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Journal : Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan

Implementasi Sistem Pakar Dengan Metode Certainty Factor Dan Forward Chaining Pada Helpdesk UPT TIK Unsika Muhammad Fahmi Prasetio; Apriade Voutama; Garno Garno
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 13 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher : Peneliti.net

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.171 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6962437


UPT TIK as one of the service units at Singaperbangsa KarawangUniversity which helps overcome problems related to the use ofinformation facilities within the Singaperbangsa Karawang University.One of the efforts made by UPT TIK to improve services is by providingHelpdesk services. Over time this Helpdesk still has a weakness, when thenumber of problems is very large but the number of technicians availableis very limited and all problems must be solved with the possibility of notdisturbing activities on the campus of Singaperbangsa KarawangUniversity. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize services so that they areable to serve without the help of a technician who is an expert in their fieldto deal with existing problems. An expert system is a use of artificialintelligence technology to support every activity. This study aims to applythe system to the existing Helpdesk service with Certainty Factor reasoningand Forward Chaining methods. At the development stage, this systemuses the ESDLC (Expert System Development Life Cycle) method whichconsists of knowledge, conceptualization, formalization, implementation,and testing. The results obtained in the study were as many as 13 rules thatwere implemented in the UPT TIK Helpdesk service at SingaperbangsaKarawang University with an accuracy rate of 90%.
Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Stroberi Dengan Metode Certainty Factor Berbasis Web Cika Oktavia; Apriade Voutama; Budi Arif Dermawan
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 15 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher : Peneliti.net

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.488 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7040696


Buah stroberi kaya akan antioksidan yang sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan serta memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Namun, produksi panen stroberi mengalami penurunan signifikan. Hama dan penyakit menjadi penyebab menurunnya tingkat produksi stroberi. Petani menyadari adanya tanaman yang terserang hama atau penyakit, namun terkadang tidak mengetahui jenis penyakit dan cara pengendaliannya. Keterbatasan tenaga dan waktu dari pakar membuat pengetahuan yang dimiliki pakar tidak tersampaikan dengan baik kepada petani. Hal ini menunjukan perlu adanya teknologi penerapan sistem pakar dalam memaksimalkan identifikasi hama dan penyakit untuk meningkatkan kualitas serta kuantitas produksi buah stroberi. Penelitian ini merancang sebuah sistem pakar diagnosis hama dan penyakit pada tanaman stroberi dengan metode Certainty Factor serta didukung oleh mesin inferensi Forward Chaining berbasis web. Sistem akan menganalisis berdasarkan gejala yang dialami pengguna dan melakukan perhitungan nilai Certainty Factor untuk menemukan persentase keyakinan. Hasil diagnosis yang ditampilkan berupa nama hama atau penyakit, persentase keyakinan serta solusi penanganannya. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, keseluruhan fungsionalitas aplikasi telah berfungsi dengan baik.
The Sistem Pakar Deteksi Down Syndrome pada Balita Menggunakan Dempster Shafer dengen Penelusuran Forward Chaining Rianti Surya Sukatma; Apriade Voutama; Rini Mayasari
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 23 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher : Peneliti.net

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.297 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7417115


Down Syndrome is one of the genetic disorders that begins from the development of the fetus in pregnant women. This is due to the different number of chromosomes 21 than usual. This Down Syndrome results in a delay in the growth and development of the child both psychologically and psychically. The appearance of Down Syndrome is very characteristic of facial figures. However, many parents do not know for sure about this. This expert system of detection of Down Syndrome in toddlers has expert knowledge of pediatric specialists who can help parents to realize if the child has the characteristics of Down Syndrome. The mathematical calculation of the diagnosis of Down Syndrome uses Dempster Shafer which is closely related to uncertainty. This is because for the validation of Down Syndrome, you must do a chromosome test test in the hospital. The Down Syndrome detection expert system is website-based with Forward Chaining tracing. The system will calculate the percentage of diagnoses based on the answers to the symptoms selected by the parents and produce an output in the form of the highest percentage of confidence from the existing calculations.
Penerapan Metode Agile Pada Development Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Magang Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework Laravel Ergy Rahmatan Ramadhan; Kamal Prihandani; Apriade Voutama
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 7 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher : Peneliti.net

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.077 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7812416


The use of applications in managing apprentice data is crucial because it will affect the efficiency of management and archiving in apprenticeship activities. Based on the results of initial observations made through direct observation of the process of apprenticeship activities and data collection at the Faculty of Computer Science, Singaperbangsa University, Karawang, cases were found concerning the management of apprentice data which was still ineffective. Special attention is needed in handling this case which aims to facilitate administration, lecturers and students in apprenticeship activities. Each user only needs to access the application to manage internship activities, by introducing digital media to facilitate internship activities in the form of developing a web-based apprentice data management application by implementing the Laravel framework and agile methods. An application that can accommodate all the needs of internship activities with features that are not separate and can make it easier to archive apprentice data. Application development carried out in this research only takes 25 days or 3 weeks 4 days, by producing 5 (five) sprints.
Implementasi Design Thinking Dalam Perancangan Ui/Ux Aplikasi Kesehatan Berbasis Mobile (Studi Kasus: Pt. Sintasi) Muhammad Fadhil Ar Rizqi; Kamal Prihandani; Apriade Voutama
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 16 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher : Peneliti.net

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8251429


Health is a more concern, especially in the period after the COVID-19 pandemic then digitalization because the COVID-19 pandemic caused some services or poly in health facilities to temporarily switch from conventional to online. Medisin, which is a new product at PT Sintesa Inti Prestasi is here to develop its business to be more widespread and can make a real contribution to society and become a bridge between the general public and health business people in Indonesia through the Medisin application. To present an application that suits the needs of industry and society, the involvement of User Interface and User Experience (UI / UX) in designing Medisin applications. This study aims to produce application interface design using the design thinking method and find out the purpose of compounding and the evaluation results of this study and the results of research on medical application design in the testing section using a single ease question as the method shows the level of ease of user interface design results getting a final score of 6.5 with the score showing the prototype is in satisfactory results.
Co-Authors Abdussalam Amrullah Achmad Rizaldi Ade Purwanto ade, Nofri Adella Putri Riani Adella Putri Riani Adhi Rizal Aditiya Yoga Pratama Agnia Virli Rosdianty Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan Ahmad Ray Septa Firdaus Ahmad Ridhoi Fajri Ahzka Nabbilah Tuzzahrah Andari Yasinta Permana Andika Prasetyo Arip Solehudin Ariq Zeidan Mubarok Arsya Fathiarahma Asep Jamaludin Asep Jamaludin Azhari Ali Ridha Bayu Adhi Pamungkas Bella Nurseptia Billy Nugraha Budi Arif Dermawan Carudin Chaerur Rozikin Cika Oktavia Dadang Yusup Dea Safryda Putri Devi Fitriani Maulana Dias Raihan Azahri Dica Parameswari Syifa Dewi Didi Shaldy Rahma Dikky Setiyanto Dimas Aditya Nugroho Dodi Wahyono Dwi Latifah Rianti Elfina Novalia Elis Elis Ergy Rahmatan Ramadhan Euis Saraswati Fabiano Milan Almufqi Fakhri Muhammad Farras Salsabila Ganes Wisnu Cahya Bagaskara Garno Garno Garno Garno, Garno Gunadi Widi Nurcahyo Heryana, Nono Ika Fitrianti Indra, Jamaludin Intam Purnamasari Iqbal Maulana Ismail Adhiya Adha Joice Margaretha Jufriadif Na`am, Jufriadif Kamal Prihandani Khofifah Wulandari Khoirunnisa Hamidah Khoirunnisa Hamidah Lilis Nurjanah Sukaryati Mayland Trifena Mayland Trifena Mentari Hasibuan Miftah Fariedh Andriansyah Milla Rochmawati Muhamad Arya Fadila Muhammad Adrian Maulana Muhammad Fadhil Ar Rizqi Muhammad Fahmi Prasetio Muhammad Fiqri Widiyantoro Muhammad Fiqri Widiyantoro Muhammad Nur Yasin Muhammad Rafi Nahjan Nailufar Farha Afifah Najwa Nurshadrina Nana Mulyana Maghfur Nina Sulistiyowati Nina Sulistyowati Nono Haeryana Novalia, Elfina Rahman Maulana Ramayanti, Cindi Rianti Surya Sukatma Richard Julianno Soeganda Rihan Maulana Rini Mayasari Riza Ibnu Adam Rizal, Adhi Rizky Syaputra Salsabila Aini Rahmah Siska Suparno Susilawati Susilawati Syahri Susanto Syahrul Dwi Hilda Tasyifa Nafsiah Muthmainnah Taufik Maulana Taufik Ridwan Taufik Ridwan, Taufik Ultach Enri Vickry Ramadhan Wahyono, Dodi Winanda Bagaskara Yunitasari Yunitasari Yusma Cantika Parhati Yuyun Umaidah Yuyun Umaidah