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Record and Library Journal
Published by Universitas Airlangga
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Record and Library Journal, with the registered number (E-ISSN: 2442-5168). It is a scientific journal that encompasses library science, records, information, and documentation. Record and Library Journal is a medium for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students that are interested in the world of librarianship and records. This journal also facilitates knowledge sharing from the results of studies, case study, book review, and literature review.
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Articles 234 Documents
Information Retrieval Document Classified with K-Nearest Neighbor Zaman, Badruz; Purwanti, Endah; Sukma, Alifian
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (26.491 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.v1i2.1177


Along with the rapid advancement of technology development led to the amount of information available is also increasingly abundant. The aim of this study was to determine how the implementation of information retrieval system in the classification of the journal by using the cosine similarity and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The data used as many as 160 documents with categories such as Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Science, Health Science, and Social Sciences and Humanities. Construction stage begins with the use of text mining processing, the weighting of each token by using the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), calculate the degree of similarity of each document by using the cosine similarity and classification using k-Nearest Neighbor.Evaluation is done by using the testing documents as much as 20 documents, with a value of k = {37, 41, 43}. Evaluation system shows the level of success in classifying documents on the value of k = 43 with a value precision of 0501. System test results showed that 20 document testing used can be classified according to the actual category.
Evaluation of The Library and Archives of East Java’s Workshop as A Knowledge Sharing Form of Jawatimuran Local Wisdom Preservation Atmi, Ragil Tri
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

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Local wisdom possessed by the East Java is a form of culture that represents the identity of the Jawatimuran that does not shared by other regions, but the social dynamics and development of information technology make the knowledge of local wisdom faded and forgotten, so that the next generation remains to know, love and proud in the culture of their own country, then that knowledge must be preserved. The Library and Archives of East Java has organized several workshops. Those workshops are a form of knowledge sharing as an effort to preserve local wisdom of Jawatimuran through writing. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the workshops conducted by The Library and Archives of East Java. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study show that knowledge sharing can improve the productivity of the authors and creates integration between authors, publishers and The Library and Archives of East Java in an effort to preserve local wisdom in East Java. The conclusion is that The Library and Archives of East Java should be a bridge for the writers to continue to produce writings based on the local wisdom.
Information Seeking Behaviour of Senior High School Student on General Election in Indonesia Rahman, Margareta Aulia
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

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The development of information technology affects students in searching and finding information, particularly information regarding the General Election. Theexplosion of information on mass media about the elections resulted impact (both positive and negative) to the potential voters. Nowadays, media plays role as a tool for political parties to lead public opinion to support their parties. Based on the data provided by General Election Commission (KPU) in 2014, 20% of voters were identified as students (teens). This is a qualitative research with case study methodwhich aims to gain insight about interpretation, understanding, perceptions and feelings of teenage voters’ behavior in searching and finding information about general election in Indonesia year 2014. The data were collected by conducting interview and observation. Informants (six persons) in this study were students, aged 17-18 years, who studying in government senior high school in Depok. The results of this study indicates that informants using social media to keep update about general election. Besides, they also gain information from their parents and close friends. Unfortunatelly, they were not able to identify which information which are correct or not, so they rely on people around them to make sure whether they did right decision. Therefore, this study also suggest that KPU needs to develop promotion strategy that suitable for teens about general election.
Digital Library and Institutional Repository for Supporting Information Literacy Munawaroh, ,; Prayitno, Dio Eka
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

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Development of information technology, easy to get from smartphone or personal digital assistant (PDA) influence behavioral users to access information at library, that change behavioral users to access information effect of habit users“Every time with smartphone”. Example Users want to get information from book, they will copy or note but now they just take with their smartphone and access information from library they use laptop, gadget which connection internet. This condition a lot of librarian to develop their library became “Digital Library” (DL) and “Institutional Repository” (IR). The goal of DL and IR are to provide information which more easy to access, especially local contents their institution. Exactly, not all libraries provide information of local contents not full text, just give information optional (abstract andsome chapter) or give information full text but just read only. The second menu at DL and IR not friendly with users and process retrieve too long time for founded. That phenomena users still contact librarian and came to library to access local contents. Digital Library (DL) and Institutional Repository (IR) is a collection in digital format for knowledge information sharing. The objective of this paper is to explain DL and IR as to assist sharing knowledge information for supporting information literacy at web institutions with explain  contents full text local contents, user friendly searching services. This study used web-based of DL and IR institutions by searching on internet and it is qualitative descriptive.The judgment is based on whether the contents are fully texted or not fully texted. The fully texted indicates that the contents can support sharing knowledge or the other way around. It shows that the content of digital library and institutional repository for encouraging is to develop information literacy skill. It can be viewed from digital library and institutional repository as an alternative for supporting information literacy. It can be concluded that digital library and institutional repository must have information literacy
Big Data, Data Analyst, and Improving the Competence of Librarian Narendra, Albertus Pramukti
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

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Issue of Big Data was already raised by Fremont Rider, an American Librarian from Westleyan University, in 1944. He predicted that the volume of American universities collection would reach 200 million copies in 2040. As a result, it brings to fore multiple issues such as big data users, storage capacity, and the need to have data analysts. In Indonesia, data analysts is still a rare profession, and therefore urgently needed. One of its distinctive tasks is to conduct visual analyses from various data resources and also to present the result visually as interesting knowledge. It becomes science enliven by interactive visualization. In response to the issue, librarians have already been equipped with basic information management. Yet, they can see the opportunity and improve themselves as data analysts. In developed countries, it is common that librarian are also regarded as data analysts. They enhance themselves with various skills required, such as cloud computing and smart computing. In the end librarian with data analysts competency are eloquent to extract and present complex data resources as interesting and discernible knowledge. 
Analysis of E-mail Transactions in Virtual Reference Services Qomariyah, Astutik Nur; Dwi Kusuma, Rusdiyah Ciptaning
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

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Today, the use of traditional reference desk in the academic libraries has been rarely used, thus expanding or even move to a virtual reference service. A minimum level of virtual reference services are provided in the academic library is currently in general is the electronic mail (e-mail). One of the academic library specifically provide virtual reference services via e-mail is a Petra Christian University (PCU) Library ( In such services librarians provide assistance to users in finding information and answer questions. This study aimed to analyze the transaction reference services virtually through e-mail at the PCU Library, with a view of the types of questions based on user background, the writing style of language communication interaction used based on user background, and cultural values are revealed behind the user in virtual reference services (e-mail). This study uses content analysis (content analysis) of the transcript e-mail received librarians of reference services began March 10 until June 16, 2015. The results showed that the types of questions asked in reference service virtual (e-mail) in the Library UK Petra include: specific search, access online resources, operation of online resources, policies and procedures for services, and library holdings with background the student (PCU and non-PCU), faculty, and librarians. Based on the background of users found that overall more types of questions asked in virtual reference services (e-mail) is a problem of access to online resources, and generally submitted by the students. Then, the writing style of the users language in interaction reference service virtual (e-mail) tends to be formal, which includes the word greeting, the message will be delivered, and regards cover, either by the student (PCU and non-PCU), lecturer, or librarians. While cultural values that revealed the background behind the user in virtual reference services (e-mail) is obedience, courtesy and politeness users.
Challenges and Strategies to Develop a Positive Image of the Library Restanti, Anisa Sri
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

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Information technology has been used in the management of the library. There are several libraries have been integrated with the internet to provide services. But the library still image as an institution or an old building that contains the bookshelves and librarian profession under other professions. This article is presented to determine some of the challenges and strategies that can be done in fostering a positive image of the library. Based on the literature study and observation, its known, that the challenges are differences in educational background librarians, foster a positive image has not been planned, the development of information technology, the implementation of the code of ethics of librarians is not maximal. In the face of the challenges in creating a positive image, there are strategies that can be done that in terms of internal and external libraries. Thus, it can be concluded that, to foster a positive image of the library is needed strategies and synergies as well as the responsibility of all aspects of the library. Recommendation for librarians are important to develop personal branding. Furthermore, for the library after successfully building a positive image should be able to maintain and restore the image when a crisis. 
Utilization of Information and Communication Technology in Coordination Between the National Library with the Provincial Library Gammayani, Dimas A.; Nabawi, Irham Hanif; Alfatih, Muhammad Irsyad
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

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Changes are rapidly occur in this world, especially developments in the field of information and communication technology. Man must be able to adjust quickly to keep up. Developments in information and communication technology has made it easier for people in work. Utilization of information and communication technology are expected to make work performed by humans is more effective and efficient. National Library of Indonesia mandated by Law No. 43 of 2007 as an adviser to all types of libraries throughout Indonesia. In carrying out the task, the National Library should coordinate with local government including the provincial government, represented by the provincial library which can be said to represent the provincial government in the affairs of the library. National Library of Indonesia in coordination with the provincial library has been facilitated by information and communication technology such as telephone, fax and internet. In addition, coordination can also be done through conventional correspondency or direct face to face. This study tried to define which communication system that is commonly used by the National Library of Indonesia when coordinating with the provincial library and the reasons that lie behind them. The method used in this research is descriptive with a participatory approach, the researchers and respondents are equal and shared a mutual cooperation. This research indicates that face-to-face coordination is more preferred, because face-to-face coordination offers a social and economical benefit.
User Perception to Service Quality (Libqual) in State University Library at Surabaya Harisanty, Dessy; Khotijah, Siti
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

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Services carried out by the library directly and will cause the image library of both positive and negative images. These images create the perception of users and ultimately make an assessment of the library users. In this study the authors wanted to know about the level of user perception on the quality of library services such as affect of service, information control, and library as place. This study uses a quantitative approach that are descriptive and questionnaire data collection techniques with nonrandom sampling with purposive sampling criteria in the library of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) and the library of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA). Data processing techniques to make the average value in every indicator of service quality. The concept of service quality used is LibQual + ™ consisting of affect of service, information control, and library as place. The result is that the average value assessment on the performance of the three library users above is good. For UNESA and ITS libraries, order an assessment of the best by the user is a library as place, information control and affect of service. In Unair library, user ratings on the dimensions of the order of the best in a row is a library as place, affect of service, and information control.
Urgency Competence of Media Literacy for Archivist Santoso, Agus
Record and Library Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (26.491 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.v1i3.2129


The study of media literacy has been conducted by the earlier scientists. That research uses population that have different characteristics to each other. So this studies of media literacy have various models or patterns. This models or patterns of media literacies will be used as basic data to the next study that generated will usually be the basis for the further research. Basically, the model of media literacy generated by some researchers only can be applied in the population which become objects of research. To day, the archives faced many challenges due to the presence of information technology, so that the competence of media literacy as one of the important competencies to have. Through this competency, archivist are expected to manage archives organization effectively and efficiently. This paper uses a descriptive method to describe how media literacy becomes important for archives.

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