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Effect of Interpersonal Communication and the Work Environment on Employee Performance PT.Systran Electronics Card Zone Batam ', Muapia; ', Nuryanti; Fitri, Kurniawaty
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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Human resources as one of the internal factors that play an important role in the success or failure of anorganization's goals. PT. Systran Electronics Company Zone Card Batam is a company engaged in the manufacture of electrical passport in the hope this effort can be developed in the future and is able to utilize the development of increasingly sophisticated technology. To that end, the Company PT.Systran Electronics Card Zone should pay attention to the performance of its employees, especially in terms of interpersonal communication and a good working environment and coordinate all elements of the activities carried out by their employees to be motivated to improve their performance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of interpersonal communication and work environment on employee performance. The data used is primary data in the form of questionnaires obtained from company employees PT.Systran Electronics Card Zone as a respondent. The population in this study were all employees of as many as 42 people. Sampling technique used is the census sample, in which all members of the population sampled. To analyze the effect of interpersonal communication and work environment on employee performance used multiple linear regression statistical analysis. Results showed that interpersonal communication and work environment either simultaneously or partial effect on employee performance. The most dominant variable in affecting the performance of employees is interpersonal communication, followed by a variable work environment. From the conclusions obtained from this study, the researchers gave some suggestions from the results of this study are expected to pay more attention to the company PT. SEZCard side of interpersonal communication and the working environment of employees in order to obtain the maximum performance of employees, focusing attention in terms of equality of employees, and establish individual good of subordinates to superiors and superiors to subordinates in order to realize the vision and mission of the company in the future.Keywords : Employee Performance, Interpersonal Communication, Work Environment.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The capital market is one of investment alternative that able to yield optimal advantage for investor. Each investor is requiring of relevant information with transaction development in stock. This is very important to be made in consideration in compiling strategy and decision making of investment in capital market. The objectives of this research to analyze the influence of interest rate, inflation, exchang rate, and money supply to volume of stock trading on LQ-45 that listed on BEI in 2009-2012 periods.This research using time series data from IDX Statistic ICMD (Indonesian Capital Market Directory) and Indonesian Bank monthly published on BEI in January 2009 until December 2012. Population in this research is all company which included on LQ-45 that is 45 companies and number of samples 16 companies by passing phase purposive sample. Analyze technique to use in this research is multiple linier regression to obtain describe which totally regarding relationship between one variable with other variable. And use aplication Statistical Package For Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics 21 program. The result of this reseacrh shows that interest rate variable has a negative and not significant to volume of stock trading, while inflation variable has a positive and not significant to volume of stock trading intrading, exchang rate and money supply variable has a negative and significant to volume of stock trading on LQ-45.Result of Adjuts R SquareKeywords : Volume of Stock Trading, Interest Rate, Inflation, Exchange Rates, Broad Money
Pengaruh Keputusan Investasi dan Keputusan Pendanaan yang Dimediasi Oleh Risiko Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sektor Aneka Industri Periode 2008-2012) Meitri Handayani; Yulia Efni; Ahmad Fauzan Fathoni
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The purpose of this research is to examine direct and indirect effect of investment decision and financing decisionon business risk and firm value. Furthermore inderect effect on examined with testing investment decision and financing decision on firm value mediated by business risk. Purposive sampling is use to get our samples from fifty-four firms population that include in miscellaneous industry. We get twenty-one firms that used as our samples to analysis the data we use path analysis. The result show that investment decision didn’t influential toward risk, but financing decision is influentian toward risk. Investment decision didn’t influential toward firm value but financing decision is influentian toward firm value. and risk didn’t influential toward firm value. this indicates that risk varable only mediates the financing decision on firm value.Keywords: Investment Decisions, Financing Decision, Enterprise Risk and Firm Value
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The aim of this research is to test the direct and indirect effect of investment decision and capital market condition toward firm value in mediated by risk of manufacture companies of miscellaneous industry sectors listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange period 2008-2012. The population of the research is 54 companies. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, which obtained 21 samples of firm that fitted the sample criteria by N of data as much as 105. Data analysis used descriptive analysis and path analysis. Path Analysis results, investment decision and capital market condition had a significant influence directly toward firm value. Meanwhile investment decision directly had a significant influence toward business risk while capital market condition had no significant influence toward business risk. Business risk itself had no significant influence toward firm value, it meant that business risk could not able to mediate the influence of investment decision and capital market condition toward firm value.Keywords : investment decision, capital market condition, business risk, Tobin’s Q, path analysis
Pengaruh Analisis Rasio – Rasio Early Warning System (EWS) Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Asuransi Yang Listing Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (2009- 2012) Pramono Putro Suwiralim; Haryetti '; Ahmad Fauzan Fathoni
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of Liquidity Ratio,Claimexpense Ratio, Agent’s Balance to Surplus Ratio and Ratio of Premium Growth. Firm’s value of this research was measured by Stock’s Price. We use secondary data which get from Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD). Purposive sampling is used to get the sample. Descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression analysis (partially analysis), t-test and F-test are used to analyse the data. The result shows that both Liquidity Ratio and Ratio of Premium Growth were significantly affected Stock Price. Meanwhile, both Claim Ratio and Agent’s Balance to Surplus Ratio had no effect at all on Stock Price.Keywords: Liquidity Ratio (Liabilities To Liquid Assets Ratio / X1), Ratio Claim(Incurred Loss Ratio / X2), Agents' Balance To of Surplus Ratio ( X3),Ratio of Premium Growth ( Premium of Growth Ratio / X4 )
Perbandingan Analisis Prediksi Kebangkrutan Menggunakan Model Altman Z-Score Dan Model Logistik (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Non Keuangan Yang Terdaftar Di Bei) Frenciscka Kristin; Haryetti '; Ahmad Fauzan Fathoni
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The purpose of this research is to compare bankruptcy of prediction modelbetween Almtan Z-Score and Logistics models. We use secondary data which get from Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD). Purposive sampling is used to get the sample. T-test paired sample is use to analyse the data. The result shows that both of the model have difference result in predicting of bankruptcy. Furthermore we suggest to use Altman model to predict bankruptcy because the result is more accurate than the logistics model.Keywords: Altman Z-score and Logistic, bankruptcy
Pengaruh Komitmen Karyawan Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Departemen Pelayanan PT. PLN (Persero) Cabang Selatpanjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Muhammad Bakri; Nuryanti '; Arwinence Pramadewi
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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This study was conducted to Employee Services Department PT. PLN (Persero) Branch Selatpanjang Meranti Islands Regency jl. Yos Sudarso.The purpose of this research to explain the variable employee commitmen and training in simultaneous and parcial to Employee productivity at service department PT.PLN (Persero) Cabang Selatpanjang Kabuapten Kepuluan Meranti. The population in this study were employees of PT Services Department. PLN (Persero) Branch Selatpanjang Meranti Islands Regency totaling 50 people. Sampel decision made by the census method as responden 50 samples, the method of analysis used is descriptive quantitative method by using SPSS version 18. From the results of simultaneous testing (F test) showed that the independent variables studied (Employee Commitment and Training) has a positive and significant effect on the variable (Employee Productivity) the magnitude of the effect that (R2) by these two variables together - equal to dependent variable 84.6% while the remaining 15.4%, influenced by variables - other variables not examined in this study. The results of the testing that has been done, the partial regression test (t test) showed that each - each variable studied bebas (Employee Commitment and Training) has a positive and significant impact on the dependent variable (Employee Productivity).Keywords: Commitment to Employees, Training and Employee Productivity
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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This study aims to determine the effect of education and training on employee performance partially Mechanical Section at PT. Intraco Penta Cabang Pekanbaru. To determine the effect of motivation on employee performance partially Mechanical Section at PT. Intraco Penta Cabang Pekanbaru. To determine the effect of education and training and motivation on employee performance simultaneously Mechanical Section at PT. Intraco Penta Cabang Pekanbaru. The population in this study were all employees at PT. Intraco Penta Cabang Pekanbaru, whose work on quantum mechanics. Because in this study, the authors focused only mechanic training in improving mechanical performance. The number of employees who work on quantum mechanics in 2012 as many as 80 people. For this study the policy, then the sampling done by the census. Thus, the entire population sampled in this study. The method used is multiple linear regression. Results reveal that for education and training variables partially significant effect on employee performance is obtained because a significant level of 0.001> 0.005. This shows the value of t> t table (2.743> 2.03), then Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. This means that the education and training of a significant effect on employee performance. The results of the study for partial motivation variables significantly influence employee performance because significant levels obtained for 0,000> 0,005. This shows the value of t> t table (3.765> 2.03), then Ho is reject and Hi is accepted. That is the motivation significant effect on employee performance. From the test results are known regression calculation of F values obtained at 25.2544 with a significant level of 0.000 with (α) of 5% and Ftable worth 3.1504. This shows the value of F> F (25.254> 3.1504), then Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. This means that at the same time, the variable education and training, motivation significant effect on employee performance. With the education and training, and motivation to improve employee performance.Keywords: Education and Training, Motivation, Performance
Pengaruh Karakteristik Pribadi dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Loyalitas Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Pengelolaan Pasar Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Indah Hardianty; Nuryanti '; Arwinence Pramadewi
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The purpose of this research is to find out influence of personal characteristic and organizational commitment on civil servants loyalty in Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Pengelolaan Pasar Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Population in this research is all of civil servants in Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Pengelolaan Pasar Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Sample which is taken is done with making all of population to be respondents and there are 61 respondents. Data source from primary data and secondary data. Technique of collecting data in this research are through an observation, interview, and questionnaire. Analysis method which is used quantitative descriptive method that use multiple linear regression constructively SPSS program version 17. Result shows that organizational commitment variable has significant influence to civil servants loyalty and more dominant than personal characteristic variable. Personal Characteristic has significant influence to civil servants loyalty in Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Pengelolaan Pasar Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Simultaneous test shows that personal characteristic variable and organizational commitment variable has significant influence depends on civil servants loyalty in Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Pengelolaan Pasar Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu which are described on R2 0,557. Means that Personal Characteristic and Organizational Commitment variables has influenced loyalty by 55,7% while the rest 44,3% is influenced by other variables which are not examined in this study.Keywords : Personal Characteristic, Organizational Commitment, Loyalty
Analisis Pengaruh Segmentasi Gaya Hidup Terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan Dan Kepuasan Konsumen Jasa Simply Fresh Laundry Di Kota Pekanbaru Hasanuddin, Roy; ', Jushermi; Musfar, Tengku Firli
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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This Research aim to to analyse comprehensive influence of eksogen construct which consist of Activity, Interest and Opinions on endogen construct which consist of Decision of Usage and Cutomer Satisfaction on Simply Fresh Laundry service in Pekanbaru City. In this research there are five variable that is Activity(X1), Interest(X2), Opinions( X3), Decision of Usage ( Y1) and Cutomer Satisfaction (Y2). Population of this research is all society who using Simply Fresh Laundry service in Pekanbaru City with sampel counted 150 selected responder use method of acidential sampling. In take of data at this research that is by giving kuesioner at responder. In analyse data, this research use method of Structural Equation Modelling ( SEM) constructively AMOS version 22. Result of this research indicate that Activity, Interest and Opinions in service of Simply Fresh Laundry in Pekanbaru City have an effect on Decision of Usage and Cutomer Satisfaction of Simply Fresh Laundry service in Pekanbaru City. In influence to Decision of Usage and Cutomer Satisfaction, Activity variable more dominant influence compared to Interest and OpinionsKeywords: Life Style, Activity, Interest, Opinions Decision Of Penggunaa, Decision of Usage, Cutomer Satisfaction, Simply Fresh Laundry

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