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Jurnal Manajemen Agribisnis (JMA) merupakan jurnal ilmiah, memiliki konsentrasi fokus pada Pengelolaan Pertanian Agribisnis dan Kawasan Pertanian yang Berkelanjutan serta mengacu pada terminologi “Sustainable Development Goals.” Sustainable Development Goals sangat dibutuhkan dalam manajemen agribisnis sebagai sarana untuk membentuk perencanaan agribisnis yang terstruktur dan terorganisasi dengan baik. Melalui konsentrasi fokus tersebut, dapat dipahami bahwa perencanaan sangat vital dalam bisnis pertanian mengingat sifatnya yang penuh ketidakpastian dan rentan risiko kerugian, sehingga memerlukan analisis dan sintesis ilmu multidisiplin untuk menjelaskan fakta empiris dimensi sosial, ekonomi, manajemen, dan kelembagaan dalam suatu perusahaan atau kawasan pertanian.
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Penerapan Tri Hita Karana untuk Keberlanjutan Sistem Subak yang Menjadi Warisan Budaya Dunia: Kasus Subak Wangaya Betan, Kecamatan Penebel, Kabupaten Tabanan Putu Fajar Kartika Lestari; Wayan Windia; Ni Wayan Sri Astiti
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Vol. 3 - No. 1 - Mei 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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The cornerstone of Subak system which used to managing the organization is harmony foundation of harmony and togetherness, which manifest by Tri Hita Karana concept (THK) Parhyangan, Pawongan, and Palemahan. Noble values contained in Subak make UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) determine subak as a World Cultural Heritage (WBD). This research aims to analysis the implementation of THK for sustainability of subak system. The analysis techinique used for this is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of matrix inverse analysis is the relation between all the sub-system from system technology and all the culture sub-system could describe subak sustainability and the application of Tri Hita Karana (THK) concept at Subak Wangaya Betan. The result of matrix inverse analysis is describe the sustainability capabilities of Tri Hita Karana at Subak Wangaya Betan by 30,27%. This result is caused by the elements still lacking in its implementation on an ongoing basis. As expected, Tri Hita Karana concept which prioritize harmony and togetherness could be applied to all the components of subak. Application of Tri Hita Karana at subak could be improved with the aim to sustain Subak Wangaya Betan activities that have been executed.
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Konversi Lahan serta Dampaknya Terhadap Kesejahteraan Petani: Kasus di Subak Jadi, Kecamatan Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan I Made Mahadi Dwipradnyana; Wayan Windia; I Made Sudarma
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Vol. 3 - No. 1 - Mei 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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Land conversion is a process of change in land use of a particular form of usage become another example to non-agricultural use. Conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural agricultural development is a central issue that can have a significant impact on food production, economic and social aspects of environmental aspects. Conversion phenomenon is basically the result of the competition between agricultural land use to non-agricultural sector arising from the three economic and social phenomena are limited natural resources, population growth and economic growth. Viewing the phenomenon of this research was conducted in order to find the factors that affect the conversion of land either as a motivating factor as well as towing. Furthermore, of these factors can be analyzed to see its effect on the welfare of farmers converting land in Subak Jadi District of Kediri, Tabanan. The method used in this study is a quantitative method. Sources of data used in this study using primary data source is by distributing questionnaires directly to farmers and secondary data sources to find data from BPS and other relevant sources. Sampling of the population is performed using Slovin formula. Data analysis method used is the method of factor analysis, multiple linear regression and paired sample t test with a standard error of 5% (? = 0.05). Research results obtained are all variables simultaneously and significantly affect the conversion. Partial conversion of the driving factors of land there are just external push factors have a significant effect. The variable is the soil quality, housing needs, and the opportunity to buy land elsewhere. Suggestion for reducing lan conversion is the government should reinforce the regulations in the field of licensing, especially to build in wetlands. Government should also tighten the rules of buying and selling land, especially agricultural land should be sold but kept for agricultural land.
Analisis Pengaruh Penerapan Tri Hita Karana terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Wisatawan di Kawasan Agrowisata Ceking, Kecamatan Tegallalang, Kabupaten Gianyar I Dewa Ayu Puspitadewi; Wayan Windia; Ni Wayan Sri Astiti
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Vol. 3 - No. 1 - Mei 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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The Tri Hita Karana application concept is universal and very relevant for agricultural development concept. Tri Hita Karana consist of three subsystems, there are parhyangan, pawongan, and palemahan. Three of these subsystems have interrelated to built a tourist has appeal and increase the satisfaction value for tourists caused they are able to maintain harmony and sustainability of Agrotourism business. It can also avoid land conversion caused by an increase in tourist arrivals, therefore it can avoid conflicts and frictions that occur in the community. Related to that, this research aims to   (1) discover tourist responds of the application of the Tri Hita Karana in the Ceking Agrotourism Region; (2) discover tourist satisfaction in the Ceking Agrotourism Region; and (3) analyze the Tri Hita Karana application effect for tourist satisfaction level simultaneously and partially in the Ceking Agrotourism Region The samples in this study using the accidental sampling technique there were 40 respondents consisting of domestic and foreign tourists over the age of 17 years old who doing a search in the area of Agro Ceking terracing area. Data were collected using distributed questionnaires to tourists who visited the Ceking Agrotourism Region, then analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis by using SPSS 17.0 for windows. The results are (1) Tourists votes of the application of the Tri Hita Karana in the Ceking Agrotourism Region relatively good, it’s looked of the level of votes on the implementation tourists; (2) level of tourists satisfaction in the Ceking Agrotourism Region was high; (3) the Tri Hita Karana application effect for tourists satisfaction level simultaneously and partially in the Ceking Agrotourism Region was influential and significant. Based on this research, the managers are recommended to maintain and improve the application of the Tri Hita Karana by towards to developing an upgrade in Parhyangan spiritual activities object, which is worth contributing to farmers, therefore increased the tourism supporting facilities that safe and comfortable and not damage the environment
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Vol. 3 - No. 1 - Mei 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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Sub-terminal agribusiness, marketing agencies or concept as a market that is well managed to increase added value to farmers, in addition to educating farmers improve the quality of its products, as well as change the mindset toward agribusiness and became one of the original sources of income of the region. This research aims to study the development of agribusiness sub-terminal, the factors that affect the role of man, money, machines, methods, market in the construction of sub terminal agribusiness and agribusiness development influence sub terminal of performance marketing and an increase in revenue. This research was conducted in the eastern region of sikka on seven districts (Kewapante, Hewokloang, Bola, Doreng, Waigete, Talibura, Waiblama), which is the producer of crop plantations. Determination of the number of respondents is based on the number of respondents with slovin methods as much as 98 people, retrieval technique using purposif method of sampling respondents. Data collection techniques include: observation, interviews, and documentation, and data analysis using the method of quantitative analysis with test PLS. The results showed that the role of the factor man, money, machines, methods, market development of sub terminal agribusiness is very high, with the highest factor is the role of money and the correlation between a factor and mutually binding is the highest factor method. Construction of the sub-terminal agribusiness is real and positive affect performance marketing, the biggest factor is the factor of influence machines and produc. Construction of the sub-terminal agribusiness is real and positive influence of income with respect to the measurement of each factor is a positive and very real. Machines and creativity factor is the factor that has the most influence is high. Influence directly the sub terminal of agribusiness marketing and income is very real, as are the direct influence of marketing revenue. The suggestions can be put forward: (1) the role of government and private institutions as well as in the repair of chain or a marketing system as long as it does not favour to farmers producing crops of farmer plantations mainly by improving the existing marketing systems and monitoring of market prices, (2) a binding between the joint government and private institutions in strengthening marketing, repair and construction of infra structure: roads, bridges, ports, storage sheds to grow smooth results marketing process, (3) need for cooperation by all parties both from the educational institutions/universities, governments and private institutions to assist farmers in improving usahataninya, and (4) sikka to government as soon as possible to build a sub terminal agribusiness which is one of the marketing agency that coordinated or arranged properly to improve marketing systems that have an impact on increased life and well-being of farmers ' lives.
Keberlanjutan Bisnis Pupuk Cair Organik PT Alove Bali Desa Saba, Kecamatan Blahbatuh, Kabupaten Gianya S. A. Widnyani; Wayan Windia; I G.A.A Ambarawati
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Vol. 3 - No. 1 - Mei 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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The application of Tri Hita Karana concept become an important issue to ensure the business word existence howadays. The business word will not be developed without concerning the condition and situasion of sosial business environment so that the implementation of Tri Hita Karana becoming a necessity to support the business activities for the companies. It is not just a responsibility but also aduty in the bussiness word. The implementation of Tri Hita Karana concept should become a part of business role an it belong to business policy, so that the business world is a not an organization that is oriented to ward achieving maximum profits but also becomes a learning organization, where the individues that involved have social awareness and process sense not only for the organization environment but also for the sosial environment where the business is located. The purpose of this study is to determine the continuity apotential business of organic liquid fertilizer based on the concept of Tri Hita Karana. The research was conducted to the company that is focused in aloe vera manufacturer. The research is located in Banjar Tengah, Saba village, Blahbatuh, Gianyar regency. The respondents are chosen by census method. That is all the managements and employees of PT Alove Bali. They are 21 people in total. The research is using inverse matrix analysis. Based on the result retrieved, the implementation of Tri Hita Karana in PT Alove Bali is belonging to the quite well category by achieving 38,68% score. The achieving score indicated the sustainability potential value of PT Alove Bali,that are : a). Gatra Parhyangan, PT Alove Bali didn’t have daily religious rituals possibility, b). Gatra Pawongan, PT Alove didn’t give awards for the potential employees, it took a less concern to the social activities in the village. It give a less routinity education for the employees, lack of the external human resource development activities, lack of implementation of routinity internal, meeting, lack of updating regular development information far the company. c). The lack of supplying production tools. The use of production process waste in this case, the lack of maintaining and preserving environment activities, the lack of innovation and technology in developing the products to be develop in the future. The implementation of Tri Hita Karana in PT Alove Bali could be more enharced through the sosialitation of Tri Hita Karana to be more implemented in the business activities and looking fot the solution for the problems in implementing Tri Hita Karana.
Model Manajemen Sumberdaya Komunikasi untuk Penyuluhan Pertanian dalam Pelaksanaan Sistem Pertanian Terintegrasi di Provinsi Bali I Dewa Putu Oka Suardi; Nyoman Parining; I Made Sukewijaya
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Vol. 3 - No. 1 - Mei 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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Communication resource for extension of integrated agricultural systems program which includes: facilitators agents, farmers, messages, methods, and facilities/infrastructure is not well maintained premises. Communication effectiveness of integrated farming systems program is only characterized by a change in the attitude of the farmers participating in the program, while other indicators such as knowledge, skills, and actions do not characterize the effectiveness of communication. The success of the integrated farming systems program is only characterized by the creation of jobs and the development of farming intensification and extensification.The objectives of this research are: (1) analyze the relationship management of communication resources for extension with successful integrated farming systems and (2) designing a communications resource management model for extension of integrated farming system. To achieve these objectives, the study was conducted with survey design combined with the correlation approach. Determining the location of the study and determination of respondents using purposive, whereas data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling approach (SEM).The results showed: (1) communications resource for extension in the integrated farming system has not been managed in accordance with management functions and this is associated with less successful programs of integrated farming systems; (2) resource management model of communication for extension of integrated farming system is a structured scheme of action in managing communication resources in accordance with management functions
Membangun Strategi Operasi melalui Budaya Organisasi Berbasis Tri Hita Karana untuk Mencapai Keunggulan Bersaing Berkelanjutan: Kasus pada Lembaga Perkreditan Desa di Kabupaten Buleleng IGK. Adi Winata; Wayan Windia; I Wayan Suartana
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol. 3 - No. 2 - Oktober 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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In general, the agricultural sector is still the main economic activity of the rural communities in Bali. Agribusiness systems in Bali are required to have high competitiveness in an era of economic modern. LPD as supporting institutions in the field of agribusiness in rural areas also face a high level of competition. organizational culture THK-based and operation strategy LPD in Buleleng is a unique resource for creating a sustainable competitive advantage. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of organizational culture and operating strategies for sustainable competitive advantage LPD Buleleng regency. The number of LPD in Buleleng is 126 LPD spread across nine districts. Then the number of samples and the respondents are 45 people chairman of 45 LPD. Methods of data analysis using SEM-based General Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). Organization culture-based Tri Hita Karana positive effect on the operating strategy of LPD in Buleleng. Organization culture-based Tri Hita Karana and operating strategy positive effect on the sustainable competitive advantage LPD in Buleleng. This shows that organizational culture based Tri Hita Karana and operating strategy is a source of sustainable competitive advantage LPD in Buleleng. Management need to develop a linking strategy LPD operation between systems and procedures with awig-awig. Awig-awig containing values of Tri Hita Karana, should be retained as the basis LPD operations. This may be the uniqueness of LPD in Buleleng, which is not owned by other financial institutions
Strategi Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Sayuran Segar Organik pada CV. Golden Leaf Farm Bali Dewa Ayu Anom Yuarini; I Ketut Satriawan; I Dewa Putu Oka Suardi
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol. 3 - No. 2 - Oktober 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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As one of the popular tourist attraction, the number of visitor in Bali has been increased every years, and the number of foreign tourist stayed in Bali has been increased either. This condition has given the positive impact to the restaurant, and other facilities which is support the tourism services. Tourism industry needs vegetables with the healthy quality, fresh, clean, and with the continuously safety guarantee on it. This situation has grown the chance to conserve the vegetables with the organic system. The main objective of this research are, (1) understanding the consumer’s wishes upon the quality of the fresh organic vegetables. (2) understanding the consumers satisfaction on the fresh vegetable organic; and (3) to formulate the strategy in improving the quality products of organic fresh vegetable. This research has been conducted in CV Golden Leaf Farm. CV GLF is a agroindustry organic vegetables company located at Asah Gobleg main street,Wanagiri village, Sukasada Distric, Buleleng Regency. And the method has been used in this research is the quality function deployment (QFD). QFD has the function to define all the consumer wishes on vegetables related to existances of parameter methodology in the company. In order to understanding the way to fulfill the highest consumer’s wishes. The result of this research shows the specification of the consumer wishes upon the organic vegetables products quality on CV. GLF are the cleanness, the freshness, and the food safety. The length period, color, size, and the standardization form of the products on CV . GLF has generated the number of consumer with the satisfaction categories such satisfy and fully satisfy. The satisfaction category has been reached by the attributed of freshness, size, color, the length period, food safety, and the shape standardization. While the cleanness attributes has included into the satisfaction categories. The strategy to improve the fresh organic quality of vegetable in CV,GLF are, a) To fulfill the consumer satisfaction, the attribute priority which necessary being revised or being evaluated are the attribute in the length period of the fruit, size, the shape standardization, color, the food safety, and the freshness, and b) to improve the consumer satisfaction upon the quality of vegetables quality so the technique  of parameter quality should be revised is the way of permanent saving quality, the cleansing, packaging, and sortation.
Balanced Scorecard sebagai Pengukuran Kinerja Koperasi Perikanan Segaraning Harum Kabupaten Badung Melita Isti Septiasari; Dwi Putra Darmawan; I Wayan Suarthana
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol. 3 - No. 2 - Oktober 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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The Balanced scorecard is used to measure performance by observing the balance between financial and non financial side between short term and long term as well as involving the internal and external factors. The cooperative as a business entity is expected to implement the balanced scorecard to achieve the vision and mission of cooperation and improving the performance of cooperatives. The purpose of this research was to analyze the application of the four elements of the balanced scorecard which is expected to create cooperatives to compete with other economic institutions. This research was conducted with descriptive method to describe the application of the balanced scorecard element for a month in the Save unit borrow Cooperative Fisheries Segaraning Harum. The results showed the application of elements of a financial perspective using the current ratio, total assets to debt ratio rated very unhealthy and return on asset were judged enough healthy. Application of the elements of the perspective of customers using the level of customer satisfaction rated satisfied customer retention rate and are rated good. Application of the elements of the internal business processes perspective measured using Manufacturing Cycle Efficiency (MCE), namely the process of transaction deposits and loans rated has been running efficiently. Application of the elements of the learning and growth perspective employees using employee satisfaction level of votes satisfied the employee retention rate and are rated good Suggestionsfrom this researchthat thebalanced scorecardelementscan not only beusedas a measureof performancein theSegaraningHarumCooperative Fisheriesbutalsoas a strategy ofthe cooperative.Balancedscorecardshould begin tobe appliedas a measureof performanceineach ofthe cooperativein order to competewithother economicinstitutions. Apart fromcooperatives,the governmentis expected toissue a policythatbalanced scorecardused asa strategyrequired to beimplementedby the cooperative.
Tingkat Keberhasilan Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan di Kabupaten Ende Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Philipus N. Supardi; Ketut Budi Susrusa; I Wayan Budiasa
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS Vol. 3 - No. 2 - Oktober 2015
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

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Rural Agribusiness Development Program is a breakthrough program of Ministry of Agriculture for poverty reduction and employment, as well as for development gap reduction between central and regional regions and between sub-sectors. Ende Regency is one of beneficiary of Rural Agribusiness Development Program in East Nusa Tenggara province. The objectives of this study are assessing the success rate of the Rural Agribusiness Development Program in Ende Regency and assessing factors affecting the success of Rural Agribusiness Development Program in Ende Regency with survey method. The study population is the Farmers Group Association (GAPOKTAN) as the beneficiary of Rural Agribusiness Development Program in the year of 2010. Sampling is done randomly (random sampling) with a total of 30 GAPOKTAN. Data was analyzed quantitative descriptively and relation analysis with partial least squares (PLS). The success rate of the Rural Agribusiness Development Program in Ende Regency is classified as less successful with the score of 2.1. Simultaneously, all the exogenous factors: Organizational Factor (X1), Rural Agribusiness Development Program Management Factor (X2), Agribusiness Factor (X3), Entrepreneurial Factor (X4), Agribusiness Management Factor (X5), and Leadership Factor (X6) collectively have strong influence towards the success of Rural Agribusiness Development Program. Partially, not all of the six variables affecting the success of the program, in which the Agribusiness variable has no influence towards the success of the Rural Agribusiness Development Program. Suggestions may be submitted to this study are the enhancement of the Farmers Group Association Boards capability as the facilitators by conducting comparative study to regencies or provincies whose Rural Agribusiness Development Programs are successful in conducting trainings, that the business can be developed that absorb labours, intensive supervission of the government and  monitoring and evaluation by the regency coordinating team related to financial management.

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