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Journal : Science and Technology Indonesia

The Comparison of WLS and DWLS Estimation Methods in SEM to Construct Health Behavior Model Ferra Yanuar; Fadilla Nisa Uttaqi; Aidinil Zetra; Izzati Rahmi; Dodi Devianto
Science and Technology Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.173 KB) | DOI: 10.26554/sti.2022.7.2.164-169


It is unknown how reliable various point estimates, standard errors, and standard several test statistics are for standardized SEM parameters when categorical data used or misspecified models are present. This paper discusses the comparison between WLS and DWLS for examining hypothesized relations among ordinal variables. In SEM, the polychoric correlation is employed either in WLS or DWLS. This study constructs the Health behavior model as an endogenous latent variable in which exogenous latent variables are Perceived susceptibility and Health motivation. All indicators are in categorical types. Thus, data are not multivariate normal, or the model could be misspecified. This study compares the values of standard deviation and coefficient determination to determine a better model. The criteria for the goodness of fit for the overall model are based on RMSEA, CFI, and TLI values. This present study found that the WLS estimator method resulted in better values than DWLS’s.
Spatial Autoregressive Quantile Regression with Application on Open Unemployment Data Ferra Yanuar; Tasya Abrari; Izzati Rahmi HG; Aidinil Zetra
Science and Technology Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26554/sti.2023.8.2.321-329


The Open Unemployment Level (OUL) is the percentage of the unemployed to the total labor force. One of the provinces with the highest OUL score in Indonesia is West Java Province. If an object of observation is affected by spatial effects, namely spatial dependence and spatial diversity, then the regression model used is the Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) model. Quantile regression minimizes absolute weighted residuals that are not symmetrical. It is perfect for use on data distribution that is not normally distributed, dense at the ends of the data distribution, or there are outliers. The Spatial Autoregressive Quantile Regression (SARQR) is a model that combines spatial autoregressive models with quantile regression. This research used the data regarding OUR in West Java in 2020 from the Central Bureau of Statistics. This study develops to modeling the Open Unemployment Level in all province in Indonesia using modified spatial autoregressive model with the quantile regression approach. This study compares the estimation results based on SAR and SARQR models to obtain an acceptable model. In this study, it was found that the SARQR model is better than SAR at dealing with the problems of dependency and diversity in spatial data modeling and is not easily affected by the presence of outlier data.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Ade fithrian Adri Meyce Putra Adrianto Adrianto Adrianto, Adrianto AFRIZAL AFRIZAL AKBAR RIYADI, AKBAR Ananda, Ringga Febri Andri Rusta Anggraini Merry Asrinaldi Asrinaldi Atika Verina Azhari Muhammad Hadi Putra Bakaruddin Rosyidi Bakaruddin Rosyidi Bakaruddin Rosyidi Bob Alfiandi Bobby J Yuri Dedy Andhika Delmana, Lati Praja Deva, Athifa Salsabila Devianto, Dodi Dewi Anggraini Didi Rahmadi Didi Rahmadi Elva Ronaning Roem Ernita Arif Fadilla Nisa Uttaqi Firdawati, Firdawati Handrian, Eko Hazmira Yozza Helmi Helmi Hendri Koeswara Hevi Dwi Jayanti Husni Setiawan Husnul Qolbi Izzati Rahmi HG Kartini Aboo Talib @Khalid Kuswara, Hendri Lati Praja Delmana Lindo Karsyah Lusi Puspika Sari M Arif Almanar Magfirah . Magfirah, Magfirah Maiyastri, Maiyastri Marwansyah Marwansyah Melani Rahmadanty Meris Essio Mento Mhd Fajri Miko, Alfan Miko, Alfan Muhammad Samin Nadia Adela Nastasya Aisya Putri Naziva Amanda Putri Nofal Wiska Nursyiwan Efendi Oktria Felinda Prenadia Paramita Putri, Indah Adi Rahmat Saleh Ren Yani Resti Helfia Ria Ariany Rice Trisnawati Rini Ambarwati Riyan Alghi Fermana Roni Ekha Putera Rosyidi, Bakaruddin Sadri Sadri Sarwani Sarwani Shellya Salsabila Sintari Arfita Siti Hardiyanti Siti Nazira Sri Zul Chairiyah Sumarni Sumarni Susi Marisa Syahrizal Syahrizal Syamsurizaldi Syamsurizaldi Tamrin Tamrin Tamrin Tamrin Tasya Abrari Tengku Rika Valentina Tiziana Varenty Tommy TRD Ujang Wardi Wira Hospita Yanuar, Ferra Yuyut Chandra Zainal Arifin