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Indonesia Epidemiological Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Epidemiological Journal of Indonesia
Publisher : Perhimpunan Ahli Epidemiologi Indonesia

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Background: Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) cause around 4 million under-five deaths in developing countries, including Indonesia. Air quality is strongly influenced by human activities. Purpose: This study was to analyze the relationship between PM10 concentrations in the house and the risk factors for the health conditions of the household environment and human characteristics on the incidence of respiratory disorders. Methods: This research is an analytic observational with a cross-sectional design. The number of samples calculated as many as 60 respondents were taken randomly. This research was conducted in Pulokerto Village, Gandus District, Palembang from August to December 2009. Data were collected through observation and interviews using a questionnaire, while indoor air samples were measured using the EPAM 5000 instrument by BTKL PP Palembang officers. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate using chi-square test, and multivariate using multiple logistic regression. Results: The results of statistical tests showed that the usage of insect repellent (p v = 0.0005, OR = 13.095, 95% CI = 3,821-44,882), smoking habits (p v = 0.0005, OR = 15.536, 95% CI = 3.114-77.519), Indoor PM10 concentration (pv=0.021, OR=3.463, 95% CI (1.186 – 10.108) While the most dominant variable affecting respiratory disorders is the usage of insect repellent. Conclusion: The factors that have the greatest influence in causing respiratory disorders are age, gender, education, population density and the use of mosquito repellent.
Indonesia Epidemiological Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Epidemiological Journal of Indonesia
Publisher : Perhimpunan Ahli Epidemiologi Indonesia

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ABSTRACT Background: Hypertension is one of Indonesia's highest causes of death and is known as the silent killer. Several risk factors for hypertension include age, gender, heredity, and lifestyle. This study aimed to analyze the determinants of hypertension in the elderly in the work area of the Palembang City Health Center.. Methods: This research is an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted from March to May 2021 in the working area of the Padang Selasa Health Center, Palembang City. Samples were taken randomly, with the number of samples as many as 106 respondents. Data were collected by interview using a questionnaire and data analysis using the chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. Results: Bivariate analysis showed that the variables statistically significantly related to hypertension in the elderly were heredity history and the incidence of stress with p<0.05. Meanwhile, the results of multivariate analysis showed that heredity (OR=0.089; p=0.0005; 95% CI= 0.033-0.239) was the most dominant factor in the incidence of hypertension in the elderly in the Padang Selasa Palembang Public Health Center working area in 2021. The elderly with a history of heredity have a risk 12 times riskier than those without a history of heredity. Conclusion: The majority of the elderly found with hypertension are female. The determinants of hypertension in the elderly are heredity and stress, and the most dominant factor causing hypertension in the elderly is a history of hereditary hypertension.
POSTPARTUM MOTHERS' BEHAVIOR IN CARE OF BABIES DURING NEW HABITS ADAPTATION IN HOSPITAL Intan Kumalasari; Maksuk Maksuk; Maliha Amin; Rahmad Aswin Juliansyah; Herawati Jaya
Indonesia Epidemiological Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Epidemiological Journal of Indonesia
Publisher : Perhimpunan Ahli Epidemiologi Indonesia

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Background: Indonesia is one of the countries affected by the Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic with a fluctuating number of confirmed events (new cases). One of the populations at risk for infection with the Covid-19 virus is postpartum mothers and newborns. More than 50% of infant deaths occur in the neonatal period, which is the first month of life. Babies who do not get adequate care can experience various infectious diseases through the umbilical cord, mouth, eyes and ears, both during breastfeeding, bathing the baby and daily care.Methods: This study is a descriptive study to describe the behavior of mothers in caring for newborns during the adaptation period of new habits after the COVID-19 pandemic at three regional hospitals, namely Prabumulih Hospital, Sekayu Hospital and Muara Enim Hospital in 2021. The population in this study was all postpartum mothers in July 2021, a sample of 96 postpartum mothers was taken by total sampling on 4-30 July 2021. Results: Univariate data analysis showed that 84,86% of mothers had good knowledge and 80,33% of postpartum mothers had a good attitude in care babies every day during the pandemic, especially always washing hands or using hand sanitizer when touching babies, reducing kissing babies and limiting the number of visits during the pandemic. Conclusion:Good knowledge leads to appropriate attitudes and actions in newborn care; It takes the participation of parents, families, and health workers to ensure the success of baby care in the new normal era.
Edukasi dan Deteksi Dini Sebagai Upaya Promotif dan Preventif dalam Pengendalian Penyakit Tidak Menular Intan Kumalasari; Maksuk; Faiza Yuniati; Maliha Amin; Hendawati
Pelita Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Pelita Masyarakat, September
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/pelitamasyarakat.v5i1.10387


One of the efforts to support the transformation of the Health sector is by implementing the first pillar, namely primary services that focus on promotive (education) and preventive (prevention and early detection efforts). This effort is very effective in reducing morbidity and mortality in the community, especially those caused by non-communicable diseases. Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are responsible for at least 70% of deaths in the world. Even though it cannot be transmitted from person to person or from animal to person, weak control of risk factors can affect the increase in cases every year. One of the non-communicable diseases is hypertension. The purpose of this community service is to carry out early detection and provide education and health services to the 3-4 Ulu sub-district community about risk factors that can increase blood pressure and their prevention efforts. This activity was carried out on Saturday 30 July 2022 at 08.00-13.00 WIB and was attended by 60 residents. The method of this activity is early detection in the form of blood pressure checks, risk factor screening, counseling and health services. This activity was considered successful, based on the enthusiasm of the participants who attended exceeded the target, the desire to ask questions and have their blood pressure checked, to be able to mention risk factors and disease prevention efforts as well as feedback from participants who stated this counseling was considered interesting and useful.
Pelatihan Identifikasi Bahaya Pestisida Terhadap Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Pekerja Perkebunan Sawit di Kalimantan Barat Maksuk Maksuk; Salma Rizkiya Kinasih; Rizal Assalam; Andi Hidayat
Madaniya Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53696/27214834.556


Penggunaan pestisida secara luas digunakan di perkebunan termasuk perkebunan sawit, dan penggunaannya belum diawasi secara ketat. Paparan pestisida dapat menimbulkan dampak di lingkungan dan kesehatan pekerja. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran pekerja dalam mengidentifikasi bahaya paparan pestisida terhadap lingkungan dan kesehatan pekerja serta mengantisipasi penyakit akibat paparan pestisida di perkebunan sawit. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan pelatihan pada pekerja yang terlibat di perkebunan sawit sebanyak 70 peserta. Kegiatan ini dilakukan selam dua hari di Kabupaten Sambas Kalimantan Barat. Hasil kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan peserta dapat mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan sampai selesai dan mampu mengidentifikasi gejala dan tanda keluhan kesehatan yang dialami selama terpapar dengan pestisida. Dari setiap kelompok yang telah dibagi sebanyak 5 kelompok yaitu masing-masing kelompok berjumlah 10 orang. Masing-masing kelompok menyampaikan hasil identifikasi keluhan kesahatan melalui body mapping dengan baik dan melanjutkan menuliskan keluhan tersebut dalam buku saku. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini bahwa pekerja mengikuti kegiatan ini dengan semangat dan mampu menyampaikan keluhan Kesehatan yang dialaminya selama bekerja di perkebunan sawit. Kontirbusi dari kegiatan ini yaitu pekerja mampu melakukan deteksi ini penyakit akibat paparan pestisida berdasarkan keluhan yang dialaminya.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Menerapkan Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Tempat Umum Sebagai Upaya Terciptanya Kampung Wisata Sehat Maksuk Maksuk; Maliha Amin; Hendawati Hendawati; Intan Kumalasari; Faiza Yuniati; Sherli Shobur
Madaniya Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53696/27214834.763


Perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat tempat-tempat umum adalah upaya untuk pemberdayaan pengunjung dan pengelola tempat-tempat umum termasuk objek wisata “Oeng Boentjit” yang berada di Kota Palembang yang merupakan peninggalan budaya pada masa Kesultanan Palembang Darussalam. Kampung wisata ini terletak di pinggiran sungai Musi dikelilingi oleh perkampungan penduduk yang cukup padat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat di sekitar objek wisata “Oeng Boengtjit” melalui perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di tempat umum sebagai upaya menciptakan kampung wisata sehat. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Kampung Jaya Laksana Kelurahan 3 – 4 Ulu Kota Palembang. Target sasaran kegiatan yaitu pembentukan kelompok peduli lingkungan sehat dengan melibatkan kader kesehatan, ibu-ibu pengajian dan ibu-ibu organisasi Nahdatul Ulama. Kegiatan difokuskan pada pembentukan kelompok peduli lingkungan sehat dan edukasi pengolahan sampah yang berasal dari rumah tangga. Target capaian dalam kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat, tokoh masyarakat, kader dan pengurus NU dalam mengolah limbah rumah tangga, dan pembentukan kelompok peduli lingkungan sehat di Kampung Jaya Laksana. Kelompok peduli lingkungan sehat dan edukasi pengolahan limbah di sekitar tempat wisata “Oeng Boengtjit” merupakan kegiatan yang mendukung terbentuknya kampung wisata sehat. Kegiatan perlu dilanjutkan dengan melibatkan semua unsur pemerintah dan swasta untuk mewujudkannya.