yaitu berturut-turut 15.96 helai, 95.65 cm2 dan 1326.56 mg/tanaman. ABSTRACTPakchoy is a vegetable that many farmers grow because it is in great demand by the public and has high nutritional value. Fertilization is an effort to increase the nutrient content in the soil and subsequently increase plant productivity. Bioslurry which comes from biogas waste contains nutrients that plants need. The aim of this research is to determine the best combination of bioslurry and inorganic nitrogen on the growth and yield of pakchoy (Brassica rapa L.). The research was carried out at the Unisba Blitar experimental garden in April-May 2024. The height of the research site was 300 m above sea level with a daily temperature of 30°C. The bioslurry used comes from liquid and solid biogas waste whose basic ingredients are dairy cow dung. The starter uses urea with a content of 46% N. Bioslurry and urea are incubated for one month before being applied to the planting medium. The indicator plant is the Green Rapid variety pakchoy whose seeds were previously sown for one month and transplanted into media that had been applied with a booster. The research used a factorial randomized block design (RAK). The first factor is the dose of solid bioslurry, consisting of S0: no administration; S1: giving solid bioslurry 64 grams/polybag; S2: giving solid bioslurry 128 grams/polybag. The second factor is the urea dose consisting of E0: no administration; E1: giving 1.6 grams of urea/polybag and E2: giving 3.2 grams of urea fertilizer/polybag. The best treatment is the S2E2 treatment, namely 128 gram/polybag bioslurry integrated with 3.2 gram/polybag urea. This treatment interaction gave the largest number of leaves, leaf area and leaf/plant weight of pakchoy compared to other treatments, namely 15.96 pieces, 95.65 cm2 and 1326.56 mg/plant respectively. 
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5759


  ABSTRAKTanaman labu madu merupakan persilangan antara labu kuning dan labu buttercup. Labu madu mempunyai kandungan vitamin dan mineral serta nilai ekonomi tinggi. Perakitan varietas unggul dapat dilakukan dengan menanam benih keturunan ketiga (F3). Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui produktivitas dan segregasi keturunan ketiga (F3). Penelitian dilakukan bulan Februari-Mei 2022 di DnR Hidroponik Farm Perumahan Pondok Bedadung Indah Jember. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan menanam benih labu madu F2 di tiga sistem tanam yaitu polybag/pupuk organik, konvensional/NPK (15:15:15), hidroponik NFT/AB mix. Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk mengetahui fenotipe yang terbentuk pada keturunan ketiga di tiga sistem tanam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas labu madu Violina dengan sistem hidroponik adalah sebanyak 186.36 kg/100 m2, sedangkan produksi pada sistem tanam yang organik dan konvensional berturut-turut sebanyak 104.16 dan 86.59 kg/100 m2. Fenotipe labu madu F1 semuanya seragam. Labu madu F2 yang bersegregasi menghasilkan 6 fenotipe, sementara pada keturunan ketiga (F3) terbentuk 15 fenotipe. ABSTRACTThe honey gourd plant is a cross between a pumpkin and a buttercup pumpkin. Honey pumpkin contains vitamins and minerals as well as high economic value. The development of superior varieties can be done by planting seeds of the third generation (F3). The research aims to determine the productivity and segregation of the third generation (F3). The research was conducted in February-May 2022 at the DnR Hydroponic Farm, Pondok Bedadung Indah Jember Housing. The research method used a completely randomized design (CRD) by planting F2 honey pumpkin seeds in three planting systems, namely polybag/organic fertilizer, conventional/NPK (15:15:15), hydroponic NFT/AB mix. Qualitative descriptive methods were used to determine the phenotype formed in the third generation in three planting systems. The research results showed that the productivity of Violina honey pumpkin using the hydroponic system was 186.36 kg/100 m2, while production using the organic and conventional planting systems was 104.16 and 86.59 kg/100 m2 respectively. The phenotypes of F1 honey pumpkins are all uniform. Segregating F2 honey gourds produced 6 phenotypes, while in the third generation (F3) 15 phenotypes were formed.
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5757


ABSTRAKPermasalahan utama terjadinya ancaman krisis pangan di Indonesia adalah menurunnya kesuburan tanah dan berkurangnya luas lahan karena konversi lahan sawah. Penurunan luas sawah berdampak sangat nyata terhadap penurunan produksi padi sebagai bahan makanan utama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik lahan di beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Cirebon untuk dijadikan lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan (LP2B), sesuai amanah Undang-Undang No. 41 Tahun 2009 tentang PLP2B. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dan analisis spasial dengan teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Penelitian ini menggali kondisi fisik dan biokimia tanah, pola penggunaan lahan, serta potensi produktivitas pada lahan obyek pengamatan. Data sosial ekonomi dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan lapangan dan wawancara dengan stakeholders yang terlibat langsung dalam pengelolaan lahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat variasi signifikan dalam penggunaan lahan yang berdampak pada keberlanjutan produksi pangan. Beberapa area menunjukkan adanya alih fungsi lahan dari lahan pertanian ke non-pertanian, sedangkan sebagian besar area lainnya masih berupa lahan pertanian, baik sawah ataupun non-sawah. Berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan, hasil analisa luasan LP2B di lokasi studi yang meliputi 10 Kecamatan sekitar 20448 ha adalah sebagai berikut: Kecamatan Gunungjati 750 ha, Kecamatan Kapetakan 2700 ha, Kecamatan Suranenggala 1500 ha, Kecamatan Jamblang 1029 ha, Kecamatan Arjawinangun 1313 ha, Kecamatan Pangurangan 1640 ha, Kecamatan Ciwaringin 1000 ha, Kecamatan Susukan 3300 ha, Kecamatan Gegesik 5123 ha dan Kecamatan Kaliwedi 2133 ha. Berdasarkan hasil analisa kesesuaian lahan dan kriteria LP2B disimpulkan bahwa semua wilayah kecamatan yang menjadi lokasi studi memenuhi kriteria baik ditinjau dari aspek karakteristik fisik lahan, kecukupan lahan yang tersedia dan aspek sosial. ABSTRACTThe main cause of the threat of food crisis in Indonesia is the decline in soil fertility and reduction in land area due to the conversion of paddy fields to non-rice fields. The decreasing area of rice fields has a very real impact on the declining production of rice as the staple food in Indonesia. This research aims to identify the characteristics of land in several areas (sub-districts) in Cirebon Regency to be used as sustainable food agricultural lands (LP2B), in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 41 in2009 about PLP2B. The method used in this research was survey and spatial analysis using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. This research explored the physical and biochemical conditions of the soil, land use patterns and potential productivity on each land that was the object of observation. Socioeconomic data were collected through field observations and interviews with stakeholders directly involved in land management. The research results show that there were significant variations in land use impacting the sustainability of food production. Some areas showed a change in land use from agricultural to non-agricultural land, while most of the other areas were still agricultural land, either rice fields or non-rice fields. Based on the specified criteria, the results of the analysis of the area of LP2B in the study location were calculated covering 10 sub-districts, approximately 20448 ha with the following details: Gunungjati sub-district 750 ha, Kapetakan sub-district 2700 ha, Suranenggala sub-district 1,500 ha, Jamblang sub-district 1029 ha, Arjawinangun District 1313 ha, Pangurangan District 1640 ha, Ciwaringin District 1000 ha, Susukan District 3300 ha, Gegesik District 5123 ha and Kaliwedi District 2133 ha. Based on the results of the land suitability analysis and LP2B criteria, it can be concluded that all sub-district areas that became the study locations meet the criteria in terms of the physical characteristics of the land, the adequacy of available land, as well as the social aspects.
PENGARUH PEMBERIAN PESTISIDA ORGANIK DAUN PEPAYA (Carica papaya L.) TERHADAP SERANGAN HAMA PADA TANAMAN JERUK MANIS (Citrus sinensis L.) Maria Roswita Bheno Sue; Ririen Prihandarini; Tri Wardhani; Yuni Agung Nugroho
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5800


ABSTRAK  Jeruk manis (Citrus sinensis L.) tergolong buah penting. Permintaan jeruk terus bertambah dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk, kesadaran masyarakat akan kesehatan dan pola makan berimbang. Salah satu penyebab menurunnya produksi buah jeruk adalah serangan hama. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui respon tanaman jeruk manis terhadap pemberian ekstrak daun pepaya sebagai pestisida organik. Metode penelitian menggunakan pre-eksperimental designs dengan pola one-group pretest-posttest design. Metode analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas Shapiro-Wilk bertujuan untuk menentukan apakah data yang diambil dari populasi tergolong normal atau tidak. Uji lanjut menggunakan uji statistik paired sample test bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan rata-rata dari dua sampel yang berpasangan. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa data penelitian pada pre-test dan post-test pada serangan hama pada tanaman jeruk manis terdistribusi normal dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan ekstrak pestisida organik daun pepaya (Carica papaya L.) pada tanaman jeruk manis. Respon tanaman jeruk manis setelah diberi perlakuan ekstrak pestisida organik daun pepaya tergolong baik (33.37%-66.66%) dan sangat baik (66.67%-100%). Pemberian ekstrak pestisida organik daun pepaya dapat mengurangi serangan hama pada tanaman jeruk manis.  ABSTRAKSweet oranges (Citrus sinensis L.) are classified as important fruits. Demand for oranges continues to increase with increasing population, public awareness of health and a balanced diet. One of the causes of decreased citrus fruit production is pest attacks. The aim of the research was to determine the response of sweet orange plants to the application of pepaya leaf extract as an organic pesticide. The research method uses pre-experimental designs with a one-group pretest-posttest design pattern. The data analysis method uses the Shapiro-Wilk normality test which aims to determine whether the data taken from the population is classified as normal or not. Further tests using the paired sample test statistical test aim to find out whether there is a difference in the average of two paired samples. The results of the analysis showed that the research data on the pre-test and post-test on pest attacks on sweet orange plants were normally distributed and there was a significant difference between before and after treatment with organic pesticide extract of pepaya leaves (Carica papaya L.) on sweet orange plants. The response of sweet orange plants after being treated with organic pesticide extract from pepaya leaves was classified as good (33.37%-66.66%) and very good (66.67%-100%). Providing organic pesticide extract from pepaya leaves can reduce pest attacks on sweet orange plants. 
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5799


ABSTRAKHutan merupakan aset alam yang melimpah dengan keanekaragaman hayati. Hutan berperan menyediakan hasil kayu dan bahan selain kayu, di antaranya tanaman obat. Keberagaman kondisi lingkungan memberikan kesempatan berbagai jenis tumbuhan mendiami ekosistem, termasuk jenis tumbuhan bawah. Tumbuhan bawah merupakan bagian pokok lapisan tumbuhan di bawah kanopi hutan, selain dari permudaan pohon, yang terdiri atas rumput, herba dan semak belukar. Tanaman ini berfungsi mempertahankan kestabilan ekosistem hutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh data potensi keanekaragaman, komposisi dan struktur jenis tumbuhan bawah berkhasiat obat di tiga blok RPTN Coban Trisula, kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) yaitu Blok Pusung Bledok Pasang, Blok Beji, dan Blok Jemplang. Penentuan petak contoh menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan karakteristik jenis tumbuhan bawah berkhasiat obat yang ditemukan di lantai hutan, lantai hutan terbuka dan tepi jalan, mulai ketinggian 1500, 2000, dan 2200 mdpl. Metode analisa vegetasi menggunakan teknik jalur berpetak (quadrat line transect). Setiap blok yang ditetapkan terdiri dari 5 petak contoh berukuran 2 x 2 meter. Jarak antar petak contoh 20 meter. Jumlah keseluruhan unit sampel yang digunakan 15 petak contoh dengan luas total 60 m2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 18 jenis tumbuhan bawah berkhasiat obat dari 11 famili yang tersebar di 3 blok penelitian. Dari ketiga blok, famili Asteraceae paling banyak ditemukan. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman jenis tergolong sedang. Blok Pusung Bledok Pasang memiliki nilai 1.01 (sedang), Blok Beji 2 (sedang) dan Blok Jemplang 2.37 (sedang). Nilai indeks kemerataan jenis di Blok Pusung Bledok Pasang 0.34 (tertekan), Blok Beji 0.70 (labil), dan Blok Jemplang 0.84 (stabil).ABSTRACTForests are natural assets that are abundant with biodiversity. Forests play a role in providing wood products and materials other than wood, including medicinal plants. The diversity of environmental conditions provides opportunities for various types of plants to inhabit the ecosystem, including types of undergrowth plants. Undergrowth is the main part of the plant layer under the forest canopy, apart from tree regeneration, which consists of grass, herbs and shrubs. This plant functions to maintain the stability of the forest ecosystem. This research aims to obtain data on the potential diversity, composition and structure of understory plants with medicinal properties in three blocks of the Coban Trisula RPTN, Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) area, namely the Pusung Bledok Pasang Block, the Beji Block and the Jemplang Block. Determination of sample plots using a purposive sampling technique with the characteristics of understory types of medicinal plants found on the forest floor, open forest floor and roadside, starting at heights of 1500, 2000 and 2200 meters above sea level. The vegetation analysis method uses a quadrat line transect technique. Each designated block consists of 5 sample plots measuring 2 x 2 meters. The distance between sample plots is 20 meters. The total number of sample units used was 15 sample plots with a total area of 60 m2. The research results showed that there were 18 types of medicinal plants from 11 families spread across 3 research blocks. Of the three blocks, the Asteraceae family was most commonly found. The species diversity index value is classified as moderate. The Pusung Bledok Pasang block has a value of 1.01 (medium), the Beji Block 2 (medium) and the Jemplang Block 2.37 (medium). The species evenness index value in the Pusung Bledok Pasang Block is 0.34 (depressed), the Beji Block is 0.70 (unstable), and the Jemplang Block is 0.84 (stable).
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5780


ABSTRAK  Pengambilan keputusan pemilihan komoditas utama didasarkan pada kriteria tertentu yang memberikan keyakinan bahwa budidaya tanaman tersebut secara ekonomi menguntungkan dan secara teknologi budidaya dapat dilakukan dengan baik, sehingga mampu mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga dengan baik.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan alasan ilmiah pemilihan tanaman mawar sebagai komoditas pertanian yang utama di Desa Sidomulyo Kota Batu. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberi manfaat: 1) memberikan justifikasi ilmiah atas pengambilan keputusan masyarakat Sidomulyo memilih tanaman mawar sebagai komoditas utama; 2) menjadi pertimbangan dalam pengembangan tanaman mawar pada masa yang akan datang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di sentra tanaman mawar yaitu desa Sidomulyo Kota Batu. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan metode survei yaitu menyebarkan kuesioner kepada petani di Desa Sidomulyo. Pendalaman materi (indepth study) untuk konfirmasi terhadap hasil jawaban kuesioner yang bertentangan dengan jawaban secara umum. Kuesioner berisikan jenis tanaman yang ditanam, pendapatan dari usaha tani, tingkat penguasaan budidaya tanaman, pengendalian organisme penganggu tanaman (OPT), kecocokan iklim  dan penghasilan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisa menggunakan Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) yaitu metode/cara pengambilan keputusan bertingkat (multikriteria) dengan cara menyusun kriteria dan alternatif daalam suatu set. Hasil dari analisa AHP kemudian dikonfirmasi dengan analisa sensivitas dua dimensi. Kriteria tertinggi pengambilan keputusan multikriteria adalah tingkat budidaya yang diikuti pengendalian OPT, penghasilan dan kecocokan iklim.  Mawar  merupakan komoditas utama di Sidomulyo Kota Batu diperkuat dengan hasil uji sensivitas dua dimensi bahwa mawar selalu menempati pada kuadran D (yaitu kuadran dengan nilai  tertinggi pada paduan dua kriteria pengujian). ABSTRACT The decision to select the main commodity is based on certain criteria that provide confidence that the cultivation of the plant is economically profitable and technologically the cultivation can be carried out well, so that it is able to meet the family's needs well. This research aimed to explain the scientific reasons for choosing roses as the main agricultural commodity in Sidomulyo Village, Batu City. This research was expected to provide benefits: 1) provide scientific justification for the decision of the Sidomulyo community to choose rose plants as the main commodity; 2) be a consideration in the development of rose plants in the future. The research was carried out in the rose plant center, namely Sidomulyo village, Batu City. Data collection was carried out using a survey method, namely distributing questionnaires to farmers in Sidomulyo Village. In-depth study of the material (in-depth study) to confirm the results of questionnaire answers that conflict with general answers. The questionnaire contains the types of plants grown, income from farming, level of mastery of plant cultivation, control of plant pest organisms (OPT), climate suitability and income. The research data were analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), namely a method/method of multilevel decision making (multi-criteria) by arranging criteria and alternatives in a set. The results of the AHP analysis were then confirmed by two-dimensional sensitivity analysis. The highest criteria for making multi-criteria decisions was the level of cultivation followed by pest control, income and climate suitability. Roses are the main commodity in Sidomulyo, Batu City, confirmed by the results of the two-dimensional sensitivity test that roses always occupy quadrant D (i.e. the quadrant with the highest score in the combination of the two test criteria).
KAJIAN FENOLOGI BUNGA DUA JENIS TANAMAN KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) DI SOLOK SELATAN Wulan Kumala Sari; Like Abella Murince
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5677


ABSTRAKDalam rangka perakitan varietas unggul, maka sangat diperlukan kajian tentang fenologi pembungaan. Informasi mengenai fenologi pembungaan tanaman kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) belum banyak tersedia. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang fenologi bunga kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada dua jenis kelapa sawit yaitu varietas D×P Socfindo dan Marihat Klon. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun milik PT. Tidar Kerinci Agung, Kabupaten Solok Selatan selama bulan September sampai dengan Desember 2021. Penelitian berupa survei dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling dan data disajikan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fenologi pembungaan kelapa sawit varietas D×P Socfindo dan Marihat Klon berbeda satu sama lain. Total waktu pembungaan yang dibutuhkan kelapa sawit varietas D×P Socfindo bunga jantan adalah 67 hari dan bunga betina 64 hari. Pada kelapa sawit Marihat Klon total waktu pembungaan bunga jantan adalah 77 hari dan bunga betina 79 hari. Ditemukan bunga abnormal dan hermaprodit pada kelapa sawit Marihat Klon yang merupakan kelapa sawit hasil perbanyakan dari kultur jaringan. ABSTRACTIn order to develop superior varieties, it is very necessary to study flowering phenology. Information regarding the flowering phenology of oil palm plants (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is not yet widely available. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the phenology of oil palm flowers. The research was carried out on two types of oil palm, namely the D×P Socfindo and Marihat Klon varieties. The research was carried out in a plantation owned by PT. Tidar Kerinci Agung, South Solok Regency during September to December 2021. The research took the form of a survey with purposive sampling and data presented descriptively. The results showed that the flowering phenology of oil palm varieties D×P Socfindo and Marihat Klon were different from each other. The total flowering time required for oil palm varieties D×P Socfindo for male flowers is 67 days and female flowers 64 days. In Marihat Klon oil palm, the total flowering time for male flowers is 77 days and for female flowers 79 days. Abnormal and hermaphroditic flowers were found on the Marihat Klon oil palm, which is an oil palm resulting from propagation from tissue culture. 
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5254


Jagung merupakan salah satu komoditi pangan di Indonesia. Salah satu sentra produksi jagung di Indonesia adalah Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Bulan Juli 2022 terjadi surplus produksi jagung di Sumatera Utara, tetapi terdapat masalah dalam proses budidaya tanaman jagung, di antaranya adalah serangan ulat grayak Spodoptera frugiperda. Pengendalian ulat grayak selama ini menggunakan insektisida kimia. Penggunaan insektisida kimia yang terus-menerus memberikan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan, tanaman maupun kesehatan manusia. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengeksplorasi jenis dan populasi musuh alami hama S. frugiperda yang menyerang tanaman jagung. Penelitian menggunakan metode koleksi secara aktif (metode jelajah) dan pasif. Koleksi secara aktif dilakukan dengan pengambilan secara langsung menggunakan jaring serangga dan pengamatan langsung. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan jaring ayun pada setiap tanaman contoh yang ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa agen pengendali hayati berupa predator yang ditemukan di lapangan total sebanyak 259 ekor, dengan rincian 27 ditemukan pada pengamatan dari jaring serangga dan 232 dari pengamatan langsung. Indeks keanekaragaman pengamatan menggunakan jaring dan pengamatan langsung  tergolong sedang; indeks dominasi pengamatan menggunakan jaring tergolong rendah, sedangkan pada pengamatan langsung tergolong tinggi stabil; sementara indeks kemerataan tergolong tinggi stabil. Paederus sp. ditemukan di lahan dengan populasi yang tinggi.  ABSTRACTCorn is one of the food commodities in Indonesia, with North Sumatra Province as one of its production centers in Indonesia. In July 2022, there was a surplus of corn yield in North Sumatra, but there were problems in the corn cultivation process, including attacks by armyworms (Spodoptera frugiperda). Control of armyworms has ordinarily used chemical insecticides. But, continuous use of chemical insecticides has negative impacts on environment, plants and human health. The aim of the research is to explore the types and populations of natural enemies of the S. frugiperda pest that attack corn plants. The research uses active (exploration method) and passive collection methods. Active collection was carried out by direct collection using insect nets and direct observation. Data collection was carried out using a swing net on each specified sample plant. The research results show that a total of 259 biological control agents in the form of predators were found in the field, with details of 27 found from observations from insect nets and 232 from direct observation. The diversity index for observations using nets and direct observations is moderate; the dominance index for observations using nets is classified as low, while direct observation is classified as high and stable; while the equality index is relatively high and stable. Paederus sp. were found in areas with high populations. 
APLIKASI ASAP CAIR ARANG SEKAM TERHADAP POPULASI KUTU KEBUL (Bemisia tabaci) PADA EDAMAME (Glycine max L. MERRILL) Achmad Hadi Musthofa; Christa Dyah Utami; Ilham Mukhlisin; Trisnani Alif
Agrika Vol 18, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v18i1.5699


ABSTRAKBemisia tabaci adalah salah satu hama pada kedelai yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan produksi hingga 80%. Umumnya petani masih menggunakan insektisida sintetis yang menyebabkan hama resisten dan membunuh arthropoda menguntungkan. Perlu adanya alternatif insektisida yang aman bagi lingkungan maupun manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh aplikasi asap cair arang sekam (ACAS) padi pada populasi kutu kebul (Bemisia tabaci). Tiga jenis perlakuan yang digunakan adalah: G3: ACAS grade 3 konsentrasi 3%; G2: ACAS grade 2 konsentrasi 4%; dan IMI: insektisida sintetis berbahan aktif imidakloprid. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode perbandingan perlakuan. Setiap perlakuan diaplikasikan pada plot berukuran 20 m2. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisa menggunakan uji non parametrik Kruskal Wallis. Hasil pengamatan populasi B. tabaci pada semua jenis perlakuan mengalami peningkatan seiring bertambahnya umur tanaman dan mengalami penurunan mulai 52 HST selanjutnya semakin menurun hingga 59 HST. Populasi B. tabaci secara keseluruhan akibat aplikasi imidakloprid sebanyak 15.70 individu berbeda nyata jika dibanding dengan aplikasi ACAS grade 3 maupun grade 2. Asap cair arang sekam grade 3 konsentrasi 3% mengakibatkan populasi B. tabaci 28.94. Perlakuan ini lebih berpotensi menekan populasi B. tabaci dibanding ACAS grade 2 konsentrasi 4% yang menekan populasi B. tabaci menjadi 29.13. Kedua perlakuan ACAS tersebut masih kurang optimal jika dibandingkan insektisida sintetis berbahan aktif imidakloprid dalam menekan populasi B. tabaci pada tanaman kedelai edamame.ABSTRACTBemisia tabaci is a pest in soybeans that can cause a reduction in production of up to 80%. Generally, farmers still use synthetic insecticides which cause pest resistance and kill beneficial arthropods. There is a need for alternative insecticides that are safe for the environment and humans. This research aims to examine the effect of application of rice husk charcoal liquid smoke (ACAS) on whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) populations. The three types of treatment used are: G3: ACAS grade 3 concentration 3%; G2: ACAS grade 2 concentration 4%; and IMI: synthetic insecticide containing the active ingredient imidacloprid. This research uses a treatment comparison method. Each treatment was applied to a plot measuring 20 m2. Observation data were analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis non-parametric test. The results of observations of the B. tabaci population in all types of treatment increased as the age of the plant increased, and decreased starting at 52 HST and decreasing further until 59 HST. The overall population of B. tabaci due to imidacloprid application was 15.70 individuals, which was significantly different when compared to the application of ACAS grade 3 or grade 2. Liquid smoke from grade 3 husk charcoal with a concentration of 3% resulted in a B. tabaci population of 28.94. This treatment has more potential to suppress the B. tabaci population compared to ACAS grade 2 concentration 4% which suppresses the B. tabaci population to 29.13. These two ACAS treatments are still less than optimal compared to the synthetic insecticide containing the active ingredient imidacloprid in suppressing the B. tabaci population in edamame soybean plants. Keywords: bioinsecticide, GCMS, whitefly, liquid smoke, bemisia tabaci

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