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Journal : Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia

Enhancing Hard Skill and Soft Skill Learning by Implementing the MBKM Program Zainab Ompu Jainah; Muhammad Riza; Riza Muhida; Yanuar Dwi Prastyo; Intan Nurina Seftiniara
Nusantara: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Sosial Rumah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/njpi.2022.v2i1-10


Education has developed very rapidly marked by the increase in the quality of education and world knowledge. The Indonesian government is trying to improve the quality of education by issuing a policy of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). This study aims to describe the model for strengthening the role of lecturers and students to improve hard skills and soft skills through MBKM at Bandar Lampung University. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection using observation and documentation techniques. The results showed that the presence of the MBKM activity was a grant of freedom to educational institutions to choose the system of authority needed to create independence from the bureaucracy. With this, it can improve students' hard skills and soft skills: 1) improving soft skills that are more able to appear to interact with communication both verbally and visually effectively based on context, 2) improve soft skills through the competence of the best graduates with integrity and work ethic good and able to adapt to the environment, 3) can analyze the turmoil that occurs in the world of work so that soft skills and hard skills can be further improved, 4) can create innovative and creative works, 5) improve skills in the fields occupied to produce a work competent.
Co-Authors . Baharudin Agung Putra Fatullah Ahmad Hidayat Aldi Permana D Muhyi Alfonsus Demitrio Jehanu Aljura Aljura Alya Gustin Liantina Angely Gistaloka Angga lana Anggalana . Anggalana ANGGALANA Anggalana Anggalana Anggun Sabrina Aswin Surapati Ayo Vide Siratama Bambang Hartono Bareta Miki Putri Bonny Triatna Cayadi Cayadi Cintya Dwi Meilita C Desta Fani Acbel Dhani Handayani Dicky Hermawan Dwi Mahendra Erlina B Erlina B. Farizal Raname Rasyid Fasholli Milyar Sulaiman Frengki Sanjaya Gusti Wahyu Triyadi Heldi Feprizon Hendri Dunan Hengki Irawan Heru Sandi Susilo I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani I Wayan Nanda D INDAH SATRIA Indah Satria Intan Nurina Seftiniara Irsyadul Ikhsan Jimmi Santoso Joni Paamsyah Kornelius Sarmono Lintje Anna Marpaung M. Genta Lambang M. Rival Putra Mustafa M. Yusuf Fauzi Maretha Indri S Melisa Safitri Muhammad Arief Rahman Muhammad Arif Rinaldi Basri Muhammad Arif Rinaldi Basri Muhammad Ridho Akbar Muhammad Yudha Novandre Muhammad Yudha Novandre Muhammad Zulkarnain Muharam Asih Novi Mulki Aja Perdana Mutiara Nabhila Putri Nada Alia Husna Nopeyan Smith Okta Ainita Okta Vianus Puspa Negara Putri Mawardita Puspitasari Putri Meira Yustika Rachmad Kurniawan Recca Ayu Hapsari Reza Fatika Yuniar Rinaldi Ramadhan Rinjani Dhea Gustiana Rinjani Dhea Gustiana Riza Muhida Riza, Muhammad Robert Enakesda S. ENDANG PRASETYAWATI S. Tri Herlianto Savitri Gautama Sheila Monica Yohanes Sigit Pamungkas Sija Putra Rulanda Suhery Suhery Sundari Prasetyani Suta Ramadan Tami Rusli Tandaditrya Ariefandra A Thia Remona Febrianti Titin Prihatiningsih Valian Trisnanto Budi N Yanuar Dwi Prastyo Yoga Dwi Anggara yohanes merci Zainudin Hasan Zulfi Diane Zaini