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Journal : Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Nusantara

Analisis Strategi Promosi pada PT. Astra Honda Motor Dhea Putri Lestari; Gustini Gustini; Ovita Charolina
Jurnal Adminitrasi Bisnis Nusantara Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : STIA Bengkulu

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi promosi di PT. Asra Honda Motor. Peneliti juga melakukan metode deskriptif kualitafif yaitu dengan cara pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Strategi promosi di PT.AHM ialah: (1). Promosi akhor bulan, (2).promosi potongan angsuran, (3). Dan promosi hari-hari besar. Dengan menggunakan media Periklanan, Personal Selling, Publisitas, Sales promotion, dan Direct Marketing.Dan dapat diisimpulkan berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa cara dan pelaksanaan strategi promosi pada PT.Astra Honda Motor dengan media-media Periklanan, Personal Selling, Publisitas, Sales promotion dan direct marketing lebih efektif dan meningkatkan pelanggan maupun penjualan
Kinerja Operator Dalam Penerapan Sidalih di Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah Yendi Burdady; Faridah Faridah; Ovita Charolina
Jurnal Adminitrasi Bisnis Nusantara Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : STIA Bengkulu

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Penggunaan teknologi informasi sangat dibutuhkan dalam membantu mencapai tujuan organisasi. Pada sektor pemerintahan untuk mendukung kinerja operasional, salah satu upaya yaitu dekembangkannya sistem informasi terintegrasi dalam lingkup tertentu yang menghubungkan pengolaan sistem informasi antar unit, bagian atau tempat dengan memanfaatkan akses internet. Untuk mendukung kegiatan pemerintah tersebut maka lembaga KPU mempersiapkan sebuah sistem berbasis teknologiĀ  yang digunaka yaitu Sistem Informasi Data Pemilih di KPU. Pada sistem sidalih ini proses yang paling sering dilakukan adalah proses pemutakhiran data yang tugasnya adalah untuk membersihkan data invalid dan menghindari data pemilih ganda yang selama ini menjadi beban dalam setiap pemilu dan pemilihan karena begitu banyak data yang harus operator input. Mulai dari daftar data pemilih, menyimpan, pemutakhiran data, daftar pemilih sementara, daftar pemilih hasil perbaikan dan daftar pemilih tetap.Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa kinerja Operator dalam penerapan sidalih di Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah ditinjau dari aspek disiplin kerja, stress kerja, kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja berjalan dengan baik, dan Faktor penghambat dari kinerja operator dalam penerapan sidalih di Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah yaitu masih terdapatnya kendala pengambilan data dari desa yang melibatkan PPS dan PPK dari setiap desa yang di kumpulkan melalui PPK, pekerjaan pemutakhiran data pemilih ini memilikiĀ  waktu di tahapan pemilu yang jelas sehingga membutuhkan kerjasama yg baik antar jajaran petugas di bawah, selain itu kendala juga ada di aplikasi sidalih itu sendiri yang sering mengalami eror pada saat pengoperasianya secara bersamaan.
Jurnal Adminitrasi Bisnis Nusantara Vol 3 No 1 (2024): Januari
Publisher : STIA Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56135/jabnus.v3i1.145


The formulation of the problem in this research is How is the My Pertamina QR barcode implemented at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City? How are fuel sales at gas station 24.381.01 Kelawi Village, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City? Is there an influence of the implementation of the My Pertamina QR Barcode on fuel sales at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City? How much influence does the implementation of the My Pertamina QR Barcode have on fuel sales at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City? The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of the My Pertamina QR barcode at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. To find out fuel sales at gas station 24,381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. To determine the magnitude of the influence of the implementation of the My Pertamina QR Barcode on fuel sales at SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. Sampling in this study used a total sampling technique, namely all employees of SPBU 24.381.01 Kampung Kelawi, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. Data collection methods include observational studies, questionnaires, documentation and literature. Data analysis techniques using simple linear regression, correlation coefficient, hypothesis. The research results showed that the implementation of the My Pertamina QR Barcode at SPBU 24.381.01 Kelawi Village, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City was included in the very good category. Fuel sales at gas station 24.381.01 Kelawi Village, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City are included in the very good category and are already included in the very good category. The implementation of QR Barcodes affects fuel sales at gas station 24.381.01 Kelawi Village, Sungai Serut District, Bengkulu City. The influence of the implementation of QR Barcodes on fuel sales was 88,9%, while the remaining 11,1% was explained by other factors outside the model.
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Harga Lokasi dan Promosi Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Toko Kue AHK Keju di Kecamatan Teluk Segara Rahmat Al Hidayat; Ovita Charolina; Widra Afriani
Jurnal Adminitrasi Bisnis Nusantara Vol 3 No 1 (2024): Januari
Publisher : STIA Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56135/jabnus.v3i1.158


The aim of this research is to find out the relationship between product quality, price, location and promotion on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop, to find out how much influence product quality has on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop, how much influence price has on consumer satisfaction at the shop AHK Cheese cake, how much influence does location have on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop, how much influence does promotion have on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop, how big is the influence of product quality, price, location and promotion on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District. Data collection methods include library research, observation, documentation and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using data quality tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression tests and hypotheses. The research results showed that product quality, price, location and promotion together (simultaneously) had a significant effect on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop with a sig value of 0.000 < 0.05. The influence of product quality on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District is 8.3%, while the remaining 91.7% is explained by other factors. The magnitude of the influence of price on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District is 37.1% while the remaining 61.9% is explained by other factors. The influence of location on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District is 26.7% while the remaining 73.3% is explained by other factors. The influence of promotion on consumer satisfaction at the AHK Cheese cake shop in Teluk Segara District is 78.7%, while the remaining 21.3% is explained by other factors. The influence of product quality, price, location and promotion on consumer satisfaction at the cake shop. The AHK for Cheese in Teluk Segara District is 79.2% while the remaining 20.8% is explained by other factors. Thus, the AHK Cheese cake shop should also try to improve product quality, still pay attention to the prices set, and look for a more strategic location