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Pengaruh temperatur dan waktu vulkanisasi pada pembuatan sol karet dengan memanfaatkan arang aktif tempurung kelapa Syaiful; M. Daffa Rizqullah; Dede Nugraha
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 24 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Teknik Kimia
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya

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Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh temperatur dan waktu vulkanisasi pada pembuatan sol karet cetak dengan memanfaatkan arang aktif tempurung kelapa sebagai bahan pengisi. Rancangan percobaan meliputi variasi temperatur vulkanisasi 100ºC, 120ºC, 140ºC, 160ºC dan waktu vulkanisasi 10 menit, 15 menit, 20 menit. Parameter sifat fisika yang diamati menurut SNI 0778:2009 tentang sol karet cetak adalah tegangan putus, perpanjangan putus, kekerasan dan berat jenis. Sifat fisika yang memberikan hasil terbaik diperoleh pada temperatur vulkanisasi 140ºC dan waktu vulkanisasi 20 menit dengan nilai parameter uji tegangan putus sebesar 147,80 kg/cm2, perpanjangan putus 667,96%, kekerasan 55 Shore A dan berat jenis 1,15 g/cm3 dengan semua parameter sifat fisika memenuhi syarat SNI.
Perkembangan Keagamaan Fase Usia Baligh Perspektif Ibnu Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah Syaiful; Abas Mansur Tamam; Akhmad Alim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/teacher.v5i1.2713


The rise of books and theories of human development written by psychology experts from both western and Islamic scientists has encouraged writers to contribute to writing theories of religious development experienced by a person when they reach puberty. We still encounter children in society who have reached puberty but are not yet fully aware of their obligations in practicing religious law. This prompted the author to conduct an analysis regarding religious obligations in the puberty phase. An overview of this religious development as explained in the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith, with reference to the Book of Tuhfatu al-Maudud fi Ahkami al-Maulud chapter ahkamuhu 'inda Bulughihi al-'Asyirotu by Ibnu Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah. This research aims to analyze the phases of puberty based on the Al-Qur'an and Hadith which are then completed and clarified by a literature review referring to the book by the 7th century AH scholar, Ibnu Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah, and equipped with several references from books and journals relevant to the title. This research uses library research with the object of research being the Book of Tuhfatu al-Maudud fi Ahkami al-Maulud chapter ahkamuhu 'inda Bulughihi al-'Asyirotu by Ibnu Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah. The results obtained from this research are a written work that can be used as a guide for the general public in guiding the awareness of practicing their religion in children of puberty, which includes the initial steps in introducing religious cognition and daily worship practices until the end of their lives.
Analisis Penurunan Tanah Jalan R.E. Martadinata Jakarta Utara Menggunakan Metode Konvensional dan Pengamatan GPS Geodetic Ramadhan, Kurniawan; Syaiful; Taqwa, Fadhila Muhammad Libasut
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jaceit.v4i2.560


Land subsidence in the areas of Pademangan, Ancol, Penjaringan, Cengkareng, Tanjung Priok, Cilincing, and Pulogadung is still ongoing. The land subsidence is influenced by the condition of the groundwater table and the effect of consolidation. The purpose of this research is to know the result of soil subsidence/ consolidation using conventional calculation methods and geodetic GPS observations on R.E. Martadinata Street on Bore Hole 3 with Point BM.CP.1 and Bore Hole 6 with Point BM.DKI.11 and to find out the results of the comparison of subsidence/ consolidation analysis methods between conventional calculations and geodetic GPS observations. The amount of soil subsidence/ consolidation with conventional calculation methods at Bore Hole 3 with Point BM CP.1 obtained 8.5 cm with a period of 2.3 years and at Bore Hole 6 with Point BM DKI.11 obtained 5.6 cm with a period of 0.4 years. The amount of soil subsidence/ consolidation with GPS Geodetic observations BM CP.1 point was obtained at 16.8 cm with a period of 3 years and at the DKI.11 BM Point obtained 17.5 cm with a period of 3 years. The results of soil subsidence/consolidation calculations using conventional calculation methods and GPS Geodetic observations there was a difference or deviation in Bore Hole 3 with Point BM CP.1 obtained 8.3 cm with a period of 0.68 years and in Bore Hole 6 with Point BM DKI.11 obtained 11.9 cm with a period of 2.64 years.
Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Juli 2023

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Educational philosophy is an integral part of the principal or foundation that aims to promote education quality. Islamic education is the focus for most Muslims, so it is necessary to develop the values or philosophical principles of Islamic education itself. This study aims to determine the philosophy of Islamic education and the basic foundations of Islamic educational institutions. The research method uses qualitative with a literature study approach, emphasizing secondary sources obtained from books, journals and official reports. The study results explain that education requires a strong foundation or foundation for the majority of Muslims through Islamic educational institutions. It needs to be thoughtfully developed based on Islamic religious knowledge from the Al-Qur'an and hadith; then, Islamic scientific progress will progress. Building a philosophical orientation of Islamic education must pay attention to the concept of the growth of knowledge strongly driven by the Al-Qur'an and hadith as inspiration in achieving competitive Islamic educational institutions. Efforts to instil educational philosophy in Islamic educational institutions are required to guide and investigate knowledge from its source sincerely. The framework in Islamic educational institutions must contain the principles of ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The research implies civilization's progress in achieving Islamic education with an inseparable educational philosophy value. Keywords: Educational Philosophy, Basic Foundation, Islamic Educational
Karakteristik Emisi CO dan HC Mesin bensin SOHC 110cc Berbahan bakar Pertalite-Alkohol Syarifudin; Fatkhurrozak, Faqih; Lukman Sanjaya, Firman; Yohana, Eflita; Syaiful
Infotekmesin Vol 13 No 1 (2022): Infotekmesin: Januari, 2022
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v13i1.1067


Community economic activities that encourage motorized vehicles are getting higher. This exacerbates dependence on fossil fuels and air pollution. The outside air that is contaminated with exhaust gases from combustion products is very dangerous for human health. Motorized vehicles such as motorcycles are the largest cause of air pollution. Alcohols have high octane number and low viscosity. The use of ethanol and methanol alcohols is very diverse, so they are easy to obtain. Therefore, alcohol ethanol and methanol are suitable as premium fossil fuel mixtures. This study aims to observe the CO and HC emission characteristics of the gasoline engine using a premium-alcohol mixture of ethanol, methanol. The alcohol concentration was varied from 5% to 15% at 5% intervals. The petrol engine is operated at 2000, 3000, and 4000rpm. Commercial Gas Analyzers are used to measure CO and HC emissions coming out of the exhaust. The results of the observations present the CO and HC emissions of the engine with premium-ethanol fuel, methanol is lower than pure premium (P100). CO emissions from PE15 fuel decreased to 66,30%, and PM15 decreased to 90,63%. Meanwhile, PE15 fuel HC emissions decreased by 58,94%, and PM15 decreased by 68,60%.
Pengaruh Due Professional Care, Akuntabilitas, Integritas terhadap Kualitas Audit (Studi Empiris pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Surabaya) Siti Khusnul Khotimah; Syaiful
Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Manajemen dan Akuntansi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): JIBMA : Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Manajemen dan Akuntansi
Publisher : Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis Manajemen dan Akuntansi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51922/jibma.v2i1.24


This study aims to examine the influence of Due Professional Care, Accountability, Integrity on Audit Quality at Public Accounting Firms in Surabaya. This type of research is quantitative research. The population of this research is all auditors who work at the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) in the city of Surabaya. The sampling method in this research is the purposive sampling method, namely selecting samples based on predetermined criteria and obtaining 56 auditors as respondents. The data used in this research is primary data using a distributed questionnaire. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis using the IMB SPSS Statistics 22 program. The results of this research show that the variables due professional care, accountability, integrity influence audit quality
Jurnal Media Akademik (JMA) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): JURNAL MEDIA AKADEMIK Edisi Februari
Publisher : PT. Media Akademik Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62281/v2i2.182


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kualitas audit dipengaruhi oleh profesionalisme, etika, dan fee audit. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) yang berbasis di Surabaya. Purposive sampling digunakan untuk melakukan pengambilan sampel, dan 50 responden merupakan keseluruhan sampel. Uji asumsi klasik, seperti multikolinearitas, heteroskedastisitas, dan uji normalitas, dilakukan sebelum analisis data. Uji statistik deskriptif, uji validitas, dan uji reliabilitas juga dilakukan. Regresi linier berganda juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sementara itu, uji simultan (uji F), uji koefisien determinasi (R2), dan uji parsial (uji t) adalah jenis pengujian hipotesis yang digunakan. Hasil pengujian hipotesis penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, berbeda dengan fee audit yang tidak memiliki dampak yang nyata terhadap kualitas audit, etika dan profesionalisme memiliki dampak yang besar. Penyebaran kuesioner di wilayah Surabaya merupakan salah satu kelemahan penelitian ini.
Competency-Based Model of Human Resource Development in Higher Education Ramly, Amir Tengku; Handrianto, Budi; Syaiful
Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik) Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik)
Publisher : UPT Jurnal & Publikasi Ilmiah SPs Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/jm-uika.v15i1.15446


This research aims to find the model that best suits the development of Human Resources (HR) in higher education based on the competencies determined by the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKN). Until now, HR competency standards in higher education have not been standardized, making it difficult to prepare HR development models. Meanwhile, various HR development models are being implemented by the industrial sector. Meanwhile, human resource development in higher education still focuses only on lecturers. There are educational staff (tendik) who are human resources that also need to be developed. The research was conducted using qualitative methods through literature reviews and interviews with HR experts in organizations, companies and the academic world. The results were analyzed using SWOT (Swot Analysis) and decided by experts in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of this research found important variables that were mapped to the tree structure, namely root variables, stem variables, and fruit/leaf variables
The concept of age of puberty and religious development according to Ibn Qayyim AL-Jauziyah Syaiful; Tamam, Abas Mansur; Alim, Akhmad
TAWAZUN: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 17 No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Islam,Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/tawazun.v17i2.17528


The age of puberty is the initial age of adolescent maturity after the end of childhood. Each phase of development has its own developmental tasks as well as the age of puberty. It is important to understand the age of puberty so that parents can prepare themselves in educating their children in that phase, because the age of puberty is a phase of anxiety and worry for children and parents. Many Muslim scholars talk about the age of baligh, while the term balighh does not exist in the concept of Western scientists but they use the term teenager, therefore we will get different things about the concept of the age of baligh between Islam and the West. This research only discusses the age of puberty from an Islamic perspective by referring to the opinion of Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyyah in his book Tuhfatu al-Maudud bi Ahkami al-Maulud. The research method in this paper is literature (Library Research) with primary data from the book Tuhfatu al-Maudud bi Ahkami al-Maulud, Islamic and Western psychology books, as well as relevant journals or articles. The results showed that according to Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah the age of puberty starts from the age of 10-15 years, then at the age of puberty a child already has a correct understanding and belief as the basis of his faith in Allah SWT, and is able to practice his sharia obligations with awareness and commitment. As for his daily behavior, he is able to show commendable behavior such as honesty, humility and respect for parents and others. Abstrak Usia baligh merupakan usia awal kematangan remaja setelah berakhirnya masa kanak-kanak. Setiap fase perkembangan memiliki tugas perkembangannya masing-masing begitu pula dalam usia baligh. Pentingnya memahami usia baligh agar orang tua dapat mempersiapkan diri dalam mendidik anaknya di fase tersebut, karena usia baligh merupakan fase kecemasan dan kekhawatiran bagi anak dan orang tua. Banyak ilmuwan Muslim berbicara tentang usia baligh, sementara istilah baligh tidak ada dalam konsep ilmuwan Barat akan tetapi mereka menggunakan istilah remaja (teenager) oleh karenanya kita akan mendapatkan hal yang berbeda tentang konsep usia baligh antara Islam dan Barat. Penelitian ini hanya membahas usia baligh menurut perspektif Islam dengan merujuk pada pendapat Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah dalam kitabnya Tuhfatu al-Maudud bi Ahkami al-Maulud. Metode penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah kepustakaan (library research) dengan data primer kitab Tuhfatu al-Maudud bi Ahkami al-Maulud, buku-buku psikologi Islam dan Barat, serta jurnal atau artikel yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menurut Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah usia baligh dimulai dari usia 10-15 tahun, kemudian di usia baligh seorang anak sudah memiliki pemahaman dan keyakinan yang benar sebagai dasar keimanannya kepada Allah SWT, serta mampu mengamalkan kewajiban syariatnya dengan kesadaran dan komitmen. Adapun mengenai perilaku kesehariannya dia mampu menunjukkan perilaku terpuji seperti jujur, rendah hati dan hormat terhadap orang tua dan sesama.
Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di UPT RSUD Undata Palu Provinsi Sulteng: Nursing Care for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at UPT Undata Hospital, Palu, Central Sulawesi Province Reynaldi; Syaiful; Sri Yulianti
Jurnal Kolaboratif Sains Vol. 7 No. 9: September 2024 - IN PROGRESS
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/jks.v7i9.5834


Diabetes Melitus merupakan penyakit metabolik biasanya ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar gula dalam darah akibat anomali emisi insulin. International Diabetic Federation (IDF,2022) memperkirakan bahwa adanya peningkatan penyandang diabetes melitus pada tahun 2045.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan asuhan keperawatan pada penyakit Diabetes Mellitus diruang Seroja UPT RSUD Undata Provinsi SULTENG. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskritif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Ny.S dengan kasus Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 dilakukan diruang Seroja UPT RSUD Undata Provinsi SULTENG yang dilaksankan 3 hari pada hari selasa tanggal 18 Juli – kamis 20 Juli 2023. Hasil pengkajian yang peneliti lakukan pada Ny.S didapatkan pengkajian pada Ny.S Data subyektif Ny.S mengatakan sering merasa haus dan lelah Data objektif , suhu : 36,2 Nadi : 90 x/ menit , Tekanan Darah : 120/75 mmHg , RR : 20x/ menit, Di dapatkan hasil lab Gds 277,1 g/dl. diagnosis keperawatan yang muncul Ketidakstabilan kadar Glukosa darah b/d Hiperglikemia,Intoleransi aktifitas b/d immobilitas, dan Defisit pengetahuan tentang penyakit. Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan selama 3 hari ketiga masalah keperawatan yang terjadi pada Ny.S teratasi. Kesimpulan penelitian yang dilakukan telah sesuai dengan teori dan tidak ada kesenjangan dimana keluhan dan diagnosis keperawatan pada Ny.S sudah sesuai dengan teori. Diharapkan dengan penelitian ini perawat dapat memberikan pelayanan professional dan komprehensif pada pasien khususnya dengan kasus diabetes melitus.