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Journal : STRING (Satuan Tulisan Riset dan Inovasi Teknologi)

Tren Marketplace Berdasarkan Klasifikasi Ulasan Pelanggan Menggunakan Perbandingan Kernel Support Vector Machine Dwi Latifah Rianti; Yuyun Umaidah; Apriade Voutama
STRING (Satuan Tulisan Riset dan Inovasi Teknologi) Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (772.944 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/string.v6i1.9993


Currently, many Indonesian people like to conduct online trading transactions. However, a number of business people find it difficult to choose a marketplace to market their products. One of the reasons is because they rarely pay attention to the marketplace trends that consumers are discussing. Therefore, analyzing trends on social media such as Twitter, it becomes very important for business people to understand the pattern of consumer tendencies towards their services or products. So the purpose of this study is to create a model that can analyze marketplace trends based on the classification of customer reviews on Twitter using the SVM algorithm. The kernels used are linear, RBF, sigmoid, and polynomial with parameter optimization using grid search. The methodology used is KDD. The results of the evaluation of the best classification model are the sigmoid kernel with 92% accuracy, 92% precision, 92% recall, and 92% F1 score and parameters C=100, =0.01, and r=1. Market trend results based on the highest percentage of positive reviews are Tokopedia, Shopee, and lastly Bukalapak.
Co-Authors Abdussalam Amrullah Achmad Rizaldi Ade Purwanto ade, Nofri Adella Putri Riani Adella Putri Riani Adhi Rizal Aditiya Yoga Pratama Agnia Virli Rosdianty Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan Ahmad Ray Septa Firdaus Ahmad Ridhoi Fajri Ahzka Nabbilah Tuzzahrah Andari Yasinta Permana Andika Prasetyo Arip Solehudin Ariq Zeidan Mubarok Arsya Fathiarahma Asep Jamaludin Asep Jamaludin Azhari Ali Ridha Bayu Adhi Pamungkas Bella Nurseptia Betha Nurina Sari Billy Nugraha Budi Arif Dermawan Carudin Chaerur Rozikin Chandra Christian Cika Oktavia Dadang Yusup Dea Safryda Putri Devi Fitriani Maulana Dias Raihan Azahri Dica Parameswari Syifa Dewi Didi Shaldy Rahma Dikky Setiyanto Dimas Aditya Nugroho Dodi Wahyono Dwi Latifah Rianti Elang Dennys Dhamara Elfina Novalia Elis Elis Ergy Rahmatan Ramadhan Euis Saraswati Fabiano Milan Almufqi Fakhri Muhammad Farras Salsabila Ganes Wisnu Cahya Bagaskara Ganes Wisnu Cahya Bagaskara Garno Garno Garno Garno, Garno Ghani Noer Rafi Gunadi Widi Nurcahyo Heryana, Nono Ika Fitrianti Indra, Jamaludin Intam Purnamasari Iqbal Maulana Ismail Adhiya Adha Joice Margaretha Jufriadif Na`am, Jufriadif Kamal Prihandani Khofifah Wulandari Khoirunnisa Hamidah Khoirunnisa Hamidah Lilis Nurjanah Sukaryati Mayland Trifena Mayland Trifena Mentari Hasibuan Miftah Fariedh Andriansyah Milla Rochmawati Milla Rochmawati Muhamad Arya Fadila Muhammad Adrian Maulana Muhammad Akhbar Rizkhullah Muhammad Fadhil Ar Rizqi Muhammad Fahmi Prasetio Muhammad Farrel Allard Muhammad Fiqri Widiyantoro Muhammad Fiqri Widiyantoro Muhammad Nur Yasin Muhammad Rafi Nahjan Nailufar Farha Afifah Najwa Nurshadrina Nana Mulyana Maghfur Nina Sulistiyowati Nina Sulistyowati Nono Haeryana Novalia, Elfina Rahman Maulana Ramayanti, Cindi Rianti Surya Sukatma Richard Julianno Soeganda Rihan Maulana Rini Mayasari Riza Ibnu Adam Rizal, Adhi Rizky Syaputra Salsabila Aini Rahmah Siska Suparno Susilawati Susilawati Syahri Susanto Syahrul Dwi Hilda Tasyifa Nafsiah Muthmainnah Taufik Maulana Taufik Ridwan Taufik Ridwan, Taufik Ultach Enri Vickry Ramadhan Wahyono, Dodi Winanda Bagaskara Yunitasari Yunitasari Yusma Cantika Parhati Yuyun Umaidah Yuyun Umaidah