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Communication Presentation of Indonesian Identity Figures at the Ramayana Ballet at Prambanan Robby Hidajat; Pujiyanto Pujiyanto; EW Suprihatin; DP. Muhammad Affaf Hasiymy; Surasak Jamnongsarn
PERSPEKTIF Vol. 11 No. 4 (2022): PERSPEKTIF, October
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v11i4.7883


This study focuses on the performing arts of tourism by examining the identity of performing arts that communicate local culture. Remembering the identity of a country becomes very quickly and easily captured through the performing arts of tourism. This article examines the identity of performing arts that tell the story of the Ramayana, which is characterized by Indonesia. In this communication process, there are two interactive paths, namely from the side of the performing arts as a carrier of information, and the audience or tourists who receive information. The process of interaction that is conveyed and received, is identity and culture. Thus, the interaction that occurs, can produce imaging through aesthetic transmission. In order to approach this problem, non-verbal communication theory is used as a reference. The data were collected through observation at the Ramayana tourist show center at Pangung open Prambanan. The data were analyzed through non-verbal communication theory aimed at the Yogyakarta style Ramayana ballet performance in the Hanoman Obong story as a local Indonesian cultural identity. Hanoman is an icon of the struggle that contains the ideology of heroism.
Penanda Budaya Visual pada Desain Kemasan Jamu Tradisional Banyuwangi Jawa Timur Abdul Majid Sutarya; Pujiyanto Pujiyanto
ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 8, No 02 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v8i02.5313


AbstrakJamu tradisional merupakan warisan budaya Indonesia diantara keragaman, hasil dari budaya yang memiliki keragaman jamu tradisional. Salah satunya daerah Banyuwangi yang merupakan penghasil jamu tradisional yang terdapat di wilayah Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotika Roland Barthes yang menganalisis elemen visual pada desain kemasan jamu Banyuwangi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Konotasi, Denotasi dan Mitos dalam visual sangat tampak budaya yang terdapat pada desain kemasan jamu di Banyuwangi sehingga prinsip desain terbantuk seirama dan memiliki kesatuan. Hal ini membuat desain kemasan jamu melekat pada masyarakat Banyuwangi sehinga produsen mempertimbangkan elemen visual untuk memikat masyarakat dalam hal ini sebuah kebutuhan. Segmentasi yang ditujukan oleh produsen jamu dapat memikat dan membuat jamu tradisional Banyuwangi mempunyai jati diri identitas dalam desain Kemasan Jamu.Kata Kunci: Banyuwangi, desain kemasan, elemen visual, jamu tradisional, semiotika AbstractTraditional herbal medicine is Indonesia's cultural heritage among diversity, the result of a culture that has a diversity of traditional herbs. One of them is banyuwangi area which is a producer of traditional herbal medicine found in the East Java region. This research uses qualitative descriptive with Roland Barthes’s semiotics approach that analyze visual elements in the packaging design of Banyuwangi herbal medicine. The result of this study is Connotation, Denotation and Myth in visuals are very visible culture contained in the design of herbal medicine packaging in Banyuwangi so that the design principles are helped in harmony and have unity. This makes the design of herbal medicine packaging attached to the banyuwangi community so that manufacturers consider visual elements to lure the community in this case a need. Segmentation aimed at herbal medicine manufacturers can attract and make traditional Banyuwangi herbal medicine has an identity identity in the design of Jamu Packaging.Keywords: Banyuwangi, packaging design, semiotic, tradisional herbal medicine, visual element
Religious Identity Negotiation and Hybridity in Black Metal Istiqomah Visual Performance Joni Agung Sudarmanto; Pujiyanto Pujiyanto
ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 9, No 01 (2023): March 2023
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v9i01.7057


AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang identitas dan representasi bahasa visual Black Metal Istiqomah dalam melihat negosiasi yang terjadi di dalamnya. Lebih lanjut, negosiasi yang dimaksud antara identitas keagamaan dan hibriditas dalam performativitas visualitas dari Black Metal Istiqomah. Pengamatan dan penelusuran dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi zine Black Metal Istiqomah di akun Instagram @blackmetalistiqomah melalui tiga karya komik strip berjudul “Komik Gelap”, “HP Menurutku, Menurutmu”, dan “Absolution”. Analisis negosiasi black metal dan Islam yang mengkonstruksi identitas akan dibedah melalui tanda verbal dan visual pada elemen visual dengan pendekatan semiotik oleh Roland Barthes, dan untuk melihat fenomena sosial ini digunakan teori performatif dari konsep hibriditas Richard Schechner terkait dengan Zine Black Metal Istiqomah. Black Metal Istiqomah sejak awal merupakan wujud identitas yang melekat pada karyanya. Ekspansinya menjadi brand fashion dan merchandise menjadi penanda identitas yang awalnya terkonstruksi dalam zine Black Metal Istiqomah, yang mulai diterima sebagai bentuk representasi diri bagi para penggemar yang memiliki cita-cita yang sama dengan Black Metal Istiqomah. Kata Kunci: Black Metal Istiqomah, hibriditas, negosiasi identitas keagamaan, performativitas visual Abstract This study discusses the identity and visual language representation of Black Metal Istiqomah in seeing the negotiations that occur in it. Furthermore, the intended negotiation between religious identity and hybridity in the visual performativity of Black Metal Istiqomah. Observations and searches were carried out by identifying the Black Metal Istiqomah zine on the @blackmetalistiqomah Instagram account through three comic strip work entitled "Komik Gelap", "HP According to You, and "Absolution". Analysis began with the negotiation of black metal and Islam that constructs identity. It will be dissected through verbal and visual signs on visual elements with a semiotic approach by Roland Barthes, and to see this social phenomenon using performative theory from Richard Schechner's concept of hybridity related to the Black Metal Istiqomah zine. Black Metal Istiqomah, from the beginning, is a form of identity attached to his work. Its expansion into a fashion brand and merchandise has become an identity marker initially constructed in the Black Metal Istiqomah zine, which began to be accepted as a form of self-representation for fans with the same ideals as Black Metal Istiqomah. Keywords: Black Metal Istiqomah, hybridity, religious identity negotiation, visual performativity
Kajian Semiotika Pesan Feminisme pada Iklan Kecap ABC Edisi Suami Sejati Hargai Istri Vrida Bunga Saraswati; Pujiyanto; Mitra Istiar Wardhana
JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts Vol. 1 No. 5 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (844.831 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um064v1i52021p655-672


Abstract: Kecap ABC Advertisement in edition Suami Sejati Hargai Istri is one of Kecap ABC advertisements produced from a series of campaigns called Suami Sejati Mau Masak, Terima Kasih Perasan Pertama launched by Heinz ABC Indonesia to express appreciation to the wife or mother in domestic work, one of which is cooking. This advertisement not only contains the aim of appreciating men for women in the kitchen but also conveys the message of feminism that is conveyed visually in the advertisements. The purpose of this study was to analyze the visual messages of feminism in the Kecap ABC advertisement in edition Suami Sejati Hargai Istri using the meaning of Roland Barthes' semiotic theory. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with Roland Barthes' semiotic approach with the stages of formulating the background, problems, objectives, formulating research methods, collecting data, analysis, discussion and conclusions. The result of this research is the analysis of selected scenes from the Kecap ABC advertisement in edition Suami Sejati Hargai Istri that most supports the visual message of feminism and then analyzed with Roland Barthes' denotative, connotative and mythical meanings of semiotics. Keywords: semiotic, television advertisment, feminism Abstrak: Iklan Kecap ABC edisi Suami Sejati Hargai Istri merupakan salah satu iklan Kecap ABC yang dihasilkan dari serangkaian kampanye Suami Sejati Mau Masak, Terima Kasih Perasan Pertama yang diluncurkan oleh Heinz ABC Indonesia untuk menyampaikan bentuk apresiasi pada istri atau ibu dalam pekerjaan domestik salah satunya memasak. Dalam iklan ini tidak hanya mengandung tujuan apresiasi laki-laki pada perempuan di dapur tetapi juga menyampaikan pesan feminisme yang disampaikan secara visual dalam iklan-iklannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa pesan-pesan visual feminisme dalam iklan Kecap ABC edisi Suami Sejati Hargai Istri menggunakan pemaknaan teori semiotika Roland Barthes. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kulitatif deskriptif pendekatan semiotika Roland Barthes dengan tahapan merumuskan latar belakang, masalah, tujuan, merumuskan metode penelitian, mengumpulkan data, analisis, pembahasan hingga kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah analisis adegan-adegan terpilih dari iklan Kecap ABC edisi Suami Sejati Hargai Istri yang paling mendukung adanya pesan visual feminisme lalu dianalisis dengan pemaknaan semiotika Roland Barthes denotatif, konotatif dan mitos. Kata kunci: semiotika, iklan televisi, feminism
Designing Granoolars Brand Promotion with Social Media Mix Approach as A Brand Awareness Strategy Aura Nebula Safinatunnajah; Pujiyanto; Joni Agung Sudarmanto
JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts Vol. 1 No. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1034.557 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um064v1i72021p857-874


Abstract: Granoolars is a newly established business in the food industry that needs more brand awareness from the target consumers. Promotional content is one of the approaches to reach the audience for recognition. Since the consumer is the value co-creator, a thorough investigation was highlighted on the characteristics that the targeted consumer seeks in an ad, both the verbal and visual aspects. Moreover, the distribution channel of social media that the respondents mostly use was also discussed. The purpose of this study was to comprehend and design the promotional content which the audience approves. The design process uses Matt Cooke methodology which consists of definition, divergence, and transformation stage. The study is a quantitative method using an online survey on 300 respondents. The SPSS data analysis was used for the descriptive statistics analysis. The findings proposed that the respondents prefer marketing content that has the ad value of credibility and informativeness. Moreover, visual of the content that implemented a strong design principle is favorable for the audience of this study. The distribution funnel being adopted are Instagram and Twitter as the most used social media platforms by the respondents. Keywords: brand promotion, social media content, brand awareness Abstrak: Granoolars adalah bisnis yang baru didirikan di industri makanan yang membutuhkan lebih banyak kesadaran merek dari target konsumennya. Konten promosi adalah salah satu pendekatan untuk menjangkau audiens untuk mendapatkan pengakuan merk. Sebab konsumen adalah value co-creator, penyelidikan menyeluruh difokuskan pada karakteristik yang dicari target konsumen dalam sebuah iklan, baik aspek verbal maupun visual. Selain itu, saluran distribusi media sosial yang paling banyak digunakan responden juga dibahas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami dan merancang konten promosi yang disukai audiens. Proses perancangan menggunakan metodologi Matt Cooke yang terdiri dari tahap definisi, divergensi, dan transformasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan survei online terhadap 300 responden. Analisis data SPSS digunakan untuk analisis statistic deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden lebih menyukai konten pemasaran yang memiliki nilai iklan kredibilitas dan keinformatifan. Selain itu, visual konten yang menerapkan prinsip desain yang kuat sangat disukai oleh audiens penelitian ini. Corong distribusi yang diadopsi adalah Instagram dan Twitter sebagai platform media sosial yang paling banyak digunakan oleh responden. Kata kunci: promosi brand, konten media sosial, kesadaran merek
Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students Kadek Jaya Sumanggala; Pujiyanto Pujiyanto; Robby Hidayat
Edunity Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): Edunity : Social and Educational Studies
Publisher : Publikasiku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57096/edunity.v2i5.92


Education aims to shape students to become human beings who are intelligent in thinking, morals, and able to fully realize their full potential. The higher the level of education will be in line with the increasingly heavy learning load. High learning loads and high social demands can also affect students' stress levels. So, it is not uncommon for students as students to experience a lot of despair which leads to suicide. These problems can be overcome by applying art therapy through a creative process. This study aims to apply art therapy through a creative process to reduce student stress levels. This study used mixed methods with a one-group design through tests (pre-test & post-test) and painting the results before and after the intervention. The research subjects were selected by purposive sampling technique by taking the subject of a high-stress level 4 people consisting of two men and two women. The data analysis techniques used in this study include a) data collection, b) data reduction, c) data presentation, and d) draw conclusions. Data collection instruments used in one group of research subjects consisted of pre-test & post-test before and after intervention using the Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-42), observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that art therapy through a creative process can reduce student stress. This is proven from a comparison of the paintings before and after the intervention through art analysis. The results of the paintings show that the images of academic pressure and social pressure on students, after the intervention, there is a significant difference between one painting and another. In addition, the results of interviews conducted with the four research subjects felt more confident and self-controlled. The total score of the four subjects before the intervention was 123 with details of 36 (physical), 42 (emotional), and 45 (behavior), then after the intervention, the total score was 87 with details of 25 (physical), 32 (emotional), and 30 (behavior). So, this proves that art therapy is effective in reducing stress levels in college.
Transcendental Communication of Traditional Custodian in the Kecak Ramayana Performing Arts in Uluwatu Bali Robby Hidajat; Pujiyanto; EW. Suprihatin DP; Muhammad ‘Afaf Hasyimy; Allfa Andranica Devya Aprilyawati; Adinda Nur Ramadhani Haris; Syamsul Hirdi Bin Muhid
PERSPEKTIF Vol. 12 No. 4 (2023): PERSPEKTIF, October
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v12i4.9700


This article is the result of research on the transcendental communication of traditional leader in the Kecak Ramayana performance art in Uluwatu Bali. Traditional Custodian are Hindu religious leaders who are included in the presentation of the Kecak Ramayana. This customary leader does not exist in the new play of the Ramayana story. But his role is very important because he works outside and backstage. The purpose of this study is to reveal spiritual communication carried out by Traditional Custodian in the performance of the Kecak Ramayana dance in Uluwatu. This research method uses qualitative discrete. Data collection techniques used interviews with 4 sources, direct observation when the show was in progress, and retrieval of documentation to strengthen verbal data. The theories used in this research are ritual communication theory, non-verbal communication theory, and transcendental communication theory. The results of the study show patterns of spiritual communication that are customary stakeholders, namely (1) customary stakeholders as a link between the dimensions of the outer (profane) and inner (sacred) stages, (2) stakeholders carry out a reciprocal ritual, and (3) Traditional Custodian as a symbol of transcendental communication between the players, the audience, and Sang Hyang Widiwasa.