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KLASIKAL : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, LANGUAGE TEACHING AND SCIENCE Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52208/klasikal.v2i1.46


The aim of this research is, "To find out the description of mathematical logic abilities of group A children before and after in the form of Puzzle play activities in Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal III Kindergarten Karunrung Branch and whether or not the influence of Puzzle play activities on the mathematical ability of Group A children in Kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal III Karunrung Branch. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach to the type of Pre-Experimental research with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design with a population of 13 research populations and does not determine the sample because of the small population. Data collection techniques carried out by observation and documentation techniques. Data collection procedures performed were planning, giving pretest, giving treatment, giving posttest and analyzing the results. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and non-parametric statistical analysis using Wilcoxon different test analysis. The results showed that the value of children's mathematical logic abilities at the posttest and pretest were different. The results of hypothesis testing using the Wilcoxon different test showed that there was an effect of the activity of playing a puzzle on the ability of children's mathematical logic in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal III Karunrung Group A
incrementapedia Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Incrementapedia: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Program Studi PG-PAUD Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/incrementapedia.vol3.no02.a4248


The problem of this research is the low level of listening to children in fairy tale activities. the formulation of the problem is whether there is an effect of fairy tale media video activities on the developmentn of children’s listening skills. This study aims to determine the effect of fairy tale video media activities on the development of children’s listening skills. The hypothesis of this research is that if fairy tale media videos are applied in learning, children’s listening can increase. This research approach is quantitative with the type of research is quasi experimental design consisting of two groups, namely the experimental and control groups, with a research design that is non equivalent control group design. The variables of this study were fairy tales media video (independent variable) and listening to children (dependent variable). This study took place at mentari kindergarten, takalar regency with the subject of research on the influence of fairy tale video media consisting of 14 children, namely 7 children (control group) and 7 children (experimental group). Test data documentation with quantitative analysis. The conclusion of this study is that children’s listening increases.
Jurnal PG-PAUD Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Anak
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using recycled puzzle educational aids on the cognitive development of children in Citra Kindergarten, Makassar City. the type of research is pre-experimental and the research design is one group pretest-posttest design. The research approach used is a quantitative approach. The population in this study was group B at the age of 5-6 years at Citra Kindergarten in Makassar City. Sampling in this study is random sampling. The sample in this study were 12 students. Data collection techniques used are descriptive statistical analysis and parametric statistical analysis. The results of the analysis obtained data that there were significant changes in the cognitive development of children before and after being given the activity of arranging pieces. Based on the paired sample test, it can be concluded that there is an effect of using recycled puzzle educational teaching aids on the cognitive development of children in Citra Kindergarten, Makassar City. This can be seen from the results of the pre-test and post-test which significantly increased after being given treatment.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan alat peraga edukatif puzzle dari daur ulang terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak di Taman Kanak-Kanak Citra Kota Makassar. jenis penelitian pre-eksperimen dan dengan desain penelitian one group pretest-posttest design. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelompok B pada usia 5-6 tahun di Taman Kanak-Kanak Citra Kota Makassar. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah random sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 12 anak didik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis statistik parametrik. Hasil analisis diperoleh data bahwa terdapat perubahan yang signifikan pada perkembangan kognitif anak sebelum dan sesudah diberikan kegiatan menyusun kepingan. Berdasarkan uji paired sampel tes maka dapat disimpulkan  terdapat pengaruh penggunaan penggunaan alat peraga edukatif puzzle dari daur ulang terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak di Taman Kanak- Kanak Citra Kota Makassar. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil pre-test dan post-test yang signifikan meningkat setelah diberikan treatment.Kata Kunci: Alat Peraga Edukatif  Puzzle, Perkembangan Kognitif Anak, Anak Usia Dini.DOI:
Pengaruh Media Busy Book Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Awal Anak di Taman Kanak-Kanak Citra Purnamasari; Azizah Amal; Herlina Herlina
Jurnal Pendidikan Raudhatul Athfal Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Raudhatul Athfal
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/japra.v4i1.11782


This research is an experimental research that aims to determine the effect of Busy Book media on the early reading ability of children treated with Busy Book, interactive learning media made of cloth (especially flannel) with bright colors, containing simple game activities that are capable of stimulate children's early reading skills. The research approach used is a quantitative approach with pre-experimental research type with one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were 36 people, and a sample of 10 children with a sample assessment by purposive sampling, The Tcount value obtained is 29 and ttable is 1.645, so it is obtained Tcount 29> ttable 1.645 = H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, meaning that there is an effect of busy book media on children's early reading ability.  This shows that the reading ability of the children who received treatment was the use of busy book media. data collection techniques using observation and treatment tests. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is an effect of the application of busy book media on children's early reading abilities in Bahana Kindergarten, Pangkajene Regency, South Sulawesi. 
The Effectiveness of Children’s Learning Time in Online Learning System During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Kindergartens Syamsuardi Saodi; Herlina Herlina; Muhammad Irfan
Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST) Volume 7 Number 2 August 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/est.v7i2.19538


This study is to determine the effectiveness of children's learning time when the role of the teacher is taken over by the parents as a controller of children's learning at home. This research is a qualitative exploratory research with an inductive approach using social situations involving three elements, namely: place, actor and activity. Respondents in this study involved 15 educational institutions, teachers of study groups aged 4-6 years, parents and students at kindergartens in Makassar City. The data analysis used thematic analysis and was presented in a descriptive form. The results show that the use of the effective learning time during the COVID-19 pandemic had decreased significantly by 200 percent from the average learning time of children per week, from 900 minutes of direct learning to 300 minutes in online learning. The change in effective time is due to the adjustment of the home learning policy, the lack of readiness of schools in implementing online learning systems, the support of teachers and parents, and the availability of school and parent facilities as well as infrastructure related to the implementation of online learning systems.
Rapat Koordinasi Daerah BAN PAUD dan PNF Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Ismaya Ismaya; Rusmayadi Rusmayadi; Herlina Herlina; Sadaruddin Sadaruddin; Elihami Elihami
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masayarakat ini kami buat sebagai salah satu upaya untukmemaksimalkan kegiatan akreditasi BAN PAUD dan PNF Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Tahun2022. Kuota Akreditasi BAN PAUD dan PNF Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan untuk Tahun 2022adalah sebanyak 1.500 (seribu lima ratus) lembaga yang terdiri dari satuan PAUD (TK, KB,RA, TPA) dan PKBM. Yang menjadi peserta dalam kegiatan ini adalah Kepala BidangPAUD dan PNF dari Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota serta Kemenag se Perovinsi SulawesiSelatan. Beberapa kendala yang dialami oleh satuan PAUD dan PNF sehingga masih banyakyang belum terakreditasi adalah kurangnya perhatian dari pihak terkait dan juga pemahamanlembaga itu sendiri tentang bagaimana cara pengajuan akreditasi. Hasil yang dicapai yaitupersamaan persepsi tentang pentingnya mendorong dan mendampingi satuan PAUD dan PNFyang belum terakreditasi di tiap Kabupaten/Kota se Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan agar merekadapat terakreditasi
Model Bermain Konstruktif untuk Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Interpersonal Anak TK Muhammad Yusri Bachtiar; Herlina Herlina; Sitti Nurhidayah Ilyas
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 6, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v6i4.2013


Kecerdasan interpersonal anak belum banyak dikembangkan secara terstruktur dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan kegiatan bermain konstruktif dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal pada anak TK di Kabupaten Gowa. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan jenis penelitian Quasi eksperimen semu. Desain peneilitian yang digunakan yaitu Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada peneltian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling, dengan jumlah populasi 40 anak dan junlah sampel 20 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji t untuk membandingkan dua kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Data yang diuji menggunakan skor kecerdasan interpersonal. Hasil perhitungan uji t diperoleh t(hitung) =2,178 dengan harga t(tabel)=1,734 dan dk= 18 dengan taraf signifikan α= 0.05 sehingga ditemukan adanya perbedaan signifikan antara kedua kelompok. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa anak yang bermain konstruktif dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal anak. Kecerdasan ini dapat dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran Anak di Taman Kanak-kanak.
TEMATIK: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 5, No 2 (2019): TEMATIK: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/tematik.v5i2.20289


Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan Kecerdasan Visual Spasial anak melalui kegiatan kolase berbasis saintifik  kelompok B1 Taman Kanak-kanak Aisyiyah Maccini Tengah Kota Makassar. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 16 anak dan 1 guru. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui teknik observasi, tes dan dokumentasi.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kecerdasan visual spasial pada siklus 1 pertemuan I belum berkembang karena kecerdasan visual spasial anak belum meningkat, pada siklus 1 pertemuan II sudah ada perubahan namun masih kurang karena kecerdasan visual spasial belum mencapai standar yang ingin dicapai. Pada siklus II pertemuan I  kecerdasan visual spasial anak sudah mengalami peningkatan, siklus II pertemuan II sudah mengalami peningkatan dengan baik selain itu, guru dan aktifitas anak didik juga mengalami peningkatan dikategoriikan sangat baik. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian yaitu peningkatan kecerdasan visual spasial melalui kegiatan kolase berbasis saintifik kelompok B1 Taman Kanak-kanak Aisiyah Maccini Tengah Kota Makassar dikatakan meningkat.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Alat Peraga Edukatif Puzzle Dari Daur Ulang Terhadap Perkembangan Kognitif Anak Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Citra Kota Makassar Surya Surya; Muhammad Yusri Bachtiar; Herlina Herlina
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Volume 1 Nomor 1 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan kognitif anak sebelum dan sesudah diberikan treatment  melalui kegiatan puzzle dari daur ulang kelompok B pada usia 5-6 Tahun di Taman Kanak-kanak Citra Kecamatan Tallo Kota Makassar dan ada atau tidak pengaruh kegiatan bermain Puzzle terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak kelompok B di Taman Kanak-Kanak Citra. Pendekatan pada penelitian ini yaitu kuantitatif, Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pre-eksperimental yang meliputi tahap pre-test, treatment dan post-test, adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Adapun populasi berjumlah 36 anak didik dan sample yang digunakan yaitu random samplingdengan 12 orang anak dan 3 tenaga pendidik desain penelitian yaitu one grou pre-test post-test desain. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis statistic deskriptif dan analisis statistic parametric (Paired Sample t-Test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai perkembangan kognitif anak pada post-test dan pre-test berbeda. Hasil pengujian paired  menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh kegiatan bermain puzzle daur ulang terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak di Taman Kanak-Kanak Citra Kota Makassar kelompok B. 
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Elektronik Berbasis STEAM untuk Meningkatkan Minat dan Hasil Belajar Herlina Herlina; Ramlawati Ramlawati; Hasri Hasri
Chemistry Education Review (CER) Volume 5 Nomor 2 Maret 2022
Publisher : Program Pasca Sarjana UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.068 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/cer.v5i2.32731


This study is a development research that aims to produce STEAM-based electronic learning device on colloid material to increase student’s interest and learning achievement that are valid, practical and effective. The development model uses the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 stages : (1) the analysis phase includes curriculum analysis, student analysis, concept analysis, formulation of learning objectives, and task analysis; (2) the design, which includes the stage of selecting the format and initial design of the RPP, e-module and E-LKPD using the Canva application; (3) the device development stage by integrating STEAM aspects and following the Project Based Learning (PjBL) syntax; (4)the deployment stage is the testing phase of learning tools that have been validated by experts and have been revised by developers; (5) the evaluation phase includes the evaluation of learning devices after going through the trial phase. Analysis of the results of the validation of RPP, e-Modul and e-LKPD based on the STEAM PjBL model, namely 3.53; 3.80; and 3.77 very valid categories. Practical based on the practicality test by looking at the implementation of STEAM-based learning the PjBL model has an average value of M = 1.87 which means that it is fully implemented; the responses of students and teachers were very positive with a percentage of 90.91% and 85.25%. Learning Devices also meet the effective criteria because the class completeness reaches 84.85% and the n-gain results in increasing interest in learning are in the medium criteria.