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Al-Quran: Antara Hijab dan Jilbab Arisanti, Kustiana
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 1, No 1 (2015): (Juni:2015)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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In tradition of previuos society, jilbab or veil habitually was weared by some one who did priglimage or someone who had predicate ustadzah and kiai’s wife, and in education area, jilbab was identically with someone who was graduated from pesantren. Then, It is hard to find someone wear jilbab at that time because jilbab is identic with the quality of someone’s faith. However, on nowdays, jilbab can not longer become a measurement of someone’s faith, but it is as part of fashion and what people wear. Next, there is a confusing term between jilbab and hijab, because some people see it as similar thing, but another see it as different. So, in this article is showed about the comparison, the difference and similarity between hijab and jilbab. This article tends to highlight the concept or hijab and jilbab either in its meaning, the explanation of al-qur’an about jilbab and hijab and the opinion of al-qur’an about hijab and jilbab.
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 3, No 1 (2017): (Januari 2017)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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 Abstract: Humans are born into the world to bring a set of physical organs and void mind and soul that sets it apart from other accordance, because humans equipped with a body, spirit, mind, mind, and lust. In order for the human component is run in accordance with nature, then human beings need to be trained to be qualified in accordance with the main purpose of its creation. Education is something that is absolutely to establish good personal, with intlektual and moral education. A good education is education that can include cognitive, affective and psychomotor, while promoting moral education. Quran as a guide to the teachings of Islam to be a first reference in shaping the individual Muslim who have good brain and good character. The Quran also offers a way and a perfect destination for educational ideal. Keywords: Quran, Education 
Ilmu Pengetahuan Sebagai Pilar Peradaban Arisanti, Kustiana
Humanistika : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Januari 2018
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

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Abstract Islam is a rational religion and a scientific religion. As a rational and scientific religion the mark always lays the foundations that conform to scientific standards and can be proved by reason in various shariah and other rule provisions. Rasulullah Saw. as a carrier, spreader and proselytizer of Islamic Sharia laid a solid foundation as a rational religion. This is seen in his words "religion is the intellect and imperfect of ones religion without using reason".As a rational religion, Islam declares its people to always base their activities with knowledge. Without the knowledge of worship is rejected. So Islam commands his people to read, study, research science, both in the perspective of Islamic religious sciences and other general sciences. They are very urgent and significant for the survival of Muslims and Muslims themselves. Science is the key to success (key of success) of all activities. Besides, science is also the standard of civilization left behind and passed on to the next generation. Keywords: rational religion, scientific religion.
Intelligence Quetions (IQ) Dalam Pandangan Al-qur’an Kustiana Arisanti
HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 5 No 2 (2019): June
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (46.631 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/humanistika.v5i2.44


The specialty of humans compared to other craft is mind reason which must be used to think about Allah SWT’s verses. Thingking is called intelligence which is understood in a variety of ways by scientist. An understanding og intelligence also gives riise to a variety of discussions about how to trains and process intelligence. In this case the Qur’an has a different understanding of intelligence presented in several verses of the Qur’an with the mention of different words. One of them is the word “Fakkara” Keywords: understanding, intelligence, and the Qur’an
Proses Pendidikan Nabi Adam Perspektif al-Qur’an Kustiana Arisanti
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ibrahimy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35316/jpii.v4i2.195


Adam was the first human being whose taught by Allah SWT directly. Adam as the object of education and Allah SWT as the subject of education. The education process that is too simple is composed of several material which include teaching the names of all natural components, planting values and giving provision as the main manager of the earth, with its status as a caliph. The scientific transmission consists of scientific transmission from Allah SWT to the Prophet Adam as the caliph on earth and from the Prophet Adam to the Angel of God.
Mozaic : Islam Nusantara Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Mozaic : Islam Nusantara
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Nahdatul Ulama Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47776/mozaic.v7i1.164


One of the causes of the moral crisis of society and youth is the development of times and technology where everything can be accessed easily. Psychologically, the nation’s youth tend to be idealist and express their emotional easily through the real action. Off course, this one requires education that can be a shield so that it can filter them from bad influences that can appear from various directions. Character education is the main answer to improve youth morale, as formulated by K.H Hasyim Asy’ari in his book Adabul Alim Wal Muta’allim Fi Ma Yahtaju Ilaihil Muta’allim. He said that the good character have a higher position, because all actions that are carried out verbally or physically will have no value without realizing it with the good character and noble morals.
Ilmu Pengetahuan Sebagai Pilar Peradaban Kustiana Arisanti
HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 4 No 1 (2018): January
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/humanistika.v4i1.31


Islam is a rational religion and a scientific religion. As a rational and scientific religion the mark always lays the foundations that conform to scientific standards and can be proved by reason in various shari'ah and other rule provisions. Rasulullah Saw. as a carrier, spreader and proselytizer of Islamic Shari'a laid a solid foundation as a rational religion. This is seen in his words "religion is the intellect and imperfect of one's religion without using reason".As a rational religion, Islam declares its people to always base their activities with knowledge. Without the knowledge of worship is rejected. So Islam commands his people to read, study, research science, both in the perspective of Islamic religious sciences and other general sciences. They are very urgent and significant for the survival of Muslims and Muslims themselves. Science is the key to success (key of success) of all activities. Besides, science is also the standard of civilization left behind and passed on to the next generation.
Al-Quran: Antara Hijab dan Jilbab Kustiana Arisanti
HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 1 No 1 (2015): June
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (86.445 KB)


In tradition of previuos society, jilbab or veil habitually was weared by some one who did priglimage or someone who had predicate ustadzah and kiai’s wife, and in education area, jilbab was identically with someone who was graduated from pesantren. Then, It is hard to find someone wear jilbab at that time because jilbab is identic with the quality of someone’s faith. However, on nowdays, jilbab can not longer become a measurement of someone’s faith, but it is as part of fashion and what people wear. Next, there is a confusing term between jilbab and hijab, because some people see it as similar thing, but another see it as different. So, in this article is showed about the comparison, the difference and similarity between hijab and jilbab. This article tends to highlight the concept or hijab and jilbab either in its meaning, the explanation of al-qur’an about jilbab and hijab and the opinion of al-qur’an about hijab and jilbab.
Al-Qur’an: Telaah Tujuan Pendidikan Kustiana Arisanti
HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 3 No 1 (2017): January
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6090.482 KB)


Humans are born into the world to bring a set of physical organs and void mind and soul that sets it apart from other accordance, because humans equipped with a body, spirit, mind, mind, and lust. In order for the human component is run in accordance with nature, then human beings need to be trained to be qualified in accordance with the main purpose of its creation. Education is something that is absolutely to establish good personal, with intlektual and moral education. A good education is education that can include cognitive, affective and psychomotor, while promoting moral education. Qur’an as a guide to the teachings of Islam to be a first reference in shaping the individual Muslim who have good brain and good character. The Qur’an also offers a way and a perfect destination for educational ideal.
Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Pembinaan Birrul Walidain Inayatul Maghfiratur Rohmah; Kustiana Arisanti
IQRO: Journal of Islamic Education Vol 5, No 1 (2022): JULI 2022
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/iqro.v5i1.2777


Dalam pembinaan birrul walidain dibutuhkan peran seseorang Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk mengajarkan, mencerdaskan, memberi contoh, dan menamkan akhlakbirrul walidain. Tujuan dari penelitian yang peneliti laksanakan ini tidak lain untuk mengetahui usaha apa  saja yang telah dilakukanguru Pendidikan Agama Islam serta implikasinya terhadap peserta didik di Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Ulama’ Kraksaan Probolinggo. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan deskripsi dengan metode kualitatif. Untuk melangsungkan penelitian ini penelitimenggunakan teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan teknik observasi, tanyajawab mealalui wawancara,  dan tidak lupa untukmendokumentasikan segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan. Adapun Analisis yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini membahastentang adanya peran guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam pembinaan birrul walidain pesertadidik dapat mengimplikasikan akhlak birrul walidain dalam kehidupan danmengamalkan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.