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Sukses Impementasi ASI Eksklusif Pada Ibu Bekerja Wandi, Wandi
Malang Journal of Midwifery (MAJORY) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): MAJORY
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang & IBI Ranting Pendidikan Kota Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31290/majory.v1i1.2200


The success of implementing Exclusive Breastfeeding on working mothers is a very rewarding experience. The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of exclusive breastfeeding on working mothers. The type of this research is a qualitative study of phenomenology on 7 informants. The data was collected using in-depth interview. The results of the study found: (a) Exclusive breastfeeding processes for working mothers may be provided directly and indirectly, (b) factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding are support from health, family and co-workers teams, (c) exclusion of breastfeeding difficulties including reduced milk production, Nipple blisters, swollen breasts and limited facilities. Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding, Experience, Working Mother
Pemanfaatan Buku KIA Sebagai Bentuk Kesiapan Ibu Hamil Primigravida Dalam Perawatan Bayi Baru Lahir Rohani, Asri; Kusmiwiyati, Ari; Wandi, Wandi
Malang Journal of Midwifery (MAJORY) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): MAJORY
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang & IBI Ranting Pendidikan Kota Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31290/majory.v3i2.2870


The KIA handbook is a guideline to broaden the knowledge of pregnant women about newborn care. Baby care that is carried out by the mother correctly and appropriately will ensure a healthy life for the baby. This study aims to determine the relationship between the use of KIA books and the readiness of primigravida pregnant women in caring for newborns at the Kedungkandang Public Health Center, Malang City. The correlative analytic study design used a cross-sectional approach, with the population of all TM III primigravida pregnant women who made repeat visits in June-July 2020, taken by total sampling. The research instrument used a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used the Spearman's Rho Test. The results showed that a small portion of the primigravida pregnant women (11.1%) used the MCH handbook, the majority 74.1% used the medium category, and a small portion (14.8%) used the low category. while the results of the readiness of primigravida pregnant women in the care of newborns were mostly (51.9%) ready, and almost half (48.1%) in the unprepared category. The results of data analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the use of MCH handbooks and the readiness of primigravida pregnant women in caring for newborns (p-value 0.006). The higher the mother's use of the MCH handbook, the higher the mother's knowledge and the more prepared the mother is to take care of her newborn. Keywords: Utilization of MCH Handbook, Readiness of Newborn Care
Trends and Hotspots in International Research on Problem Solving in Physics Education Mardianti, Fani; Liliawati, Winny; Sinaga, Parlindungan; Wandi, Wandi; Karimi, Amir
JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) Vol 9, No 3 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jipf.v9i3.5356


Problem solving in physics education that have not been resolved to date causes obstruction of various interests. To comprehensively analysis the global application trends of problem solving in physics education and identify research points that promise problem solving in physics material based on bibliometrics and visual analysis. Publications related to problem solving in physics education from 2003 to 2023 were retrieved from the Scopus. The nation, institution, publication year, author, journal, average citations per item, H index, title, publication keywords evaluated. The VOS-viewer software was used to evaluate term co-occurrence results in order to anticipate problem-solving hotspots in physics education. There were 421 articles in all. (1) In general, the quantity of problem solving in physics education papers has increased during the last 20 years. The top three countries (USA, Indonesia, and Australia) accounted for 63.22% of all published articles. The United States has the most citation. The largest contributor is Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Suhandi, A. is the professor with the most articles published in the topic of problem solving in physics education. (2) The research field is organized into seven clusters: "HOTS studies," "cognitive systems ", "problem solving methods", "application program", "curriculum", "distance education", and "PER related to problem solving skill reconstruction will be published in the future". Matlab and problem solving in physics education employment research methodologies may be future hotspots in the field of problem solving in physics education.
Analysis of Student Attitudes and Beliefs in Physics Education Wandi, Wandi; Suwarma, Irma Rahma; Liliawati, Winny; Mardianti, Fani; Amelia, Riski
JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) Vol 9, No 3 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jipf.v9i3.5473


Understanding the attitudes and beliefs of physics students is a critical step in overcoming obstacles and creating a more positive and conducive learning environment. To achieve that aim, the study is strategically designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. to compare student attitudes and beliefs about learning physics to the perspectives of experts in the field; and 2. to investigate disparities in student attitudes and beliefs about gender, with the goal of identifying potential gender-based variations that could impact problem-solving performance in the field. We used a quantitative descriptive study approach to comprehensively explore high school students' attitudes and beliefs about physics, as well as to compare their viewpoints with those of professionals in the area. We're using the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS). The findings show that the majority of pupils had scores between 50 and 60, suggesting a modest level of conformity to the expert. In terms of gender, female pupils clearly surpass their male counterparts. While both male and female students excel in courses that correlate with their own interests, they experience similar obstacles in learning applied conceptual knowledge. These findings emphasize the necessity of targeted treatments and educational techniques for addressing inequities and promoting overall academic success in children of both genders.
Studi Ergonomi: Musculoskeletal Disorders Pada Petani Padi Wira Lisrianti Latief, Ade; Maharja, Rizky; Novianti Bahar, Sri; Wandi, Wandi
Journal of Health Education and Literacy Vol 6 No 2 (2024): Journal of Health, Education and Literacy (J-Healt)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31605/j-healt.v6i2.2964


Musculoskeletal disorders rentan dialami pekerja pada sektor pertanian, khususnya petani.. Hal ini disebabkan karena masih banyaknya aktivitas pekerjaannya yang masih dilakukan secara manual atau tradisional seperti kegiatan penanaman padi, mencangkul, mengangkat beban berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi musculoskeletal disorders pada petani di Dusun Kampung Baru Desa Bara Batu Kabupaten Pangkep. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel independen dan variabel dependen pada waktu yang sama. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 70 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara melakukan observasi, wawancara, dan pembagian kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan dua tahap yakni analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat. Penelitian menunjukan ada pengaruh sikap kerja terhadap musculoskeletal disorders dengan nilai p = 0,0038. Tidak ada pengaruh masa kerja terhadap musculoskeletal disorders dengan nilai p = 0,343. Ada pengaruh umur terhadap musculoskeletal disorders dengan nilai p =0.0000. Disarankan petani melakukan stretching sebelum, saat, dan selesai bekerja.
Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Budidaya Rumput Laut (Eucheuma cottoni) di Perairan Pulau Lingayan, Kabupaten Tolitoli Rosdiana, Rosdiana; Padyawan, Andhy Rahmat; Usman, Hasrudin; Wandi, Wandi
JAGO TOLIS : Jurnal Agrokompleks Tolis Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Madako Tolitoli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56630/jago.v4i1.475


Pengembangan kawasan budidaya laut di Kabupaten Toli-Toli peluang tumbuh pesatnya perlu diimbangi dengan pemantauan dan evaluasi terkait proses budidaya laut yang telah berjalan. Salah satu pemilihan lokasi budidaya diperlukan teknologi untuk mengetahui potensi kesesuaian lahan budidaya rumput laut sehingga dapat membantu mengintegrasikan data lapangan, daerah potensial dan analisis spasial. Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dan penginderaan jarak jauh berfungsi memetakan potensi kelayakan lokasi budidaya rumput laut sehingga dapat memprediksi daerah potensial dalam penentuan kawasan wilayah. Penelilitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kriteria kesesuaian lahan budidaya rumput laut berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis di perairan Pulau Lingayan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus tahun 2023. Penelitian ini bersifat eksploratif dengan mengukur data parameter fisik dan kimia perairan secara langsung di lapangan. Hasil analisis spasial menunjukkan luasan diperoleh sangat sesuai dengan lahan seluas 237, 67 ha presentase sebesar 66%, sesuai dengan lahan seluas 95, 85 ha presentase sebesar 27% dan tidak sesuai dengan lahan seluas 27,94 ha presentase sebesar 7%. Kata Kunci : Kesesuaian Lahan, Pulau Lingayan, Rumput Laut
Analysis of calcium levels in the carapace of rajungan crab (Portunus pelagicus) Wandi, Wandi; Karim, Mutemainna; Angreni, Husni
Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Sangia Research Media and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.akuatikisle.7.2.165-168


This research aims to determine differences in calcium levels in small crabs (Portunus pelagicus) in three parts, namely carapace/shell, claw feet and abdomen. This research was conducted from May to June 2023 at UD. Bumi Nusantara Pattiro Sompe, Sibulue, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi. The research method used is an experimental method. with three types of samples (abdomen, claw feet and carapace/shell), calcium level parameters with two repetitions. Data were analyzed using T-test. Based on the research results, it shows that the highest calcium levels are in the carapace/shell (46.77%), followed by the claws (41.91%), while the lowest are in the abdomen (40.76%). The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant difference in levels calcium between the carapace/shell and the abdomen and claw legs but did not differ significantly between the abdomen and claw legs.
Pengaruh Kompensasi, Budaya Organisasi dan Fasilitas Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Pt. Karimun Marine Service Tanjung Balai Karimun Wandi, Wandi; Suhardis, Adnan
Zona Manajerial: Program Studi Manajemen (S1) Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Zona Manajerial: Program Studi Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (592.968 KB)


Realizing how important human resources are in the survival and progress of a company, it is natural for company owners to view human resources as more than just company assets but as partners in business. As a partner in business, the company must be fair for what human resources have given to the company. improve compensation factors, organizational culture and work facilities on employee performance. PT Karimun Marine Services has more than a decade of experience in supporting this industry with world-class services at competitive prices. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of compensation, organizational culture and facilities work on employee performance at PT. Karimun Marine Service The method used is multiple linear regression analysis. In this study, the population was all employees of the office of PT Karimun Marine Service Tanjung Balai Karimun, amounting to 60 people and based on this study because the population was not greater than 100 respondents, the authors took 100% of the population at PT Karimun Marine Service Tanjung. Balai Karimun as many as 60 respondents. The results of the study are partially compensation and organizational culture variables affect employee performance, partially work facilities have no effect on employee performance and simultaneously with compensation variables, organizational culture and work facilities affect employee performance.
Etika Komunikasi antara Mahasiswa dan Dosen dalam Interaksi Akademik melalui Media Digital Abidin, Kurniati; Wandi, Wandi
MEDIALOG: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Medialog: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP UM Buton

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35326/medialog.v6i1.2672


Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini bahwa masih adanya mahasiswa mengabaikan etika sopan santun yang sudah tertanam sejak dulu yang menjadi dasar bagi kehidupan perkuliahan. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian etika komunikasi antara mahasiswa dan dosen dalam interaksi akademik melalui media digital. Adapun jenis penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan trigulasi berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun teori yang digunakan yakni teori strategi kesopanan Brown dan Levinson. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa Mahasiswa dan Dosen pada Prodi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam masing-masing menyadari tentang pentingnya penerapan etika dalam berkomunikasi melalui media digital, dan Mahasiswa sebagian besar sudah berperilaku sopan dan beretika dalam menghubungi dosen melalui media sosial, berdasarkan teori strategi kesopanan Brown dan Levinson yakni mahasiswa menggunakan konsep wajah negatif (negative face) dengan menyampaikan permohonan maaf, dan menggunakan pesan permintaan dan ancaman (FTA) disertai dengan kesopanan negatif. Namun masih terdapat beberapa Mahasiswa yang kurang beretika dalam menyampaikan pesan chat kepada Dosen melalui media sosial seperti menghubungi dosen pada waktu istirahat dan hari libur, penggunaan kalimat yang seakan-akan memerintah Dosen dan tidak menyebutkan identitas dan tujuan yang lengkap dan jelas. Adapun Upaya yang dilakukan Dosen dalam memaksimalkan etika komunikasi Mahasiswa seperti memberikan informasi berupa himbauan dan arahan tentang cara berkomunikasi yang baik melalui media sosial serta menegur secara langsung Mahasiswa jika menyampaikan pesan yang kurang etis atau kurang sopan kepada Dosen melalui media sosial. Kata Kunci: Etika Komunikasi, interaksi akademik, media digital.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kesehatan Vol 12 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pendidikan Kesehatan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31290/jpk.v12i1.3792


Handwashing teaching is important to make lifeskills habituation, especially for preschollers, because they’re easy to imitate. This research’s aim to determine the increase in handwashing skills of toddlers aged 3 until 5 years with video. The design used single group pretest and posttest on 26 of 36 total student in KB Cahaya Ilmu, Blitar Regency. Data was collected by checklist and analyzed by Wilcoxon Signes Rank Test. The results showed that watching video had an effect on preschollers ability in handwashing. In conclusion, handwashing video can help developes preschollers’s handwashing skills