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Rancang Bangun, Uji Coba dan Analisis Hasil Pengukuran Instrumen Pengukur Tinggi Gelombang Permukaan Laut (Design, Testing and Results Analysis of Sea Surface Wave Height Instrument Measurement) Khasanah Dwi Astuti; Indra Jaya
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 19, No 3 (2014): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.656 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.19.3.165-170


Gelombang merupakan salah satu parameter penting yang berpengaruh terhadap dinamika yang terjadi di pantai, namun pengukuran langsung gelombang relative masih jarang dilakukan. Makalah ini menguraikan hasil rancang bangun, uji coba dan analisis hasil pengukuran instrument pengukur tinggi gelombang pemukaan laut. Instrumen dirancang menggunakan sensor accelerometer yang diletakkan pada sebuah pelampung untuk dapat mengikuti pergerakan partikel air di permukaan laut dan sebagai pengendali utama kerja instrument digunakan mikro kontroler ATmega32. Data dari sensor kemudian disimpan pada MMC/SD card dan dilakukan analisis data lapang menggunakan perangkat lunak MATLAB. Analisis data menggunakan zero crossing analysis untuk mendapatkan karakteristik gelombang. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan system penambatan pada satu titik tetap pada dasar perairan, dan uji lapang dilakukan di perairanWakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara pada Juli 2013 di kedalaman 8 meter. Dari hasil analisis data pada lokasi pengamatan selama 22 jam perekaman menunjukkan karakteristik gelombang, yaitu rata-rata tinggi gelombang sebesar 0.72 meter; tinggi gelombang signifikan (Hsig) 1.32 meter dan tinggi gelombang maksimum (Hmax) 2.58 meter. Sebagai kesimpulan, instrument pengukur tinggi gelombang yang telah dikembangkan dan diuji menunjukkan bahwa instrument telah bekerja dengan baik dalam mengukur tinggi gelombang dan data hasil pengukuran ini dapat dianalisis lebih lanjut. Kata kunci: accelerometer, instrumen, gelombang, wakatobi   Ocean wave is one of the important parameter that affects the dynamic of the coastal. Ocean monitoring that provides real-time data  are needed to help better understand of the ocean. The objectives of this study are designing and constructing an instrument to measure the wave height. The instrument was  designed by using accelerometer sensor and it was placed on a buoy to follow the water particle movement on the sea surface. Electronics system used was ATmega32 microcontroller as the main control of this instrument. Data from the sensors were stored on the MMC/SD card. MATLAB software was used to analyse the data by using zero crossing method to get the wave properties. The instrument measured at one fixed point by mooring system. This instrument had undergone fields test in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi and was moored at 8 meters depth. Data analysis in 22 hours recording in location showed that the average wave height was 0.72 meters; the significant wave height (Hsig) was 1.32 meters and the maximum wave height (Hmax) was 2.58 meters.In conclusion, the wave buoy instrument that we have developed and tested showed that it work well as intended in measuring wave height, and the measured data can be further analyzed. Keywords: accelerometer, instrument, wave, wakatobi
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 17, No 4 (2021): SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.17.4.271-278


Ikan kakaktua (Chlorurus sordidus) merupakan salah satu ikan herbivora pada ekosistem terumbu karang yang memiliki peran dalam menjaga kesehatan terumbu karang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik hambur balik akustik ikan kakaktua dan hubungannya dengan ukuran panjang ikan. Manfaat dari penelitian ini berguna untuk pendugaan distribusi ukuran dan kelimpahan ikan kakaktua di suatu perairan. Pengukuran hambur balik akustik dilakukan secara ex-situ menggunakan metode tethered, dimana ikan kakaktua digantung pada kedalaman 2 meter di bawah transduser dan di sounding dengan echosounder Simrad EK-15 pada frekuensi 200 kHz. Data hasil perekaman dianalisis dengan software Echoview 8 untuk memperoleh data target strength (TS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hambur balik ikan kakaktua (C. sordidus) memiliki nilai TS rata-rata -49.42 dB pada ukuran panjang baku berkisar 14 sampai 22 cm. Perbedaan nilai TS pada ikan kakaktua diduga dipengaruhi ukuran panjang tubuh, panjang gelembung renang dan aktifitas renang.  Rasio ukuran panjang gelembung renang dan panjang tubuh tidak menunjukkan keterkaitannya dengan nilai TS. Hubungan antara TS dan panjang baku ikan kakaktua (C. sordidus) diformulasikan dalam persamaan TS = 10,43 Log SL – 62,65 (R2 = 0,752). Hasil ini berbeda dengan ketetapan Love (1977) dimana hambur balik akustik dari ikan merupakan kuadrat dari ukuran panjang ikan yang tetapkan dengan nilai slope (b) sebesar 20. Parrot fish (Chlorurus sordidus) is one of the herbivorous fish in coral reef ecosystems that has a role in maintaining the health of coral reefs. This study aims to study the characteristics of acoustic backscattering of parrot fish and their relationship to fish length measurements. The benefits of this study are useful for estimating the size and abundance distribution of parrot fish in a waters. Acoustic backscattering measurements were carried out ex-situ using the tethered method, where the parrot fish was hung at a depth of 2 meters below the transducer and sounded with a Simrad EK-15 echosounder at a frequency of 200 kHz. Recording data were analyzed with Echoview 8 software to obtain target strength (TS) data. The results showed that the backscatter of parrot fish (C. sordidus) had an average TS value of -49.42 dB at standard lengths ranging from 14 to 22 cm. Differences in TS values in parrot fish are thought to be influenced by body length, swimbladder length and swimming activity. The ratio of the size of the swimbladder length and body length does not indicate an association with TS values. The relationship between TS and standard length of parrot fish (C. sordidus) was formulated in the equation TS = 10.43 Log SL - 62.65 (R2 = 0.752). This result is different from the Love (1977) provision where the acoustic backscatter of a fish is the square of the length of the fish set with a slope (b) of 20. 
Sistem pemantauan suhu dan kelembapan pasir sarang penyu menggunakan Arduino Uno Hendi Santoso; Totok Hestirianoto; Indra Jaya
Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer Volume 9, Issue 1, Year 2021 (January 2021)
Publisher : Department of Computer Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jtsiskom.2020.13725


Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem pemantauan sarang penyu secara real-time menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno untuk memudahkan peneliti atau masyarakat dalam mengukur kelembapan dan suhu pasir yang dimanfaatkan untuk bidang tertentu. Pengukuran suhu pasir menggunakan sensor DS18B20 yang tahan air, kelembapan pasir menggunakan sensor SKU:SEN0193, serta suhu dan kelembapan udara menggunakan DHT22. Modul kartu mikroSD berfungsi untuk menyimpan data hasil perhitungan sensor secara real-time dan terus-menerus. Desain alat ukur dirancang untuk mudah dibawa dan digunakan. Bahan yang digunakan adalah plastik polypropylene yang mempunyai dimensi 11x6x18 cm3. Berdasarkan analisis menggunakan uji regresi linier, diperoleh hasil bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pengukuran suhu menggunakan sensor DS18B20 dan termometer air raksa serta kelembapan pasir menggunakan sensor SKU:SEN0193 dan alat ukur kelembapan analog.
PENGARUH PERBEDAAN SUHU DAN LAMA PENGASAPAN TERHADAP KADAR AIR, LEMAK DAN GARAM IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus) ASAP Dr. Christina Litaay; Indra Jaya; Wini Trilaksani; Williandi Setiawan; Ratih Deswati
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 14 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v14i2.39941


Smoking fish is a method of processing to extend the shelf life of the product. To overcome the decline in the quality of tilapia is through a cold smoking process. Cold smoking has a longer shelf life than fish smoked with hot smoking. This study aims to determine the effect of temperature and smoking time on the quality of smoked tilapia using the cold smoking method. The interaction of temperature treatment and smoking time in the smoking process affects the characteristics of the water, fat, and salt content of smoked tilapia. Smoked tilapia produced by a combination of temperature treatment and smoking time has a moisture content of 12.73-20.46%; fat with an average of 16.48-27.17%; and salt by 3.30-4.68%. Temperature treatment of 50-55oC for 48 hours gave a lower moisture content value of 12.73%. The results of this study indicate that differences in temperature and smoking duration affect the moisture, fat, and salt content of smoked tilapia.
The Bintan MOS development: contribution of ideas to realize Nusantara marine observation network Dony Apdillah; Indra Jaya; Muhammad Iqbal; Ratih Deswati; Mahesa Glagah; Bili Kusumah; Agung Tri Nugroho; Imam Syafi’i
Depik Vol 10, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (824.158 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.1.18181


Several marine research have attempted to design a data observation system using Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, this system is predicted to become a necessity for marine researchers as a strategic technology to continuously access data. Therefore, this study provides information on the development and application of observation and data collection systems using IoT. The coastal weather and tidal data were obtained via the automatic coastal weather station and acoustic gauge respectively. Meanwhile, the various research activities commenced in July, 2018. In the first year, an operational observation system was developed, while comprehensive baseline data such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and sea surface level were also collected. This collection system is reliable, provides real-time data, and easily accessible with internet connection. Furthermore, the Bintan Marine Observation System (The Bintan MOS) is also suitable for other uses such as; monitoring water quality and marine mammals, as well as disaster mitigation. The adoption of this system by other sectors potentially conditions marine researchers for data exchange, to fully understand the fluctuations in coastal weather of Western and Eastern Indonesia as well as the tropical and sub-tropical marine weather. This study successfully developed the Bintan MOS, capable of providing reliable information both off-line and real-time.Keywords:Marine observation systemCoastal weatherTidalBintan
The Bintan MOS development: contribution of ideas to realize Nusantara marine observation network Dony Apdillah; Indra Jaya; Muhammad Iqbal; Ratih Deswati; Mahesa Glagah; Bili Kusumah; Agung Tri Nugroho; Imam Syafi’i
Depik Vol 10, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.1.18181


Several marine research have attempted to design a data observation system using Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, this system is predicted to become a necessity for marine researchers as a strategic technology to continuously access data. Therefore, this study provides information on the development and application of observation and data collection systems using IoT. The coastal weather and tidal data were obtained via the automatic coastal weather station and acoustic gauge respectively. Meanwhile, the various research activities commenced in July, 2018. In the first year, an operational observation system was developed, while comprehensive baseline data such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and sea surface level were also collected. This collection system is reliable, provides real-time data, and easily accessible with internet connection. Furthermore, the Bintan Marine Observation System (The Bintan MOS) is also suitable for other uses such as; monitoring water quality and marine mammals, as well as disaster mitigation. The adoption of this system by other sectors potentially conditions marine researchers for data exchange, to fully understand the fluctuations in coastal weather of Western and Eastern Indonesia as well as the tropical and sub-tropical marine weather. This study successfully developed the Bintan MOS, capable of providing reliable information both off-line and real-time.Keywords:Marine observation systemCoastal weatherTidalBintan