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Perancangan Taman Terapi Hortikultura Bagi Penderita Gangguan Jiwa Pada Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Bali MAYA NORMA PUTRI; NYOMAN GEDE ASTAWA; NI WAYAN FEBRIANA UTAMI
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Tropika (Journal of Tropical Agroecotechnology) Vol.2, No.4, Oktober 2013
Publisher : Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

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ABSTRACT Horticultural Healing Garden Design for People with Mental Disorder at Mental Hospital, Bali Province Mental Hospital of Bali Province is therapeutic referral place for people with mental disorders (stress to depression) which is using medical approach. The patient is largely a modern society that wasn’t able to cope with the pressures of life as its cause. The effect decreased by horticultural healing garden which aims to accommodate patient therapy with emotion and psychology approaches. Landscape designimg concept used Marcus and Barnes (1999) design principles for healing garden. This horticultural healing garden designing presents 1) variety spaces, 2) plant elements dominate garden, 3) support walking activity, 4) provide a positive diversion, 5) has natural lighting and sound, and 6) has clear and simple design. Keywords: landscape designing, horticultural therapy, healing garden, mental disorders, mental hospital designing
Studi Potensi Subak Renon di Denpasar Selatan untuk Pengembangan Agrowisata I GEDE ARYA SANJAYA; COKORDA GEDE ALIT SEMARAJAYA SEMARAJAYA; I NYOMAN GEDE ASTAWA ASTAWA
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Tropika (Journal of Tropical Agroecotechnology) Vol.2, No.1, Januari 2013
Publisher : Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

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ABSTRACT The Study of Potential of Subak Renon in South Denpasar for Agrotourism Development The purpose of this study is to determine and develop the potential contained in the Village of Renon in general and Subak Renon in particular so it can develop Subak Renon as a region for agrotourism, and to know what kind of recreation that can be developed in Subak Renon. This research is descriptive qualitative. Primary data are obtained from direct observation and interviews, and secondary data are obtained from the study of literature. Based on the results of research on Subak Renon, was found that the natural condition of the site was developed, thus becoming a potential that can support the agrotourism.potential in Subak Renon includes a wide range of commodities, there are farmers activity inside, farm large enough for the development of agrotourism, the infrastructure include Bangun Bagi, irrigation, farm roads, rice paddies, jineng, bale subak, bale timbang, subak temples, original condition thus supporting the development of agrotourism in Subak Renon. Based on the potential contained on the site, includes objects, activities, and facilities, the types of recreation that can be developed, are physical recreation, social recreation, cognitive recreation, and the recreation of natural environment. Keywords : potential, subak, agrotourism.
Perencanaan Lanskap Kawasan Pura Dalem Mutering Jagat Kesiman I Kadek Hendra Krisdiandinata; I Gusti Agung Ayu Rai Asmiwyati; I Nyoman Gede Astawa
Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap Vol.7, No.2, Oktober 2021
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur Pertamanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JAL.2021.v07.i02.p04


The Landscape Planning of The Area in The Pura Dalem Mutering Jagat Kesiman. The sanctum area is an area around a temple that needs to be kept sacred within a certain radius within the Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia Central Decree, concerning Bhisama Kesucian Pura. Pura Dalem Mutering Jagat Kesiman (PDMJK) as Khayangan Tiga temple in Denpasar-Bali has a sacred radius area, namely Apenyengker. Some obstacles have interfered with the activities and sanctity of the temple that will need to be overcome, to be able to create a more sanctum area. The primary objective of the research was to plan the ideal sanctum and also to identify the biophysical and socio-cultural aspects. The method used was the survey method by considering the value of abiotic - biotic (biophysical) and culture (socio-cultural). At the same time, the stages were data inventory, analysis, synthesis, basic concepts, concept development, and planning stages. The data analysis and synthesis were carried out from the socio-cultural and biophysical aspects of qualitative descriptive and quantitative spatial by using the MCDA (multicriteria decision analysis) method. From the research results, there was a steep slope of land into a danger signal which concludes that the area needs to be conserved. The poor spatial planning, especially the temporary stall and parking area, was still unorganized. The spatialplanning concept resulted in 3 (three) zones, namely the sacred zone, the conservation buffer zone, and the profane zone. The plan was to use the vegetation concept to vegetate the area with Balinese ceremony plants with conservation value. The idea of circulation was the foundation for the circulation of pedestrians and transportation circulation. The development of the facilities was needed to create new space and support the activities at PDMJK such as park benches, gates, canteen and pedestrians.
Identifikasi Tanaman Obat-Obatan Sebagai Elemen Lunak Lansekap di Kecamatan Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan, Provinsi Bali LUH RATIH PARAMITA; SANG MADE SARWADANA; I NYOMAN GEDE ASTAWA
Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap Vol.3, No.2, Oktober 2017
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur Pertamanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.015 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAL.2017.v03.i02.p01


Indonesia is an agricultural country known for the wealth of species and different kinds of plants. Diversity of natural resources make Indonesia has a lot of biodiversity as well as the diversity of traditional medical plants, or more commonly known herbs.Medical plants flowering in the regional in Kediri, Tabanan regency, Province of Bali still very little is used as an softscape element of landscape, so it has not been used optimally. Presumably there are many kinds of medical plant other throughout in Kediri, Tabanan regency, Province of Bali either cultivated or growing wild. Have data regarding a kinds of medical plants in the region is very important both for science and conservation. Medical plants have potential as an ornamental plant, because the flowers can give a feeling of luxury, so there will be a sense of pride by the owner. Medical plants can be used as landscape softcape elements, besides being able to used aesthetics value of the plants and when necessary for health will be easier to get it. This method of technique sampling used survey, questionnaires, and interview. The results of this those there are 52 species of medical plants which are grouped into five flowering habitus are bushes, shrubs, water plants, trees, and ground cover.There are four function of medical plants has inventory and identification as an element of landscape design is as a railings, shade, absorbing pollutants and aesthetics value.
Pengaruh perubahan telajakan dan apa dampak terhadap ruang terbuka hijau di Kelurahan Penatih, Denpasar Timur I Gusti Ngurah Aditya Aryadiva; Cokorda Gede Alit Semarajaya; I Nyoman Gede Astawa
Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap Vol.5, No.1, April 2019
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur Pertamanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1465.084 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAL.2019.v05.i01.p15


The effect of changes telajakan and what impact on green open space in Kelurahan Penatih, Denpasar Timur Telajakan is one of Bali's ancestral heritage which is usually used as a garden with various types of vegetation in it. However, currently telajakan has changed a lot. The purpose of this research is to know what factors caused the change of telajakan and what changes happened to green open space in the research location. Data collection methods used were observation, interview and literature study. The tools used in supporting research were office stationery, hand phone, measuring instrument, digital camera, interview list, and computer peripheral, Microsoft Word, Auto CAD. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the form of the change of telajakan into a place of selling due to economic factors. The width of the telajakan changed 936 m² with a total area of 1028.5 m² overall. The change of telajakan in Kelurahan Penetih was 91.1%. The magnitude of changes that occurs can result in reducing green open space and affecting the micro climate in Penatih.
Inventarisasi Tanaman Obat yang Dapat Digunakan sebagai Elemen Lansekap pada Dataran Rendah hingga Dataran Tinggi Di Kabupaten Tabanan WAYAN WISNU WARDANA; I NYOMAN GEDE ASTAWA; I KETUT SARDIANA
Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap Vol.1, No.2, Oktober 2015
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur Pertamanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.109 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAL.2015.v01.i02.p03


ABSTRACT   Inventory of Medical Plants used as Landscape Elements From the Lowlands to the Highlands of Tabanan Regency   Tabanan regency is one district that has lowland and highland. Besides, Tabanan still very strong Balinese culture that is still many people who use medical plants not only as a raw material cuisine, but also as an infrastructure for prayer, ritual raw materials, and also as a treatment for balian, but these plants also have beautiful stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits so it can be used as an ornamental plant or as landscape elements, especially at home, in hotels and government offices. Results from this study can be useful for people who want to know the medical plants in the area of the Tabanan regency and the suitability of areas where the growth is suitable in highland or lowland areas. Methods used in this study are literature studies, surveys, observation and identification (observation), survey using list name of plants and data analysis. Research conducted in three sub-districts such as Kediri, Marga, and Baturiti. Results indicated that, based on the altitude there was found several number of medical plants species i.e. in sub-districts of Kediri 43 species, in sub-districts of Marga 26 species, and in sub-districts of Baturiti 15 species. Medical plants in the area usually found in the garden, telajakan, or in tegalan land unit.   Keywords: landscape elements, medical plants, Tabanan regency
Evaluasi pemeliharaan taman di areal jogging track dan playground, Pusat Pemerintahan Kabupaten Badung I Wayan Agus Rene Sanjaya; Cokorda Gede Alit Semarajaya; I Nyoman Gede Astawa
Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap Vol.7, No.1, April 2021
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur Pertamanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JAL.2021.v07.i01.p10


The use of plants in the jogging track and playground area at Puspem Badung is currently disrupting visitor activities because their growth has damaged pavements and facilities. Therefore, the implementation of garden maintenance is very important to be able to maintain the comfort of the visitors and the beauty of the garden. This study aims to evaluate the maintenance of the garden in the jogging track and playground area at Puspem Badung. The research method used is a survey method. The data collected in this study are primary data and secondary data. The data collection method is done by using observation, interview, questionnaire and literature study. Based on the research results, the implementation of maintenance is carried out independently by implementing an unit and special maintenance system. In the implementation of watering, pruning, silting and weeding activities, the performance of the workers exceeds the ideal working capacity standard except for sweeping and fertilizing activities. The perception of visitors to the physical condition of the garden is considered good, seen from the indicators of assessment including garden's cleanliness, pedestrian's cleanliness, cleanliness of benches, cleanliness of planter boxes, garden safety and the beauty of the garden. Suggestions in this research are that it is necessary to have a written standard operational procedures for garden maintenance and to propose tree pruning activities at least once every three months.
Konsep desain taman terapi paru di Rumah Sakit Paru Dungus, Kabupaten Madiun, Provinsi Jawa Timur Dwi Ulul Asmi; Naniek Kohdrata; I Nyoman Gede Astawa
Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap Vol.5, No.2, Oktober 2019
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur Pertamanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1299.276 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAL.2019.v05.i02.p15


The lung therapeutic garden conceptual design at Dungus Lung Hospital at Madiun Regency EastJava Province. Dungus Lung Hospital of Madiun Regency is a health care center that treats patients whohave respiratory disease and general illnesses. An approach that can be given to help healing process ofrespiratory disease is the psychological and physiological through of The Lung Therapeutic Garden. Thetherapeutic garden uses concepts and elements of a garden appropriate for respiratory distress therapy. Theconcept applies to The Lung Therapeutic Garden is healing environment by applying garden elements such anatural hardscape like a rocks and woods, and softscape like water and colored plants, textured plants, andfresh scent flowering plants. The Lung Therapeutic Garden at Dungus Lung Hospital is based on Marcus’ therapeutic rationale. The aims of this study is to design a lung therapeutic garden. The method used in thisresearch was field survey based on Rachman’s complete thinking process (1984). Furthermore, this researchdata will be aligned with the Time Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture in planning and designing TheLung Therapeutic Garden. The result of this study is the concept of healing environment that suitable to beapplied to help healing process of respiratory distress. This is according to patient’s need for clean air withadequate oxygen concentration and sunlight. The application of natural hardscape and softscape as objectsof therapy can assist the healing process by stimulating human senses.
Evaluasi nilai keindahan dan indeks kenyamanan taman kota Lumintang Denpasar Ignasia G.M. Rada; Ni Wayan Febriana Utami; I Nyoman Gede Astawa
Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap Vol.5, No.2, Oktober 2019
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur Pertamanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.104 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAL.2019.v05.i02.p02


Evaluation of aesthetic value and humadity index of Lumintang city park Denpasar. This research isbased on the needs of the people on recreation area that meets aesthetic and comfortness aspects inaccordance with the standards of a city park. Aesthetic is considered as important as a means of supportingthe beauty of the city and framed the landscape to soften the stiff impression of the city buildings, beside thathumadity is considered important as an effort to improve the microclimate of the city so that the communitymore comfortable to indulge in and around the public park. This study aims to evaluate the two main aspectsin Lumintang city park which meet the psychological needs of the community by using indicators of aestheticand comfort assessment of Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) and Thermal Humadity Index (THI). The method was field survey with observation technique to determine the value of temperature and humidity alsoquestionnaires technique to determine the value of SBE and the preception dan preferences of visitors. Theresult of data analysis showed that the value of aesthetic in Lumintang city park belong to moderate category.The lowest value located in the easthern area which wasfountain and the highest value was located in theeastern area which wasparking lot. The comfortness index showed that Lumintang city park was belong tocomfort with the most comfortable area located in southern area which was a sport area (25,10). Inconclusion, the environmental enhancement necessary in order to evaluate the aesthetic value and humadityindex to be a better condition for the user and meet the two aspects in a green open space.
Persepsi dan Preferensi Kenyamanan Taman Monumen Perjuangan Kapten TNI Anak Agung Gede Anom Mudita I Gusti Agung Windar Arya Wiguna; Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara; I Nyoman Gede Astawa
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur Pertamanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JAL.2022.v08.i01.p06


Convenience perceptions and preferences Taman Monumen Perjuangan Kapten TNI Anak Agung Gede Anom Mudita. Taman Monumen Perjuangan Kapten TNI Anak Agung Gede Anom Mudita has a strategic location right in the center of the city. The interest and awareness of peoples around to utilization Taman Monumen Perjuangan Kapten TNI Anak Agung Gede Anom Mudita as a public space or public area are quite high. However, the comfort value of this public space is still less, there are no facilities like restroom, benches, gazebos and several elements have been broken like statues, lights, paths as far as plants found at some area with faded condition. Those problems becomes idea and also a goal to find out how visitors perceptions and preferences about Taman Monumen Perjuangan Kapten TNI Anak Agung Gede Anom Mudita. This research used a survey as a method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and literature study. The results collected about 55.8% of visitors said enough which was seen from nine indicators including circulation, shelter, noise, smells, shape, security, cleanness, beauty, and facilities with diverse preferences. The suggestion that can be given that the government and the management need to improve maintenance, cleanness and adding more facilities with a good arrangement so Taman Perjuangan Kapten TNI Anak Agung Gede Anom Mudita as a public space or public area can function properly.