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Journal : JURMA : Jurnal Program Mahasiswa Kreatif

Introduction to Chopper Machines as a Supporter of Increasing Production and Quality of Livestock Feed in Jember Jelbuk Village Dwi Djumhariyanto; Mahros Darsin; Hari Arbiantara Basuki; Robertoes Koekoeh Koentjoro Wibowo
PKM-P Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : LPPM UIKA Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/jurma.v7i1.1775


Silage is animal feed fermented to add nutrition and increase feed availability, especially during the dry season. The feed fermentation process is faster if the feed has been chopped before. This service aims to introduce choppers to Jelbuk Village, Jember Regency farmers. The service begins by discussing the problems faced by farmers/breeders, chaired by Mr. Mahfudz. They wanted a portable mini chopper to move and operate this machine at each member's residence. The chopper is modified from the previous multi-function chopper machine, which can chop leaves and twigs and crush animal manure for compost raw materials. Socialization of this machine is carried out simultaneously with training in making silage. After demonstrating the machine's operation and maintenance, the service partners were enthusiastic and rushed to try this new counter at their homes. They hope coaching activities can be continued later with the technologies they need.
Co-Authors Agil Widhy Azizi Agus Triono Ahmad Adib Rosyadi Ahmad Iqbal Fawaid Ahmad Syuhri Alfi Hasan Andi Sanata Angger Sudrajat Angger Sudrajat, Angger Antonius Cahya P Aris Zainul Muttaqin Bambang Irawan Boy Arief Fachri Cahya Alief Prasetyo Cahya Alief Prasetyo Chen, Zhan Danang Yudistiro Danny Febriansyah Dedi Dwilaksana Deny Tomy Andrianto Digdo Listyadi, Digdo Dinata, Gerry Gardika Surya Doddy Parningotan Doohan Taqdissillah Dwi Djumhariyanto Faradin Adyatama Fatkhur Rohman Firman Gustiawan Gaguk Jatisukamto Hadi Samsul Halmi Palwa Guna Hari Arbiantara Hari Arbiantara Basuki Hari Arbiantara, Hari Hayun Indra Nur Iman Hutama, Tri Surya Imam Rudi Sugara Indra Surya Iwanata Intan Hardiatama Intan Hardiatama Joni Anggianto Khamdan Khavivi Kusno Kusno Laily Ilman Widuri Luviandy, Allen Miftakhul Rohman Mochamad Asrofi Mochamad Edoward Ramadhan Mochamad Edoward Ramadhan Mochammad Edoward Ramadhan Mohammad Firman Mohammad Firman, Mohammad Muh Nurkoyim Kustanto Muhammad Dimyati Nashrullah Muhammad Fadhlurrohman Faqih Muhammad Ghilman Badri Muhammad Ghilman Badri, Muhammad Ghilman Muhammad Sholihul Amin Muhammad Trfiananto Nasrul Ilminnafik Naufal Fardio Albajili Nugraha, Dicky Aprilian Pasang, Timotius Pieter Muhammad Iko Marrendra Prayogo Alim Pangestu Puranggo Ganjar Widityo R. Puranggo Ganjar Widityo Rahma Rei Sakura Raihaan . Renald Rochman Mauludy Rika Dwi Hidayatul Qoryah Robertoes Koekoeh Koentjoro Wibowo Robertus Sidartawan Sains Ilham Akbar Salahuddin Junus Salman Al Farisi Siregar Santoso Mulyadi Sari, Herninda Ayu Meylinda Soesatijono Soesatijono Soesatijono Soesatijono Sumarji Timotius Pasang TRI HANDOYO Tri Surya Hutama Triana Lindriati wazirotus sakinah Yohan Rizal Kharisma Yuni Hermawan Zhan Chen