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Improving Science Learning Outcomes Through Two Stay Two Stray Assisted by Concrete Media Putra, Agung Kusuma; Jampel, I Nyoman; Japa, I Gusti Ngurah
Journal of Education Technology Vol 4, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jet.v4i3.26219


Science learning is one of the subjects in elementary schools to be able to develop students' process skills related to natural phenomena that occur as a source of knowledge. Science learning should be student-centered, but the learning process is still teacher-centered and only uses the lecture method. This study aims to analyze the effect of the Two Stay Two Stray learning model (TSTS) assisted by concrete media on the science learning outcomes at fifth grade primary school 2019/2020. Quasi-experiments became the type of this study with a non-equivalent post-test only control group design study design. The population in this study were 211 elementary school students. Sampling is done through random sampling by lottery techniques. The sample in the experimental group was 22 students and the sample in the control group was 26 students. The science learning outcomes test is a multiple-choice instrument used when collecting data through instrument validation conducted by experts in the field of science and has been tested. The data obtained were then analyzed using the t-test with the polled variance formula which showed that tcount> t table (t count = 6.16> t table = 1.68). This means that there are significant differences in science learning outcomes between groups of students who are taught with the Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) learning model assisted by concrete media and groups of students who are taught conventionally. Based on these results it can be concluded that the Two Stay Two Stray learning model (TSTS) assisted by concrete media affects the learning outcomes of fifth-grade students.
The Effect of Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending Learning Model Assisted by Audio-Visual on Mathematics Learning Outcomes Dewi, Ni Kadek Veronika; Suarni, Ni Ketut; Japa, I Gusti Ngurah
Journal of Education Technology Vol 4, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jet.v4i4.27109


This study aims to determine the effect of the Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, extending (CORE) learning model assisted with audio-visual media on fourth-grade students' mathematics learning outcomes. The type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with a post-test only control group design. The population used in this study was the fourth-grade, with the samples used were IVB class with 34 students as the experimental group and IVA class with 36 students as the control group. The data collection method used is a test method with multiple choice objective test instruments. The obtained data is analysed by using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential analysis. The analysis results obtained were the average score in the experimental group given with the treatment of the CORE learning model assisted by audio-visual media amounted to 21,91. The control group that was not given the CORE learning model's treatment assisted by audio-visual media amounted to 14,00. The t-test analysis obtained count 21,547 and table 2,000 with db. = 68 at a significance level of 5%. With the criteria, count> table so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The difference scores between the experimental and control groups indicate that there is a significant influence in applying the CORE learning model assisted with audio-visual media in the mathematics learning outcomes of fourth-grade students.
The Effect of Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending Learning Model Assisted by Audio-Visual on Mathematics Learning Outcomes Dewi, Ni Kadek Veronika; Suarni, Ni Ketut; Japa, I Gusti Ngurah
Journal of Education Technology Vol 4, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jet.v4i4.27109


This study aims to determine the effect of the Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, extending (CORE) learning model assisted with audio-visual media on fourth-grade students' mathematics learning outcomes. The type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with a post-test only control group design. The population used in this study was the fourth-grade, with the samples used were IVB class with 34 students as the experimental group and IVA class with 36 students as the control group. The data collection method used is a test method with multiple choice objective test instruments. The obtained data is analysed by using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential analysis. The analysis results obtained were the average score in the experimental group given with the treatment of the CORE learning model assisted by audio-visual media amounted to 21,91. The control group that was not given the CORE learning model's treatment assisted by audio-visual media amounted to 14,00. The t-test analysis obtained count 21,547 and table 2,000 with db. = 68 at a significance level of 5%. With the criteria, count> table so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The difference scores between the experimental and control groups indicate that there is a significant influence in applying the CORE learning model assisted with audio-visual media in the mathematics learning outcomes of fourth-grade students.
MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpgsd.v4i2.7782


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA setelah menerapkan model pembelajaran word square pada kelas V semester genap SD Negeri 1 Tista tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Tista tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 yang berjumlah 28 orang, terdiri dari 13 orang laki-laki dan 15 orang perempuan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Tiap-tiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi/evaluasi, dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data hasil belajar IPA menggunakan metode tes, dengan instrumen soal essay. Data hasil belajar IPA siswa yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif kuantitatif untuk menentukan mean dan persentase mean. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar IPA siswa dari siklus I sampai siklus II. Persentase hasil belajar IPA siswa pada siklus I adalah 75,3% (kategori sedang) dan meningkat menjadi 89,2% (kategori tinggi) pada siklus II. Jadi, penerapan model pembelajaran word square dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V semester Genap di SD Negeri 1 Tista tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Kata Kunci : Word Square, Hasil Belajar IPA This research is aimed to improve the IPA learning outcome after implementing learning model of word square at fifth grade Number 1 Tista Primary school for academic years 2015/2016. The subyek of this research is students at fifth grade Number 1 Tista primary school for academic years 2015/2016 which has 28 students, consist of 13 males and 15 females. This research is classroom action research that is conducted on two cycles. Each cycles consist of four steps namely: planing, implementing, observation/ evaluating, and reflecting. To collect the IPA learning outcome by using test method such as intrument of wriiten test. The data of IPA learning outcome are collected to analized to consider mean and precentage mean.This research shows the improvement of IPA learning outcome for student from first cycle until second cycle. The precentage of IPA learning outcome for students in firs cycle is 75,3% ( average category) and the improvement becomes 89,2% ( high category) in second cycle. Therefore, the implementation on learning model of word square have to improve IPA learning outcome for students at fifth grade Number 1 Tista Primary school for academic years 2015/2016. keyword : Word Square, Learning outcomes IPA.
MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha Vol 2, No 1 (2014):
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpgsd.v2i1.2483


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) deskripsi hasil belajar matematika siswa yang tidak menggunakan Model Interactive Conceptual Intruction (ICI), 2) deskripsi hasil belajar matematika siswa yang menggunakan Model Interactive Conceptual Intruction (ICI), 3) perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan Model ICI dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional pada siswa kelas V semester ganjil SD No. 2 Anturan Kecamatan Buleleng Kabupaten Buleleng tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V di SD Desa Anturan Kecamatan Buleleng tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 yang berjumlah 118 orang. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas V SD No 2 Anturan yang berjumlah 41 orang dan siswa kelas V SD No 1 Anturan yang berjumlah 39 orang. Data hasil belajar Matematika siswa dikumpulkan dengan instrumen tes berbentuk uraian. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial (uji–t). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diperoleh thit = 16,31 dan ttab (pada taraf signifikansi 5%) = 1,980. Hal ini berarti bahwa thit > ttab, sehingga dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model (ICI) dan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model konvensional. Dari rata–rata ( ) hitung, diketahui kelompok eksperimen adalah 33,27 dan kelompok kontrol adalah 20,39. Hal ini berarti bahwa eksperimen > kontrol, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model Interactive Conceptual Intruction (ICI berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas V di SD No 2 Anturan Kecamatan Buleleng.Kata Kunci : model Interactive Conceptual Intruction (ICI), Hasil Belajar. This study aimed at finding: 1) description of students’ mathematic learning outcome who are not treated by Interactive Conceptual Intruction (ICI) model, 2) description of students’ mathematic learning outcome treated by Interactive Conceptual Intruction (ICI) model, 3) significant difference of mathematic learning outcome between students’ taught by Interactive Conceptual Intruction (ICI) model and students’ taught conventionally conducted to the fifth grade students’ of SD No. 2 Anturan in odd semester of academic year 2013/2014. This study is a quasi experiment and the population are all fifth grade students of SD Desa Anturan Kecamatan Buleleng with amount of 118 students. Sample of this study are 41 students of SD No 2 Anturan and 39 students of SD No 1 Anturan. The data of students’ mathematic learning outcome were gathered by using essay test instrument. The data gathered were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistic (t-test) analysis. Based on the result of data analysis, thit is 16,31 and ttab (with frequency level 5%) is 1,980. It means that thit > ttab, it can be interpreted that there is a significant difference between students’ who taught by using ICI model and conventional teaching. From the result of arithmetic mean ( ), it found that of eksperiment group is 33,27 and of control group is 20,39. It means that eksperiment > control. To sum up, the implementation of ICI model has positive influence toward mathematic learning outcome of fifth grade students at SD No 2 Anturan Kecamatan Buleleng.keyword : Interactive Conceptual Intruction (ICI) model, Mathematic learning outcome.
MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpgsd.v4i2.7688


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar IPA yang signifikan antara kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan teknik kancing gemerincing dan siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran konvensional pada siswa kelas IV SD di Gugus I Kecamatan Tegallalang tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan post-test only control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kelas IV SD di Gugus I Kecamatan Tegallalang tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelas IV SDN 1 Tegallalang dan kelas IV SDN 5 Tegallalang, yang ditentukan dengan teknik simple random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode tes. Instrumen penelitian ini yaitu tes hasil belajar IPA. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial yaitu uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar IPA yang signifikan antara kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan teknik kancing gemerincing dan siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran konvensional, dengan nilai thitung sebesar 25,91 > ttabel 2,00. Adanya perbedaan hasil belajar IPA menandakan teknik kancing berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V SD di Gugus I Kecamatan Tegallalang tahun pelajaran 2015/2016.Kata Kunci : teknik kancing gemerincing, hasil belajar This research purpose is to know the significant differences of science achievement between students who using kancing gemerincing technique in the 4th grade of the elementary school in Cluster I of Tegallalang District in year 2015/2016. This research is a quasy experimental research by design post test only control group design. The population this research is 4th grade elementary school in Cluster I Tegallalang District in year 2015/2016. The sample is 4th grade of SD N 1 Tegallalang and 4th grade of SD N 5 Tegallalang, by using simple random sampling technique. The data are collected by test method. The instrument of this research is science achievement test. The data of this research is collected by using two techniques, there are descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistic i.e. t-test. The result of the analysis shows that there are significant differences of science between students who using kancing gemerincing technique and conventional teaching model, with value of ttcount = 25,91 > ttable = 2,00. Therefore, it can be concluded that kancing gemerincing technique has influent on science achievement of students 4th grade elementary school in Cluster I Tegallalang District in year 2015/2016.keyword : kancing gemerincing technique, achievement learning
MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpgsd.v5i2.10987


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa, (2) mendeskripsikan kemampuan menyelsesaikan soal cerita Matematika siswa (3) mengetahui hubungan antara kemampuan membaca pemahaman dengan menyelesaikan soal cerita Matematika siswa kelas IV semester II tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 di gugus I Kecamatan Banjar Kabupaten Buleleng. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian expost-facto. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV semester II tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 di gugus I Kecamatan Banjar Kabupaten Buleleng yang berjumlah 135 orang siswa. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV semester II tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 di gugus I Kecamatan Banjar Kabupaten Buleleng yang berjumlah 135 orang siswa. Data kemampuan membaca pemahaman dengan tes membaca sedangkan untuk kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita Matematika menggunakan intrumen soal esay. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik Deskriptif dan Korelasi Person Product Moment. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, menunjukan bahwa thit > ttab, sehingga dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang berarti atau signifikan antara kemampuan membaca pemahaman dengan menyelesiakan soal cerita. Dari rata-rata hitung, bahwa rata-rata kemampuan membaca pemahaman > rata-rata menyelesaikan soal cerita Matematika, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang berarti atau signifikan antara kemampuan membaca pemahaman dengan kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita Matematika siswa kelas IV di Gugus I Kecamatan Banjar Kabupaten Buleleng.Kata Kunci : kemampuan membaca pemahaman, menyelesaikan soal cerita, cerita Matematika This study aims to (1) describe reading comprehensipnm students, (2) to describe the ability to solve the problem of Mathematics story of the students (3) to know the relationship of ability reading comprehensipnm students with the solve the story of Mathematics of the fourth grade students of semester II of academic year 2016/2017 in cluster I Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. This type of research is an expost-facto study. The population of this study is all students of class IV semester II of academic year 2016/2017 in cluster I Banjar District Buleleng Regency, which amounted to 135 students. The sample of this research is all students of class IV semester II of academic year 2016/2017 in cluster I Banjar Sub-district Buleleng Regency which amounted to 135 students. Data from the reading comprehensipnm students is collected by reading test while for the ability to solve the problem of Mathematics using the instrument about essay. The data collected were analyzed using Descriptive statistics analysis and Person Product Moment Correlation. Based on the results of data analysis, so that it can be interpreted that there is a significant or significant relationship between the reading comprehensipnm students with the ability to completing story problem. From the average count. This means that average the ability reading comprehensipnm students > average to solve the problem of Mathematics story, so it can be concluded that there is a significant or significant relationship between the ability reading comprehensipnm students with the to solve the problem story of Math grade IV students in Cluster I Banjar District Buleleng Regency.It This means that average ability reading comprehensipnm students > average to solve the problem of Mathematics story, so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the ability reading comprehensipnm students with the ability to solve the problem of Mathematics story of fourth grade students in Gugus I Banjar Sub-district, Buleleng Districtkeyword : ability reading comprehensipnm students, solve mathematics story problem, matematics story
MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpgsd.v5i2.11003


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan antara kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dan model pembelajaran VCT berbantuan media video dan kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model pembelajaran konvensional pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan kelas V Semester II SD di Gugus XIV Kecamatan Buleleng tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kelas V di Gugus XIV Kecamatan Buleleng tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 yang berjumlah 134 orang. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelas V di SD Negeri 1 Tukadmungga yang berjumlah 33 orang dan kelas V SD Negeri Tukadmungga 2 yang berjumlah 25 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode tes dan instrumen berbentuk pilihan ganda dengan jumlah soal sebanyak 40 soal. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial (uji-t). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperoleh thit > ttab. Hal ini berarti diinterpretasikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar PKn antara kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran VCT (Value Clarification Technique) dan kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan konvensional. Kata Kunci : VCT , Hasil Belajar, pelajaran PKn The aim of this research was to know the difference between the result of the study in school subject Civics by using group students in VCT learning model with video as the media and the result of the study of the group students which not using VCT learning model with video as the media. This research was held in the class of the students in grade V in the second semester of the elementary school in the cluster XIV of Buleleng district academic year 2016/2017. The population of this research was the students in grade V in the cluster XIV of Buleleng district academic year 2016/2017 with the total of the students were 134 students. The samples of this research were 33 students in grade V of SD Negeri 1 Tukadmungga and 25 students in grade V of SD Negeri 2 Tukadmungga. Test was used as the method of data collection in this research with multiple choices as the instrument. The total of the questions in the multiple choice were 40 questions. The data collected were analyzed by using descriptive statics analysis and inferential statistic (uji-t). Based on the result of the analysis, it was obtained thit > ttab. It meant that thit > ttab, so, it can be interpreted that there were the significant diferences between the result of the study in school subject Civics by using group students in VCT (Value Clarification Technique) learning model with video as the media and the result of the study of the group students which was using conventional modelkeyword : VCT learning model, result of the study, civics
MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpgsd.v5i2.11019


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar Pkn antara kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) dan kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan bukan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) pada siswa kelas V di SD Gugus III Kecamatan Bangli. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan rancangan nonequivalent post-test only control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kelompok siswa kelas V di SD Gugus III Kecamatan Bangli yang terdiri dari 136 siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu kelompok siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Cempaga yang berjumlah 33 siswa sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok siswa kelas V SD Negeri 2 Cempaga yang berjumlah 37 siswa sebagai kelompok kontrol yang ditentukan dengan teknik random sampling. Pengumpulan data hasil belajar PKn dilakukan dengan metode tes dan instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes objektif pilihan ganda. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial (uji-t). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diperoleh bahwa thit(3,92) > ttab(1,99), sehingga H0 ditolak yang berarti terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan. Rerata hasil belajar PKn pada kelompok eksperimen yaitu 14,45 dan kelompok kontrol yaitu 10,46. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar PKn siswa kelas V SD Gugus III Kecamatan Bangli tahun ajaran 2016/2017.Kata Kunci : hasil belajar, PKn, Teams GamesTournament (TGT) TThe purpose of this research is to know the significant differences of PKn learning result among the students that use cooperative learning type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) in learning process and the students that do not use cooperative learning type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) in the learning process on fifth grade students in cluster III elementary school at Bangli region. This research is pseudo experimental research with nonequivalent-post-test-only-control-group design. The populations of this research are the group of fifth grade students in cluster III elementary school at Bangli region that consists of 136 students. The samples on this research are the group of fifth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Cempaga that consists of 33 students as experimental group and the group of fifth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Cempaga that consists of 37 students as controlling group that are chosen using random sampling technique. The data collection of PKn learning result is done using test method and instrument in form of objective test. The data that have been collected are analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential analysis (uji-t). Based on the result of the analysis, obtained that thit(3,92) > ttab(1,99), so H0 is rejected which means there is a significant influence. The average learning result of PKn in the experimental group is 14,45 and in the controlling group is 10,46. So, we can conclude that the implementation of cooperative learning type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) has positive influence on the PKn study result of the fifth grade students in cluster III elementary school at Bangli region school year 2016/2017.keyword : learning result, PKn, Teams Games Tournament (TGT)
MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha Vol 4, No 1 (2016): April
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpgsd.v4i1.7371


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dengan implementasi model pembelajaran course review horay (CRH) pada mata pelajaran IPA kelas IV semester II di SDN 2 Tigawasa, Kecamatan Banjar, Kabupaten Buleleng pada tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SDN 2 Tigawasa dengan banyaknya siswa 28 orang. Objek pada penelitian ini adalah aktivitas belajar siswa dan hasil belajar pada ranah kognif. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode observasi untuk aktivitas belajar siswa dan metode tes untuk hasil belajar IPA siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPA siswa. Berdasarkan hasil observasi aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus I diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 70 (kategori aktif) dan meningkat menjadi 81,07 (kategori sangat aktif) pada siklus II. Kemudian hasil belajar IPA siswa pada siklus I didapat rata-rata persentase sebesar 71% (kategori sedang) dan meningkat mencapai 86% (kategori tinggi) pada siklus II. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran course review horay dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas IV SDN 2 Tigawasa.Kata Kunci : Model CRH, Aktivitas Belajar, Hasil Belajar The purpose of this research was to improve activities and student’s learning in science by applying model of learning that is course review horay (CRH) for fourth grade of SDN 2 Tigawasa in second semester, Banjar district, Buleleng regency in academic year 2015/20116. The type of this research was classroom step research that conducts in two cycles. The subject of this research was the fourth grade student of SDN 2 Tigawasa which numbers 28. The objects of this research were student’s learning activities and the result of student’s learning in science on cognitive. Data collected by observation of student’s learning activities and test for student’s learning in science. The results of the research indicate the average of student’s learning activities and student’s learning in science. According to the result of student’s learning activities observation in the first cycle is 70 (active) increase to 81.07 (very active) in the second cycle. According to the result of student’s learning in science in the first cycle indicates the average percentage is 71% (middle) increase into 86% (high) in the second cycle. Based on these results it can be concluded that the application model of learning that is course review horay (CRH) can improve student’s learning activities and student’s learning in science for fourth grade of SDN 2 Tigawasa.keyword : CRH Model, Learning Activities, Result Learning
Co-Authors ., Aa Ngr Agung Swapranata ., Ana Maulida ., Dhenok Rukma Setyani ., Gusti Ayu Md Rian Dewi Antari ., Gusti Ayu Sri Handayani ., I Kadek Satya Dharma ., I Made Arya Praditha ., I Made Dwita Saraswatha ., Ida Ayu Kade Novia Puspita Dewi ., Ida Ayu Pt Ary Puspita Dewi ., Kadek Ari Desy Dayanthi ., Komang Ani Pertiwi ., Made Partha Kesuma ., Ni Kadek Ayu Rita Agustina ., Ni Kadek Dwi Rari Ratih ., Ni Kadek Kanserina Iksanova ., Ni Kadek Nuraeni ., Ni Kadek Suratdeni ., Ni Luh Eva Oktarianti ., Ni Luh Pande Widyastiti ., Ni Made Budiantini ., Ni Made Dwi Wisma Yanthi ., Ni Made Meita Purnama_mahasiswa Sari ., Ni Matul Ulfa ., Ni Nyoman Ayu Widya Santhi ., Ni Nyoman Mira o ., Ni Putu Cipta Wardani ., Ni Putu Suryanita SP. ., Ni Putu Windra Novemie ., Ni Wayan Ari Septiasih ., Ni Wayan Rikawati ., Ni Wayan Yuniari ., Putu Menaka Dewi ., Putu Suandika Aa Ngr Agung Swapranata . Adnyani, Ni Ketut Mira Afriyanti, Evi Agung Kusuma Putra Ana Maulida . Ari Diantari, Ni Luh Gd Arta, I Made Deni Kumara Desak Anom Taryunita Desak Putu Parmiti Dewa Nyoman Sudana Dewi, Ni Kadek Veronika Dhenok Rukma Setyani . Dipayana, I Kadek Mei Dra. Made Sulastri, M.Pd. . Dra. Ni Nyoman Garminah, M.Hum . Drs. I Nyoman Murda,M.Pd. . Drs. Ndara Tanggu Renda . Drs. Syahruddin,S.Pd,M.Pd. . Dwi Ari Nitra Putri . Eddy Permana Putra . Eka Peri Artawan . Erawati, Gusti Ayu Putu Sintha Arma Evi Afriyanti Gede Edo Wahyu Sanjaya Gosachi, I Made Adistha Gusti Ayu Md Rian Dewi Antari . Gusti Ayu Putu Sintha Arma Erawati Gusti Ayu Sri Handayani . Hezron Tamelab I Dewa Kade Tastra I Gede Astawan I Gede Margunayasa I Gst. N. Yudha Pustika I Gusti Lanang Mahardita I Kadek Satya Dharma . I Kadek Suartama I Kadek Sukadana I Ketut Gading I Komang Pariasa . I Komang Sudarma I Komang Sudarma I Made Adistha Gosachi I Made Arta I Made Arya Praditha . I Made Citra Wibawa I Made Dwita Saraswatha . I Made Dyatma Dipayana . I Made Suarjana I Made Tegeh I Nyoman Jampel I Nyoman Laba Jayanta I Putu Suardika . I Wayan Widiana I Wayan Widnyana Ida Ayu Kade Novia Puspita Dewi . Ida Ayu Pt Ary Puspita Dewi . Ida Bagus Indra Kusuma . Ida Bagus Ketut Dharma Putra . Indrayani, Sang Ayu Putu Ismi Danic Kadek Ari Desy Dayanthi . Kadek Diah Lestari Kadek Ermi Rosalina . Kadek Inten Nathalia . Kadek Inten Nathalia ., Kadek Inten Nathalia Kadek Yudiana Kasyfia . Kasyfia ., Kasyfia Ketut Pudjawan Ketut Yogi Nugraha . Ketut Yogi Nugraha ., Ketut Yogi Nugraha Km Juli Astini . Km Juli Astini ., Km Juli Astini Komang Agus Artawan . Komang Ani Pertiwi . komang Junia Adi Purnama Komang Sujendra Diputra Komang Yudi Ari Wiratama . Komang Yudi Ari Wiratama ., Komang Yudi Ari Wiratama Komang Yuli Setiani . Krismony, Ni Putu Aprilia Lestari, Kadek Diah Luh Gede Ria Andika Putri Luh Putu Yasmiartini Yasa Luh Putu Yasmiartini Yasa Luh Suartini . Luh Tu Selpi Wahyuni M.Hum Dra. Ni Nyoman Garminah . M.Pd S.T. S.Pd. I Gde Wawan Sudatha . M.Pd. Dra. Made Sulastri . M.Pd. S.Pd. Putu Nanci Riastini . Made Ariwahyuni . Made Dian Supriyani Made Partha Kesuma . Made Sumantri Mahadewi, Luh Putu Putrini Mayuni, Komang Ratna Nancy Cinthia Arni Nonitha . Nancy Cinthia Arni Nonitha ., Nancy Cinthia Arni Nonitha Ni Kadek Ayu Rita Agustina . Ni Kadek Dwi Rari Ratih . Ni Kadek Dwi Wahyuni Ni Kadek Kanserina Iksanova . Ni Kadek Nuraeni . Ni Kadek Suratdeni . Ni Kadek Veronika Dewi Ni Kadek Yuniasih Ni Ketut Astriningsih . Ni Ketut Astriningsih ., Ni Ketut Astriningsih Ni Ketut Mira Adnyani Ni Ketut Suarni Ni Luh Chintya Sari Ni Luh Eva Oktarianti . Ni Luh Gd Ari Diantari Ni Luh Pande Widyastiti . Ni Luh Putu Purhita Pebriani Ni Luh Sridarsini . Ni Made Budiantini . Ni Made Dwi Wisma Yanthi . Ni Made Meita Purnama_mahasiswa Sari . Ni Made Nur Sintadevi . Ni Made Nur Sintadevi ., Ni Made Nur Sintadevi Ni Matul Ulfa . Ni Nengah Sekar Wangi Ni Nyoman Ayu Widya Santhi . Ni Nyoman Kusmariyatni Ni Nyoman Mira o . Ni Putu Aprilia Krismony Ni Putu Cipta Wardani . Ni Putu Sumaraning . Ni Putu Suryanita SP. . Ni Putu Windra Novemie . Ni Wayan Ari Septiasih . Ni Wayan Arini Ni Wayan Rati Ni Wayan Rikawati . Ni Wayan Sriasih . Ni Wayan Yuniari . Ningrum, Windi Kristanti nur sukinah Nyoman Ayu Putri Lestari Nyoman Tri Anarta Putra . Pande Putu Sudirama Paramita.A, Ni Luh Putu Aninditha Parwati, Ida Ayu Km Candra Pebriani, Ni Luh Putu Purhita Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Gede Agung,M.Pd . Prof. Dr. Gede Sedanayasa,M.Pd . Purnama, komang Junia Adi Purwanti . Purwanti . Puryanto, Restu Aji Pustika, I Gst. N. Yudha Putra, Agung Kusuma Putra, Agung Kusuma putra, putu gede nangga Putri, Luh Gede Ria Andika Putrini Mahadewi, Luh Putu Putu Aditya Antara Putu Budi Susila . Putu Gede Nangga putra Putu Menaka Dewi . Putu Nanci Riastini Putu Nanci Riastini, Putu Nanci Putu Nanci Riastini, S.Pd., M.Pd. . Putu Suandika . Sang Ayu Putu Indrayani Sanjaya, Gede Edo Wahyu Sari, Ni Luh Chintya Seika Ayuni, I.G.A.P. Anggi Sucipta, I Komang Sudirama, Pande Putu Sukadana, I Kadek sukinah, nur Supriyani, Made Dian Tangkas, Wayan Eka Ardiana Taryunita, Desak Anom UNDIKSHA . Utama, Kadek Santika Wira Wahyuni, Luh Tu Selpi Wahyuni, Ni Kadek Dwi Wangi, Ni Nengah Sekar Wayan Eka Ardiana Tangkas Wayan Yogi Wintari . Yasa, Luh Putu Yasmiartini Yoga, I Gede Gustana Yuniasih, Ni Kadek