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The language use of the Balinese diaspora in Kampung Bali, Penganjuran, a multilingual village in Banyuwangi Ika Nurhayani; Sahiruddin Sahiruddin; Esti Junining; Hamamah Hamamah
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya Vol 50, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um015v50i22022p152


The language use of the Balinese diaspora in Kampung Bali, Penganjuran, a multilingual village in BanyuwangiThe paper investigates the language use of the Balinese diaspora in Kampung Bali, Peng­anjuran, a multilingual village in Banyuwangi, which includes the multilingual situation, the nature of the language accommodation and the language domains. The current study answers the following research questions: (1) how is the situation of multilingualism in the village? (2) how is the situation of language accommodation in the Balinese village in the village? and (3) what are the domains of the use of the languages spoken in the village? The research applied a qualitative research approach using semi-structured interviews. Thirteen questions were asked during the interviews with three research participants. The answers were coded into data related to multilingualism situation, language accommodation, and domains of language use of the languages spoken in Kampung Bali, Penganjuran. The analysis aims to search for patterns and links in the coded texts. The findings show that the Balinese diaspora is the most multilingual ethnic group in Kampung Bali, Penganjuran, as they speak five languages: Indonesian, Balinese, Osing, Javanese, and Madurese. The Balinese also displays an accom­modative nature toward the national language and the dominant vernacular languages. The findings also show that the domains of use of Balinese in the diaspora have declined since it is only used at the house of worship by three research participants and at home by one par­ticipant. The accommodative nature of the Balinese diaspora might have contributed to the shift from Balinese to the national language or to the dominant vernacular languages.Penggunaan bahasa diaspora Bali di Kampung Bali, Penganjuran, sebuah desa multilingual di BanyuwangiMakalah ini mengkaji penggunaan bahasa oleh diaspora Bali di Kampung Bali, Penganjuran, sebuah desa multilingual di Banyuwangi yang meliputi situasi multibahasa, sifat akomodasi bahasa dan domain bahasa orang Bali. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini: (1) bagaimana situasi multilingualisme di desa tersebut? (2) bagai­mana situasi akomodasi bahasa di desa tersebut? (3) bagaimana ranah penggunaan bahasa Bali di desa tersebut? Makalah ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan wa­wancara semi terstruktur dengan 13 pertanyaan yang diajukan pada tiga responden pene­litian. Jawaban-jawaban tersebut kemudian ditandai sesuai kaitannya dengan situasi multi­lingualisme, akomodasi bahasa, dan domain penggunaan bahasa dari bahasa-bahasa yang digunakan di Kampung Bali Penganjuran. Analisis bertujuan untuk mencari pola dan tautan dalam teks yang dikodekan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa diaspora Bali adalah kelompok etnis yang paling multibahasa di Kampung Bali Penganjuran dengan berbicara lima bahasa, Indonesia, Bali, Osing, Jawa dan Madura. Orang Bali juga menampilkan sifat akomodatif terhadap bahasa nasional dan bahasa daerah yang dominan. Selanjutnya, temuan menun­jukkan bahwa ranah penggunaan bahasa Bali pada diaspora mengalami penurunan karena hanya digunakan di rumah ibadat oleh tiga peserta penelitian dan di rumah oleh satu peserta. Sifat akomodatif dari diaspora Bali memiliki peranan dalam per­geseran dari bahasa Bali ke bahasa nasional atau ke bahasa daerah yang dominan.
Variasi Intensitas Kata Sifat Dalam Bahasa Madura Harrifah Mardatillah; Ika Nurhayani; Hamamah
LINGUA : Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol. 19 No. 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : Center of Language and Cultural Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30957/lingua.v19i1.616


The variations of Madurese intensifying adjective were investigated in this study. This qualitative study uses questionnaire as the main instrument to know the intensifying adjectives used by the participants. The participants were asked to translate some sentences from Indonesian to Madurese based on their daily conversations. The participants are native Madurese speakers aged between of 15-60 years. The study revealed that there were 28 variations of intensifying adjective in Madurese which consist of 17 variations of quality level, 3 variations using a determinerbefore adjective, 4 variations using a determinerafter adjective, 9 variations using a determiner and suffix, and 1 variation using a confix. In the comparative level, it can be divided into equative, comparative, and superlative. There are 5 variations fromcomparison of the equivalent level in Madurese, whilein the comparative level only one variation is done, it is the addition of lebbi ... deri ..., and the superlative level found 5 variations in the intensity of adjectives.
Jurnal Kata Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Kata : Penelitian tentang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra
Publisher : LLDIKTI Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.019 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/kata.v5i1.63


This study investigated two syntactic aspects of Balinese proverbs, namely sentence types and sentence functions. Descriptive qualitative method was applied in this study. The data were obtained from a Balinese proverbs book entitled Paribasa Bali by Ginarsa (2009), and analyzed based on Mac Coinnigh’s framework (2015). The results revealed that a number of Balinese proverbs have simple sentence type, while few of which have complex, compound, and compound-complex sentence type. Additionally, not all Balinese proverbs can be considered as a sentence, since some of which appear in the form of incomplete sentence and dependent clause. Meanwhile, in terms of sentence functions, the most common form among Balinese proverbs is declarative/indicative function, followed by some interrogatives, imperatives, and few combinations of two sentence functions. These findings indicate that Balinese people are more likely to use simple sentence and declarative/indicative function when it comes to passing proverbs in everyday context. However, it is also implied that Balinese people have the tendency to employ various types and functions of proverbs for specific purposes, such as performance and religious purposes.
Fungsi Sintaksis Pronomina Penunjuk Tempat dalam Bahasa Jawa Mataraman di Kelurahan Kanigoro, Kabupaten Blitar Mufadila Fibiani; Ika Nurhayani; Nurul Chojimah
Kode : Jurnal Bahasa Vol 12, No 2 (2023): Kode: Edisi Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kjb.v12i2.47326


Penelitian ini berfokus pada pronomina penunjuk tempat saja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan fungsi sintaksis yang dimiliki pronomina penunjuk tempat dalam bahasa Jawa Mataraman. Berkaitan dengan tujuan tersebut, jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan elisitasi menggunakan gambar pada tanggal 26 Februari 2023 di Dusun Sumber, Kelurahan Kanigoro, Kabupaten Blitar. Melalui dua informan dengan inisial NP dan S, peneliti menemukan data-data berupa klausa dan kalimat yang dituturkan berdasarkan gambar yang disediakan. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa satu-satunya fungsi yang dimiliki oleh pronomina penunjuk tempat adalah fungsi keterangan. Bentuk pronomina yang ditemukan adalah kene, kono, dan kɔnɔ. Adapun pronomina ‘rene’ sebagai variasi dari ‘kene’ tidak memerlukan preposisi dalam pengucapannya karena telah memiliki makna alamiah ‘ke sini’ menurut kamus Bausastra.
Looking into the Language Status of Osing with Contrastive Analysis of the Basic Vocabulary of Osing and Malang Javanese Ika Nurhayani; Hamamah Hamamah; Dwi Ira Ningrum; Ressi Maulidina Delijar
PAROLE: Journal of Linguistics and Education Vol 10, No 2 (2020): Volume 10 Number 2 October 2020
Publisher : Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/parole.v10i2.87-96


Osing is a language spoken by the majority of people in Banyuwangi, East Java. However, there is obscurity on its status whether it is considered as one of the Javanese dialects or as an independent language originated in Java. Some noted that the Osing is another version of Javanese, while the people living in the Banyuwangi Region regard the Osing as a distinct identity that differentiates it from the rest of the Javanese speaking regions in Central and East Java. Hence, this research aims to provide linguistic evidence on the lexical differences between the Osing and Malang Javanese. The research is significant because there is no previous research that provides linguistic evidence on the differences between the Osing and other Javanese dialects. Data of this study was obtained through eliciting the production of the basic vocabulary of the Osing and Malang Javanese speakers. The findings of the research provide evidence to the observation of previous linguists in that the Osing is not a linguistically separate language of Javanese.
Kajian Sosiolinguistik pada “Nama Orang” di Jawa Timur Mochamad Faizal Mohtarom; Ika Nurhayani; Esti Junining
Kode : Jurnal Bahasa Vol 12, No 3 (2023): Kode: Edisi September 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/kjb.v12i3.48344


This study aims to analyze the changes in the meaning of "person's name" in East Java Society. The significance of people's "names" holds importance due to differences in naming practices and their meanings across generations, specifically the X, Y, Z, and Alpha generations. A sociolinguistic perspective is employed in this study, utilizing a descriptive qualitative research method. Primary data is collected through interviews and observations, while secondary data is obtained through relevant document searches. The findings reveal that the naming patterns differ for each generation, including X, Y, Z, and Alpha, depending on the parents' expectations for their child's name. These expectations are influenced by external factors such as religion, date and month of birth, and socio-cultural aspects, as well as internal factors such as parents' preferences for specific languages or characters from certain stories. In conclusion, Javanese names and their meanings have undergone shifts across generations, both in terms of the number of words and language choices. The X generation tends to have fewer words compared to the Y, Z, and Alpha generations. Similarly, the Y generation exhibits relatively fewer and shorter names compared to the Z and Alpha generations. Regarding language, the most recent generations, Z and Alpha (1997-present), incorporate a greater variety of foreign languages into their names compared to the previous generations (X and Y) of Javanese names. Kata Kunci: Pergeseran Nama, Makna, Sosiolingusitik
The Jokowi’s Ideology Reflected on the Annual Speech Muhammad Muqoffa; Nurul Chojimah; Ika Nurhayani
Diglossia: Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesusastraan Vol. 11 No. 1 (2019): September
Publisher : Unipdu Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26594/diglossia.v11i1.1788


This study aimed to find out the ideology of Jokowi as the seventh president of Indonesia. It followed Fairclough’s framework of critical discourse analysis and Searle’s speech act as analysis tool. The data source of the study involved two Joko Widodo’s speech in the Annual session of the people's Consultative Assembly. Moreover, the main data of the study are the utterances from Joko Widodo’s speech which contain an illocutionary act. The result of this study showed four types of illocutionary act employed by Joko Widodo; they were representatives, directives, commisives, expressives. The representatives were mostly reflected in the speech. This study found that Jokowi expressed his alignment toward the high state institutions.