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PENDIDIKAN KOGNITIF DAN AFEKTIF DAGUSIBU UNTUK PENCEGAHAN RESISTENSI ANTIBIOTIK DI SMA SURABAYA Abhimata Paramanandana; Dini Retnowati; Andang Miatmoko; Dewi Isadiartuti; Sugiyartono1; Mohammad Agus Sjamsur Rijal; Dwi Setiawan; Esti Hendradi; Tutiek Purwanti; Noorma Rosita; Dewi Melani Hariyadi; Tristiana Erawati; Ardhani Dwi Lestari1; Helmy Yusuf; Retno Sari
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.49 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v4i1.2395


Antibiotics are not only used for humans, but also often used for cattle and livestock which are then been consumed by humans. This over prescribed and missed used of antibiotic is a major factor in antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance is a condition where bacteria are unable to be treated with antibiotics. In fact, the use of antibiotics is the first response in curing infectious diseases (by bacteria) and preventing infectious diseases spreading. With antibiotic resistance, preventing infectious diseases by bacteria became harder. This community service activity came up with a slogan "Antibiotic Resistence Awareness Movement" was carried out in Surabaya 10 Public High Schools and Surabaya 17 Public High Schools with 60 students per school using several methods, namely: (a) giving lecture material using LCD projectors ) the implementation of poster making competitions, and (c) poster presentations that have been made that are accompanied by question and answer, and (d) evaluation activities in the form of written tests covering pre-test and post-test. Concerning the results of posters results, poster presentations and improving the results of this posttest can be concluded as a result of an increase in understanding and or knowledge of students of SMA 10 and SMA 17 Surabaya
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (930.774 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v1i2.2017.64-68


The low consumption rate of vegetables and fruits in Indonesian population becomes major concerns for health improvement. Ice cream is a type of food that is favored by all people in various ages, even for adults. Training on making vegetable-based ice cream or melorin was held as an effort to provide alternative intake form of vegetables and fruits. The training program was implemented with the partner are housewives community in Gubeng district, Surabaya, especially for those of residents of Gubeng and Mojo sub-districts areas, which have relatively big number of members. The training on making vegetable-based ice cream can be an alternative way to improve people’s nutrition and provide skills to empower local communities.AbstrakRendahnya angka kecukupan konsumsi sayur dan buah dibandingkan angka gizi seimbang pada penduduk Indonesia menjadi perhatian utama bagi upaya peningkatan kesehatan keluarga. Pelatihan pembuatan es krim berbasis sayuran atau melorin diadakan sebagai salah satu wadah untuk memberikan bentuk asupan sayur alternatif dikarenakan produk ini gemar dikonsumsi oleh berbagai kalangan, baik anak-anak, remaja, maupun dewasa. Program ini dilaksanakan dengan mitra sasaran adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga anggota PKK di wilayah Kecamatan Gubeng Kotamadya Surabaya khususnya warga Kelurahan Gubeng dan Kelurahan Mojo, yang mana memiliki jumlah anggota yang berprofesi sebagai ibu rumah tangga relatif besar. Dengan demikian, pelatihan ini dapat menjadi salah satu upaya untuk memperbaiki gizi masyarakat sekaligus memberikan bekal keterampilan untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat setempat. 
Lecture Presentations Combined with Comic Story-Telling to Increase the Knowledge and Understanding of Elementary and Junior High School Students about Drugs Concerning Self-Medication Behavior Andang Miatmoko; Mufariha Mufariha; Dini Retnowati; Abhimata Paramanandana; Sugiyartono Sugiyartono; Retno Sari; Tutiek Purwanti; Dewi Isadiartuti; Esti Hendradi
Journal of Community Research and Service Vol 6, No 2: July 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jcrs.v6i2.35665


Self-medication practice can result in medication errors due to limited public knowledge of pharmaceutical medicine, especially among school-aged adolescents, who are prohibited from doing self-medication. This study aimed to evaluate the students' knowledge and understanding of pharmaceutical medicine, pharmacists, and self-medication, and also the awareness to be wise and smart in responding to the use of pharmaceutical products for maintaining public health. The study was carried out by conducting the lecture on drugs and self-medication through a classical presentation and comic story to students of SDN Keputih 245 Elementary School and SMPN 19 Junior High School, Surabaya. Moreover, DAGUSIBU dance was also practiced. The students actively engaged in the class during the presentation. The results of the pre-and post-test evaluations showed that this lecture method had succeeded in increasing junior high school students' knowledge about medicine and DAGUSIBU. On the other hand, the pre-test scores of Elementary School students were better than the post-test, except for new knowledge related to the drug logo and classification. It suggests that the delivery methods were inappropriate for elementary school students. It can be concluded that school-age adolescents, especially in elementary and junior high schools, need assistance during self-medication. This community service activity by a presentation and comic telling methods successfully improved the knowledge of SMPN 19 Junior High School about drugs and DAGUSIBU; however, it needs a more straightforward explanation with attractive learning methods for delivering a lecture to Elementary School students.
Effect of Sodium Alginate Concentration on Characteristics, Stability and Drug Release of Inhalation Quercetin Microspheres Tekla Kalalo; Andang Miatmoko; Hanafi Tanojo; Tristiana Erawati; Dewi Melani Hariyadi; Noorma Rosita
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jfiki.v9i22022.107-114


Background: Quercetin is a flavonoid compound that has anti-inflammation activity. However, poor stability presents significant problems for the formulation into dosage forms. Microspheres are one of the potential lung delivery systems because of their ability to encapsulate various types of drugs, protect drugs from environmental effects and can release drugs in a sustained release. Objective: In the present study, the microsphere inhalation system of the anti-inflammation drug, quercetin was developed and evaluated to achieving the targeted delivery of these drugs to the lung. Method: The drug-loaded ca-alginate microspheres were prepared by aerosolization ionic gelation technique followed by freeze-drying. Result: The result of this study showed that particle size was less than 2 µm, the yield ranged from 41.33-76.14%, drug loading was less than 6%, entrapment efficiency ranged from 74.153% - 93.805% and flow properties showed that all formula had an excellent flow. Spherical microspheres were demonstrated by formulations containing 1 and 1.5% sodium alginate. A drug release study showed that the highest drug release of 30.649% was from the formulation with 2.5% sodium alginate, and the lowest drug release of 26.625% was from the formulation with 2% sodium alginate. , A stability study at temperatures of 25ᵒC and 40ᵒC for 28 days showed a decrease in drug loading and entrapment efficiency but an increase in particle size. The formulation containing 1.5% sodium alginate showed the optimal formula. Conclusion: These findings indicated that quercetin ca-alginate microspheres are the potential for inhalation to be delivered to the lung.
Pelatihan pembuatan pangan fungsional dari jambu merah, mengkudu dan daun kelor untuk meningkatkan kesehatan lansia di desa Pandansari. Poncokusumo, kabupaten Malang Devanus Lahardo; Hilkatul Ilmi; Suryanto Suryanto; Firmansyah Ardian Ramadhani; Agus Pratiwi; Yusuf Alif Pratama; Wiwied Ekasari; Maria Lucia Ardhani Dwi Lestari; Andang Miatmoko; Rosita Handayani; Retno Sari; Aty Widyawaruyanti
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 8, No 1 (2024): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v8i1.21979


AbstrakDesa Pandansari mempunyai potensi hasil pertanian melimpah terutama mengkudu, kelor, jahe, sereh dan jambu biji. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah hasil panen yang tidak terserap di pasaran yang akan menjadi limbah karena belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Pengolahan hasil pertanian menjadi pangan fungsional menjadi peluang karena dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah dan nilai manfaat dari produk tersebut untuk kesehatan terutama bagi penduduk usia lanjut. Tim dosen Fakultas Farmasi UNAIR dengan keahlian dan kompetensi keilmuan yang dimiliki memanfaatkan aneka hasil sumber daya alam itu menjadi produk yang bernilai tinggi. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pegetahuan dan ketrampilan tentang manfaat hasil pertanian dan bagaiamana mengolahnya menjadi pangan fungsioanal. Tim PkM bekerjasama dengan PKK, Kader Kesehatan dan badan relawan kebakaran dan kebencanaan (BALAKARCANA). Kegiatan dilakukan Minggu, 6 Agustus 2023 di balai desa Pandansari dengan peserta 32 orang. Materi yang disampaikan adalah cara memanfaatkan sumber daya alam , cara memanfaatkan buah atau tanaman herbal yang sudah dipanen dan cara mengemas produk. Untuk praktek yang diberikan adalah beberapa produk hasil inovasi yaitu pembuatan stik daun kelor, simplisia kering mengkudu, jus jambu biji dan sirup jahe plus. Dari hasil pre dan post test, didapatkan bahwa skor rata-rata meningkat dari 63,5 menjadi 77,9. Hal tersebut menunjukkan terjadi penambahan pengetahuan saat dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Saat pelaksanaan peserta terlihat antusias dalam mengikuti praktik, mereka berharap pelatihan seperti ini sering dilakukan supaya semakin banyak warga yang mengetahui bahwa tanaman yang dapat dimanfaatkan terutama untuk pendukung kesehatan lansia. Kata Kunci : lansia; obat tradisional; olahan pangan; pelatihan AbstractPandansari Village has the potential for abundant agricultural products, especially noni, moringa, ginger, lemongrass and guava. The problem that occurs is that the harvest is not absorbed in the market which will become waste because it has not been utilized properly. Processing agricultural products into functional food is an opportunity because it can increase the added value and beneficial value of these products for health, especially for the elderly population. UNAIR Faculty of Pharmacy lecturer team with their expertise and scientific competence utilizes various natural resources into high-value products. This community service activity aims to provide knowledge and skills about the benefits of agricultural products and how to process them into functional food. The PkM team collaborated with PKK, Health Cadres and the fire and disaster volunteer body (BALAKARCANA). The activity was held on Sunday, August 6, 2023 at Pandansari village hall with 32 participants. The material presented was how to utilize natural resources, how to utilize harvested fruit or herbal plants and how to package products. For the practice given are some innovative products, namely the making of moringa leaf sticks, dried noni dried simplisia, guava juice and ginger plus syrup. From the pre and post test results, it was found that the average score increased from 63.5 to 77.9. This shows that there is an increase in knowledge when community service activities are carried out. During the implementation, the participants seemed enthusiastic in participating in the practice, they hoped that training like this was often carried out so that more and more residents knew that plants could be utilized, especially for supporting the health of the elderly..Keywords: elderly; traditional medicine; food processing; training
Edukasi kesehatan melalui webinar tentang swamedikasi obat modern dan tradisional untuk menjamin efektivitas pengobatan Wiwied Ekasari; Retno Widyowati; Andang Miatmoko; Achmad Syahrani; Tristiana Erawati Munandar; Aty Widyawaruyanti; Suciati Suciati
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 8, No 2 (2024): June (In Progress)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v8i2.22834


AbstrakSwamedikasi merupakan salah satu cara masyarakat untuk mengatasi keluhan penyakit yang tergolong ringan. Tren ini semakin meningkat selama pandemi COVID-19 berlangsung seiring dengan adanya berbagai aturan pembatasan yang membuat hampir seluruh lapisan masyarakat membatasi kegiatan di luar rumah. Sangat penting untuk masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai, baik tentang obat modern dan tradisional, untuk menjamin efektivitas obat sehingga kesembuhan atau perbaikan kesehatan yang diharapkan dapat tercapai. Berdasar hal tersebut diselenggarakan  pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk penyuluhan guna meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai swamedikasi obat modern dan tradisional. Penyuluhan berbasis online dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi melalui webinar melibatkan 305 peserta dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Penilaian pemahaman masyarakat melalui pre-test sebelum dan post-test setelah materi webinar diberikan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat umum meningkat signifikan (p < 0,05) yang ditandai dengan nilai rata-rata pre-test sebesar 54,47 dan nilai rata-rata post-test sebesar 74,89. Sama halnya dengan tingkat pengetahuan tenaga kefarmasian juga meningkat signifikan (p < 0,05) dengan nilai rata-rata pre-test sebesar 75,15 dan nilai rata-rata post-test sebesar 86,59. Berdasar hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat umum dan tenaga kefarmasian mengenai obat modern dan tradisional sehingga dapat menjamin efektivitas pengobatan dan didapatkan mutu kesehatan yang maksimal. Kata kunci: COVID-19; kesehatan masyarakat; obat modern; obat tradisional. AbstractSelf-medication is one way for the community to deal with complaints of ailments that are classified as mild. This trend has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic along with various restrictions that have made almost all levels of society restrict activities outside the home. It is very important for the community to have adequate knowledge, both about modern and traditional medicine, to ensure the effectiveness of the drug so that the expected recovery or health improvement can be achieved. Based on this main problem, the author provides community service in the form of counseling to increase public understanding regarding modern and traditional drug self-medication. Online-based counseling using lecture and discussion methods via webinars involved 305 participants from various regions in Indonesia. Assessment of public understanding through pre-test before and post-test after the webinar material was given. The results of the analysis show that the level of knowledge of the general public has increased significantly (p < 0.05) as indicated by the average pre-test score of 54.47 and the average post-test score of 74.89. Likewise, the level of knowledge of pharmaceutical staff also increased significantly (p < 0.05) with an average pre-test score of 75.15 and an average post-test score of 86.59. Based on these results, it can be concluded that this community service influences the level of knowledge of the general public and pharmaceutical staff regarding modern and traditional medicine so that it can guarantee the effectiveness of treatment and obtain maximum health quality. Keywords: COVID-19; public health; modern medicine; traditional medicine.