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Analisis dan Desain Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Framework COBIT 2019 pada PT. XYZ Diki Darmawan; Agustinus Fritz Wijaya
Journal of Computer and Information Systems Ampera Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Computer and Information Systems Ampera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalcisa.v3i1.139


Tata kelola teknologi Informasi merupakan langkah mitigasi penyelarasan implementasi teknologi informasi dengan tujuan perusahaan. Tata kelola teknologi informasi yang tepat akan membantu organisasi untuk mampu bersaing dengan kompetitor-kompetitor lain, maka dari itu penerapan tata kelola teknologi menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT 2019 akan sangat memiliki pengaruh dalam menunjang tujuan perusahaan. Pada kemajuan era industri saat ini banyak sekali kemajuan dan memberikan pengaruh yang bersar terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan, salah satunya bidang bisnis yaitu munculnya online shop. Sehingga di temukan permasalahan di perusahaan PT. XYZ adalah belum pernah ada tindakan penilaian tata kelola teknologi informasi secara menyeluruh, selain itu juga ditemukan kendala dalam pengelolaan data pesanan dan data stock barang pada perusahaan. Analisa yang dilakukan dengan acuan Governance System Design Workflow yang tertera pada COBIT 2019.
Analisis Pengaruh Perencanaan Strategis SI/TI Dalam Meningkatkan Upaya Keunggulan Bersaing Cindyasri Pratidina Setyanti; Agustinus Fritz Wijaya
Journal of Software Engineering Ampera Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Software Engineering Ampera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalsea.v1i2.39


SMKN 2 Salatiga really understands that the role of technology is very important, especially in terms of competition between SMA / SMK equivalents in the Central Java region. This study aims to develop IS / IT strategic planning in competing to increase school excellence, so that data collection is done through interviews, observation, and document study. The data will be taken regarding what factors can be strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and internal and external environmental analysis at SMKN 2 SALATIGA so that it can identify computer-based application designs that will support the progress of schools in Indonesia. implement a plan of excellence in competition between SMA / SMK and equivalent in Central Java
Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Website Sabagai Sarana Penjualan Global Di Produk Qly’s Eyelashes Kristian Mei Handoko; Agustinus Fritz Wijaya
Journal of Software Engineering Ampera Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): Journal of Software Engineering Ampera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalsea.v1i3.41


In this era of globalization, many people use websites as their sales ground. Because it is considered to be able to cover a wider range of sales and if a product already has a web, it will be more trusted and will be more popular in the market, because potential consumers in the present era if they want to buy a product will look for it on the internet first. Is this product famous or not, is this product trusted or not and so on. Furthermore, if people who have products but do not have a website or do not display their products on other websites or social media, then it is certain that these products will be less competitive and not sell well in the market. In this context, I as a researcher want to use Ward and Peppard analysis and SWOT analysis.
Analisis Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Desa dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Administrasi Kepada Masyarakat Pransiska Ropi; Agustinus Fritz Wijaya; Frederik Samuel Papilaya
Poltanesa Vol 22 No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : P2M Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (113.969 KB) | DOI: 10.51967/tanesa.v22i1.465


Pelayanan adalah upaya membantu mempersiapkan, atau mengurus kebutuhan orang lain. Kinerja aparatur pemerintah desa Siabu dalam memberikan pelayanan administrasi yang baik kepada masyarakat terlihat dari Indikator Kinerja, apakah pelayanan tersebut sudah mencapai indikator ini oleh aparatur kelurahan dalam memberikan pelayanan administrasi kepada masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kinerja pegawai Kantor desa Mayak dalam memberikan pelayanan administrasi yang berfokus pada pelayanan administrasi kependudukan yaitu pembuatan Surat Pengantar KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) kepada masyarakat desa Mayak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan melakukan wawancara langsung dengan aparat desa dan masyarakat desa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelayanan administrasi kependudukan yang dilakukan oleh pegawai Kantor desa Mayak masih belum optimal. Diketahui juga bahwa disiplin pegawai kantor desa Mayak masih kurang baik, aparat desa masih kurang tanggap terhadap keluhan masyarakat dalam memberikan pelayanan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, disarankan agar Pemerintah Kantor desa Mayak Kabupaten Seluas menerapkan sistem SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur), meningkatkan disiplin, agar kedepannya pelayanan yang diberikan kepada masyarakat lebih baik lagi. Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 berupaya mengembalikan konsep dan wujud desa ke asalnya, desa atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan desa adalah nama suatu kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang berwenang mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat setempat berdasarkan asal usul dan adat istiadat yang diakui dalam sistem pemerintahan nasional dan berada di Kecamatan, Kawasan desa juga dapat dibentuk, dihapus, atau digabungkan dengan memperhatikan asalnya atas prakarsa masyarakat dengan persetujuan Pemerintah Kabupaten dan DPRD. Undang-undang ini secara substansial berimplikasi pada pemberdayaan aparatur pemerintah desa dan juga masyarakat desa. mengatasi keterbatasan fasilitas yang tidak memadai dengan menggunakan sarana lain untuk mengolah data yang mempunyai fungsi sama, meningkatkan kinerja pegawai dengan melatih sikap disiplin, melakukan pelatihan mandiri.
Strategic Planning for IS/IT Using Ward and Peppard at Maman Elektronik Sokaraja Olivia Michelle; Agustinus Fritz Wijaya
INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi Vol 4 No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.772 KB) | DOI: 10.29407/intensif.v4i2.14494


Maman Elektronik Sokaraja has implemented SI / IT, but it is not evenly distributed in all fields. The uneven implementation of the business process is still not effective and efficient. The purpose of this research is to provide an IS / IT strategic plan so that it can assist in the implementation of the company's IS / IT so that it is more equitable. The method used in this research is the Ward and Peppard method which consists of a SWOT analysis, Value Chain, Five Force Model, McFarlan Strategic Grid. The results of the study that have been carried out have obtained a recommendation for the development of several applications such as SI Sale, SI Debt and Receivable, SI Purchase and SI Inventory. Some of the recommended apps, such as SI Sales Distributor, SI Accounting, SI Payroll, SI Attendance. The application is approved in stages over 4 (four) years according to company conditions. Developments in several SIs required several application plans to be implemented within four years.
Information System Strategic Planning For Tourism Transportation Company Using Ward And Peppard Methodology Danianto Enggar Prasetyo; Agustinus Fritz Wijaya
INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi Vol 5 No 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (892.207 KB) | DOI: 10.29407/intensif.v5i1.14609


Implementation of Information Systems in company business processes can increase efficiency and effectiveness. However, without adequate planning in the implementation of Information Systems, the performance can not have the desired impact. Therefore, a strategic plan is needed to implement the Information System aligned with the Company's vision and mission, and objectives. The method used in this research is the Ward and Peppard methodology. The background to the use of the Ward and Peppard methodology in this study is because the Ward and Peppard methodology contains a definitive and complete framework that focuses not only on technology but also on the organization's business needs. The results of this research are application recommendations and an application development roadmap for the next four years. It is hoped that this research can help improve the Company's business processes more effectively and efficiently by improving information management within an organization.
JASIEK (Jurnal Aplikasi Sains, Informasi, Elektronika dan Komputer) Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jasiek.v1i2.3153


Pada sebuah perusahaan adanya sistem informasi penggajian sangatlah penting, untuk meningkatkan kelancaran sebuah proses pembayaran gaji pada setiap karyawan. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi penggajian untuk memberikan kemudahan dan kelancaran dalam penggajian karyawan. Selama ini proses penggajian karyawan di koperasi simpan pinjam Talenta belum terkomputerisasi atau masih manual, sehingga setiap pengolahan data yang dilakukan semakin membutuhkan waktu dan beresiko tinggi dalam proses penginputannya, jika terjadi kesalahan akan berakibat fatal. Dengan tidak adanya sistem informasi penggajian, maka penginputan data dan penyusunan laporan diperlukan ketelitian yang tinggi, karena data dapat berubah setiap waktu. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini secara keseluruhan telah dihasilkan aplikasi sistem informasi penggajian.   DOI :
Designing of Information System for Stock Management using the FAST (FRAMEWORK FOR THE APPLICATIONS) Method Agustinus Fritz Wijaya; Resa Saputri; Christ Rudianto; Augie David Manuputty
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v2i1.46


The use of information technology system in managing data of various company activities, especially in the warehouse, is an important part for every company. From the observation that have been made, the information system for recording goods flow in PT Global Infotech Solution is still done manually. During this time, employees carry out the process of recording data of goods at the warehouse using paper, so that the risk of data loss is easily caused by tearing, wet or tucked with other data. The system development method that used is the FAST (Framework for Application System Thinking) Method. This study aims to design an information system for recording goods flow which is expected to make it easier for employees to record goods in the warehouse. Using a computerized system can shorten the time and protect all data items from the risk of theft. The result of this study is designing an information system for recording goods in the form of information systems using the Unified Modeling Language and User Interface. This item recording information system is expected to be able to change the process from a manual recording system to a computerized recording system, so that it can speed up every recording process and minimize the possibility of mistakes in entering the data of goods in the warehouse.
Design of Internship Information Systems Using Prototyping Method in PT. Gramedia Asri Media Fransiska Wahyuning Kurniawati; Christ Rudianto; Augie David Manuputty; Agustinus Fritz Wijaya
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v2i1.47


Human Resources (HR) is one of the important things that determines the success of the services of a company, one of the things done to prepare a good HR is to launch a program of Job Training (PKL) or also known as an internship. PT.Gramedia Asri Media became one of the companies implementing the internship program, but the existing internship program was still carried out manually by distributing information to tertiary institutions via email. This journal aims to create an apprenticeship information system design by developing a system using the prototyping method so that the apprenticeship process can be carried out in a single system from the dissemination of information to the resolution of administrative problems related to finance and the need for an apprenticeship approval document. The system development method used therein is the prototyping method that starts from analyzing user needs to creating a User Interface (UI) that is easily understood by the user. The apprenticeship information system is expected to make the apprenticeship process more effective both in registering and processing the internship data contained therein.
Performance Analysis Of Information System/Information Technology using COBIT 4.1 Dian Elvana Purnama; Agustinus Fritz Wijaya; Ariya Dwika Cahyono
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33557/journalisi.v2i1.48


The application of information technology to organizations is being promoted. Performance measurement of Information Systems / Information Technology (SI / IT) in companies needs special attention, because the procurement consciousness of IS / IT is expected to provide great benefits to the company. This study aims to determine the extent of the performance of information systems that have been applied to PT Global Infotech Solution and provide recommendations for improved governance after knowing the Gap between current governance and expected management in accordance with the framework used. The framework used in this study is COBIT version 4.1 specifically on Domain Plan and Organize. The technique of data collection is done by observation and interviews with predetermined sources in accordance with the domain and Control Objective used. At this stage, an assessment based on maturity level is carried out to measure the level of IT maturity in the chosen domain based on the results of interviews and observations made previously, then a gap analysis is performed to determine the gap between the results of the current maturity level and the target maturity level going forward. The results of this study are to determine the level of maturity (maturity level) in special companies in the PO Domain, which is at level 2.7 which means it has been measured and integrated between the processes that take place. And GAP analysis between conditions. expected with current conditions an average of 1.3.
Co-Authors Achmad Fikri Syarif Achmad Fikri Syarif Mail Adhe Ronny Julians Adi Nugroho Adi Wiyono Alesandro Joushendri Tutfaut Andeka Rocky Tanaamah Andreas Wiraniagara Angelina Agnes Angelina Agnes Anjarwanti S. R. Suseno Anneke Tri Andani Anni Sri Rahayu Anthony Anthony Anton Hermawan Antonius Teddy Sugiarto Aprisal Eliezer Ariya Dwika Cahyono Augie David Manuputty Avella Greenysian Agape Basuki, Prihanto Ngesti Bilang Asep Sutowo Birmanti Setia Utami Christ Rudianto Cindyasri Pratidina Setyanti Cucun Alep Riyanto Danianto Enggar Prasetyo Daniel Albert Santoso Dedrick Kanata Sulistyo Denaline Prabowo Deni Ekel Ramanda Sembiring Pelawi Denny Happy Utama Dewi Maharani Rachmaningsih Dian Elvana Purnama Diki Darmawan Diky Andika Erwien Christianto Fla Prameswari Fransiska Wahyuning Kurniawati Fransiska Wahyuning Kurniawati Frederik Samuel Papilaya Fricila Beti Priyanti George Nicholas Huwae Imanuel Susanto Jessica Nathania Kho Juan Mainassy Koo, Yansen Manuel Harun Krisdana Bima Mahardika Krismiyati Krismiyati Kristian Mei Handoko Mahendra Wahyu Prasetyo Malvin Kurniawan Maylani Indah Rakhmawati Melissa Purba Melkior N.N. Sitokdana Merryana Lestari Mursid Setyo Utomo Nainggolan, Damai Yanti Niken Lusia Putri Nina Setiyawati Novita Sari Sasue Oktaviana Ayu Olivia Michelle P Purwanto Penidas Fodinggo Tanaem Pransiska Ropi Prayudhi Putra Langgori Prihanto Ngesti Basuki Prilly Peshaulia Thenu Rahmawati, Aprilia Resa Saputri Resa Saputri Resti Sintia Bura Riansye Neina Salakory Richard Gordon Mayopu Rifky Prima Pangestu Rudi Kusnadi Sarah Ayu Maylinda Septian Hintoro Shera Marsela Stefan Fernando Sterry Fleanry Mulaki Steven Chrisdianta Putra Steven Lim Steven Steven Suprihadi Susanto, Inge Gunawan Syarif, Achmad Fikri Tania Linda Theodorus Fide Rahardian Theopillus J. H. Wellem Theresia Triyuni Triandika, Lulus Sugeng Valentina Risky Budi Prawestri Vania Rizqita Putri Vido Rional Aprinda Windy Dwi Aditya Yani Rahardja Yessica Nataliani Yosafanto Adi Yunita Utami Zelafehad Mega Naskay Zevanya Martha Haurissa