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Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Undiksha Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjtm.v6i1.11683


Pendidikan merupakan sentra pembentukan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas.Pernyataan ini sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, model pembelajaran langsung berbasis media digital dipandang cocok untuk dikembangkan dilihat dari karakteristik siswa di SMK N 3 Singaraja. Pembelajaran langsung berbasis media digital dapat membantu siswa mempelajari keterampilan dasar dan memperoleh informasi yang dapat diajarkan bertahap-tahap, serta menarik karena diinovasikan dalam implementasinya. Keberhasilan penerapan model pembelajaran langsung telah banyak terbukti oleh beberapa penelitian. Dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis simulasi ini disamping memerlukan alat-alat pengelasan, benda kerja, camera, dan software yang memadai tentunya dalam pembuatan pengembangan ini diperlukan metode pengembangan yang bisa dijadikan acuan dalam pembuatanya. Model ini adalah salah satu dari model prosedural, yaitu model menyarankan agar penerapan prinsip disain pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan langkah-langkah yang harus ditempuh secara berurutan. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, model pembelajaran langsung berbasis media digital dipandang cocok untuk dikembangkan dilihat dari karakteristik siswa di SMK N 3 Singaraja. Pembelajaran langsung berbasis media digital dapat membantu siswa mempelajari keterampilan dasar dan memperoleh informasi yang dapat diajarkan bertahap-tahap, serta menarik karena diinovasikan dalam implementasinya. Keberhasilan penerapan model pembelajaran langsung telah banyak terbukti oleh beberapa penelitian. Pada penelitian Limau, (2011) yang berjudul penerapan model pembelajaran langsung pada mata pelajaran teknik las MIG/MAG terhadap hasi belajar dan aktivitas siswa kelas X di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul, menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran langsung, sehingga dapat disimpulkan baha media pembelajaran ini sangat baik dan efisien untuk di terapkan dalam dunia pembelajran. Kata Kunci : Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajran Digital, Pelajaran Pengelasan Posisi Vertical (3G), dan SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja Education is a center for the establishment of quality human resources. This statement is in line with national education objectives. In line with this, direct digital media-based learning model looks suitable to be developed seen from the characteristics of students in SMK N 3 Singaraja. Direct digital media-based learning can help students with basic knowledge and gain information that can be taught gradually, and attract it because it is innovated in its implementation. The successful implementation of the direct learning model has been proven by several studies. In the development of simulation-based learning media in addition to requiring welding tools, work pieces, cameras, and software required in making this development required a method that can be used as a reference in mades. This model is one of the procedural models, namely the general model to apply the principles of learning design tailored to the steps that must be taken in sequence. In line with this, direct digital media-based learning model looks suitable to be developed seen from the characteristics of students in SMK N 3 Singaraja. Direct digital media-based learning can help students with basic knowledge and gain information that can be taught gradually, and attract it because it is innovated in its implementation. The successful implementation of the direct learning model has been proven by several studies. In Limau research, (2011), which is applying direct learning model in MIG / MAG welding technique to learning and activity of X class student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul, shows direct learning model, so it can be concluded that this learning media is very good And efficient to apply in the world of learningkeyword : Keywords: Digital Enlargement Media, Position Welding Lessons, and SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Undiksha Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjtm.v6i2.13650


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran pemeliharaan chasis di SMK N 3 Singaraja. Kelayakan media pembelajaran ini diperoleh berdasarkan hasil pengujian data, yang didapat dari hasil pengisian angket kelayakan media pembelajaran pemeliharaan chasis. Telah melewati tahapan pengembangan media yaitu analisis kebutuhan, desain produk, desain media, revisi media, revisi produk, validasi, uji coba produk, serta revisi produk akhir. Validasi meliputi validasi dari para ahli materi atau ahli isi dan ahli media pembelajaran. Uji coba media dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas XI ( sebelas ) jurusan teknik sepeda motor di SMK N 3 Singaraja. Aspek kelayakan isi/mata pelajaran yaitu 87,50% sehingga termasuk kedalam kriteria sangat baik sehingga layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Dalam aspek kelayakan media sebesar 88,75% sehingga termasuk kedalam kriteria sangat baik sehingga layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Dalam uji coba perorangan yaitu sebesar 81,25%, sedangkan uji coba kelompok kecil yaitu sebesar 84,37% dan dalam aspek kelayakan media dan isi dalam uji coba lapangan yaitu sebesar 87,50% sehingga termasuk dalam kriteria sangat baik dan layak digunakan pada saat proses belajar.Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajran, Pemeliharaan Chasis, validitas. This research was a development research aimed to produce learning media on the subject of Chasis maintenance at SMK N 3 Singaraja. The feasibility of learning media was obtained based on the results of data testing, obtained from the results of questionnaires filling the feasibility of learning media process on chasis maintenance subjects had passed the development. Stage of needs analysis media, product design, media design, media revision, product revision, validation, product testing, as well as final product revisions. Validation included validation from content experts and learning media experts. Media trials were conducted on students of class XI (eleven) majoring in motorcycle engineering at SMK N 3 Singaraja. The content/subjects feasibility aspect was 87.50% which categorized into very good criteria therefore it was suitable to be used in learning. In the aspect of media feasibility with 88.75%, it categorized into very good criteria therefore it was proper to be used in learning. In individual testing was 81.25%, while small group testing was equal to 84.37% and in media feasibility aspect and content in field trial that was equal to 87.50% therefore it included in very good criterion which was proper to be used in learning process.keyword : Learning media, Chasis maintenance, validity.
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Undiksha Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjtm.v6i2.14855


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengetahui langkah pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis flash pada mata pelajaran Sistem Pemindah Tenaga Materi Gardan 2) Mengetahui tingkat kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis flash yang dikembangkan berdasarkan tinjauan penilaian ahli isi, ahli media, dan tanggapan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Validasi materi mendapatkan persentase nilai 95.45% yang termasuk kategori sangat baik. Validasi ahli media mendapatkan persentase nilai 89.05% yang termasuk kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan untuk uji coba skala kecil mendapatkan persentase nilai 90% yang termasuk katagori sangan baik. Dan pada uji coba skala besar mendapatkan persentase nilai 97.07% yang termasuk katagori sangan baik. Rerata skor yang didapatkan dari 4 langkah penilaian yaitu 93.05% yang masuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Oleh karena itu media ini layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaranKata Kunci : Kata kunci: flash, kelayakan, media, Sistem Pemindah Tenaga Materi Gardan. This study aims to: 1) Know the steps of developing flash-based learning media on the subjects of the Gardan Power Transformer System 2) To know the feasibility level of the flash-based learning media developed based on the assessment of content expert, media expert, and student responses. The results showed that: Content Validation get percentage value 95.45% which belongs very good category. Validation of media experts get 89.05% percentage of excellent category. While for small-scale trials get a percentage value of 90% which includes the category of good. And on large-scale trials get a percentage value of 97.07% which includes good category. The average score obtained from the 4 assessment step is 93.05% which fall into very good category. Therefore this media is suitable for use in learning process.keyword : feasibility, media, flash, Power Transfer System Gardan Material.
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Undiksha Vol. 6 No. 3 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjtm.v6i3.18586


Latar belakang penelitian ini yaitu guru pada jurusan teknik kendaraan ringan otomotif kelas XI masih kurang dalam pemanfaatan media pembelajaran sehingga pada proses kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa mudah bosan dan menyebabkan nilai siswa masih di bawah kriteria ketuntasan minimal khususnya pada materi sistem kemudi dan power steering. Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) untuk mengetahui pengembangan media, 2) untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan media berdasarkan penilaian dari ahli materi dan media, 3) untuk mengetahui tanggapan dari siswa dalam uji kelompok kecil dan besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Research and Development. Sedangkan untuk model yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan model Decide, Design, Development, Evaluate. Hasil validasi yaitu 1) ahli materi 90% dengan kualifikasi sangat layak, 2) ahli media 90,67% dengan kualifikasi sangat layak serta hasil tanggapan siswa 1) uji kelompok kecil 84,53% dengan kualifikasi sangat layak, 2) uji kelompok besar 90,67% dengan kualifikasi sangat layak. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dari penelitian dan pengembangan menggunakan autoplay media studio, sangat layak dari segi materi dan media serta mendapat tanggapan sangat layak dari siswa sehingga autoplay media studio sangat layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Autoplay Media Studio, Sistem Kemudi Dan Power Steering The background of this study is that teachers in the automotive engineering department in class XI are still lacking in the use of instructional media so that the process of teaching and learning activities is easily bored and causes student grades to be below the minimum completeness criteria, especially in steering system and power steering. This study aims at 1) to find out the development of media, 2) to determine the level of media feasibility based on the assessment of material experts and the media, 3) to find out responses from students in small and large group tests. This research uses the design of Research and Development. As for the models used are using the Decide model, Design, Development, Evaluate. Validation results are 1) material experts 90% with very feasible qualifications, 2) media experts 90.67% with very decent qualifications and results of student responses 1) small group test 84.53% with very feasible qualifications, 2) test large groups 90 , 67% with very decent qualifications. Based on the results of the discussion of research and development using autoplay media studio, it is very feasible in terms of material and media and gets very decent responses from students so that the autoplay media studio is very feasible to use as a learning media. keyword : Learning Media, Autoplay Media Studio, Steering System And Power Steering
Pelatihan scratch programming untuk anak-anak SD Umeanyar Gede Beny Indrawan; I Gusti Andiani Octavia; Gede Arya Ardivan Pratama Saputra; I Gede Krishna Adi; I Gusti Lanang Agung Andrayuga; Luh Joni Erawati Dewi
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 3 (2021): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.3.235-241


The ability to read, write, and arithmetic is something that must be mastered by all students. Computational thinking is considered as one of the basic competencies to complete these skills. After entering a higher level students will be introduced to learning that involves technology and it requires sufficient understanding to easily understand the basics of computer technology logic. Some elementary schools still do not use technology to encourage students' computational thinking skills. During the Covid-19 pandemic, students had difficulty understanding learning materials and decreased student interest in learning. The elementary school curriculum in Umeanyar Village has not implemented computational thinking, this makes it difficult for students to understand the logic of computer technology at higher school levels and material concepts that require critical thinking logic. Therefore, the purpose of this activity is (1) to educate students on how to use the scratch application as a method to introduce mathematical and computational thinking in elementary schools and (2) to provide hands-on experience for students to introduce simple programming concepts by creating animation projects and games and fostering cooperation between each other so that the learning atmosphere is more interesting. These objectives can be achieved by means of preliminary studies, implementation of training and mentoring, and evaluation. After providing material and training, students are invited to make a games and animation project for 3 meetings which are held every Saturday. The results obtained by students after participating in this training are increased understanding and experience of how to use computers and students can create animations and simple games with the scratch application. Previously, students were still unfamiliar with using computers and computer applications and had difficulty understanding how to operate the software. Students still need assistance and support from the surrounding environment in implementing this training. For this reason, village heads and schools need to work together to support their students through various training activities that provide knowledge and insight for the next level of education. As for the universities that can help realize the program.
PELATIHAN DASAR PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI MICROSOFT OFFICE DAN PAINT DI SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI 1 UMEANYAR Gede Beny Indrawan; Gusti Ayu Gita Mulya Sari; Kadek Utari Darma Putri; Dwi Prima Handayani Putri; Luh Joni Erawati Dewi
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.649 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jwl.v11i1.34066


AbstractThis community service (P2M) activity was carried out purposefully to provides insight into the importance of technology, enhanced basic skills of operating computers, and enhanced skills in using the fundamental computer applications, such as Paint, Microsoft Office Word dan Microsoft Office Power Point for 4th, 5th, 6th grade student from Public Elementary School 1 Umeanyar. This activities was carried out by lectures method and discussion between the student and the speaker, followed by practice using computers to test student understanding about the material that has been presented before. The results ofthis activity are student understanding of the basics computer operation and skills in using fundamental computer applications, including the use of the Microsoft Power Point application to create interactive media products and the use of Microsoft Word to create documents, which are very useful as a provision for preparing themselves for higher education levels. Keywords : Gen A, ideal conditions, training, technology
Evaluation and Development of Web-Based Information Systems of Unit Pelaksana Teknis Mengwi District Based on Usability Method and User Experience I Made Suryana Dwipa; I Made Candiasa; Luh Joni Erawati Dewi
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): December
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (880.694 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v5i4.167


Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) of Mengwi District is one of the regional agencies of Badung Regency. UPT Mengwi has an important task in terms of educational services in the Mengwi District. There were several problems found by users, namely problems related to the interface and some functional systems that did not run optimally. Therefore, continuous evaluation and development were needed. The evaluation of SIUPT Mengwi was carried out using the evaluation techniques of Performance Measurement, Retrospective Think Aloud, and User Experience Questionnaires. The results in the initial evaluation phase with the Performance Measurement technique showed that it was still not effective and efficient. The analysis of user satisfaction on the attractiveness aspect was 1.45, clarity aspect was 1.05, efficiency aspect was 1.21, and accuracy aspect was 1.45. It discovers that the satisfaction Level of the SIUPT Mengwi has not reached the set standard, so that development efforts were needed. The results of the evaluation after the development phase showed that SIUPT has been effective and efficient with a failure rate of 0%, and there was no significant difference in the time to complete the task. All aspects of user satisfaction gained a very good category with an average score for the attractiveness aspect, which was 2.39, the clarity aspect was 2.29, the efficiency aspect was 2.50, the accuracy aspect was 2.41, the stimulation aspect was 2.43, and the novelty aspect was 2.40. For future evaluation and development, some improvements can be made to the Graphic User Interface (GUI) on the system to improve the research which will be carried out.
Pengembangan Media Film Pembelajaran Perawatan Sepeda Motor Bermuatan Nilai Karakter I Kadek Purnama Yasa; Kadek Rihendra Dantes; Luh Joni Erawati Dewi
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Undiksha Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jptm.v10i2.27600


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengembangkan media film pembelajaran perawatan sepeda motor bermuatan nilai karakter (2) Menguji tingkat kelayakan media film pembelajaran perawatan sepeda motor bermuatan niali karakter. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian (R&D) Research and Development dengan model pengembangan Hannafin and Peck. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan metode kuesioner. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data yaitu angket/kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini berupa (1) pengembangan media film pembelajaran perawatan sepeda motor bermuatan nilai karakter (2) tingkat kelayakan dan tanggapan audiens pada media film pembelajaran perawatan sepeda motor bermuatan nilai karakter yang sudah divalidasi menurut: (a) ahli materi memperoleh persentase nilai sebesar 85,84% dengan kriteria sangat layak (b) ahli media memperoleh persentase nilai sebesar 86,67% dengan kriteria sangat layak (c) uji coba kelompok kecil memperoleh persentase nilai sebesar 89,67% dengan kriteria sangat layak dan (d) uji coba kelompok besar memperoleh persentase nilai sebesar 89,62% dengan kriteria sangat layak. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat dinyatakan media ini sangat layak dari segi materi, media, dan tanggapan dari audiens, sehingga media ini dapat dinyatakan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran.
Balinese Script Recognition Using Tesseract Mobile Framework Gede Indrawan; Ahmad Asroni; Luh Joni Erawati Dewi; I Gede Aris Gunadi; I Ketut Paramarta
Lontar Komputer : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 13 No 3 (2022): Vol. 13, No. 3 December 2022
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/LKJITI.2022.v13.i03.p03


One of the main factors causing the decline in the use of Balinese Script is that Balinese people are less interested in reading Balinese Script because of their reluctance to learn Balinese Script, which is relatively complicated in the recognition process. The development of computer technology has now been used to help by performing character recognition or known as Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Developing the OCR application for Balinese Script is an effort to help preserve, from the technology side, as a means of education related to Balinese Script. In this study, that development was conducted by using a Tesseract OCR engine that consists of several stages, i.e., the first one is to prepare the dataset, the second one is to generate the dataset using the Web Scraping method, the third one is to train the OCR engine using the generated dataset, and finally, the fourth one is to implement the generated language model into a mobile-based application. The study results prove that the dataset generation process using the Web Scraping method can be a better choice when faced with a training dataset that requires a large dataset compared to several previous studies of non-Latin character recognition. In those studies, the jTessBox tools were used, which took time because they had to select per character for a dataset. The best result of the language model is a combination of character, word, sentence, and paragraph datasets (hierarchical combination of character, word, sentence, and paragraph datasets) with a coincidence rate of 66.67%. The more diverse and structured hierarchical datasets used, the higher the coincidence rate.
Usability Evaluation of SIDUMAS Badung Using Think Aloud, Heuristic Evaluation and SUS I Nyoman Gede Ardi Yana Putra; I Made Candiasa; Luh Joni Erawati Dewi
Sinkron : jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Articles Research Volume 8 Issue 1, 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/sinkron.v8i1.12034


This study aims to 1) find out the problems that occur in the Badung Regency community complaint system (SIDUMAS) by conducting a usability evaluation using the think-aloud method, heuristic evaluation and system usability scale, 2) conduct a usability evaluation on the community complaint system can determine the level of application usability and determine recommendations for improvements needed by the Badung community complaint system (SIDUMAS). Respondents who participated in this study were Badung people consisting of 5 usability experts and 30 general public. Determination of respondents in this study based on the criteria of the method used. The data in this study were obtained through usability evaluation results on the public complaint application questionnaires and data from interviews with respondents. The method used to evaluate the public complaint system is a combination of 3 methods, namely think aloud, heuristic evaluation and system usability scale which will produce an assessment to determine the usability and recommendations for improvements to the Badung SIDUMAS system. The results showed that: (1) Using the think-aloud method, it was found that the problems experienced by users of the community complaint system application on average experienced the same problems in the test. The results of research with heuristic evaluation found that there is 1 problem that has the highest severity rating where the problem must be fixed immediately. The results of the calculation of the average system usability scale score on user satisfaction obtained a score of 78 with acceptability ranges in the acceptable category. Furthermore, for the percentile rank score, the value obtained is 78 so it is in the grade B category. (2) Making recommendations for improvement in the study focused on changing the layout on the page and navigation menu on the results of data causing errors experienced by users.