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Journal : Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Sosial Budaya

Analisis Tindak Pidana Pencurian Dengan Kekerasan Yang Disertai Pemerkosaan Terhadap Anak SMK (Studi Putusan No 16/Pid.B/2021/Pn.Met) Zainab Ompu Jainah; Nada Alia Husna
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Sosial Budaya Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Sosial Budaya - JPPISB
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dharma Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jppisb.v1i2.616


The crime of theft is a crime that is often encountered in society. There are so many types of crimes that are accompanied by theft, one of which is rape. The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze the factors that cause the perpetrators to commit the crime of theft accompanied by rape as well as the judge's considerations in imposing a crime against the perpetrator based on the decision number 16/Pid.B/2021/Pn.Met. This study uses a normative juridical method by examining the rules, norms, rules related to the problems to be studied and empirical approaches that are carried out through research exclusively on the object of research using observation and interviews. The factor causing the perpetrator to commit the crime of theft accompanied by rape is a factor that comes from within the perpetrator who commits the crime itself, without any coercion from anywhere. The judge's consideration in making a decision against the perpetrator of theft accompanied by rape was based on the decision Number 16/Pid.B/2021/Pn.Met, namely based on aggravating and mitigating circumstances for the Defendant. Aggravating circumstances include the Defendant's actions disturbing the public, the Defendant had previously been sentenced to prison for committing a crime of theft with violence in the jurisdiction of the Gunung Sugih District Court and the jurisdiction of the Metro District Court, in this case the Defendant had committed two criminal acts at the same time, namely theft with violence and rape, the Defendant in carrying out his actions are classified as sadistic, the Defendant's actions can result in the death of the victim's witness, the Defendant's actions have damaged the future of the victim's witness, the Defendant's actions have a psychological impact on the victim witness and his family. Meanwhile, there are no mitigating circumstances.
Co-Authors . Baharudin Agung Putra Fatullah Ahmad Hidayat Aldi Permana D Muhyi Alfonsus Demitrio Jehanu Aljura Aljura Alya Gustin Liantina Angely Gistaloka Angga lana Anggalana . Anggalana ANGGALANA Anggalana Anggalana Anggun Sabrina Aswin Surapati Ayo Vide Siratama Bambang Hartono Bareta Miki Putri Bonny Triatna Cayadi Cayadi Cintya Dwi Meilita C Desta Fani Acbel Dhani Handayani Dicky Hermawan Dwi Mahendra Erlina B Erlina B. Farizal Raname Rasyid Fasholli Milyar Sulaiman Frengki Sanjaya Gusti Wahyu Triyadi Heldi Feprizon Hendri Dunan Hengki Irawan Heru Sandi Susilo I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani I Wayan Nanda D INDAH SATRIA Indah Satria Intan Nurina Seftiniara Irsyadul Ikhsan Jimmi Santoso Joni Paamsyah Kornelius Sarmono Lintje Anna Marpaung M. Genta Lambang M. Rival Putra Mustafa M. Yusuf Fauzi Maretha Indri S Melisa Safitri Muhammad Arief Rahman Muhammad Arif Rinaldi Basri Muhammad Arif Rinaldi Basri Muhammad Ridho Akbar Muhammad Yudha Novandre Muhammad Yudha Novandre Muhammad Zulkarnain Muharam Asih Novi Mulki Aja Perdana Mutiara Nabhila Putri Nada Alia Husna Nopeyan Smith Okta Ainita Okta Vianus Puspa Negara Putri Mawardita Puspitasari Putri Meira Yustika Rachmad Kurniawan Recca Ayu Hapsari Reza Fatika Yuniar Rinaldi Ramadhan Rinjani Dhea Gustiana Rinjani Dhea Gustiana Riza Muhida Riza, Muhammad Robert Enakesda S. ENDANG PRASETYAWATI S. Tri Herlianto Savitri Gautama Sheila Monica Yohanes Sigit Pamungkas Sija Putra Rulanda Suhery Suhery Sundari Prasetyani Suta Ramadan Tami Rusli Tandaditrya Ariefandra A Thia Remona Febrianti Titin Prihatiningsih Valian Trisnanto Budi N Yanuar Dwi Prastyo Yoga Dwi Anggara yohanes merci Zainudin Hasan Zulfi Diane Zaini